Our Ordinary Lives

By CoteEnjoyer

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A fanfiction that follows the basic story of ANHS from the light novels, but now Ai Hoshino is attending as a... More

Chapter 1 - Bus encounter
Chapter 2 - Hidden Systems
Chapter 3 - Social Interactions
Chapter 4 - Understanding Motives
Chapter 5 - Old Connections
Chapter 6 - Childish Expectations
Chapter 7 - Revelations
Chapter 8 - The Other Side of Horikita Suzune
Chapter 9 - Club Fair Encounters
Chapter 10 - A Meeting With the President
Chapter 11 - Saving Defects
Talking About Ai (Author)
Chapter 12 - Friendly Outing
Chapter 13 - A Regretful Idol
Chapter 15 - Collecting the Idiot Trio
Chapter 16 - Group Study
Chapter 17 - True Colors
Chapter 18 - Confrontation
Chapter 19 - Goals
Chapter 20 - Using Kushida
Chapter 21 - A Change in Name
Chapter 22 - Mid Term Exam
Chapter 22.5 - Saving Sudo

Chapter 14 - Moves on a Board

3.2K 167 75
By CoteEnjoyer

Kiyotaka POV

What a day it has been. As the bell rang, signaling the the start of evening, I went out of the boys dormintories. For the first time during my time at ANHS, I felt a tinge of annoyance. Most kids my age would undoubtedly feel the same way I did after a difficult exam or a long day of studying and learning. This was not the case for me; rather, it was something altogether else. No, it was the people I needed to speak with that day. What I had to do today could not have been prepared for in the white room. No amount of training or practice could have made me prepared for the task I did today. It was something I don't think I'd ever be able to do effectively.

Talking to idiots.

My objective was straightforward: convince Ike, Sudou, and Yamauchi to join the study group. The trio, often referred to as the "idiot trio," was known in our class for their lack of commitment to academics. Their resistance to the idea of joining a study group was expected, given their lazy and self-centered tendencies. Although I had a small bit of misplaced hope that the potential threat of expulsion would be a strong motivator for them, as it had been for others like Karuizawa and Shinohara. However, their responses had been predictably dismissive. Despite receiving some of the lowest grades in our class during the mock exam, they all turned down the chance to join the study group, and given their behavior in and out of class, I doubt they have gained much in their academics.


Ike: "Ayanakoji, the great Ike doesn't need anyone's help to study! That last test was just a fluke. I'll do what I always do and cram at the last minute."

Yamauchi: "Haha, I've got this covered. I'm a pro at studying while playing video games. You just worry about your own grade Ayanakoji."

Sudou: "Whatever, I don't care. Studying is pointless anyway. My focus is on sports, so leave me alone."

I'll never quite comprehend their perspectives.

While I could resort to manipulation and threats to coerce them into joining, that wasn't my preferred approach. It would require effort that I didn't deem needed for the task and could compromise my public image. To everyone else, I was doing what Hirata and Kushida told me to do, and I wanted to keep it that way. Letting them get expelled would be a fine outcome, but it would only lead to complications that I'd rather avoid. I still needed Class D to be a functional class, and losing classmates this early might break morale. This task also presented an opportunity to develop Horikita's character, a matter I had agreed upon with her brother. My personal feelings about her aside, I was committed to upholding my end of the agreement.

I still can't believe this is how I would spend my weekend... oh well.

Shifting my mental focus away from the rejection that Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou had given  earlier, I redirected my thoughts toward a more practical strategy. While the direct approach hadn't worked with Ike and Yamauchi, I believed there was a simpler, more effective solution that could be employed. I resolved not to dwell too much on these matters for now – simple problems, after all, often called for equally simple solutions. Sudou would be a bit more complicated, though he too had his weaknesses. Weaknesses that I would exploit to its fullest potential.

