Wild - Power Rangers Wild For...

Oleh AlexNeko_990

7.8K 142 38

Wild (Ongoing)⏳ --- And so the journey begins. Destiny has brought six young people together and now they set... Lebih Banyak

Meet Desmond "Milo" Earhardt
Meet Sean Soleil
Chapter One: Lionheart
Chapter Two: Darkness Awakening
Chapter Three: Click, Click, Zoom
Chapter Four: Never Give Up!
Chapter Five: Ancient Awakening
Chapter Seven: Bear Necessities and Swan Ballet

Chapter Six: Wishes on the Water

247 11 2
Oleh AlexNeko_990


[Animarium - Base]

Currently on Animarium, Max, Danny and Alyssa sat at the table. The White Ranger is reading a story to the others.

"..And so, just as her grandmother instructed, Belinda slipped her wish into a bottle, walked to the edge of Turtle Lake and hurled the bottle into the dark waters." Alyssa read.

Milo and Taylor walked next to each other, both siblings saw Cole looking at a picture of his family, sadly. The Green Ranger and Yellow Ranger looks at each other, and they decide to try and cheer the Red Ranger up.

"Hey, Cole." Milo called, looking at him.

"Did we ever show you a picture of our squadron?" Taylor asked, pulling out a picture.

Cole looks interested. Milo and Taylor went towards the Red Ranger to show him the picture.

Max accidentally falls asleep and he jumps awake from a vision in his dream. Alyssa asked the Blue Ranger if he was asleep and he denies it. Danny gestured helping Max with what he had missed.

"...Put it in a bottle... and, and, throw it in the Turtle Lake." Max said. "Really?" He asked.

Alyssa looks at Danny who is behind her, the Black Ranger covers up by adjusting his glasses.

"Is that true?" Max asked. "Cool." He said.

Cole shook his head. Milo grins.

Taylor went towards Max. "Max, it's a fairy tale. You don't believe in that kid's stuff, do you?" She asked.

"No." Max said, he chuckled. "'Course not, I'm way past that." He nodded. He continues looking at the book.

Milo looks at Cole. "Hey, Cole. Do you wanna hangout, later?" He asked.

"Sorry, Milo." Cole said apologetically. "But I'm busy with Red Lion, today." He told him.

"No worries." Milo reassured, he walks away.

It is the middle of the night, suddenly waters spurts out of the fountain. Sean and Shayla stood next to the fountain.

"Rangers, come quickly!" Shayla called, she saw the water.

The Rangers went towards the two.

"A new Org has appeared, it is at Turtle Cove Harbor." Sean informed.

"It looks like it's made from old boats." Alyssa said, seeing the Org made out of boats.

Max saw something familiar, it was the bottle he threw into the water. The bottle is stuck on the Org's shoulder. "We gotta go!" He said and quickly left.

Danny quickly follows Max. The other Rangers looks at each other for a bit before following them.


[Turtle Cove - Harbor]

Both Max and Danny appeared Morphed, they tried to attack Ship Org but were pushed back. The others arrived Morphed.

"Hold on, guys! We stand a better chance of sinking this heap, if we fight as a team!" Cole said.

"Give me your best shot!" Ship Org said.

"Green Bat Fan!" Milo shouted.
"Yellow Eagle Sword!" Taylor shouted.
"White Tiger Baton!" Alyssa shouted.
They jumped towards Ship Org with their weapons, they attacked with it but were blocked and pushed back.

The Rangers regrouped.

"My turn!" Cole said. He got out his Lion Blaster. "Lion Blaster! Fire!" He shouted. He fired at Ship Org, but the attacks got deflected back towards the Rangers attacking them.

"I win!" Ship Org said.

"Not yet!" Max said, he stood back up. "I've got to get that bottle back!" He jumped towards Ship Org, bringing them both into the water.

"Wait!" Milo called.

"Oh no! Max!" Cole exclaimed.

The Rangers all watched as Max got attacked in the water.

"Max." Cole exclaimed.
"Oh no." Milo exclaimed.
"Come on, buddy." Danny said.

Max was knocked out. Ship Org prepares to finish the Blue Ranger off, but was scared off by a pair of big red glowing eyes.

It is the next morning.

The Rangers were all unmorphed, looking for Max. Max washed ashore and had recently woke up, Danny is the first to spot him.

"Max!" Danny called, he jumped over the fence, followed by Cole and Milo.

"Max!" Cole called, everyone reached where Max is.

"Max, are you okay?" Milo asked, as both Cole and Danny supports Max.

"How did you wind up all the way over here?" Cole asked.

"I don't know." Max said tiredly and faints.


