Ash the Dragon Specialist

By kurenohikari

196K 5.6K 1.1K

"Tell me Ash, would you like me to teach you about pokemon? About how to take care of them? Cure them when th... More

When it all began
Growing up
Life Choices
A new friend
Of best friends and homesickness
There's more to training than just power
Are you ready?
Interlude: Ele's P.O.V
The evolution mystery
Finally, the trio is complete!
Jealousy and Friendship
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part I
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part II
I am back!
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part III
Kalos - Vacation
Back to School
Senior Year - Part I
Senior Year - Part II
Senior Year - Part III
An explosive start
Interlude II: Landon's P.O.V
A Grand Debut
The Rock Gym
Interlude III: Agni's P.O.V
The Encore
A Flame Ignited
The Grass Gym
A Rival Makes an Appearance
Having fun on stage!
New Beginnings
Adventures along the way
Still Standing
Hope and Fear
The Fighting Gym
One Deep Breath
Lake Valor
Nature's Collection
Tiger Lily
The Ghost Gym
Interlude IV: Aeolus' P.O.V
The Steel Gym
One Step Closer
The Ice Gym
The Pyramid
The Water Gym
Twinleaf Festival
Interlude V: Drako's P.O.V
The Electric Gym
The Grand Festival - Part I
The Grand Festival - Part II
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part I
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part II
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part III
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part IV
Home Sweet Home
The Trio Badge
The Journey Continues
The Basic Badge
Interlude VI: Astrape
The Insect Badge
Don't Poke the Sleeping Dragon
Matters of the Heart
Pokemon Club Battle Tournament - Part I
Pokemon Club Battle Tournament - Part II
The Bolt Badge
Interrlude VII: Bruce's P.O.V
The Quake Badge
The Jet Badge
Interlude VIII: Ares' P.O.V
The Freeze Badge
Marigold's Choice
Mom! I'm Home!
The Legend Badge
Hoenn Grand Festival
The Ball of Dreams and Love
Eeveelutions Everywhere!
The Vertress Conference - Part I
The Vertress Conference - Part II
The Vertress Conference - Part III
The Vertress Conference - Part IV
The Vertress Conference - Part V
Dreams Come True
Interrlude IX: Nephele's P.O.V
And This Makes Ten
The Ghost Master
The Fighting Master
The Dark Master
The Psychic Master
Interlude X: Chione's P.O.V
The Champion
The Coronation
Apologies and Challenges
Breaking News!
The Grand Finale

The Countdown Begins

974 39 8
By kurenohikari

As Ash and Celeste stepped onto the lush grounds of Lilypad Town, the anticipation in the air was palpable. The sprawling town was bustling with activity, trainers and their pokemon hustling about, some clad in their finest contest attire. Celeste's heart raced with both excitement and nervousness - this contest could mark a turning point in her journey.

Sensing Celeste's jitters, Ash decided it was the perfect time for a change of pace. "Hey, Celeste, how about we take a little break before the contest?" he suggested with a reassuring smile.

Celeste looked at him, her expression a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "Sure, Ash. But where should we go?"

"Follow me," Ash replied, taking her hand and leading her through the vibrant streets of Lilypad.

Their journey led them to a hidden gem of history - the Lilypad Colosseum ruins. Tucked away from the bustling activity, the ancient structure stood. Vines and flowers had taken residence in the crevices of the stone, a delicate touch of nature reclaiming its territory. As they entered the ruins, the world around them seemed to hush, as if paying homage to the history held within these aged walls. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Moss-covered stones bore silent witness to countless battles that had once unfolded here.

Celeste couldn't help but be swept away by the aura of the place. "Ash, this is amazing," she whispered, her voice carrying a mix of wonder and reverence.

He grinned, seemingly pleased by her reaction. "I thought you might like it. This place has seen its share of battles and victories, just like you're about to have in the contest."

They walked through the ruins, Ash explaining the significance of certain spots as they went. He shared stories of trainers who had competed here, of the bonds they formed with their pokemon, and the triumphs that were etched into the very stones beneath their feet.

"See that archway?" Ash pointed, his tone conspiratorial. "Legend has it that a famous Coordinator once stood there before her final contest, just like you."

Celeste's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's... incredible."

Ash chuckled. "Yeah, and you know what? She went on to win that contest and then became a Grand Festival Champion."

Celeste's gaze shifted from the archway to Ash, her eyes filled with a mix of hope and determination. "You really think I could do it?"

"I know you can," Ash affirmed, his voice steady and full of conviction. "You and your pokemon have trained hard, and your performances have always left me amazed."

A warm smile spread across Celeste's face, the encouragement she needed blossoming within her. "Thanks, Ash. You always know how to boost my confidence."

He winked playfully. "That's what best friends are for, right?"

