Met Her Through The Media

By SapphireeVixenn

30.8K 1.2K 584

Nadalia Saint An ambitious, outgoing, persuading and level-heded girl attending her first years of universit... More

Meet Nadalia
Meet Dakota
*Authors Note*
❦Night before
❦ Small world
❦Why are you laughing
❦Dads will be dads
❦Spark one up for friends
❦ Fox Chapter For The Books
❦That was unexpected
❦Long Saturday
❦Stomach of..Frogs?
❦No time for denial
❦You like Ambré?
❦So much going on
❦It was needed
❦She knows
❦Truth or Drink
❦Held Convos
❦What will this mean?
❦Just admit it
❦Pretty girls mope too
❦Bestie Time
❦Satisfaction brought it back
❦Kickback not so kick-backed?
❦One thing to another
❦Problem Solved
❦Not a Date
❦Miss Scorpio
❦Miss Taurus
❦Standing on what?
❦In the Midst
❦Actions have Consequences
❦What a feeling
❦Welcome in all the warmth

❦Niylah the Hair-apist

574 24 6
By SapphireeVixenn

September 26th

NiyNiy began to lead Nadalia to the living room to where she would be doing her hair.

As Nadalia took place in the Hydraulic Styling Chair she began to wonder what Niylah meant by being able to tell.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Nadalia questioned as NiyNiy started on blow drying her hair.

"What you mean?" Niylah questioned back.

"You said you could tell by what you seen yesterday, what did you see?" Nadalia was kind of scared for her answer. She thought that if another person was able to see something for even a glimpse and be able to make something out of it, then maybe Dakota can as well and Nadalia didn't want that at all especially since she wasn't even sure what was going on in the first place, but as well as not wanting their friendship become weird.

It was a moment of silence between the two individuals until Niylah was finished with blow drying the first section of hair, she began to speak, "it wasn't anything too big, but it was times I seen how you'd stare at her with like admiration or some shit," she shrugged her shoulders not really knowing how else to put it.

Niylah didn't want to mention how they were skating with each other because she could already tell how this ordeal makes the younger girl nervous and she wasn't tryna make her panic over it even though in her opinion it wasn't that serious.

Soon as the word admiration left NiyNiy's mouth, Dalia hung onto it. She began to think that maybe what she was starting to feel for Dakota wasn't a crush, but it was admiration.

That thought brought a little relief to Nadalia, making her want to bring confirmation to it, "well yeah, Dakota is such a chill person and she has nice style."

After the sentence left Dalia's mouth Niylah began to laugh, making Nadalia furrowed her eyebrows and look back up at the girl behind her.

"Okay girl so you say, if that's what helps you sleep at night," Niylah knew damn well the girl in the chair knew what she meant. She also knew that Dalia was fake in denial.

She knew that the girl was smart enough to know that she in fact had some type of feelings budding for Dakota but just didn't want to admit to it to herself or out-loud for what? Niylah didn't know.

"Look Dolly, what would be the problem anyway if you do like the girl? Even if it's just a tiny bit," Niylah spoke as she was starting on blow drying the fourth section of hair.

Nadalia put her phone back down in her lap and frowned her face in thought. She knew why it would be a problem to herself but she felt silly saying it. She also thought how she's never been unsure of herself ever in life until recently and she didn't like that feeling, "well first off how can you develop any type of 'likings' for a person in only two weeks, that's impossible-" before she could continue on the older girl cut her off in reply.

"And how's that impossible?"

Even though NiyNiy seems to be coming off ass hard, she's just the type of person that's direct— she hates the slip and slide of situations because in her mind it's no use and its a waste of time. She thought that the quicker you admit to, get to, and say to the better— why delay something? What would any delay do that'd be beneficial?

Nadalia was shocked at the quickness of Niy's words but she was quick as well, " I've known of Dakota since sophomore year and junior year, we've spoke here and there so why didn't I have any feelings towards her then," the tone she ended her reply in gave off that she was satisfied in her answer.

