Secret identities

By Tatiana_frog_08

52K 1.2K 318

Welcome to Lucia Gomez's life. A young special CIA agent. She is one of the youngest and best agents who was... More

0.1 intro
0.2 Intro
1. Illegal adoption?
2. She's alive?
3. Enzo Moretti
4. Our Lucia
6. Throw a party
7. Friday night
8. Italian mafia princess
9. 真夜中
10. Boring day
11. Lil bro
12. Bloodhounds
Family intro
Family intro 2
13. Family and drama
14. Bonding
15. Petty gang
16. Your mind the worst enemy
17. Girls day out
18. Childhood album
19. Nonno
20. Best film of your life
21. The Maldives
Villa tour
22. No parents
23. Bitchy brothers
24. Fallen cheerleader
25. Rivals
26. Night out
27. Pathological liar
28. Mafia
29. Sneaking out
30. Aunt Azzurra
0.3 Intro
31. Halloween party
32. The voices

5. Childhood bestfriend

2K 48 7
By Tatiana_frog_08

Imagine they're talking in Italian cause I Donny want to translate the whole thing. And since they're in Italy they're speaking Italian.

"LUCIA WAKE THE FUCK UP." Screamed a voice scaring the hell out of me.

I jumped a bit startled and looked around the room only to find Lio grinning like an idiot standing at my left side of the bed.

I groaned annoyed. Why did he have to ruin my sleep?

Thank god I put some concealer on before going to bed or he would have seen the scar. And for the first time, I'm glad I forgot to take off my lenses even though my eyes hurts.

"Leave me alone before I kill you, Lio." I grunted out threateningly.

I laid back down trying to go back to sleep.

"NO YOU NEED TO WAKE UP IT'S SIX IN THR MORNING." He shouted even louder if that's possible.


"BECAUSE YOU NEED TO WAKE UP." He yelled back.

I took a deep breath in, trying to keep my cool feeling my blood boiling as I got angry.

"Lio, if you don't get your ass out of my room in five seconds, I'll beat the living shit out of you." I said in a really calm voice glaring at him. I saw him shiver.

"1" He looked at me trying to act like he wasn't scared and just stood there not moving an inch.

"2" After he saw the seriousness in my eyes and the glare I was giving him he looked a bit uncomfortable and nervous shifting in his place.

"4" As he took a discreet step back, I got ready to run after him, taking my blanket off of me.

"5-" I didn't get to finish when Lio started screaming, running out of my room in full speed.

I stood up quickly and started running after him yelling at him for ruining my beautiful sleep that I so much needed.

Who the fuck wakes up 6 in the morning? Are they even human beings?

"Lio get your fucking ass back here, you fucking asshole." I yelled still running after him, trying to catch up to him which seemed impossible because of his long legs.

Lucky fucker.

If I wasn't such a good runner, I would have been out of breath a long time ago and been on the floor already.

And the fact that he ran away before I could stand up, gave him an advantage but I'm faster.

"What's going on?" Dad asked when I ran after Lio to the kitchen were dad and Tom were, dad drinking coffee and making breakfast while Tom ate.

"I woke her up and now she's running after me like a raging bull." Lio shrieked running around the dining table with me hot on his tail.

Dad just laughed watching us. "You guys still haven't changed." He said while shaking his head.

"HELP ME DAD. SAVE ME FROM THIS CRAZY BITCH." Lio screamed taking a sharp turn to the corner of the table and me doing the same.

"Language and don't call your sister that." Was all dad said, still laughing at him.

I was now so close to him and was about to jump at him, he was screaming the house down. Just as I made the move to jump and was in the air, two huge arms caught me in the air.

"Nooo. Let go of me so I can kill that empty headed fucker." I shouted struggling. Then turning to the culprit who decided to interrupt my hunt who turns out to be Nico.

"Watch your language." He said sternly giving me a stern look.

I glared at him and a deep frown sets on my face annoyed at the fact that I couldn't get back at Lio for ruining my sleep.

Lio was now clutching to a very angry Domenico who looks about to kill him.

