Sorry, I Love You ☾hanglix

By HopeFlowr

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Felix's life goal is to take on his father's farm and make sure his sisters marry well. He has no intention o... More



108 10 4
By HopeFlowr

Felix twirled a rose around in his hands with a gentle smile. Jisung had gone out of his way to pluck the thorns off of it. He'd caught Felix on the side of the road in town earlier that day and spared a moment to ask how his day was, hand him the flower, and then wish him the best afternoon before catching up with the men he was doing business with. He was quite the catch. All the ladies around seemed to be jealous of Felix because of it. Not that he minded.

He lifted the rose to his nose and inhaled the fresh floral scent. Jisung may be a fool but he had no lack of ambition and ideas. Felix could say that for certain. "Hyunjin wants the accents to be a lighter color. Pastels preferably. I don't know. I kind of want a forest green."

"Lord Hwang will end up doing whatever you want," Minho sighed. Felix snapped out of his daydream and looked up. Minho rolled his eyes at him and went back to kneading the dough on the countertop. "And I thought one lovesick man was enough to put up with."

"Well if you fell in love, we could all be lovesick together," Seungmin suggested with a grin as he examined his engagement ring.

"I've lived twenty-five years without someone, I'll live another five at the least before I even begin to think about sharing my house with somebody."

"You'll be jealous when Felix and I have husbands and you are all alone."

"Please, that'd be a blessing. You visit me almost every day. It's like babysitting without pay. I deserve pounds for the mental effort I put in to entertain you."

"Who knows, maybe I'll find myself back in Norbury at the end of the three months," Felix stated. Seungmin whipped his attention to him and glared.

"I forbid it! If you can't find that mystery man you better settle down with Lord Han so we can both be pretentious old men and criticize those London folk together."

Minho rose a brow. Felix set his rose down with a sigh and explained to Minho his dilemma. "Was he a nobleman?"

"He looked of a higher standard, I suppose. He cant be Jisung or Lord Hwang," Felix said.

Seungmin made a gagging motion. "Well, we know it isn't Sir Seo. That man is as romantic as a female prey mantis. That's to say, he'll devour every last part of your affection and kill the flame."

"He's not that bad," Minho argued.

Felix pursed his lips. "I've had the opportunity to meet him only once but I do sense he is somewhat of a rude man. Jisung seems to think him a prude."

Seungmin scoffed. "Prude is an understatement. I don't know how Hyunjin puts up with him."

"I get along fine with him," Minho told them with a light shrug.

"I suppose I should give him a second chance. He may have been having a rough day," Felix added.

Seungmin rolled his eyes and went back to caressing his ring. They spent another hour in Minho's bakery before heading back to Mister Bang's to help with Jeongin and Elizabeth. The next day when they came back they made brownies together. Seungmin because he wanted to show his husband-to-be a small act of affection, and Felix for two reasons. One, he wanted to give something to Jisung in thanks for the flowers, and two, he wanted to offer an apology and treaty to Sir Seo. He may have approached him on a bad day.

Luckily they knew the two would be at the Hwang estate thanks to Hyunjin and found themselves there after hours of baking. Hyunjin greeted them and grabbed onto Seungmin's hand instantly as if they'd not seen each other in a month. In reality, they'd just spoken the day before. Felix followed behind them with the woven basket full of brownies. They entered that same room with the piano by the window.

"Jisung, your Amoureux has arrived," Hyunjin said as they made their way inside.

Said man jolted his attention toward the door. That familiar smile saved only for Felix spread across his oddly numb features and he brushed his hair back. Felix glanced at Hyunjin with a tilt of his head for an explanation, but he only smirked and led Seungmin toward the couch where Sir Seo sat. He gave a light shake of his head with a chuckle and rose the basket in his hand.

"I've brought treats."

"I would have been happy with you alone," Jisung told him. He winked playfully as he stopped in front of him. "But I don't mind a dessert." He tried to sneak a hand in but Felix moved the basket behind his back with a teasing smile.

"You are sweet enough as it is. Do you need one?" Felix questioned. Jisung pouted as the younger nodded toward the couch. Jisung huffed in response and plopped down beside Sir Seo. Felix set the basket down, glancing at the man who had yet to speak a word. He cleared his throat.

Sir Seo lifted his gaze from the newspaper in his hands. They held annoyance inside of them and Felix felt himself grow nervous. "Sir, would you like the first one?"

The man looked at the basket very briefly. His nose wrinkled and he scoffed as if amused by the attempt to lighten him up. "I don't take bribes," he chided.

"It's more of a gift of greeting," Felix offered with a forced smile.

Sir Seo rolled his eyes and then fixed them back on the papers in his grasp. "I refuse your greeting. For all I know you are trying to poison me."