Clearing my mind of classroom politics, I set my sights on Keiyaki Mall. It had become a regular destination for me lately, not for any specific purpose other than observation. The mall, conveniently equipped with facilities catering to student needs, had become a hub for ANHS students. It provided everything from a gym to stores, a cinema, and even a karaoke venue. ANHS had thoughtfully ensured that students would have ample activities on this secluded island. I had no real intrest in purchasing items or partaking in any of the faucilities, in my mind they were a waste of valueable time and points. When I did purchase an item it was to blend in with the crowd, to make sure my constant lurking wasn't suspicous. The strategy seemed to work, as the workers and employees at the mall seemed to not recognize my face, despite the frequency of my vists.

As I entered the mall, the familiar atmosphere washed over me. People bustled around, engrossed in various activities. There was loud and energetic chatter from students, with groups of friends moving around. I always found it suprising that even in an enviroment such as ANHS, people could be so lively. After wandering the complex for a short period of time, I found a quiet corner where I could observe without drawing attention to myself. Each student seemed to have their own motivations, some socializing, others shopping, and a few heading to the gym. I watched as faces and expressions shifted, all partaking in the intricate web of interactions that defined daily life here. I found a small corner with a chair and decided to make it my place of residence for the afternoon. Surely nothing remarkable was to come.


Both Airi and I entered Keiyaki mall simultaneously. The bustling atmosphere was familiar, with students of all grades exploring the mall's offerings. Whether it was the first-year students excitedly discovering the mall's various sections or the older students making use of its facilities, Keiyaki mall was a central hub for the student body. As we strolled through the mall, I took deliberate breaths, intentionally keeping my facial features partially visible. I was testing the reactions to my less concealed appearance, trying to gauge the acceptance or curiosity it might stir.

Inwardly, I reminded myself of my resolve. I couldn't afford to waver or appear weak. I had made my decision and I needed to stick to it. To the world, I was simply "Hoshino Ai," an idol, a role I needed to play convincingly.

Ai: "So, Airi, any specific plans for today?"

Sakura: "Not really... I thought we could start by grabbing something to eat and then figure out the rest."

Ai: "Sounds good. Let's go get some food then." Glancing around, I spotted a quaint restaurant tucked away in a corner of the mall. It seemed to specialize in pizza and had various animal mascots, including a bear, chicken, fox, and rabbit. As I could tell, it was one of those eateries with animatronic mascots that entertained the diners. I had never been to such a place myself, so I was intrigued by the experience.

Sakura: "Do you have a place in mind?"

Ai: "I've heard about that pizza place over there. Seems interesting."

Sakura: "The one in the corner?"

Ai: "Yes, that's the one."

Sakura: "I've never been to a place like that before..."

Ai: "Me neither! There's a first time for everything. Come on." I playfully tugged at her hand, leading her towards the pizza place.

Sakura: "Alright, alright, don't pull so hard!"

We stepped into the restaurant, and immediately I was captivated by the black and white checkered floor and the remarkably lifelike animatronics that were the stars of the establishment. Even as we were guided to our table, my attention remained locked on the fur-covered figures, secretly desiring to reach out and embrace one, despite a somewhat off-putting odor that emanated from them.

The restaurant featured two stages, one for the bear, bird, and rabbit mascots, and another for the fox, although the fox's stage appeared to be temporarily out of commission, which left me slightly disappointed. The ambiance of the place was a curious blend of antique and modern elements, almost as if stepping into a birthday party from a bygone era.

Both Airi and I ordered a pizza each, and I couldn't deny that the food was exceptional. The pizzas were impeccably cooked, with toppings evenly spread and cheese that stood out for its taste and texture. I inquired about the ingredients, and the waiter mentioned something about an old recipe's "remnant." We couldn't finish all the food, so we opted to take some as leftovers before leaving the restaurant. The meal offered a momentary reprieve from the thoughts weighing on my mind, evoking memories of simpler times.

Exiting the restaurant, I noticed something I hadn't before. Across the mall, seated unassumingly, was Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. His presence seemed to blend seamlessly with his surroundings, his brown hair and characteristic deadpan expression making him inconspicuous. I pondered the idea of gradually adjusting my behavior to gauge Kiyotaka's reaction. Abruptly discarding the persona I had crafted might be too conspicuous, but a gradual transformation, like an introvert becoming more open, could be an interesting approach. It would also probably be the approach people would accept as the most natural. Furthermore, Kiyotaka could serve as a baseline for my experiments. A smile crept onto my face. It was a plan that held promise, even though I couldn't shake a suspicion that Kiyotaka might uncover my intentions. It was a baseless hunch, but it persisted.