Niylah hummed as she finished blow drying the last section of hair, "you said know of not known so obviously you wouldn't, but being that your getting to know her you're beginning to have them and that could be solely off her vibe, personally— shit maybe y'all even got some things in common." Niylah then began to think back to how Jada advanced on her cause she thought NiyNiy was attractive but she really began to like the girl for her attitude and the way she carried herself while Niylah was attracted to Jada's confidence and the way her demeanor can be so dominant or soft naturally.

Nadalia began to feel NiyNiy gel and part her hair while she pondered on her words. She felt as though she came across other people that had good personalities or had a thing in common with her and she didn't feel anything for them and half of those people actually tried to make moves on her.

She continued her thinking as something that Dakota said the other day went through her head, it was when she had asked Nadalia if when she said 'they' did it mean boys, girls or both.

She put that new piece of information along with what she thought and realized it was mainly boys, but it was still a few girls that were in that mix so that didn't make any more sense.

"I've met people that had good personalities or a thing in common with me and it was never anything," she finally gave her reply to NiyNiy as she went back on her phone to mindlessly scroll through Twitter.

Niylah was finishing the third braid while she spoke, "they could've had good personalities but were they personalities you felt aligned with yours in a way or that were different enough to make you intrigued— is that how it is with Dakota."

Nadalia thought about it for a second and realized how different her and Dakota were as people but it clashed well she couldn't quite explain it, it was like a cup of water and oil but a drop of food coloring dropped in it that went though. That was the best she could describe how it felt to her.

"In a way yeah and she's intriguing yeah."

"Okayyy," Niylah dragged out while she worked on the last section in the back of Dalia's head, "then maybe that's what it is."

Dolly didn't really know what to do with that reply, she also didn't know why she was having such a hard time with this.

"But she's a girl, and I'm not saying anything wrong with that at all but I've never looked at girls in that light," she softly laughed trying to erase any pressure in the air.

NiyNiy scrunched her eyebrows up at that, "have you looked at a nigga in that light?" she quickly shot out making Nadalia start playing with her rings and sliding her tongue piercing against the back of her top teeth.

She hadn't.

"No," came out softly between Dolly's lips.

"Alright then, so you cant use that as a reason when its not fair on both sides," Niylah let out a sigh before adding on, "you know you don't have to label yourself right? Sexuality is fluid, you don't have to fuck a nigga just cause you a girl. You can fuck with anyone and it don't even gotta be about genders, you could just be a person that go off emotions and shit like that."

Nadalia though about what she said and realized how intellectual Niylah is, it's not that she ever thought she wasn't but she never pegged her to be a person that could be so factual. She usually spoke in NiyNiy Dictionary but from what she said it felt as though it was something she learned from someone or somewhere.

"Niy what's your sexuality?" she heard the person in question let out a howl of laughter causing her to stop her braiding process before she spoke, "girl I'm gay as fuck, I did use to think I was bi at a point in time though. But when I decided to give this one nigga a chance after he kept on begging, I realized it wasn't for me. Like kissing him wasn't doing shit for me and I broke up with his ass in two weeks." she laughed in thought of her one and only boyfriend from high school.

Before him she had only dated girls thinking that a guy that was her type just wasn't coming but after him she realized it would never happen because what she thought she looked for in boys was just characteristics of females.

Nadalia laughed along with her, "damn Niy, how'd you break up with him?" even though she came to Niylah in hopes of helping her dilemma she really wanted to know about this subject.

"I was just straight up and told him that I was gay fooling myself into thinking I liked boys. I guess he felt like I used his obsession and willingness to be my trick for my own gain or some shit and tried to tell people he was the only nigga that I was straight for and I had to get my brother to beat his ass for lying on me like that."

Niylah was getting mad all over again reminiscing the disrespect she felt, she couldn't stand being disrespected. She also hated when people played on her character and downplay her sexual identity since it's already hard for people to take her serious when she states she's 100% a lesbian due to her hyper feminine appearance.

