The Fallen Queen

بواسطة Lover23145

431 7 2

This will have smut strong Language and other things No daenerys targaryen in this story sorry yall In the r... المزيد

intro 1
Intro 2/backstory Remi Baratheon
Where it all began
The runaway Queen of the north
Consequences of ones actions
The guilt of Robb & Stannis finding out the truth
The meeting
Ours is the Fury
the aftermath
bloody hell
The Dagger
the fall
over the wall
maybe it could work?
Leave You..
back from the dead..?
Still love you
its always been you
can we speak..
bring him to me
together again?

The Unknown King

21 1 0
بواسطة Lover23145

She had finally reached her uncle's camp. It had taken a while but finally she was here. She didn't know how long she would stay here but as long as her uncle was okay with her being here all would be well right? She got to the somewhat guarded gates and some of his guards came out. She explained to them that Renly was in fact her uncle and they needed to let her pass. She was hopefully as they would aside and guided her towards her uncle. Soon she saw him, she smiled, got off her horse and ran to him but soon someone stopped her saying that's not how you greet a king. A King? She was confused to say the least when he became a king of anything?

Soon her uncle saws her a smile came onto his face, he went closer to her and hugged her tight " Remi my dear it's wonderful to see you but what in the gods are you doing here you're supposed to be with your husband" the word husband made her feel a disgusting feeling her husband she didn't want him to be her husband not after the things he had done to her. She finally had the guts to speak to him " about that uncle i need to speak with you it's rather important" he nodded at her words and led her to his own tent. He opened the front of it and let her walk in first.

He was wondering why she traveled so far here surely she could have sent a raven right? But gods was he wrong so very wrong. She finally turned to him with tears in her eyes. He became more worried and demanded to know why she was crying. "Dear uncle, I have come here to seek refuge with you, my.. My husband robb he.. He has betrayed me by lying with another. He has regretted marrying me. I couldn't be there any longer it pained me to much please aloud me to stay here with you dear uncle"

To say that he was shocked was an understatement. He was angered by what he has now heard he could have never imagined that this boy could have done this to her poor sweet niece. He finally said, " I'm sending word about this to your father, that damn boy will lose his head for this." his voice grew louder. She panicked getting close to her uncle " no renly you cannot he was forced into this i cannot expect him to love me the way that i loved him please dont tell my father about the things i have told you."

she pleaded with him, tears streaming down her face once more. She couldn't bare the thought of Robb losing his head because of her. Yes he had hurt her betrayed her but yet deep down she had still loved him even if he hadn't loved her " please do not punish him for not loving me if i was him i wouldn't love me either please uncle let me stay here with you"

Robb was pacing back and forth in his tent waiting to hear if anyone had found her yet he was worried that the worst had happened and that she was kidnapped or worse killed. Soon his thoughts were interrupted when talisa walked through the tent smiling. How could she be smiling at a time like this when his wife was missing had she no shame? But soon he stopped himself. He could think like that when it was his very own actions that caused her to leave but still he was not in the mood for company.

She came up towards him and planted a kiss on his lips " what is troubling you my love" he saw red. What was troubling him may be the fact that his very own wife went missing and no one can find her or even know if she was alright. He had felt so much guilt up to this point. She had loved him but yet he couldn't find it in his heart to love her? If his father had seen him now he would mostly be disappointed in him. He had to find her but he couldn't drop everything while he was in the middle of a war.

Remi was getting settled in nicely; she had made somewhat new friends like her uncle's wife Margaery tyrell. She was one of the sweetest women she has ever met. Her brother Loras was quite the charmer himself. If she wasn't already Married she would have enjoyed Loras and his company but she isn't like her husband going around and sleeping with whoever she wanted. Plus she was still a maiden getting it taken away from someone who isn't her husband would be horrible for her.

She then started to think about the time when she and Robb first met. He was so sweet and loving towards her, never cold and heartless no that wasn't her robb but he never was really hers was he sure she was his but he was never hers. She wished Jon was here he would know what to do but he wasn't here now was he. No he was at the wall with the night's watch. She wished he had never gone there. All she wanted to do was be in her best friend's arms crying her heart out but she could. She had to be strong. She couldn't look weak in front of everyone no. she was Stannis daughter and she wont let any man make her cry or look weak in front of people

As Remi settled into her new life and surroundings, she couldn't help but reflect on the complex web of relationships that had woven around her. Margaery Tyrell, her uncle's wife, had quickly become a source of solace and friendship. Remi marveled at Margaery's sweetness and grace, qualities that had endeared her to not just Remi but to everyone who had the privilege of knowing her. Margaery's warm nature was like a soothing balm to Remi's heart, a heart that had been through its share of trials.

Her thoughts then wandered to her brother, Loras Tyrell, a charming and charismatic figure in his own right. Remi couldn't deny the magnetic pull of his charisma, but her loyalty to her marriage vows remained steadfast. She was no wanderer like her husband, who seemed to find solace in the arms of others. Her own virtue was something she held dear, and the thought of losing it to anyone other than her husband was a nightmare she couldn't fathom.

Robb's memory flickered through her mind like a fading ember. She remembered the sweetness of their early days together, the tender moments they had shared. But as time passed, she had come to realize that the Robb she knew and loved was not entirely hers. He belonged to the North, to his people, and his responsibilities weighed heavily on him. The icy detachment that sometimes crept into his demeanor was a reminder of the burden he carried.

In the midst of her longing and confusion, her thoughts turned to Jon, her best friend and confidant. She wished he were by her side, as he always seemed to know what to do and say. But Jon was far away, at the Wall, serving in the Night's Watch. Remi's heart ached at the thought of his absence. She wished he had never chosen that path, and that he could be here to offer her the comfort she so desperately needed.

Yet, she understood the importance of appearing strong. As the daughter of Stannis Baratheon, she bore the weight of her name and the expectations that came with it. Remi was determined not to let any man, no matter how tumultuous her emotions, see her cry or perceive her as weak. She had inherited her father's strength and resolve, and she would carry herself with the dignity that was expected of a Baratheon.

And so, as she navigated the complexities of her new life, Remi vowed to remain resolute, even in the face of heartache and uncertainty. Her journey was far from over, and she would draw on the strength of her lineage to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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