I held no animosity towards Kiyotaka; in fact, he was among the select few I might consider a friend. Despite our limited interactions and shared mutual secrets, there was a unique understanding between us. Still, I acknowledged that our understanding of each other was quite shallow. While we both harbored our personal mysteries, I speculated that Kiyotaka might prefer the image of "Hoshino Ai" the idol over my current self. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder if he was simply indifferent to my changes or if he harbored his own thoughts about them.

No Ai, you can't back down now. You have to commit. Whatever it takes.

Kiyotaka POV

An hour had passed since I initiated my observations at Keiyaki mall. The scene before me remained unremarkable, with students going about their usual activities without any notable incidents. In hindsight, why was I engaging in this practice? The primary motivation was to maintain and refine my skillset. I was determined not to let my abilities diminish due to lack of practice. This endeavor also served the purpose of helping me decode the complex social dynamics within our school.

One noticeable pattern was the evident hierarchy present among the classes. Class A consistently emerged as the most privileged and accomplished, with class B usually trailing behind. This hierarchical structure was solidified by the second year, and the future members of classes A and B were almost preordained due to substantial point disparities. This class system had a profound influence on how students interacted. Those in class A, often gifted and recognized by the school, exhibited notable arrogance and a sense of superiority. Their followers from classes C and D primarily sought to align themselves in pursuit of points. However, this observation was largely limited to second and third years.

As for the first-year students, their interactions appeared more natural and unburdened by class-related pressures. The question that remained was whether this congenial atmosphere would persist as these students progressed through their school years. Would they eventually become consumed by the same hierarchical dynamics that characterized the upper classes? Only time would reveal the answer.

As I stood in my quiet corner of Keiyaki Mall, lost in my thoughts, a voice I recognized well pierced through the ambience. Turning around, I found Hoshino Ai and her friend Sakura standing before me. It was indeed an unexpected encounter, one that had not been a part of my plan for the day. However, I couldn't deny the intrigue that this development sparked.

Ai: "Ayanokoji? I didn't expect to see you here! What a coincidence!" Something is off.

Ai appeared to be the same on the surface – her usual demeanor and expressions remained intact. Yet, beneath that carefully constructed facade, I sensed a shift. She seemed more animated today, displaying a level of liveliness that was a departure from her norm. But what caught my attention more were the signs that she was not as genuine as she appeared. Her body language and appearance indicated haste, as if she had put on her current attire and styling in a hurry. This was unusual, considering I had never seen Ai looking disheveled. Moreover, the timing of our meeting – in the evening – ruled out the possibility that she had just woken up.

Kiyotaka: "Coincidence indeed. Are you both here for something specific?"

Sakura: "Oh, we just came to hang out and maybe grab something to eat."

Ai: "Yep! We were both just enjoying some free time."

Kiyotaka: "I see. Well, I was just observing the surroundings." I hope that didn't come off as too strange.

Ai: "Observing?" She giggled lightly, "You're strange you know that."

Kiyotaka: "Hmmm perhaps."

Something had most obviously changed with Hoshino Ai, but it wasn't my place to ask so I simply continued the conversaton as if I hadn't noticed anything. I'm sure that she would have her reason for her subtle change, and I as a human am in no position to question those changes.

Ai: "By the way Ayanokoji, are you by chance busy today?"

Kiyotaka: "No? I planned to just relax today at Keiyaki mall." At my words I noticed Ai's eye's slightly light up for a moment before returning to their usual state, and it wasn't one of happiness. More of an expression one would show when an opportunity had presented itself. An opportunity that she was waiting for, an opportunity that would benefit her. Though I doubt it was anything malicous. I wonder what this could be a product of? It's unlikely that Ai would change like this without any external input.

Ai: "That's great! Would you care to join me and Sakura?" I noticed a slight flinch from Sakura at these words. Despite the fact that Ai frequently talked to me, or attempted to talk to me, it seemed that Sakura hadn't grown entirely accustomed to me.