Nadalia even felt mad over that, but imagining her brother Xavier whoop on him made her giggle, "I get it, I'm glad he got what he deserved."

NiyNiy replied with a light yeah as she was now making her way to the front of Nadalia's head.

The silence between the two gave Dalia the opportunity to reflect back of their previous conversation, "but Niy, i like having Dakota as my friend. I don't want a little ass crush I have on her make me all awkward around her that she starts to think I'm some weirdo."

Niylah understood where she was coming from and she was glad she was starting to come to terms with her crush even if it's pinch sized.

"I don't know what to tell you about that, just hang out with her one on one until they start to dim. Maybe since y'all barely do shit together and the distance between y'all in that category is enough room for the crush, y'know? I don't even know what I'm tryna get at anymore." Niylah chuckled, she only had so much advice to give when it came to certain things.

Nadalia lips curved to a small smile at Niy not having any helpful insight for that, but she thought maybe she was right, what if she only had a crush because of the glimpses she got of what made Dakota, Dakota.

Maybe if she surrounded herself around her more her brain would get used to her and put her in the friend box.

The thought kind of started to sound more like a way to develop more actual feelings but she didn't want to think too much, "Niy you're like a hairstylist and a therapist, a hairapist!"

"I sho am huh? I should charge you extra for my service," Niylah joked as she was finishing up Dalia's hair.

While Nadalia was going between Twitter and Tiktok on her phone she felt NiyNiy start on her edges meaning they were almost done, which she couldn't wait to get out the chair and see her hair.

"Alright, get up, lemme take some pictures," Niylah said as she put down the edge brush, closed the edge control jar and picked up her phone, opening the instagram app and camera.

Dalia stood and stretched her muscles real quick and began to follow NiyNiy to her balcony. Once outside Niylah took a few pictures and then started recording directing Dalia to turn to which she did, adding a little hair flip and pose.

After they were finished Dalia paid Niylah and walked to the front door, "let me know how your Dakota dilemma goes boo," NiyNiy said as Nadalia was making her way further from the door to which she just threw a thumbs up at.

Once she got in her car she took a few pictures and boomerangs, after going through them she found her favorite boomerang out of the bunch and posted it on her story along with tagging Niylah's hair page.

Before Nadalia began to back up out the park and make her way home, she connected her phone to the Bluetooth and played her favorite playlist titled 442 that's a reference to the the four hundred and forty two songs in the playlist. The first song that played was Yeah by her favorite artist Ambré. As the intro of the song played out that's when Dalia began to start driving.

She was ten minutes away from home when she decided to pick up some El Pollo Loco for herself and her parents. While was sat in the long line she picked up her phone to see all the notifications of people liking or replying to her story but as she was going through them she noticed Dakota's reply.

@ kota2raw: aw shit, you done put some inches on yo head

Nadalia laughed at the message as she thought how unserious she is, she looked at the line pulling up a bit before she looked back down at her phone to reply.

                  @ _yesimdolly: you wish you had these inches!

Dalia closed out their thread as she then went to her bestfriend's.

@ biggdiahh: this what you call a BAD BITCH, send me this🫦👅

@ _yesimdolly: REAL BAD!💋💋

Dolly looked up and saw she was next making her lock and put her phone down. After the lady over the intercom greeted herself, Nadalia began to give her order which was just three original pollo bowl combos with lemonade as the drinks.

She pulled up the window and paid, then received her food. After she quickly checked the bag she wished the worker a good day and continued to drive home as the next song played.

She got home fairly quickly since it was now 7:45. The streets weren't so busy.

She exited the car and locked up as she made her way up the pavement and to the door unlocking it meeting her parents in the kitchen having a conversation.

"Hey mom, hey dad, I bought food," Nadalia announced as she placed the bag on the table.