"Get off me before I fucking kill you." Dom grumbled pushing and giving him a deadly glare.

Well isn't he a sunshine. Hear the sarcasm dripping off my words?

"Sorry." Lio mumbled putting his hands in surrender backing up from Dom.

I look around and that's when I notice everyone was downstairs looking bored.

Nico finally put me down and I was glaring at Lio who was squirming under my look.

"Good morning everyone." Dad said coming up to me, kissing my head and smiled at me.

"Morning." Everyone replied.

"More like a horrible morning." I mumble to myself but seems like dad and Nico heard and dad chuckled while Nico stared at me amused.

"Bambina why don't you go and get ready before breakfast?" Dad says looking at me giving me a smile.

(Baby girl.)

"Fine." I replied and grumbling profanities under my breath as I left to go get ready while everyone else sat down to eat breakfast.

How can they be awake this early? No forget about early, it's still night. I asked myself.

Ever thought it's just you who wakes up late?

Bullshit, I think you might of gone insane Eli. I'm a saint person that wakes up early.

If waking up 3 pm is early then sure. I roll my eyes at Eli and we started bickering.

I got to my room while still arguing with Eli and went to my closet to get my close from my suitcases.

I need to remember to unpack later.

As I walked up the stairs I noticed the family pictures and looked at it only to see a bunch of pictures of me and the boys and dad when we were younger.

There were also a few of the girls with our family and a bunch of other people, some elders and other youngsters. Probably some extended family.

Most of the pictures were of me when I was younger and some with me and a little brown skinned boy. He looked cute.

After finding a fit I went up to my bathroom and took a shower. I brushed my teeth and put my fit on.

I went to my bags that I still haven't packed and took out my medication. I made sure I took them and hid them before walking back to my room.

I picked up Ellie and he immediately climbed up me and sat on my head. I roll my eyes at him.

We started heading down stairs after grabbing my purse and phone.

I greeted the guards on the way giving them a smile, they just nodded but I could see they were trying to hide a smile.

I got to the kitchen and everyone turned towards me.

All the boys and dad glaring at my outfit.

"Go change." Luc demanded.

"Hell no, you ain't wearing that." Luca mumbled but I heard him.

"No." Lio said shaking his head in disapproval.

"Here take my hoodie." Dami said throwing me a hoodie. Where did it came from, he was only wearing a t-shirt and black jeans.

And it's so hot why would I wear it? I don't want to turn into a fucking hot red ass potato.

Dad, Nico and Dom were silently glaring at my clothes not saying a word.

"You look hot Luce." Aly says grinning earning glares from all the boys.

"Thanks bae, look at you I'd definitely hit that." I said winking at her making her grin grow bigger and we laughed.

I sat down at one of the seats and the boys were still glaring.

"Guys I can wear what I want, I'm 17." I said giving them a seriously look, raising a brow.

Dad and the guys expression turned sad but then they gave a last glare before they went back to what they were doing.

Dad put some chocolate chip pancakes in front of me. My mouth started watering as soon as I saw does mouth-watering, appetising, delectable yummy food.

"Thank you, this is my favourite food." I said starting to exhale the food making dad chuckle at me.

"It was your favourite too when you were a kid." Dad told me giving me a big smile. I smiled back and continued choking down my food.

"You can call me dad, my name, or whatever you're comfortable with, btw." Dad said and I nodded with my mouth full of food.

"So Lucia where did you use to live?" Aly asked while we were eating. Everyone turned their full attention to me suddenly interested.

"I used to move around every few months but settled down in NYC two years back." I said. And she hummed.

"Who was your guardian?" Dad asked.

"It used to be John, I thought he was my father until he died and I found out I was adopted. Then I was told you were my real father after I was arrested." I responded truthfully not wanting to lie to them, but still not telling them the full truth.

"Were you close with him?" Dami asked. I feel like I'm being interrogated here, I mean I'm alright with it cause they wanna get to know me more.

"Not really. We didn't see much of each other, only ones a week or month. That's why I decided to move to a friends house."

"Wait, you were arrested?" Luc asked with amusement like he wasn't that surprised at all.

