Melanie Granger?

By Lexa_Skywalker

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Everyone knows about Hermione Granger, but what about her fraternal twin sister Melanie? What happens when H... More

Chapter 1: Mornings
Chapter 2: A Little More About Me
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Flying Lessons
Chapter 5: Fluffy
Chapter 6: We Have a Problem
Chapter 7: Hallowe'en
Chapter 9: A Ghostly Encounter
Chapter 10: Harry Potter Talking With Me?
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Superising Potions Master
Chapter 13: Tests and Theories
Chapter 14: Hermione's Help or Hinderance?
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: More Clues?
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: All Together
Chapter 19: Going Home for Christmas
Chapter 20: Home at Last
Chapter 21: Christmas Shopping
Chapter 22: Christmas

Chapter 8: Quidditch

931 18 5
By Lexa_Skywalker

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter.

I heard her sigh and she left, I closed my eyes and listened to her soft footsteps on the carpet before hearing the click as she gently closed the door behind her. I could feel her sadness and frustration searing off of her, but what she did that day was inexcusable and I wasn't going let her forget how she changed my life and not for the better. It was with that thought in my mind that I changed into my pyjamas, got into bed and fell into a deep sleep.

I honestly wish I hadn't.

I could smell an all too alluring smell wafting through the window, but I had promised myself to never leave the tower at night after what happened to that Ravenclaw girl. I didn't want to end up like that. No one does. So I simply rolled over and focussed on wrapping myself in the blackness of sleep.


The news was all over the castle the next morning: someone else had been found. This time it was a boy, with the same symptoms as the girl, pale, cold, the picture of a corpse, yet still with a pulse and the same two puncture marks in the neck. Of course while the majority of the girls were talking about the new victim, the boys were more concerned with the upcoming quidditch game.

'Come on Harry eat, you're going to need your strength for today.' Hermione tried to get Harry to eat at least some of his breakfast, but Harry wasn't have a bar of it and personally I couldn't blame him. I turned as Snape approached us. Yes us Harry and Ronald have decided that I'm their friend and want me to hang out with them while Jane and Paisley talk with other students.

'Good luck today Potter.' Snape said stopping behind him and the others looked up at him. 'Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you........even if it is against Slytherin....' Then he left, I stared after him noticing his limp.

'That explains the blood.' Harry murmured.

'Blood?' I asked sitting up.

'Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that three headed dog, but he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping.' Harry reasoned.

'Indeed I noticed that his leg was wounded and bleeding last night.' I replied remembering the terrifying night before.

'But why would anyone go near that dog?' Hermione asked.

'You said it yourself last night; the dog is obviously guarding something, the only question is what.'

'The day I went to Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He told me it was Hogwarts' business, very secret.'

'That's what the dog's guarding, that's what Snape wants.' I deduced.

We looked up to the ceiling as an owl screech sounded through the hall, it was Harry's owl, Hedwig and she was carrying a long parcel. Harry stood up to catch it as the owl dropped in into his hands.

'Bit early for mail isn't it?' Hermione asked.

'But I never get mail.' Harry noted confused as he set it on the table.

'Let's open it.' Ronald suggested and we started unwrapping it. Once the package was open and the mystery was revealed we were all left standing shocked.

'It's a broomstick.' Harry stated dumbfounded.

'That's not just any broomstick; that's a Nimbus 2000.' Ronald grinned admiring it as he pointed out the small Nimbus 2000 written on the tip of the handle in gold. I then glanced up and spotted Professor McGonagall gently stroking Harry's owl and it was clear what had happened.

'But who............' I nudged the boy directing his gaze to the teachers table. I noticed the Professor smile at us knowingly, Harry nodded and we turned back to the broom.

'You'll get to practice with you broom in today's game Harry, speaking of which, good luck.' I smiled.


11 o'clock, the match was about to start. We were all sitting in the stands waiting for the teams to come on to the field, everyone was excited, the atmosphere was amazing as everyone gave their view of who would win the game. Meanwhile Lee Jordan was sitting in the teachers box on the radio getting the crowd pumped up as much as possible.

'Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!' Everyone cheered. The feeling was only heightened when the players appeared, mounting their brooms and flew onto the field as the crowd cheered loudly while the players took their positions. 'The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game.'

'Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you.' She looked around at all the players though I noticed her gaze linger on the Slytherins for a split second longer before she kicked the trunk open, allowing the bludgers to fly up into the sky.

'The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game.' Lee stated over the speaker. 'The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!'

Instantly the players shot after the balls, with the exception of Harry who flew up and away from the crowd to keep an eye out for the little golden snitch. An older Gryffindor girl with brown hair grabbed the quaffle and raced toward the Slytherin's hoops, in the hopes of scoring a goal. I watched in anticipation as her red quidditch robes flapped beside her while she zoomed past the other players and skilfully threw the ball which soared through the air and into the hoop, the Slytherin keeper groaning angrily as the "ding" sounded.

'Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!' Lee announced happily over the speaker as the Gryffindors cheered, I looked up and saw Harry clapping from on his broom as he watched the scene from above. My eyes widened as a speeding bludger flew past him, ruffling his hair as he stared at it shocked. I laughed as I heard Hagrid calling:

'Well done!'

However it didn't take Slytherin long to get their hands on the quaffle and I watched as a boy who I knew to be named Miles Bletchley fly with the ball down the field before throwing it too the Marcus Flint who flew closer to Gryffindors hoops and try for a shot.

'Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint.' Lee commented.