Jisung reached for the basket and flipped the top so he could grab a dessert. "More for me!"

Seungmin shook his head at Felix and the farmer used every ounce of his being not to retort the elder man. Poison? How dare he say such a thing? Felix would never hurt anyone let alone poison someone. He took a seat beside his friend and huffed. He should have trusted his first impression. That man was nothing but a fiend. Oh, he got on Felix's nerves.

What was his problem? All he had to do was accept the brownies. It's not like they had to be friends. It was the respectful thing to do. Felix stared at the man with a disapproving gaze. Seungmin had been right. He was nothing but a spoiled elitist with nothing better to do than read the paper and ruin another's mood.

Sir Seo lifted his eyes and locked his gaze with Felix's. They had a sharp appearance. One that forced Felix into submission. He bowed his head politely and turned his attention to Jisung who was happily snacking on the brownies they'd made. His cheeks puffed like a chipmunk and Felix found that his irritation slowly diminished with every passing second of their display.

"You made these?" the youngest Lord quizzed.

"Mostly Felix and Minho. I'm not too good at baked goods," Seungmin mumbled in disappointment.

Hyunjin slipped his arm through Seungmin's. "That's why we have maids, Mon chéri."

Seungmin deadpanned. "He keeps saying these French words I don't know. I've come to realize it is to make fun of my education."

"It means, my sweetheart," Jisung stated.

"You should come up with a nickname he can understand," Felix told his friend's fiance. Hyunjin pursed his lips and laid his head on Seungmin's shoulder with a whine.

"Meine Sonne und Stern," Sir Seo murmured. He folded his newspaper and sent Felix a condescending smirk.

"Do all superior men know foreign languages?" Seungmin questioned. "And what does that mean?"

Sir Seo stood up and tossed his newspaper into the table. "It's German," he informed. He reached for one of the brownies and sent a sarcastic smile to Felix. "It means to pick up a book."

He shot him a wink and then turned to make his way out of the room. Jisung called for him but he ignored him and fled from the area. Felix clenched his hands at his knees with an unwilling smile. "Felix, your ears are red."

"I assure you it's not a good sign," Felix spoke through gritted teeth. He turned his head to the side and exhaled in a shaky chuckle. His eyes closed as if it would have any help in calming him down.

"Just ignore him. He likes riling people up," Hyunjin said.

Felix rolled his shoulders back and pushed himself up. "I find myself in an unpleasant mood. I'll take a walk to calm down."

Jisung pursued him out the door and fell into step behind him without a second thought. Felix kept quiet for the most part. He didn't understand Sir Seo. Not one bit. Wolford was supposed to be a place of happiness and greeting. Even the man on the terrace wasn't so rude as to suspect one of poisoning another. His anger boiled in the pits of his stomach longer than he would have liked.

He'd never been so insulted before. Although he hadn't been around many people in his short lifetime, the ones he had been at least gave him a respectful answer. It was baffling that Sir Seo, a man of wealth and high class, would be the first to deny him of that. He had business to attend to. Surely he didn't have time to be making enemies. And yet he felt the need to make one of Felix, a farmer's boy no more worthy of a foe than poultry.

"Is he always like that?" Felix questioned Jisung.

The Lord took an energetic step forward a beat faster than their set pace and aligned himself with Felix's side. "Changbin's a rare type here in Wolford."

Felix rolled his eyes. How could someone be close enough to that annoying man that they should find themselves calling his forename? "As I've come to recognize."

Jisung's eyes peered curiously at Felix. "Does he bother you that much?"

"How could he not? Better yet, how do you and Lord Hwang not feel befuddled by him? Seungmin is the only other I've heard speak even the slightest bit about his rudeness," Felix huffed.

"We tend to ignore it. There's no point in being disturbed by it."

"Have any of you ever been mad?" It was as if everyone in Wolford was confined to two emotions. Love and happiness. No one but Seungmin and Sir Seo had shown anything but that. Even then, Seungmin was a smidgen under Minho. He was starting to feel out of place. Perhaps it was the fact that he was raised by his mothers nagging that he found himself at odds with his situation.

"What's there to be mad about?" Jisung gave a sweet smile. "We've got all we could need. I, for one, have a pretty man by my side and an estate as big as any man could want it. Not to mention my dog. Have you met Bbama?"

"I've not yet had the pleasure," Felix sighed. He gave Jisung a gentle smile. It was hard to be angry around him. He was a spoiled man. Wolford was a good place to live. There were a few outstanding doctors and so many things to do. Sorrow wasn't completely avoidable, and Felix knew that the people of the town weren't emotionless. It was just that his own emotions were heightened. He had a foul temper.

"You should bring yourself to my estate in the next week. I'm sure he'd be glad to meet you. He's a hyper lad. My best friend."