"Yeah." I said shrugging taking more chocolate chip pancakes.

"Why were you arrested?" Dami asked furrowing his brows.

"I got into a street race and got caught right after I won." I said laughing.

"Congratulations, you are now officially my new bestie." Aly said with excitement. I chuckled at her.

"My sister is a badass." Lio said with a smirk.

"Did you go to school?" Nico asked.

"I was actually homeschooled, I've never been to a real school."

Everyone looked at me shocked like they've never met a person that hasn't been to school before.

I wasn't even raised how normal kids were, I was training, sleeping or partying all night for my whole life since I was twelve.

"You've never been to school?" All the teenagers asked at the same time, more like screamed, confusing little Tom and startling Ellie from his sleep.

I shook my head with a confused look. Is it a big deal that someone has never been to school?

"Well you're starting the same school as the boys and Alicia and Julia." Dad informed me. I nodded and quickly finished my food.

I look around and noticed that Julia and her mom were the only ones who weren't here for breakfast. Where are they?

"Mom took Julia to her photoshoot for today." Alicia said answering the silent question I had in mind.

I shrug and started talking with my triplets and Alicia.

"Principessa, we're having some of our friends over today. You don't have to dress formal, dress comfortably." Dad told me.

"Ok, Enzo." I said giving him a smile. He looked a bit disappointed for a second but smiled back.

"You are also going on shopping with Alicia and the boys." Dad informed us.

And with that we all went our own ways. I, the teenagers and Tom went to get ready for shopping.

Tom was with me since he wanted me to choose an outfit for him since he was still in his pyjamas.

We walked up the stairs and got to the fifth floor while we talked together.

We walked to his room and went straight to his closet which was big too.

I got him some cargo shorts pants and a black shirt sleeve t-shirt setting them down on his bed and a pair of white and black Jordan 1's B plus socks.

Tom came out with a white towel wrapped around him and I told him to change and left to wait outside his room.

I was on my phone when the door opened and I looked down to see Tom all ready with a smile on his face.

I smiled back. "You ready to go Tommy?" I asked. He looked at me tilting his head backwards.

'Tommy?' He signed.

"Yes Tommy, that's my new nickname for you buddy." I said ruffling his head making him laugh.

"You like it?" I asked. He nods giving me a big smile. He then grabs my hand and we started going down, walking down the million stairs ahead of us.

"Let's go we don't have all day." Dom muttered.

"Wait Luce, is that a tattoo?" Lio asked pointing to my left hand.

"Yeah, it's a hearts tattoo." I said showing them my inner middle finger.

They stared at me surprised while my triplets looked shocked.

They lifted up their left hand too showing me their inner middle finger and I gasped.

"You guys have them too?" I asked shocked.

We walked up too each other and put our fingers in the right order.

(I don't know if it's the right order or not so don't blame me if it's wrong 😅)

Luc had a spade followed by Luca who had a diamond, Lio had clubs and lastly me, hearts.

"I'm guessing you got it on our thirteen birthday?" Luc stated but it was more like a question.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked confused. The three looked at each other.

"We got it on our thirteenth birthday too." Lio said as they turned to me in unison.

We looked at each other. Are they thinking what I'm thinking? Or is it just me? Well I'm about to find out.

In three, two, one.

"Quadruplets telepathy." We exclaimed at the same time making us laugh, and the others stared at us weirdly.

"I gotta take a pic of this." I said taking my phone out and taking a picture then posting it out on insta.

Quadruplet telepathy❤️

I put my phone away and looked up only to see everyone staring at me.

"What? I gotta keep my fans updated." I said in an obvious tone.

"Whatever, let's just go so we can get this over with." Dom groaned and started walking out.

I grabbed Tommy's hand and we all started following Dom to the cars that were parked at the front.

We walked up to a black Bugatti Chiron and a black Mercedes-Benz G-class.

Dom got into the Bugatti with Luc while the rest of us went to the G-Wagon. Lucky bitches, my car hasn't arrived yet.

I was sitting at the far back with Tommy, and Lio and Aly sat in the middle while Luca sat shotgun as Dami drove.