"Hi baby, your hair looks cute let me see, turn around," Nadalia's mother Lanai complimented as she came closer to the slight reflection of herself.

Dalia gave a spin showing off her hair, "yeah she did good, don't get stuck in your car door," her father joked as he washed his hands.

"Ha ha so hilarious," Nadalia sarcastically replied, causing Daevon to chuckle.

Nadalia ate with her parents and caught up with them throughout their early dinner and once done she went upstairs to take a shower and lay her stuff out for tomorrow.

After her shower she got back on her phone replying to some more story replies until she seen Dakota's dm in reply to hers that was sent an hour ago, she hurried and opened it to be met with a selfie of Dakota in the driver's seat of her car showing off her hair that was straightened and stopped at her waist when it usually is at her mid back when in its natural state.

As Nadalia admired her length she also admired Kota herself as she was in a slate gray wait web Sp5der hoodie paired with a Prada beanie in the same color.

While she examined the picture more she noticed the shit eating smirk that her face was sporting, Dolly still thought she looked cute though and that thought alone made her outwardly groan. She finally exited the picture and read the message that went along with it.

@ kota2raw: why wish for something I already have 🤔

@ _yesimdolly: my braids still longer than those micro links 😘😘.

Nadalia didn't have to wait for a reply as one came in just a minute later.

@ kota2raw: woahh micro links? You tripping girl

@ _yesimdolly: I literally saw one slip at the skating rink.

@ kota2raw: nahh shawty only thing that slipped was yo ass 😂

As Dalia read the message she was caught off guard by the name she was called, she knew it wasn't meant in that way but she kind of liked it, she imagined her voice but before she could divulge into that she shook her head in internal cringe.

@ _yesimdolly: you know what kota, goodnight!

@ kota2raw: lmfaooo I won

@ _yesimdolly: "won" what?

@ kota2raw: the tit for tat, cmon keep up

@ _yesimdolly: oh please asf.

@ kota2raw: lmao I'm just fucking with you dalia

@ _yesimdolly: as always🙄.

There was no reply after that, so at that time Nadalia turned on her soundbar to play some music and make videos to.

She was obsessed with her hair and needed more media to add to her highlights.

When she was done and in the middle of finishing her assignment she was working on in the library her phone buzzed displaying Dakota's username in the Instagram notification.

@ kota2raw: you know it! But what you up to rn

@ _yesimdolly: nothing much just this one assignment, hbu?

@ kota2raw: smoking and watching this movie but aye what you up to tomorrow

@ _yesimdolly: well I signed up for the majorette team so I have a meeting with them but after that nothing, why..

@ kota2raw: oh shit you can dance? That wassup but I was just gon ask if you wanted to come and chill no need to dot dot me chill out 😂😂

Nadalia started smiling at the message seeing that Dakota wanted to hang with her, she was glad she didn't have to ask first she was also thinking the universe was working in her favor, being that hanging out was something NiyNiy advised her to do.

@ _yesimdolly: mhmm when I'm on the team you'll have to see at one of my performances, but sure that sounds good.

@ kota2raw: ouu sounds like an invite I'll take you up on that if you on it

@ _yesimdolly: there is no "if" I will be.

@ kota2raw: well shit excuse tf out of me I heard that, but I'll slide you my address tomorrow and you let me know when you pullin up I'm finna eat and k.o

@ _yesimdolly: okayy goodnight Dakota!

@ kota2raw: night dalia 🖤

Dakota was about to close her phone and end her night as well but she was feeling a bit bold and decided to send a picture she took when she was In her car earlier leaving from NiyNiy's place.

@ _yesimdolly: in return to your picture😁

Dakota didn't open the message and now she felt scared and wanting to unsend it but she forced herself not to as the girl on the other side of the screen said she was on her way to sleep and most likely see it tomorrow, as she thought of the word tomorrow she thought about them hanging out wondering what they'll do and was excited to get to know more about Dakota as a person and as a friend.

build up/ filler chapter hope you enjoyed <3

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