Kiyotaka: "I suppose there would be no harm."

Sakura: "A-are you sure Ai?"

Ai: "Airi, Ayanokoji is a friend of mine. There's no reason why I wouldn't be sure." She smiled widely, "Who knows, you might even come to like him. Or are you just nervous because you already do~" Well this is new.  Ai is never usually this forward and social, even with me.

Sakura: "N-no it;s not like that." Sakura's face was slightly flushed from embarassment at Ai's sudden teasing, "W-we can go with Ayanokoji."

Ai: "That's great then! So it's decided." Ai turned to face me. "You'll be accompanying us today Ayanokoji!"

Kiyotaka: "[Sigh] I guess so." I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and gathered my very few belongings. I then looked at Ai with my usual blank expression. I wonder what she has in mind for today.

Sakura: "Ayanokoji-kun, have you already had food today?" Ai seemed to slightly shake at Sakura's question. I saw her composure break for a second out of the corner of my eye. It was a split second action, and most would have missed it. She is truly brilliant at concealing things.

Kiyotaka: "Yes I have." I nod slightly, "I had food earlier just now."

Ai: "That's good, because so did we."

Kiyotaka: "Do you have any specific plans for the day?"  I noticed a bemused look take over Ai's face as I said my words. Did I say something wrong?

Ai: "Funny that you mention that Ayanokoji." Her grin grew wider, "Could I ask you a question?"

Kiyotaka: "I see no reason why you would not be able to."

Ai: "I've noticed that your clothes have been looking very worn recently." Wait... no she isn't...

Kiyotaka: "Have you? Maybe I should handle my school uniform more carefully then."

Ai: "Maybe... I also noticed that you seem to always be wearing a school uniform. Even now during the weekend."

Kiyotaka: "I just happened to not have any extra clothes today. Usually I wear something different at home."

Ai: "It's weird how none of us have seen you out of your uniform though. Right Airi?"

Sakura gave a slight reaffirming nod at Ai's question. I guess people might have realised the suspicous lack of clothes I have. Though I have seemed to be able to avoid most questions, I guess I would have to face it eventually.

Sakura: "Y-yeah, and your clothes always seem to have the same marks on them. It's like you don't have other clothes other than the ones the schools provided to us."

Kiyotaka: "Well..."

Ai: "Kiyotaka, do you have any other clothes other than your school clothes." What an interesting question here. I could respond in a variety of ways that could change how both Ai and Sakura respond. I could reply with a simple lie, which would most likely fool both of them but I feel they would still have their suspicons. I could tell the truth and probably stirr a reaction out of both of them. Each of these actions have their merits, each would change their individual perspetions regarding my charecter. A great opportunity to gather more data.

Or I could go with the third option.

Kiyotaka: "..." I remained silent and looked Ai dead in her eyes with my trademark deadpan expression. I made sure not to make a single change in anything. I did this to observe how people would react to someone else  providing a lack of stimuli to a question they were asked.

Strangely enough Ai's expression also remained exactly the same. Still with the same expression, and enthusiasum. Interesting she is completly unphazed. I wonder what will happen if I go to leave. I turn around as if motioning to leave when I feel a tug on my arm. I see Ai giving me the same expression while tugging my arm. Except I felt a slight tinge of annoyance in her action, something tells me I shouldn't attempt any more experiements today.

Ai: "Does your silence mean you don't have any other clothes?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes, that's correct."

Ai's expression remained unchanged, but there was an undeniable intensity in her eyes. It seemed that my answer had confirmed some suspicion she had, and now she was navigating the conversation in a particular direction. While her demeanor was composed and playful, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this line of questioning than met the eye.

Ai: "So, what do you do on weekends or during free time if you don't have any other clothes?"

Kiyotaka: "I usually spend my time on schoolwork, reading, or other indoor activities."

Ai: "Hmm, that sounds a bit mundane, doesn't it? Don't you ever feel the need to go outside or engage in more social activities?"

Kiyotaka: "I find comfort in solitude and quieter activities."