After half an hour of driving we finally got to the mall and we all got out.

Tommy grabbed my hand and we walked in.

Whispers immediately started once we walked through the doors everyone staring at us confused and shocked, whispering to each other as they gawked at us.

I smile liking the attention and followed the others to the stores.


"This top will really look good on you, Luce." Aly said walking up to me with a cute khaki coloured top

"Yeah, nope." Luc said trying to take the top from her but she quickly dragged it away from his reach.

"Yes, it's so cute." I said checking out the top she handed to me, ignoring the boy's comments.

"You can't wear that, it's too revealing." Lio complained.

"You won't wear that." Luc scoffed with a glare.

"You will get too much attention." Dami said with a frown.

"You're right, it's exactly what I want. And it's not revealing, it just shows a bit of cleavage." I spoke smirking and Aly nod.

I felt a squeeze on my hand and looked down at Tommy who had a frown placed on his face.

"What is it little guy?" I asked bending down a bit so we were in eye level. He is quiet high for his age.

'I don't want you to wear that.' He signed still with a frown.

"Why not, it would look pretty on me, won't it." I said pouting at him. He sighs.

'It does, but I don't want ugly boys to look at you.'


"See? Even Tom understands it." Lio says and all the boys agreed. I and Aly laugh at them.

"Well, sorry boys. If you didn't already know this, I'm a complete whore." I said and Aly nodded.

"Haven't y'all seen her insta, it's filled with different boys everyday." She stated and I laughed.

The boys's expressions are priceless. They all looked at us with wide eyes before it turned to clenched jaws and deadly glares that could scare the shit out of anyone.

Talk about overprotective brothers, their overprotectiveness is on another level. They look so scary, at least not for me but it scared the girls who were eye fucking them from the distance.

"So you sleep around?" Dom asked with a cold voice.

"Yes indeed I do, and I'm a 100% proud of it. I'm a playboy and a whore." I said with pride smirking.

"That's my little sister." Lio said happy with a big grin making me grin back, before his grin was wiped away by the other boys's glares that were set on him.

"I mean, no you can't sleep around and definitely not play with boys hearts?" Lio cleared his throat. Did that sound like a question or was it just me?

Luc slapped him upside the head.

"Ow" Lio wined pouting.

"Luc don't hurt our triplet." I scolded Luc.

Someone ripped the top from my hand while I was distracted. I snapped my head to the culprit only to be Dom.

"No, you won't buy this top, and you will stop sleeping around." He demanded with a cold tone.

"Sorry, maybe I'll remember to ask for your permission next time." I sarcastically said trying to grab the top back. Keyword, 'try'.

He quickly held his arm higher up so that I couldn't reach it. I tried to jump and grab it but it's impossible. This giant is much bigger than me.

"Hey." I huffed annoyed.

"What was that?" He asked smirking down at me. I rolled my eyes at him scowling with crossed arms.

While he was distracted by me, Aly got the top off his grip.

"You guys can't tell her what to and not to wear, or what she can do and can't. It's her life." She said glaring at them.

"Yes we can, we're her brothers. So put that top down Alicia."

"Not happening."

Dom sighed annoyed and tried to grab the top but Aly was too quick.

She ran to the cashier before anyone could process anything and bought the top as well as the clothes we picked giving me the bags when she came back.

She grabbed my arm and linked it before starting to drag me out of the store, ignoring the boys who were telling us to stop.

"Don't listen to them, they're always like that." She said rolling her eyes. I giggled and she smiled at me.

"Let's go to Victoria's Secret." She said with a mischievous smirk. I was right we're meant to be besties.

I smirk back matching her smirk before turning around to the boys who were following us, still arguing like the stupid boys they are about the top.

"I need to go to a store, I need something." I said innocently.

"Which store?" Dami asked.

"Victoria's Secret." I said looking at them continuing with my innocent act.

Their face paled while little Tommy looked at them confused. Poor kid.

"W-wha- no no, we're not going to that store." Lio stuttered out.

"Especially not with our sisters." Luc said as all their faces turned bright red.

I and Aly shared a look.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Aly said crossing her arms.

