
By essential_snow28

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Isabelle Gilmore Hayden is a brilliantly talented woman, that's has overcome any family struggles to get wher... More

Personal ID
A Hard Days Night
zooming through season one
The Happy Couple
Lets toast to Life
Where are you Christmas?
The end of the world
A string of Chaos
Promises are a joke
Nancy Pants
A whisper to a Scream
The Numbness of Searing Pain
Stone Cold
Time After Time
We almost had it all...
A Change is Gonna Come
Heart of The matter
Crash into me
Hello Huntzberger
Dream a Little Dream Of Me
Wish you were here/Stairway to Heaven

It must help that I'm so... hot

453 9 3
By essential_snow28

Isabelle wakes up the next morning exhausted from the dighting and emotions she had to deal with, with her mom confronting her. Isabelle knows that forgiving her mom will be hard since she basically disappeared from her life, but she can't help but remember everything her mom did and sacrificed for her up until everything took a turn for the worse. All of her childhood memories from the age of 11 were positive, and some were the best ones of her life. So she wants to forgive her mom, even though she is an adult. She still has the heart of a child craving her mothers' love and attention.

Isabelle decided that she needed to work on something, well besides work. So she called Adam,

Once he picks up she says, " Okay, so is there a dance project you need someone for? I really need to just move and use my emotion."

He sits for a second and then says, " Actually, I have a pretty well-known dancer who is asking for my help producing a dance vision he has. Although it is kinda strange as one would think he is starring in it, he's not. He wants a female to be the star of the dance and was hoping I could find someone. I was going to hold auditions, but to be honest, your athletism would be able to pull this off."

I wrinkle my forehead a little confused but excitedly say, " I will take it."

Adam warns me, "Though I have to warn you as you should know that..."

I cut him off as my pager beeps, " Shoot I got to get to the hospital, whatever it is, is fine. Thanks!"

The line ends and Adam says to himself, " Well shit, I guess we will see if she is comfortable with this when she gets here."


After a long day of work, I get a text from Adam that says come over to the studio tonight.

I arrive and see Adam so I give him a big hug.

I say, " thank you so much for doing this, I really needed a project outside of work. Also nice new studio.

Adam nods as we walk, " Its no problem, and yeah business is booming so I upgraded. Okay so Leo Brookins is right..."

I cut him off as pause, " Shit,Leo Brookins! He was on dancing with the stars one year."

Adam chuckles and we continue to walk, "yup..."

We keep walking and I say, " God, he is also really hot..."

All of a sudden a deep voice comes up behind me, "Thanks!"

I jump startled and turn around to see Leo smirking, making my face turn a whole new color.

Sam Claflin playing the character of Leo Brookins

I cough to clear my throat before holding out my hand to shake his, " Hi, I am Isabelle Hayden-Gilmore."

He shakes mine with a smiles, "Leo Brookins."

Adam says, " Okay so I will let you guys get to it then since I am not needed for the actual choreography. Lock up when you done."

He leaves us the keys and then leaves the studio. I set my stuff down and look to Leo, " okay so whats the dance."

Leo looks confused, " Adam did not tell you?"

I shrug, " He tried but I had to get to the hospital for work."

Leo, " Doctor?"

I nod, "Yup."

Leo clears his throat, "Well I have been choreographing, producing, and coming up with new dance projects the past few years and I was asked to make a dance to promote people to but the dirty dancing music online. So it will be a Dirty Dancing inspired dance."

I look at him in shock, " Actually!"

He lifts his hands in the air, " If you don't think your up for it."

I stand up after putting on my dance shoes, " Oh no, trust me this is just what I need."

He smirks, "Well let's get to it then, and it must help that I am so... what was the word...hot."

I throw my sweatshirt at him and flush red, " Shut up! You were not supposed to hear it."

He laughs and smiles so big, his laugh sending butterflies to my stomach.

The rest of the night we spent dancing, his lingering touches on my waist sending a wave of electricity through my body every time.


By the end of the week, we had the dance perfected and was ready to record. Let's just say I was very willing to skip my night at Joe's with my friends to dance with Leo every night.

It's not only that he was stunningly attractive, but also he was funny, and kind, and he made me feel noticed when I talked to him. Hence we finished the dance so fast, plus our chemistry was sparking in that studio. I am not gonna lie I have dreamt the past two nights of kissing that man, and each time, and sadly disappointed when I woke up to it just being a dream. though we graze lips in the dance for a fake kiss, but its not real. It just feels like a tease to the real deal.

Tonight we recorded the dance, and after it was done being edited we went over to my apartment inviting Natalie and Connor to show them the final product, and also inviting Leo along but he said that he actually had a meeting he had to get to. So it was Natalie, Connor, Adam, myself, and then Alex as well. Then Christina and Callie were also home so they joined us.