Ai: "I see. But isn't it important to have some variety in life? To experience new things and explore different aspects of the world?"

Kiyotaka: "I can understand the value of new experiences, but I find my current routine to be suitable."

As our conversation continued, I felt like Ai was probing at something beneath the surface. Her questions seemed casual enough, but the way she framed them and the persistence in her tone made it clear that she was aiming to uncover something specific. The whole situation was intriguing, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her interest in my clothing choices than met the eye.

Ai: "You know, Ayanokoji, sometimes it's good to break out of our comfort zones and try something different. You might find it more enriching than you expect."

Kiyotaka: "Perhaps. But I've found a routine that suits me."

Ai: "Fair enough. Though I wonder if a little change could make your life more interesting."

Sakura: "Um, Ai, maybe we should let Ayanokoji-kun enjoy his day how he likes."

Ai: "Oh, I'm not trying to impose, Sakura. I just think it's always good to consider different perspectives."

Kiyotaka: "I appreciate the sentiment."

As the conversation continued, I couldn't help but feel that Ai had a deeper agenda. She was encouraging me to step out of my usual routine, to try something new. But why? What was the purpose behind her interest in my clothing and lifestyle choices? It was clear that she was trying to convey something, but her motives remained shrouded.

Ai: "In that case, you should let us buy some clothes for you!"

Sakura: "A-ai are you sure?"

Ai: "Of course I am Airi!"

Kiyotaka: "Sure, I don't mind."

This most certainly was an unexpected development.

Ai: "Great! Both me and Airi have great taste in fasion." She winked at Airi, "I'm sure we can get Ayanokoji something he likes!" Now she's being even more obvious about her change.

Sakura: "I-i guess."

Kiyotaka: "Well I'll leave myself in your care."

As Ai pulled me into a nearby clothing store, I couldn't help but notice the upscale atmosphere. The store was sleek and shiny, with carefully arranged displays showcasing a wide range of clothing styles. From casual wear to sleepwear, semiformal to formal attire, the store seemed to offer an extensive variety. Its central location within Keiyaki Mall, along with its luxurious setting, hinted at the fact that the prices here would likely be significantly higher compared to other places. Undoubtedly, the quality of the items would match the upscale ambiance.

Ai: "Ayanokoji, let's take a look around! There might be something that catches your eye."

Kiyotaka: "I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't think I am someone who is suited clothes shopping."

Ai: "Oh come on, it's just a fun outing. You never know, you might find something you like."

Sakura: "Ai is right, Ayanokoji-kun. It doesn't hurt to look."

I found myself surrounded by aisles of different clothing options, each with its own unique style and design. While I wasn't opposed to the idea of exploring something new, I couldn't shake the feeling that this outing was more than just a simple shopping trip. Ai's sudden interest in my clothing choices, her change in behavior, and her insistence on me checking out new clothes raised questions in my mind.

Kiyotaka: "Alright, I'll take a look around."

As I moved through the store, I considered the different styles and materials. I knew that my current wardrobe lacked variety, but I also valued functionality and practicality over fashion. The decision to purchase new clothes wasn't one I made lightly, and it wasn't influenced by trends or appearances. Of course I didn't really care about the quality of the clothes or their fashion, as long as it was something robust and not marked up

Ai: "See anything you like, Ayanokoji?"

Kiyotaka: "There are a few options that seem suitable."

I picked out a few pieces that aligned with my preferences – simple, versatile, and comfortable. The selection process was quick, and I returned to where Ai and Sakura were waiting.

Ai: "Great! Let's head to the fitting rooms. I'm sure you'll find something you like."

In the fitting room, I tried on the clothes I had selected. While they were different from my usual school uniform, they still adhered to my preference for simplicity. Ai and Sakura waited outside, and after a quick examination in the mirror, I decided on a couple of items that I felt comfortable in.

I stepped out of the fitting room, dressed in the casual clothes I had selected. I had deliberately chosen colors that wouldn't draw too much attention – opting for a range of light browns and whites. The attire consisted of a simple long coat over a white shirt, which seemed practical and versatile.

However, as soon as I emerged from the fitting room, both Ai and Sakura let out audible gasps. Their reactions were unexpected, and I couldn't help but feel perplexed.