"Uh, yes it is. Why can't you guys go alone?" Lio asked glaring at Aly who had a smirk on her face.

"Yes, you guys go to all the stores you'd like and meet us at the food court after. Lucy here's dad's card." Dami said handing me a gold card.

"I have my own." I said.

"Can I see it?" Dom said. I slowly nodded not knowing if I should give it to him or not.

I hesitated before pulling out my card and handed it to him.

"Now you don't. Use dad's." He said turning around with all the boys following him. They dragged Tommy with them too.

"Hey, you jerk give it back." I yelled catching attention of the people around us but the boys.

I awkwardly smiled at them then turned to Aly who was trying to stifle her laughter.

"Um." She got out before she doubled over laughing. I huffed.

"Sorry, but you look so cute." She said wiping away some tears.

"Let's just go." I said.

We started walking to Victoria's Secret and bought lingering and underwear, we then went to some other stores before heading to the food court to meet the boys.

We gave our bags to our guards, before heading to the food court on the look for the boys.

"There they are, let's go." Aly said dragging my arm to a table that the boys sat at.

"Sup guys." Aly said getting sup back before they scooted over to give us some space.

"We've already ordered for you guys." Luca mumbled quietly handing us our orders.

I noticed Luca doesn't talk as much as the other boys, he's usually quiet and only talks sometimes.

"Thanks." I and Aly said quickly before starting to eat our McDonald, hungry after the long shopping.

I think we went to all the stores here, which is a lot considering the mall was big with three floors and a bunch of stores.

We started chatting and eating our food while Tom was using Lio's phone.

After we finished we threw the trash and started heading to the cars with our guards following.

We got to the cars and drove off.

It's been three hours now, we went shopping for six hours. We left at 7 came there thirty minutes later then went on shopping. Now it's 17.30 dinners in an hour and half

I was in my room scrolling through TikTok bored.

I already unpacked my clothes that I bought and other clothes. I took a two hours nap and woke up just a few minutes ago.

I sigh deeply and groan. I hate the silence, it's killing me.

I stand up deciding to go downstairs to check if there is something to do since dad and my siblings went to some urgent meeting, Tom went out with his nanny to the park so I was all alone.

I walk down the stairs and look at the guards I learnt the names off after bugging them earlier.

"Hi Alexandro, hi Ambrose." I greeted waving at them.

"Hi Ms. Lucia." They replied giving me a small smile and a nod.

"What did I say about calling me that? I'm too young to be called formally guys and you're older than me." I said frowning at them and they chuckled.

"Sorry Ms Lucia." They said sheepishly with a grin. I sigh shaking my head.

I cracked their cold facades, now they smile but still are cold sometimes so that's a plus.

I may have spent an hour annoying them when dad and the others left. I might have been annoying but I could see they enjoyed it, the way they tried hiding their smiles. It's cute. I know I for sure made their day ten times better by seeing my face.

Keep convincing yourself, girl.

Shut it Eli.

I start heading to the kitchen to grab a drink feeling thirsty.

As I walk in, I bump into a hard wall making me stumble back and fall on my ass. Ow.

Huh? There wasn't a wall here earlier here.

I stand up rubbing my head and sore ass that will probably leave a bruise later, then I looked up to be met with a tall figure.

I stared at the guy confused on who he was and why he was here. He looked at me with the same confused eyes that had coldness and distance in them.

He was really tall like the same height as my triplets, about 6'3. Why are all this men so tall? What do they eat to make them so big?

He had dark yet warm brown coloured eyes you could get lost into that were really pretty and he had black gorgeous curls that made me real jealous. He had golden brown skin colour and was really attractive.

"Who are you?" We asked at the same time.

"I asked first." We said again simultaneously.

We stared at each other for a minute before we burst out laughing. I was surprised cause he looked like the type who's too cold to laugh.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen with him following behind me. I opened the fridge and took out a water bottle.

"Nothing really." He said sitting down at the barstool.

And just like that we started talking like we've known each other for years. It was like we weren't strangers who just met, and I got to know a lot about him.

