Together forever and ever

By jamesBond758

58 20 7

The Personality of the main character is complex in multi-faced on one hand he appears to be caring and respo... More

Chapter 1: The plan
Chapter 2: The money
Chapter 3: The Field Trip
Chapter 5: The hospital
chapter 6: His eye
Chapter 7: His friend and his Revenge
Chapter 8: Her school
Chapter 9: qualified
Chapter 10: Chase
Chapter 11: Ice cream
Chapter 12: the kiss
Chapter 13: The gun
Chapter 14: Clothes
chapter 15: The answers
Chapter 16: Your not okay
Chapter 17: Before Doom.
Chapter 18: Wanting to go to Paris
Chapter 19: during doom
chapter 20: After Doom
Chapter 21: the job
Chapter 22: Broken promises
Chapter 23: End

Chapter 4: The breaking in

3 2 0
By jamesBond758

Amidst the bustling world that never sleeps,
Where people live their lives and dreams they keep,
Here at this kitchen table, all alone,
The silence echoes in a deafening tone.

No laughter, no chatter, nor company to share,
Just me and my thoughts, and the weight of despair,
My sister, my companion, my constant delight,
Is out of town, and I'm left in the night.

Alone, I've been before, but this time it's new,
A kind of loneliness that feels like a gaping hole, it's true,
Her happiness was mine, her sorrows mine to bear,
Now that she's gone, I'm lost in a sea of despair.

Life keeps moving, but I'm stuck in time,
Lost in my thoughts, drowning in emotion's rhyme,
No purpose, no direction, just aimlessly I float,
The colors of my life have faded, leaving me remote.

The emptiness inside me, I cannot shake,
It's a void that grows with each breath I take,
Until my sister returns, I'll wait here in pain,
Hoping to see her soon, and feel vibrant again.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I heard the sound of shattering glass pierce through the silence. Without a second thought, I leapt from my chair, my body moving on pure instinct. Adrenaline surged through me as I made my way into the kitchen, my fingers wrapping tightly around the handle of a knife.

As I crouched down, my ears strained to pick up any sound. Footsteps echoed through my apartment, growing louder with each passing moment. My mind raced with questions - Who were these people? Why were they here?

I inched forward, my movements slow and deliberate, trying to make as little noise as possible. The hallway loomed ahead of me, and I knew I had to get a better view of the situation. My body tensed as I crept closer, my eyes scanning each room for any sign of the intruders.

Just as I was about to round the corner, a voice shattered the silence. "Check everywhere." My heart stopped as the bathroom door was flung open, revealing an intruder. My instincts took over as I lunged forward, clamping my hand over their mouth and plunging the knife deep into their stomach.

I quickly relieved them of their gun, knowing that I would need it to defend myself. But my relief was short-lived as two more intruders burst into the room. The first was a hulking presence, covered in tattoos - clearly the boss. Without hesitation, I aimed and fired, taking him out with a single shot.

The second intruder was a different story. He was young, with piercing greenish blue q eyes and brown hair. But I could see the fear in his eyes as I pointed the gun in his direction. A quick check revealed that the gun was empty, but I hoped that the sight of it would be enough to send him running.

"Well, well, well. You are a  smart fuck, aren't you?" The guy clapped his hands and took a step closer, eyeing my gun with a smirk. His arrogance was palpable, and I could feel my anger rising. But I kept my cool and clutched the handle of my knife, hidden in my pocket, ready to strike if necessary.

"Going after Thomas first because he's bigger?" he taunted, his forehead pressed against the nose of my gun. His piercing gaze bore into mine.

I held my ground, my eyes locked on his, and waited for the right moment to strike.

He suddenly yanked out a gun from his belt, just like I did. However, his weapon was different - it had deadly bullets loaded and ready to fire. Before I could even react, a sharp pain seared through my thigh as a bullet tore through my flesh. I crumpled to the ground in agony, blood gushing from my wounded leg. The assailant crouched down, yanking my hair to force my head up.

"You really thought you could steal my money and kill my granny and get away with it?" he sneered, his eyes blazing with fury. "Aren't you just a dumb slut."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I whispered, hoping to buy some time. But before I could even finish my sentence, a vicious kick slammed into my stomach, lifting me off the ground. I fell back with a thud, blood spewing from my mouth and running down my lips and chin. The man grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look up at him - his piercing blueish-green eyes holding a deadly glare.

"Don't insult me," he growled lowly, his grin revealing the deep dimples on his cheeks. "Don't you fucking dare." His fist came crashing into my face once more, and I crumpled to the ground, clutching my stomach in agony.

"You took my grandma?" he hissed, his voice thick with anger. "Well, I suppose it's only fair that I take something from you too." He stood up, looming over me like a menacing shadow. "I heard your sister is going on a field trip to New York," he said, a cruel smile twisting his lips. My eyes widened in shock - how did he know about my sister? The realization dawned on me that I was dealing with someone far more dangerous than I had ever imagined.

"Listen, you piece of shit," I snarl, my voice low and menacing. "If you so much as lay a finger on her, I'll make sure you regret it. You'll end up just like that bitch Nina, and I won't hesitate to do it myself." The man only chuckles, clearly amused by my threat.

Suddenly, he points to something behind me. "Look, there he is! Don't worry, I have no interest in little girls, although some of my men do. Maybe I'll have them handle her instead." I feel a surge of anger and fear, my heart pounding in my chest.

Ignoring the pain coursing through my body, I stand up to face him. I meet his cold, threatening gaze head-on, refusing to back down. He tilts his head with a sly smile, and I can feel the weight of his gun pointed at me.

"Sit down," he commands, his voice ice-cold and deadly. My body trembles with fear as I realize the gravity of the situation. I try to resist, but the blood running down my pants makes me feel lightheaded and weak.

Reluctantly, I sit down on the couch, knowing that I'm in deep trouble. The man's coldness and cruelty make me shudder.

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