Kiyotaka: "Is there something wrong?"

Sakura: "N-no..."

Ai: "I-it's the opposite actually, there's nothing wrong..." Their responses were fragmented and hesitant, as if they were lost for words. I couldn't fathom why my clothing choices would provoke such reactions. My attire was deliberately unremarkable to blend in with a crowd. Perhaps my lack of fashion sense had led me to choose something that was strikingly bad, rendering them speechless.

Kiyotaka: "Should I change into something else? I have other options if you prefer."

Sakura: "NO!" Sakura suddenly exclaimed loudly, her face turning a deep shade of red. She quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment.

Kiyotaka: "Hm?"

Ai: "Sakura's right! You definitely should keep wearing that."

Kiyotaka: "But I thought your reactions indicated otherwise. I assumed you didn't like..."

Sakura: "N-no, it's just that we didn't expect you to look so..."

Ai: "Nevermind!" Ai cut Sakura off abruptly, her own face slightly flushed, "It's just that we don't normally see you like this, and we were a bit shocked..."

Kiyotaka: "So, I'll take that as a positive reaction?"

Ai: "YES!"

I headed back into the changing room, trying on various clothes that I had selected, as well as some choices suggested by Ai and Sakura. I did find some clothing items that I found suited my taste somewhat. Despite my intent to keep things simple, I found it hard to escape from some of their more unconventional requests.

Ai: "C'mon, it's not that bad."

Kiyotaka: "I refuse." Ai had just suggested that I try on a glittery blue suit that shone like a star. The entire outfit was reflective and conspicuously stood out.

Sakura: "I-it actually looks good." Sakura attempted to convince me, her voice tinged with suppressed laughter. They seem to be having fun with this.

Ai: "Hmph, you're no fun. If you won't wear that, then at least try on these." She handed me an assortment of different clothing options.

Kiyotaka: "I'm a human being, not a dress-up doll."

Ai: "Well, you agreed to this!"

Kiyotaka: "And I wonder why I did..." I sighed and Ai playfully nudged me back towards the changing rooms.

Ai: "Chop chop." She urged with a grin.

I spent another two hours in the store, trying on a significant number of outfits. As time passed, I lost track of the exact number. While Ai and Sakura's attempts to make me wear something outrageous were entertaining, I also came to appreciate their good sense of clothing when they made more practical suggestions. I ended up deciding to purchase some of the outfits they recommended, which were genuinely appealing. Things that were comfortable, simple, and subtle.

Getting the new clothes, I couldn't help but acknowledge that I felt slightly satisfied with the outcome of my excursion. Although Ai and Sakura were annoying at times, I had for once had gotten clothes I wanted. While the school uniforms served their purpose, they lacked the casual and personal touch that other types of clothing provided. I reflected on my time in the white room, where the garments they instructed us to wear were far from what regular individuals would consider clothing. Instead, they seemed more like attire provided for experiments, a reminder of the confined environment I had come from.

Emerging from the fitting room, I returned the clothes I had decided not to purchase.

Ai: "Did you find something you liked?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes, I did." Well, a more honest response would be to say that I found something practical. I don't really see a need in fashion.

Ai: "That's fantastic! What did you pick?"

Kiyotaka: "Some of the things I picked out... and some of the things you did."

Ai: "Nice choices! Let's get those items for you."

We proceeded to the checkout counter, and I paid for the clothes I had chosen. While the outing had been unexpected, it had given me an opportunity to try something different and acquire some new clothes. As we left the store, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper reason behind Ai's interest in my wardrobe. However, for now, I decided to take the experience at face value and appreciate the chance to explore a new aspect of life outside my usual routines.

I went to scan my card to pay when Ai and Sakura suddenly stopped me.

Sakura: "Wait, we should pay. We were the one who invited you after all."

Ai: "And we were also the ones that picked out a lot of your clothes."

Kiyotaka: "It's fine. I have points left over that I can afford to spend on this."

Ai: "But that would make me feel a bit guilty. Your spending all of these partially because of us." That makes no sense, you merely recommended me some clothing I should purchase. In the end, I was the one who benefitted from the exchange. In fact, I should be paying you for your advice.