We were at the garden just talking when all of a sudden reality hit me. I was supposed to have dinner with my family and family friends.

I took out my phone and check the time. 19.05. Shit. I quickly stood up catching the guys attention.

"Something wrong?" He asked with his deep husky voice.

"Sorry, I have to go I got somewhere to be." I said quickly. He checked his phone and his eyes flashed with panic.

"I gotta go too. We'll see another time, ya?" He asked and I smile giving him a nod.

We quickly separated ways on a hurry, I didn't know where he walked in through but I went through the kitchen door and ran out of the room running up to my room saying a quickly 'Hi and bye,' to Alex and Ross.

I was about to walk into my room when a voice stopped me.

"There you are where were you? The guests are here." Aly said walking towards me.

"Sorry, I forgot the time." I said.

"It's ok, hurry up though, you're dad and the others are waiting for you." She said before disappearing down the stairs.

I ran to my room and went straight to my closet to change.

I quickly changed my pyjamas I was wearing and put on a black oversized t-shirt and ripped jeans with white air force and golden necklaces.

I grab my phone and run out of the room checking the clock. 19.15.

I run down the stairs greeted the guards and ran to the dining table.

I stop on my tracks once seeing everyone's eyes on me.

"Hi, sorry I'm late." I said smiling and waving at them.

Dad smiled back nodding while Tessa or whatever her name is gave me a dirty look and Julia rolled her eyes.

"Hey dear come sit down, this is the Lombardi family. They are really close friends of us." Dad says.

I sit down and send the pretty lady with afro blonde hair and light brown skin and her husband who had dark brown skin and black curls.

There was also another guy who looked like a younger version of the man, maybe the same age as Nico. He looked a bit like the guy from earlier. Fuck, I didn't ask for his name or number.

There was also two other boys and a little girl who looked two, sitting in the hands of the lady. Probably their mother. She had green doe eyes that made her look adorable and light brown curls almost blonde.

The younger boy was seven and gave me a cheeky grin while the other one was fourteen but was really high for his age.

They all except, the three younger ones looked shocked at me. The woman looked Brazilian and the kids half Brazilian. Probably a family.

"Who's that?" The woman asked not turning her gaze from me staring at me completely shocked with a pale face just like the guys looked like yesterday.

"This is Lucia." Dad said making the woman gasp and tears gather in her eyes which was filled with disbelief along with other emotions same with the two men and the teen boy.

"I thought she died." She cried out. I furrowed my brows. Why does everyone think I was dead.

"Was I supposed to?" I asked confused.

"When you got into that car accident we all thought you died." Dad explained. Oh, so that explains it?

"Oh." I said.

We were cut out by someone walking in.

"Sorry I'm late." I heard a deep husky voice said. A familiar one.

I look to the door to be met with the guy from earlier.

We stared at each other surprised.

"What are you doing here?" We both said at the same time.

"You already met?" Aly asked.

"Yeah, we talked earlier." I said.

"So you guys have already introduced each other?" She asked.

That's when I realised we haven't told each other our names.

I turned to him and he was already looking at me we turned to Aly.

"No?" We said in unison.

Everyone looked at us with an odd look.

"You're telling me that you guys know each other but don't know each others names?" Lio asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"Pretty much." I said in unison both of us nodding.

"You just talk to strangers now?" Luc asked. We shrugged.

"Haven't y'all heard of stranger danger?" Dami exclaimed.

"Yes" I said slowly dragging it. No I haven't.

"You know what I don't understand these two." Dami said shaking his head in a disappointed way.

"It's a surprise that you have talk to a girl, Deo." Aly said making the guy, I think Deo his name is roll his eyes.

"Btw my name is Amadeo." He said.

"Lucia." I said giving him a smile. His face turned blank and his eyes held pain and other emotions but quickly disappeared as fast as it came.

Why did he look hurt all of a sudden?

He nods and went to sit besides the guy I thought look like him.

I took my drink up and took a sip.

"So if she's alive, who did we bury and held a funeral to." The man said confused.

I spat out my drink and started coughing. I was gasping for air.

"WHAT? You held a funeral for me?" I screamed in complete and utter disbelief.