I watched as the other players flew after him trying to snatch the quaffle, but Flint dodged them all and headed straight to the hops. I smiled as our keeper Oliver Wood dashed in front of the hoop Flint had been aiming at and knocked the quaffle back to a Gryffindor player with the back of his broom. Flint glared at him angrily, while Wood just smirked. Then Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell flew down the field, passing the quaffle between them, dodging and avoiding opponents and rogue bludgers. Katie throws it too Angelina one last time and Angelina threw it past the Slytherin seeker and through the hoop!

'Another 10 points to Gryffindor!' Lee announced and the Gryffindors cheered!

'Go Gryffindor!' I shouted along with Jane and Paisley.

However it was then that the Slytherins decided to get mean, Flint had the quaffle and he flew down the field flanked by another boy while the Gryffindors tried to get the ball off him. I gasped as he shoved one out of the way, he then kicked another sending her spinning the other way and he threw the ball trying to score, but Wood caught it and threw it back to Gryffindor. Out of no where Flint grabbed a beating stick from another and hit a bludger straight for Wood, hitting Wood in the gut so he fell from his broom and hit the ground.

Every Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff in the vicinity booed as loud and as hard as they could, there was no need for that! Yet the teachers did nothing about it! Where was Madam Hooch and why wasn't she sending him off? Slytherin, of course, agreed with their players actions and laughed heartily. I looked at Harry who was still sitting on his broom looking upset as his captain was taken off the field. Then another thought hit me.

'Who's gonna be Gryffindors keeper?' I asked. Paisley shrugged.

The game continued and without a keeper, Slytherin started getting goals easily and it wasn't long before they were winning. Flint and another player flew beside Angelina, boxing her in and sent her into the capes covering one of the towers. I watched appalled as she fell from her broom and slid down to to the ground and was deemed "out".

The crowd booed and I looked to the teachers box and noticed the majority of the teachers looking either outraged or downhearted, Snape and Dumbledore were the exceptions with Dumbledore showing practically no emotion and Snape looking rather pleased with his house.That look only became more apparent as Slytherin scored once again.

My eyes were suddenly drawn to Harry as he saw the Snitch, I smiled as he starts to head off after it, but his broom lurched and started bucking, as if it was trying to throw him off! I watched as he gripped it with grim death and tried to hold on while it shook violently from side to side. He was calling out in alarm as we all watched shocked.

'What's going on with Harry's broomstick?' Hagrid asked staring at the scene through his binoculars as was Hermione. I noticed her gaze go from Harry to searching the crowd, she paused for a moment and I followed her line of sight to the teachers box where I noticed Snape muttering something while staring intently at Harry and his haphazard broom.

'It's Snape; he's jinxing the broom.' Hermione realised shocked.

'Jinxing the broom, what do we do?' Ronald asked.

'Leave it to me.' Hermione replied, handing him the binoculars and disappearing in the crowd. I shrugged, they apparently had it covered.

Yet as I watched Harry struggle to hold on I couldn't help gasp as he fell, only gripping his broom with one had and my eyes couldn't help flickering over to the teachers box where I saw Hermione hiding in the scaffolding underneath with her wand poised to cast a spell on Snape's cloak, but as I looked up I saw Quirrell doing exactly as Snape was; staring uninterruptedly at Harry muttering words I couldn't make out.

One of them had to be trying to perform the counter curse, the question was which one? Either way it didn't matter as Hermione set Snape on fire it broke both men's eye contact and Harry's broom returned to sitting still, allowing him to get himself back on it and zoom after the other seeker and the snitch!

'Yes.' I smiled as everyone cheered for the boy and he raced up alongside of the Slytherin. I couldn't help cheering too as Harry rammed into the side of the boy, who glared at him before pushing back.

'Go, go go!' Hagrid yelled happily.

The two pushed as shoved constantly as they fought to get the snitch, however that stopped as they had to dive straight down towards the ground. The Slytherin boy's expression morphed into one of fear and he glanced at Harry who kept his eyes focused on the snitch and the ground that was coming ever closer. I smirked as the Slytherin chickened out and pulled up while Harry continued to dive until he pulled his broom up and flew just above the ground.

He stood and reached out trying to grab the golden ball that was eluding him, I shook my head as he stepped forward on his speeding broom, he kept his arm stretched out and edged his feet further forward, but his broom flipped him off! He summersaulted forward and hit the ground, skidding in the sand before managing to stand up. Everyone gasped as he put his hands to his mouth and starting lurched, bending forward slightly.

'Oh dear.' I murmured.

'Looks like he's gonna be sick!' Hagrid said shocked.

Then Harry opened his mouth and spat out the snitch! He held it proudly in his hands as everyone cheered and clapped ecstatically (well except the Slytherins, but who cares).

'He's got the snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch!' Lee announced happily over the speaker, Madam Hooch then blew her whistle.

'Gryffindor wins!'

'Go Gryffindor!' I shouted.

'Yeah!' Paisley and Jane called.

'Yes!' Ronald beamed along with Hagrid.

'Woo hoo!' I saw Hermione shout from her new place in a gap over looking the field, she was smiling and clapping happily.

Looking to Slytherin I saw a very angry Draco Malfoy who was shouting his displeasure to anyone who would listen by shouting: "Noooooo!" I smirked, what a shame. He'll just have to get over it!

Satisfied I then looked to the teachers box and saw Professor McGonagall smiling and giggling at her houses victory. I glanced to Snape who, surprisingly, wasn't scowling at Slytherin's loss, instead he seemed to be a little happy that Harry had caught the snitch. Strange, I mused, but I shrugged it off and celebrated with my house.

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