Sakura: "Let us at least pay for a bit of it." Rather insistent.

Kiyotaka: "I appreciate your hospitaility, but I assure you. I can pay this for myself." After all I have a few million points. I doubt this would set me back much.

They kept protesting for a bit, insistant on at least paying for a portion of the clothes that I had bought today. I kept denying their requests, insisting that I could pay for it muself.

Ai: "A-are you sure you won't be low on points?"  Ai said with a slightly defeated tone.

Kiyotaka: "Trust me, I do." If only you knew Ai.

Sakura: "I guess you can pay for it."

With a simple swipe of my card, a deduction of 27,800 points from my balance ensued. For many Class D students, such a deduction would be akin to losing a world of opportunities. However, for me, it held little significance – not because I possessed a vast amount of points, but rather because I had mastered the art of thriving on minimal resources. The beep of the transaction completed, and the cashier returned my card, the action devoid of any emotion or sense of accomplishment.

I assume that signals the end of my activies with Ai and Sakura for the day.

Kiyotaka: "Well, it has been an enjoyable experience to shop with both of you."

Ai: "We should do it more often." Ai responded with a grin and a wink.

Sakura: "Y-yeah we should."

Kiyotaka: "Maybe some other time."

Ai: "Sur- Wait really?"

Kiyotaka: "Why not?"

Ai: "Well I'll be looking forward then!"

Kiyotaka: "[Sigh] I'll be heading off now."

Ai: "You probably should. You're carrying a lot of clothes, get back to your room and sort them out."

Kiyotaka: "Ok."

Ai: "Well see you later Ayanokoji!"

Sakura: "S-see you later."

With that I turned around and began to make my way towards my room. The day had most certainly both unexpected and insightful. I not only had new books but I had better understanding of the charecter Ai Hoshino.

The entire walk back to the dorm I was wondering how to manage my newly acquired clothes. How I would organise them, when I would wear them, and how I would wear them. Deep in thought I didn't realise that there was a tall blonde man standing infront of my room waiting for me. I bumped into him and looked up to see the tall figure of Koenji. He was, like usual. looking at his own reflection in a hand held mirror he seemed to always have.

Kiyotaka: "Oh, Koenji. What brings you to my room?" I spoke with a calm demeanor, although his presence was often exasperating.

Koenji: "Do I need a reason to visit the room of a fellow perfect human being?" His shark-toothed grin was as characteristic as ever.

Kiyotaka: "I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

Koenji: "Of course not." He casually flicked his hair, "Now, could you open the door for me?"

Kiyotaka: "Let you into my room? I don't think so."

Koenji: "What a pity..." He mused, "I wonder how others would react if I created a little scene."

Kiyotaka: "Excuse me?"

Koenji: "I'm sure people would be quite intrigued by the sight of the narcissistic, self-absorbed boy causing a ruckus outside your room." At least he is somewhat self aware.

Kiyotaka: "I don't think it's necessary for you to go to such lengths. Just leave."

Koenji: "I'm fully prepared to do it."

Kiyotaka: "We both know that a little bit of a scene wouldn't be too hard to resolve."

Koenji: "But are you really willing to exert effort for something that can easily be avoided?" I briefly closed my eyes and contemplated the potential aftermath of the scene that Koenji was willing to create. It was clear that such a situation would likely lead to a series of rumors and whispers among the students, and inevitably, it would associate my name with Koenji's. Truly, what a troublesome situation that would be.

Koenji's point was valid. Dealing with a potential scene could indeed be an unnecessary hassle.

Kiyotaka: "Fine, come in." I opened the door, allowing Koenji to enter. "I'll be putting away my new clothes. You can sit on the couch." With that, I proceeded to unpack and organize my new acquisitions. I made sure that everything was orderly and organised.

Koenji's casual demeanor and his unexpected request for a game of chess left me slightly taken aback. He placed the chess set on the table with a level of confidence that hinted at his strategic prowess. As the pieces were set up and our eyes met across the board, a glint of amusement played in his eyes, making me feel like I was walking into a situation more complex than a simple game.