[Animarium - Base]

The Rangers had all brought Max back to Animarium to recover.

Max lays down on a bed made of soft materials that are around. Danny, Sean and Shayla stood watch. Alyssa placed a wet towel on Max' forehead.

Cole, Milo and Taylor went towards them.

"How's he doing?" Taylor asked.

"He's recovering well." Sean reassured. "All he needs now, is to rest." He said.

"Don't worry. He's going to be fine." Shayla reassured the others.

"We'll find the thing that did this to him." Danny said. He punched his palm. "I promise."

Cole puts a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Let's go." He said looking at the others.

The Rangers left to look for Ship Org.


[Turtle Cove - Harbor]

At the Harbor Max had woken up, he went to fight Ship Org alone.

The other Rangers arrived to help, Morphed.

Cole fired at Ship Org with his Lion Blaster. "Hang on, Max! We're here!" He said.

"Max, you okay?" Danny asked.

"Of course I am." Max said, standing back up.

Everyone faced towards Ship Org.

"Guardians of the Earth! United we Roar!" Cole shouted. "Power Rangers!"

"Wild Force!" The Rangers shouted.

"You guys ready to launch this battle?" Ship Org asked.

"You'll be sorry, you asked!" Max said.

The Rangers all charges towards Ship Org, they were suddenly attacked and fell.

"So you're quite a little battleship, aren't you?" Toxica said.

"Howdy." Jindrax said.

"Who are you?" Ship Org questioned looking at both Toxica and Jindrax.

"How would you like to control an entire navy?" Jindrax asked.

Toxica threw something in the air and summons a bunch of Putrids.

"Who are these guys? They don't look like Rangers." Ship Org said seeing the Putrids. "I don't care who you are, I'll defeat everyone." He stated.

The Rangers begin attacking the Putrids.

Ship Org ran in, he attacks both Rangers and Putrids, not caring who is on what sides.

"Hey, what's-his-name! What are you doing?! They're on your side!" Jindrax said seeing Ship Org attacking the Putrids.

The Rangers regrouped.

"We need to come up with a plan!" Taylor said.
"And fast!" Milo said.

The Rangers all backed away.

"Stick together, guys!" Taylor said.

Ship Org attacks the Rangers and they fell.

"I don't care how strong you are, we're not giving up!" Max stated.

"I won't let this barge beat us!" Cole stated, he ran towards Ship Org and tried to attack him. He was pushed onto the ground as Ship Org steps on his chest.

"Cole!" Milo exclaimed, him and the others were still on the ground.

Max saw the crane, he grabs onto the hook and went towards where Ship Org is. He got out his Blue Shark Fighting Fins, drops down onto Ship Org and sliced one of its horns off.

"My horn!" Ship Org exclaimed.

Cole kicks Ship Org pushing him back.

Ship Org fell and Max's bottle broke.

"Oh no, my bottle!" Max exclaimed. "You've ruined my bottle, and you've ruined my wish!" He stated.

"I've had it with you!" Ship Org said.

The Rangers went towards Max.

"Let's combine our weapon!" Max said.

"Right!" Cole said.

The Rangers all combined their weapons and formed the Jungle Sword.

"Jungle Sword!" The Rangers shouted.

"Savage Slash!" Cole shouted, preparing to attack. And he attacks Ship Org.

"You're going down!" Max said and Ship Org is destroyed.

Toxica makes a sound of annoyance.

"Ugh, they've sunk my battleship!" Jindrax said.

"Evil Spirits of Toil and Strife! Give this Fallen Org New Life!"

Ship Org is revived and grew giant.

"Wildzords, Descend!" The Rangers shouted, they got out their Crystal Sabers and called their Wildzords. "Wildzords, Combine!" The Rangers combined their Wildzords and formed the Wild Force Megazord.

[Megazord Battle]

"Wild Force Megazord!" The Rangers shouted, they placed their Crystals Sabers into their stations.

"Elephant Zord!" Alyssa called the Elephant Wildzord. "Combine!" She shouted.

The Elephant Wildzord combined with the Wild Force Megazord.

"Wild Force Megazord: Sword and Shield Mode!" The Rangers shouted.

"Let's see what you've got!" Ship Org said.

"Pachyderm Crusher!" Cole shouted.

The Rangers attacked Ship Org with their finisher but it was blocked.

"What?! The Pachyderm Crusher didn't even phase him!" Cole exclaimed.

"This isn't looking good!" Milo exclaimed.

"Anchor's away!" Ship Org said, he attacks the Megazord with his anchor.

The Megazord is pushed back, and Ship Org continues attacking them.

The Rangers and their Megazord fell back. Max's Crystal Saber fell out of his console.