They continued to explore the ruins, pausing at a particularly striking view of the townscape beyond. The breeze carried with it the scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of laughter from the contest grounds. As they stood together, the weight of the upcoming contest seemed to lighten. Celeste found solace in the history of the ruins and in Ash's unwavering support. With a renewed sense of purpose, she turned to him. "Ash, let's do this. Let's give it our all."

He grinned, his excitement matching hers. "Absolutely! Your journey has brought you this far, and I can't wait to see where it takes you next."

Hand in hand, they left the ruins, ready to face the contest. Celeste was practically skipping as she made her way to the Contest Hall's backstage to change into her Eevee dress. This would be the last time she wore this dress, as she was planning on getting a new one for the Grand Festival. She hugged it to her chest and took a deep breath. This dress was special, not only did it represent her beginning as a coordinator and her love for eeveelutions, it was also the last gift her aunt had given her. The aunt she had not talked to since almost onne year now. The same aunt that for so long she had thought and loved as a mother... even after everything she missed her.

So much...

"Are you ready?" Ash called out, Celeste could hear the Sunflora smile on his face. "Your turn is coming up soon."

With one last deep breath, she put on the dress and exited the dressing room. With a confident smile, she straightened up and lifted her chin. "I am ready."

With that she strutted, without missing a beat, towards the stage, taking her position on the center. "It's showtime Hestia!" From the Fire Seal her trusted Flareon was released, landing gracefully on the stage. Hestia stood proudly, her fiery fur glistening under the spotlight. Celeste's voice rang out, strong and unwavering, as she commanded Hestia's every move. "Sand Attack!"

With a graceful twirl, Hestia began her performance. She pawed at the ground, her eyes sparkling mischievously. A gust of wind rose around her, lifting the sand into a swirling cyclone. The crowd gasped in awe as the cyclone grew larger, creating an almost ethereal display of sand dancing in the air. Then, with a precision that left the audience in sheer wonder, Hestia's fiery eyes narrowed, and she unleashed a Scary Face right into the eye of the cyclone. In an instant, the sand formed a massive, haunting image that loomed over the stage, its imposing form a testament to Hestia's control and Celeste's direction.

The judges, usually stoic and composed, exchanged impressed glances. The combination of Sand Attack and Scary Face was unexpected and brilliantly executed. Celeste's performance was proving to be not just a spectacle, but a masterclass in coordination between trainer and pokemon.

"Now, use Swift! Combine it with Ember!" Celeste commanded.

Hestia then unleashed a barrage of Swift stars, and their golden brilliance contrasted beautifully with the darkness of the cyclone. The stars danced around the massive sand figure before Hestia took a deep breath. Flames flickered at the back of her throat, and she released a powerful Ember attack. The effect was breathtaking. The Swift stars were now outlined in red, and they emerged from the mouth of the sand image, exploding into radiant red fireworks that painted the sky above. Gasps and cheers filled the colosseum, and the judges watched with a mix of astonishment and approval.

Celeste stood with a poise that radiated confidence, her heart singing with pride for her Flareon and the hard work they had put into perfecting this routine. The crowd's awe was a symphony of appreciation, their eyes glued to the mesmerizing display. As the performance reached its climax, Celeste's voice soared, shouting commands that seemed to ignite the air itself. The final fireworks illuminated the stage, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The sand image, the blazing Ember, the sparkling Swift stars - it all came together in a crescendo of beauty and artistry. As Hestia struck a final pose, the crowd erupted into applause that echoed like thunder.

Celeste's breath caught, her heart brimming with gratitude and fulfillment. Looking back on her contest journey, she realized how far she had come. From a nervous beginner to a performer who commanded the stage with grace and authority, Celeste had evolved just as much as her pokemon. The judges' unanimous smiles and nods were a testament to her growth. The awe and admiration in their eyes spoke volumes - this was a performance that would be remembered. And as Celeste and Hestia walked off the stage, side by side, the triumphant applause of the crowd was a melody that echoed in their hearts.

Celeste stood even taller when she returned to the Contest Hall's backstage to a group of coordinators looking back at her with a mixture of admiration and trepidation in their eyes. Celeste had never thought that there would be a time in which she would wish for others to look upon her with fear, but that now proved that she was someone to look out for. It was a badge she wore with pride. It even got Hestia preening proudly with a mischievous smirk.

"See! I told you, you would be awesome!" Ash greeted her with an excited hug. One that Celeste returned just as excitedly, practically melting into her best friend's arms. "You and Hestia were breathtaking there!"

"Thank you," Celeste murmured against Ash's neck with a huge smile. A smile that only grew when the results of the appeal round came out and she had been placed on first. "Lookk at that girl," she knelt down to give Hestia many pats. "We are up first!"

"Have you decided which pokemon to use on the battle round?" Ash inquired curiously.