Koenji: "Your room is just as I expected. Plain and simple," he commented, casting a swift judgment on the room's decor.

Kiyotaka: "Oh? You expected this."

Koenji: "Of course. I've heard that subjects were taught to live a simple life."

Kiyotaka: "Subjects? What are you referring to?" I chose to play ignorant for now, wanting to gauge the extent of his knowledge and the information he was willing to divulge.

Koenji: "Don't treat me like a fool. You can't possibly believe you can hide the truth from me, the masterpiece of the demonic fourth generation." There goes my pretense of ignorance.

Kiyotaka: "So, you know."

Koenji: "Indeed."

Kiyotaka: "Then you know my abilities?"

Koenji: "Yes." I turned away from my organizing, meeting his gaze head-on.

Kiyotaka: "So, why are you attempting to provoke me?"

Koenji: "Well, Ayanokoji, you are one of the few interesting people in this school."

Kiyotaka: "And you seem to hold yourself in high regard."

Koenji: "You seem to prefer maintaining a low profile."

Kiyotaka: "I have my reasons."

Koenji: "As do I."

Kiyotaka: "Enough. Why are you here?" Koenji grinned.

Koenji: "I simply wanted a game of chess." He produced a chess set and set it on the table. "And I wanted to get to know you better."

Kiyotaka: "[Sigh] I suppose I can't refuse, can I?"

Koenji: "Indeed, you cannot."

Kiyotaka: "Very well." I abandoned my organizing and took a seat across from Koenji. We began a simple game of chess, with me playing as black and Koenji as white."Do you play?"

Koenji: "Sometimes. I must admit I have lacked enjoyment of chess as I haven't found an adequet opponent. It's such a shame."

Kiyotaka: "Why is that?"

Koenji: "The whole world is in chess. Any move can be the death of you. Do anything except remain where you started and you can't be sure of your end. Were you sure of your end once?" What an interesting question. Was I sure? Yes, I believed that I would be a mere political puppet for my father. Not a person, just a tool. Yet here I am, in this school. I still believe I will eventually return to the white room, but who's to say that won't change?

Kiyotaka: "I was."

Koenji: "Was?"

Kiyotaka: "I sometimes think I still am."

Koenji: "Why not live your life by the white room then. I assume that's what you believe what your end would be." Koenji moved a pawn. "I doubt that man wants you here.

Kiyotaka: "Interesting question." I move another piece in response to Koenji, "When I saw 16, before I came to this school, I won a great victory. I escaped from that place, and I felt in that moment that I could live by my own will."

Koenji: "And?" Another move was played, which I swiftly countered.

Kiyotaka: "Now I know I shall not see the day where I live without restraints." I look down at the board, seeing an opportunity that Koenji must have not seen. "Check."

Koenji: "So why keep fighting? Why not simply give up?"

Kiyotaka: "Well in truth, none of us know our end really. Or what hand will guide us there. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but a man can also move himself. And only does that man truly begin his own game." And our game is ending soon.

Koenji: "I see."

Kiyotaka: "How so ever you are played, or by whom your actions and soul still is in your keeping alone. Check."

Koenji: "Are there not situations where it is not?" A smirk was present on Koenji's face, despite the loss he knew was coming.

Kiyotaka: "Well even though those who presume to play you be kings or men in power. When you stand before the abyss of death. When you reflect upon the short time you had between your non-existance and death that we call life. You cannot say, but I was told by others to do thus or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice." I played the final move. "Checkmate."

Koenji: "Good game. More importantly I think I've got to know the masterpiece better." Koenji got up from his chair and made a motion to leave. "You are truly a unique individual."

Kiyotaka: "Perhaps I am, perhaps I am not."

Koenji: "You can keep the chess set. I'll be back."  Koenji lightly laughed as he left my room.

Kiyotaka: "And I'll be waiting."

AN: BOOM long chapter. Sorry for the wait but I hope this made up for it. I was a bit sick and had a lot of work to do. I'll try to get other chapters out sooner. More importantly, how did you like the chapter? Feedback is always appreciated.

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