Aly started laughing at me while Amadeo looked confused and the rest had mixed faces.

"Yes, we also had a funeral for you. We received a body that's why we thought you died." Nico said rubbing my back and hitting it softly trying to help me breath.

Once I stopped coughing and got air in my lungs I looked up.

"So what happened to my mom?" I asked making everyone tense up.

"We'll tell you that another time." Dad said gritting his teeth. I nod really wanting to know what happened to her, if John was lying about her death or not.

"So who is she?" Amadeo asked confused.

"Honey, she's your childhood best friend." His mom said.

Childhood best friend? Well that explains why I felt like we've known each other forever and I felt comfortable with him.

Now that I look closely at him he looks like the boy with me at the pictures hanging at the stairs.

Amadeo looked at her like she went mental. He then turned to me staring at me intensely

"What do you mean? Didn't Lucia die?" He asked you could see hurt and pain in his eyes but his voice was cold.

"Turns out she wasn't died, John had her all this time." Dad said making Amadeo turn to him shocked, pain as well as other mixed emotions in his eyes while his face was emotionless.

"You guys knew John?" I asked turning my to my family.

"You could say that." Nico said taking a sip of whiskey.

"Can I have that?" I asked politely pointing to the whiskey bottle besides him.

I was about to grab it when he quickly took it from me and put it away from my reach.

"No." Was all he said while I gasped looking at him like he even dared do that. He stared at me unamused.

I scoff crossing my arm and slumping back at my seat. Dad shook his head like he wasn't amused at all.

"Just like your brothers." He said chuckling and the older man chuckled with him.

"So what are your names?" I ask turning to them.

"My name is Emilio Lombardi, and this is my wife Belmira."

"I'm so glad to have you back dear, this house hasn't been the same without you." She said smiling widely and I smiled back.

"My name is André, I'm 23. Good to have you back piccolo fiore." The guy that looks like Amadeo said.

(Small flower)

"I'm Mateus I'm 14, I don't remember you but I've heard a lot about you." The teen said grinning goofily. I grin back. He looks so cute.

"I'm Massimo I'm 7, and you're pretty." He said making me chuckle.

"Thanks cutie." I said winking at him, his mom was laughing while his brothers and mine glared at him.

I then felt little hands hugging my leg and look down to see the little girl. She smiled shyly and blushed, I smiled back.

"And what's your name sweetie." I asked picking her up and setting her on my lap.

"I'm Mia." She said shyly.

"Aren't you cute, Mia?" I said cooing her squishing her soft chubby cheeks making her giggle.

"How old are you?" I ask turning her to look up at me.

"Two." She said holding up three fingers and frowned trying to put the extra finger down. But with no luck she frowns with frustration.

I chuckle softly at her and helped her to put the extra finger down. She gave me a big smile with her adorable eyes lightening.

I looked up and saw everyone staring at me in adoration. Everyone except my step mother and Julia who were both glaring and giving me dirty looks. What's their problem?

I looked around confused.

"Why are you guys staring at me like that?" I asked chuckling a bit confused.

"Your laugh is adorable." Lio said still in aw.

"Thanks?" I said.

"Here's your card, Lucia." Dom all of a sudden said handing me my card he took from me earlier. He had a smug look on his face.

Did he use my money?

"How do you have a black card?" Dad asked looking at me questioningly everyone turns to me and I saw the smirk on Dom's face.

So that was his plan. Shitface, he knew they were going to ask questions that's why he gave it to me at dinner were everyone were.

But I wasn't nervous at all. I'm an expert at lying because of me being an agent it's needed.

"You know how I'm an influencer?" I asked and my family nodded while the Lombardi's looked confused.

"Well influencers get paid for what they do." Then realisation hit them all making them say 'ahh' and nod slowly.

"You're an influencer?" Emilio asked. I nod.

"So where did you used to live dear?" Belmira said giving me a smile.

"Well, I didn't specifically live at a place more than a few months." I said. Just like that dinner was spent over them asking me questions about my old life.

We just finished dinner and all agreed to watch movies together tonight.