"I really want this to be my final contest until the Grand Festsival, so I am using one of my starters," Celeste smirked mischievously, looking just like Hestia then. "Nyx has been rearing for a battle for a while."

Ash threw his head back laughing, turning quite a few heads doing so. His voice as melodious as his starter's at times. "With Nyx in charge, they won't know what hit them!"

Ash words could not have been any truer. No coordinator that was placed before Celeste and Nyx were able to handle the duo, with almost perfect wins they made it all the way to the finals. The final round of the Lilypad Contest was a tense showdown, the clock ticking down as five minutes seemed to pass both too quickly and too slowly. Celeste's heart raced as she and Nyx faced off against Alex and his Carnivine. The anticipation in the air was palpable, the crowd holding their breath in excitement.

As the battle commenced, both trainers moved with purpose. Nyx, her sleek form glistening in the spotlight, launched a Shadow Ball, a swirling orb of darkness that crackled with energy. But it didn't stop there - Nyx's next move was Stored Power. The stored energy fused with the Shadow Ball, amplifying it in strength, speed, and beauty. The audience gasped and whispered as the fusion attack soared through the air, landing squarely on Carnivine.

The points on Alex's scoreboard blinked, decreasing by a fourth. The crowd's cheers intensified, each point reduction celebrated with roars of approval. The pressure in the arena was undeniable, the countdown pushing both trainers to give their all.

Seeing an opening, Celeste and Nyx pressed onward. Celeste's voice rang out, commanding the next combination, "Nyx, Moonlight-Trailblaze!"

Nyx moved like a streak of moonlit elegance, zigzagging toward their opponent. Emerging from a veil of tall grass, the delicate moonlight painted her form in ethereal hues, showcasing the iconic yellow rings on her body. It was a breathtaking sight, the Moonlight Pokemon living up to her name.

The Moonlight-Trailblaze combination struck Carnivine with pinpoint precision. Another quarter of Alex's points vanished, leaving him with only half. The intensity in the hall was electrifying, the crowd erupting in cheers as they witnessed the dynamic fusion of strategy and grace.

As the dust settled, the truth was undeniable – Carnivine had fainted. Celeste's mixed emotions swirled within her - a hint of disappointment that her victory had been achieved through strength rather than the graceful harmony she aspired to, but also shock at the relative fragility of Alex's Carnivine. The battle had only just started but his pokemon was already down, were they really that weak? Or was she just too strong? She had to keep up with Ash's dragons during training after all. Yet above all was sheer elation, as the realization hit her: with her fifth ribbon secured, she had triumphed and qualified for the prestigious Grand Festival.

As the Lilypad Contest had drawn to a close, the dazzling lights of the stage faded, and the echoes of the crowd's cheers still resonated in the air. Back at the Pokemon Center, after a delightful celebratory dinner, Ash and Celeste found themselves in their respective beds. Celeste sat on her bed, a serene smile playing on her lips as she gazed at her Ribbon Case.

The case was a thing of beauty itself, the soft velvet cradling her collection of triumphs. She delicately ran her fingers over the ribbons, each one a symbol of her hard work, passion, and growth. The Turquoise, Jubilife Ribbon, a memory of the contest where she had taken her first steps into this dazzling world. The Orange, Floaroma Ribbon, a testament to her dedication and the bond she shared with her pokemon. The Lilac, Solaceon Ribbon, a reminder of the challenges she had overcome and the friendships she had forged. Her fingers moved on, brushing over the Violet, Chocovine Ribbon, a token of her determination and the lessons she had learned along the way. And then there was the Pink, Lilypad Ribbon, the most recent addition, a vivid emblem of her victory at the Lilypad Contest.

Each ribbon held a story, a moment frozen in time, a fragment of her journey. As she admired the ribbons, a gentle hum escaped her lips. It was a melody of happiness and fulfillment, a tune born from the joy of reaching a milestone she had dreamed of. The room was bathed in a warm, golden glow, the soft light from the bedside lamp casting a tranquil ambiance. The ribbons seemed to shimmer in response, their colors dancing like the echoes of her success.

Ash looked at her with so much warmth that if Celeste had been able to tear her eyes away from her Ribbon Case and look his way, her heart would have ached from all the love she received from that simply look. "I don't think I can understand the happiness you are feeling right now."

"Soon you will," Celeste murmured not looking up from her ribbon. It was as if she was in some sort of trance. "Sunyshore City is next and you will earn your eighth Sinnoh Gym Badge. I know you will. Then you will understand what I am feeling, why I am acting a little bit crazy."

Ash's smile was smaller than his Sunflora smile, but radiated just as much brightness. "I hope you are right."

Celeste finally looked up, making Ash gasp at her serene and content expression. "I know I am. I believe in you after all."

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