Jisung spoke of his pet with a glimmer in his eyes. "I've only ever had my horse to keep me company," Felix told him in return.

"Horses." Jisung shivered slightly. "Interesting creatures."

Felix laughed at his reaction. "Are you afraid of them?" he asked.

Jisung gave a reluctant glance. "I do not wish to lie to you. That would be ungentlemanly of me. Should we keep it a secret?" Felix's hand formed into a fist and he stuck out his pinky for the other. Jisung stared at it in confusion as they came to a halt. "What is that?"

Felix grabbed his hand with a chuckle and forced his pinky away from his palm. He locked their fingers and smiled brightly. "A handshake for securing secrets. My sisters and I do this when we make promises."

Jisung grinned and tightened his hold a little. "I fear I may continue to make useless promises, Felix."

"And why's that?" the younger quizzed.

Jisung rose their hands and fixed them so he could hold all of Felix's fingers. His usual smile fell and replaced itself with an attractive smirk. He placed his lips on the back of Felix's hand in a gentle kiss. "Simply because I find myself unable to resist your touch."

Felix covered his smile and bit back a flustered laugh. Jisung was perfect. They continued their walk for a short while longer until Jisumg had to head back to the estate to say goodbye to Hyunjin. Some business matters awaited him and even though he wanted to stay he couldn't. At least Felix could trust him to make smart business decisions. The thought made him snicker as he greeted the horses.

That glee soon disappeared as he noticed Sir Seo approaching with a black mare beside him. The black color was particularly fitting to his emotionless expression. Felix's smile melted off his face and he tried to busy himself with one of the other horses. It was difficult, as Sir Seo was moving around, taking off the leather saddle from the horse he had taken for a ride. Felix's eyes trained themselves on the man's every movement unconsciously.

His flexed arms were somewhat of a distraction. It was a shame such a good-looking man was so rude. "No matter how long you stare at me and curse me in your mind, the result will not be an apology, Mister Lee." Sir Seo outstretched his hand for the black horse he had led into its stall. The animal took the treat in his palm and crunched on it.

He wouldn't even give Felix his gaze. "No, I believe the world may end before you find yourself apologizing to the likes of me."

"It's good that you know," he stated.

His nonchalant posture and tone aroused another fit of anger in Felix. "Sir, have I done something to upset you? I have thought about it and I cannot seem to find a reason for you to loathe me so."

The man finally relinquished his gaze from the horse he rode and set it on Felix. "I have no distinct feelings about you, Mister Lee. You are the same as everyone else in the world."

"And yet you seem to treat me with the least respect out of them all," Felix argued.

"Is there something I should respect you for?" Sir Seo challenged. He scoffed. "You hold no value to me any more than the cattle on my land. Unless you have something to offer me, I'll treat you as such."

Felix clenched his fists. "You think humans are valueless if they do not bring you something of worth?"

"I do and I've yet to be proven wrong."

"That's absurd!" Felix snapped.

Sir Seo shot him a glare. "Is it?" he asked. "If I give you nothing, will you stand by my side regardless? That's a childish thought. If I do not hold at least one thing that is of use to you, I am as disposable as a ripped rag."

"Everyone has at least one thing to offer another."

Sir Seo moved his eyes back to the horse he was petting the face of. "And that would be? I hope you won't say kindness. That is already a lost cause. Now if you speak of my fortune you wouldn't be lying. Quite unremarkable of a selection but I suppose I can't ask much of a farmer's boy."

"How am I to pick a quality I find valuable if I have not been granted the right to see any?"

"Exactly my point. If I find something I see worthy of my attention, you'll know it."

Why was he so complicated? "I apologize but when you come to realize my perks I will turn you away," Felix stated sternly.

"Don't pray for it," the man said. A thick tension set in. Felix was fuming. He had never been so angry in his twenty-one years of life. Even the wolves weren't as frustrating as Sir Seo Changbin. "You seem antsy, Mister Lee. Are you too proud to walk away first?"

"I could very well ask you the same."

"I've no reason to depart from this situation. You are the one riled. It is no one's fault but your own if you are influenced by my brash tone," Sir Seo let out.

"So you know yourself to be quite unbearable," Felix shot back.

"I make an extreme effort to deter those with weak mindsets. If one cannot handle me at my worst how should I expect them to have my best? Trust me, there are far worse men than I, Mister Lee."

"That doesn't make you any less annoying, Changbin."

"How cordial of you," the mentioned sassed. "You are a very petty person, Lee Felix. I assure you the use of my given name does not affect me in the slightest."

Felix turned with a low growl. "Good day," he seethed through gritted teeth. Changbin gave an expected smirk and let him leave without a goodbye. It fueled Felix's anger even more.

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