Actually, not all of us agreed, dad, Emilio, Nico and André were about to leave to do some boring work, but Belmira told them to 'get their ass ready for a movie night or else she'd beat them up black and blue'. Her words not mine.

The others and I laughed at them getting told what to do, and they looked annoyed probably because they aren't used to getting told what to do.

I'm in my closet putting on a white hoodie and black adidas shorts while Aly was laying on my bed, on her phone waiting for me

I got changed and walked out to my room. Aly looked up and gave me a smile and stood up.

"Let's go girly, the others are probably waiting for us." She said linking our arms together and dragging me out of my room.

We walked down the stairs and got to the living room while talking.

We were talking about random stuff and ended up talking about our favourite tea, when Massimo came up to us and we stopped looking at him.

"You want to know my favourite tea? I'm looking at her right now, shawtea." He said giving me a wink and smirk.

I was shocked but then bursted out laughed while my brothers and his brothers were glaring at him and Aly looked annoyed rolling her eyes at him.

"Massimo, this is a girls conversation." She said glaring at him.

"You're just sad that you're not as pretty as her and no one has told you that you're pretty." He said glaring back then sticking his tongue out.

Aly gasped. "Come here you little jerk." She growled running after a him while he was laughing and running away. I watched them amused.

They disappeared down one of the hallways I haven't been to yet. I haven't had a house tour yet.

"Come I'll show you the movie room Sorellina." Dami said grabbing my hand.

We started walking down the opposite side the two ran. We walked for a while and got to two big oak doors and stopped.

Dami pushed the doors open revealing a big movie room with a big tv and and arm chairs littering the room. There was a small kiosk at the left with snacks and drinks.

The grown ups were already there with Tom and Mia.

We walked to the back row. Immediately when Tommy saw me he came to me and sat down beside me grabbing my hand with a smile.

I saw Dami go to the kiosk while I and Tommy were talking.

Everyone else piled in, Aly and Mass still fighting, Luc talking with Lica about a new game that will come out. Lio, Amadeo and Mateus were talking about soccer, Dom just ignored them all and walked past them.

He walked in, hands in his pockets and sat down beside me not saying a word.

"Hey, I was going to sit beside Lucia." Dami whines coming towards us with snacks and drinks filled in his hands.

"To bad." Was all Dom said making Dami grumble curses under his breath.

"You can't steal our twin away from us Dom." Lio said glaring at Dom.

"Yeah, I want to sit with her." Luca said glaring at him too.

"Go sit somewhere else losers, cause I'm sitting with my sorellina." Luc said glaring at them all.

They then started arguing about who would sit with me. I just watched amused with my fratellini. (Little brother.)

"Go sit somewhere else, I'm already sitting." Dom says rolling his eyes.

They started cursing Dom but one glare from him shut them up. What are they scared about him for?

He looked down at me as I was staring at him, trying to figure out why they were scared at him.

Maybe it's his face that scares them, he does look ugly.

Bitch, he looks like us

No he doesn't

Yes, he does

No, he don't

Yes. He, does.

Ok, fine, chill. No need to get all worked up, girl.

He flicked my forehead making me narrow my eyes at him and flip him off with my middle finger.

He glares at me and slapped my finger away making me gasp loudly. How dare he?

"What movie do you guys want to watch, it needs to be child friendly." Belmira said looking back at us.

"No, I don't want to watch a baby movie." Massi complained crossing his arms from where he was sitting beside his mom.

"Yes, you will young man." His mom said giving him a look that said 'dare object and you'll see what's coming for you'.

He huffed rolling his eyes mumbling 'fuck this shit'

"Wanna repeat that?" His mom said glaring at him.

"Nothing mummy." He said smiling up at her innocently. She rolled her eyes at him shaking her head.

We chose a movie and the kids fell asleep so we decided to watch something else that wasn't boring.

They turned on Criminal minds and we all watched.

Half way through I struggled keeping my eyes open and tried not to fall asleep.

Dom noticed it and grabbed my head leaning it on his shoulder. All he said was "sleep."

And that's all it took for me to fall into a deep slumber.

6874 words

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