Max picks up his Crystal Saber. He remembers his dream. "Guys, I saw all of this happen before! In my dream!" He told the others.

"In your dream?" Milo said.

"Huh? What are you talking about, Max?" Alyssa asked.

"Use the Spear of Pardolis." A voice told Max.

"The Spear of Pardolis? What is the Spear of Pardolis?" Max asked.

[Animarium - Base]

"The Spear of Pardolis..." Sean said. "That sounds familiar." He looks at Shayla.

"Of course." Shayla said, she realized something. She went towards the fountain, with Sean following behind. "Pardolis is an Animarium warrior, who controlled one of the mightiest Wildzord of all." She told the Rangers through the fountain.

"That means Pardolis' Zords is still alive and calling for you." Sean told Max.

"But, why is it calling me?" Max asked.

"The Spirit of Pardolis is one of lost Wildzords." Shayla said.

"It must've sensed that you have a good heart, and it wants to help protect the Earth." Sean said.

"Call out to this Wildzord from your heart, and it will hear you." Shayla told Max.

[Megazord Battle]

"All right, here it goes." Max said. He holds his Crystal Saber. "Spirit of Pardolis. We ask you to please help us in our time of need."

Suddenly the Giraffe Animal Crystal appeared and Max holds it.

"Guys, look! My new Animal Crystal!" Max said looking at it. "It's a giraffe! I can't believe it, the Spirit of Pardolis is a giraffe!" He looks at the others.

"A giraffe?" Cole asked.

"Yeah!" Max said, nodding. "All right, let's try it out!" He placed the Giraffe Crystal into the Crystal Saber. "Giraffe Zord, Awaken!" He called holding the Crystal Saber up.

The Giraffe Wildzord appears out of the water, it charges towards Ship Org and knocks it back with its head.

The Megazord stood back up.

"Guys, look!" Cole said, he points towards the Giraffe Wildzord.

"The Giraffe's long neck is like a spear!" Max said. "He is the Spear of Pardolis. I understand what I have to do. Shark, you'll always be number one to me." He picks up his Shark Crystal. "But right now, let's see what this Giraffe can do!"

The Shark Wildzord got out of the Megazord and picks up the Giraffe Wildzord onto his back.

"Attach the Giraffe!" Max said, he placed his Crystal Saber into his console.

The Giraffe Wildzord changed into a spear and attached itself onto the Megazord.

"Wild Force Megazord: Spear Mode!" The Rangers shouted.

"Giraffe Spear! Fire!" The Rangers shouted. They attacked Ship Org with the finisher and destroyed him.


[Turtle Cove - Harbor]

After the Ship Org has been destroyed, Milo finds himself at the harbor. After both Max and Danny had left.

Milo was there, he had a glass bottle with a piece of paper inside. "I can't believe I'm doing this." He thought. He closes his eyes for a bit and throws the bottle into the water.

Milo suddenly heard a noise, he looks up and saw a black-colored feather lightly falling down. He outstretched his left hand and the feather drops onto his palm.

Milo left afterwards.


[Animarium - Base]

Both Max and Danny had returned to Animarium. Milo got back before the two.

"You were right, Max. There really was a creature in the lake. Way to go!" Alyssa told him.

"Aw, thanks Alyssa." Max said.

"The Wildzords are very happy that the Giraffe is now back on Animarium." Cole told Max. He gestured for the Blue Ranger to take a seat and he gladly did.

"Thanks to you." Milo added.

Taylor lightly slams her hands on the table, she looks at Max. "Good job." She told him. "For a kid." She added.

"What'd you call me?" Max asked.

"Nothing." Taylor said, she smirked and got up.

Max got onto the table trying to catch Taylor but failed.

Everyone laughed.

Milo shook his head a bit and was about to leave, before Cole stopped him.

"Milo, wait." Cole called. The Green Ranger stopped in his tracks and looks at him. "I was wondering, do you wanna go on a picnic, later?" He asked.

"A picnic?" Milo asked. "Sure. I would love to." He said smiling.

"Great, so, I'll see you later?" Cole asked.

"Definetely." Milo said, he nodded and smiled.

Cole smiled and left.

Sean appears next to Milo. "You better go get ready." He told the Green Ranger.

Milo looks at Sean. "Yeah." He starts walking away, but stops and looks back at Sean. "Prince Sean." He called. Sean hummed and looks at him. "Wishes do come true." He said smiling and left to go get ready.

Sean tilts his head a bit confused, but is still smiling. He sighed through his nose. "If only..." He softly said touching his necklace. He remembers a Wolf and a Coyote together, but doesn't know what it means.

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