I am sitting on the couch now curled up in the corner Alex next to me, and everyone else in their own seats.

Everyone claps at the end and showers me in applause.

Christina looks at me, "Man, your not to bad"

Callie chuckles, "I think what you mean is she is amazing."

Natalie laughs, "It helps when you have a hot dance partner encouraging you from the sideline that your hard core crushing on."

Alex snickers when he sees my reaction

I turn a soft shade of red and toss a couch pillow at Alexs head.

He looks at me offended, " Hey! I did not say it..."

I smirk and say," Yeah but I wanted to throw something and I can't throw it at Natalie obviously"

Alex gives Natalie a glare while Natalie sticks her tongue out at Alex as if they were siblings.

Natalie then looks at me and says," So... are you guys ever gonna go out cuz the chemistry was their"

I frown sadly, "No, he doesn't like me like that. It was just for the dance."


Later after everyone has left I am sitting on the couch reading a book and drinking wine as Callie and Christina are in their rooms probably sleeping.

I am mid taking a sip of my wine when someone knocks on the door. I cautiously set down the glass before moving to the door and looking through the peephole.

I open the door to see a nervous Leo.

I smile and give him a confused look, "Leo? Hi, what are you doing here?"

He looks me up and down smirking making a harsh blush rise to my cheeks as I realize the small shorts and tank top I'm wearing makes me feel bare.

Leo looks at me," I was not sure if you were still going to be up, but I figured I would see for myself."

I clear my throat, "Oh, yeah well I am. You can come in, I'm just having some wine if you would like a glass?"

He enters and follows me to the kitchen where I pour him a glass as he nods.


We end up sitting on the couch and talking and laughing for at least thirty minutes when I mentioned how sour I was from dancing. Thats how I ended up my back to him and Leo giving me a back massage.

Like a magic touch, he knows where to go instantly, bringing a much-needed looseness to the pressure in my back. His hands are warm on my skin, gentle and harsh where they need to be.

"I think you might be the tensest person on Earth."'

I chuckle and then let out a sigh as his fingers work a knot, easing the tension. You could cut the sexual tension in the room with a knife, and I was so tempted to turn around and smash my lips into his.

As he continued to massage you, you felt his breath on the back of your neck and your skin shivers at the contact. He got even closer to you, and then without even realizing it placed his lips to your neck.

You let our a soft whimper at the contact. Leo widened his eyes and stood up as he went to apologize while he headed toward the door.

Leo nears the door and you are stunned for a second as he says, " I'm sorry that was..."

Your brain finally processes and you stand up and softly and lustfully say, " Leo stay.."

By the time you finished moving his hand was on the door knob holding his coat and you were six feet away from him.

He drops his coat and walks over to your grabbing your face with his hands and bringing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss.

Your body immediately responds curving into him, and your hands going around his neck. He moves a hand to the small curve of your back bringing you closer as you both stumbled backwards till your back hit the wall. Thats when he put his hands on your thighs and indicated for you to jump.

You wrapped you legs arounds his waist, with your hands in his hair and back against the wall as you both continued to deepen the kiss.

He moves his lips to your neck and with a moan you whisper, "My rooms to the left."

He continues to work his mouth on the sensitive spots of you neck getting quiet moans out of you as he carries you to you room.

When you reached your bedroom, he opened the door going inside. He immediately dropped you on the bed with getting on top of you. Your hands immediately wrapped around his neck pulling him into you while lifting your waist slightly which he stopped with his hands.

"You have no idea the things you have done to me the past week. I cnat stop thinking about you" He said as he admired you.

You went to respond but was cut off with his lips hitting yours with force. Before moving back to your neck

You bite your lips while he attacked your neck kissing you with passion. It wasn't hard for him to find your sweet spot and when he did you moaned his name making you feel him between your legs.

He raised his head looking you in the eyes before kissing your lips with force. His tongue found its way into your mouth exploring it.

"Leo..." You moaned as he started rubbing himself on you.


Lets just say it was a long night...


Its been one week since Isabelles steamy night with Leo and about two weeks since Isabelles' interaction with her mother. Though they ended in each other's embrace, Isabelle was still struggling with the concept of her mother being a part of her life again. Her mom stayed for two more days and on those days, they got multiple meals. At first, there was awkward small talk, and then there were more tears and snappy comments. But as her mom was getting ready to leave, they agreed to continue talking about present events and the years they missed with one another.

So, Isabelle has been getting all the updates of her mom's relationship with Luke. Isabelle has always liked Luke, so she is all for it, especially after hearing that Luke gave Lorelei the push to talk to her again.

For the past two weeks, Alex and Izzie have been in an official relationship and Christina won the solo surgery. And lets just say that Leo and Isabelle can't seem to get enough of each other.


This morning Cristina and I barges into Meredith and Derek's bedroom with coffee.

I flop onto the end of the bed as Christina climbs into bed next to Meredith,"You up?"

Derek groans," No."

Meredith sits up even more, "Yes."

Cristina gives Meredith coffee and says," The Wicked Witch is dead."

Meredith looks surprised," Metaphorically dead, or dead dead?"

Derek looks confused,"Who are we talking about?"

I respond,"Hahn."

Cristina excitedly says,"Her name is off the surgical board. Her surgeries have been canceled. I don't know how or why, but I do know Hahn is gone."

Derek answeres," It's too bad. She was really talented.(we all glare at him) You're not talking to me."

Meredith nods,"Mm-mmm."

Derek gets out of bed and goes downstairs, he opens the door for a woman who keeps knocking.

Someone named Sadie answers," Hi. Is Grey home?"

Derek answers confused, "Hi. Yes."

Sadie run in yelling, "Death! Come on, where are you, Death? ( She runs into Meredith's bedroom and hugs her. )Death!"

As me and Christina gets pushed to the side as this girl goes next to meredith making us give her a glare, meredith says, "Die! Oh, my God, it's been..."

Sadie answers," Forever. You look like..."

Meredith laughs,"You look like..."

Together they say,"Death!"

Sadie asks," Is the guy in the pajamas your boyfriend? 'Cause if so, then hot."

Meredith giggles, "Right?"

Cristina decides to pipe up, "Hey. Uh...Who are you?"

Sadie answers while looking at us,"I'm Sadie. Who are you?

Cristina answers for us," I'm Cristina, thats Isabelle."

Meredith and Sadie laugh.

Me, Christina, Meredith and Sadie make our way into the hospital as Derek and Alex trail behind

Sadie is talking about meredith to us,"This woman is the reason I went to med school in the first place. I figured if a slacker like Death could handle slicing people open, I could too."

Cristina tries to act like she knows meredith better,"Meredith's not a slacker."

Sadie chuckles,"I could tell you some stories."

Meredith gives her a look,"But you won't."

I finally piped up,"Sadie, you postponed your residency to work in a morgue?"

Sadie nods,"Yeah. All the fun cutting, none of the rules. But I got bored and started craving the blood that was flowing."

Meredith smeiles," And now you're here. I can't believe you're here."

Cristina rolls her eyes and looks at me when she says," Yay."


I am getting my charts from the nurses station when I bump into Lexie making her groan in pain. I look at her with concern as I see her pull down her coat covering bandages on her arm.

I look down at her arm and back at her questionly as she starts to stutter.

Lexie," these are scratches from my kitten. He is a crazy kitty scratcher."

I give her a look," You have a cat?"

Lexie panics," I meant my crazy scratcher hairbrush."

I sigh and give her a look of concern, "Are you okay? Solo surgeries are at stake here and I can't have my best intern being weird or injured."

She nods," I'm fine, and I am on top of my game. really."

I sigh AND SAY," Okay I am sending you far away off to plastics."

Alex comes up to me as I am at the nurses station," Hey do you know anything about a heart guy named Dixon?"

I think for a second," are you sure its a guy, Because their is a Virginia Dixon who is renowned heart surgeon... wait is she coming here?"

Alex says," Yeah today, piggyback heart transplant. I am on the case."

I tap his shoulder and say, "Go you! I need to tell Chrisitna, though she will find that so cool. Or get pissed either way, I need to tell her. But you have a great day, heart, man."

I walk off in search of Meredith and Christina.

I find Christina first and fill her in on the Dixon thing as we go to find Meredith.

I see Derek and Meredith walking together and go up and saying, "Hey, Hey lex Julienning on the skinny chicken arms."

Christina then says," And still no word on what made H leave on her flying monkeys."

We both walk off, leaving them, as I hear Derek say," Can you translate that for me?"


I end up spending the day on a pediatric kidney transplant.

Christina ends up coming to me as one of her interns and Lexie did a pulley stitch in surgery, a stitch neither of us could perfect. That and the fact that lexie had all those bandages something was wrong. So we know something is up, leading us to barge into the intern locker room.

I go to Lexie and pull off her bandages, while Christina does the same too her interns.

Lexie looks between the two of us," I can explain."

I shake my head disappointed. " I did not teach you the parallel pulley stitch. I can barely do it myself."

Christina looks at all of them sternly," Whatever you guys are doing, shut it down. Do not practice on yourself. That is insane. Shut it down."

That night I go home and smile as I text back and forth with Leo.

While this is happening Izzy is imaging Denny.

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