The mind can forget... but th...

By Soxeschmaid

2.1K 74 2

When the pain of loss is so deep that forgetting is the only way. Bunny is trapped in a profound abyss of des... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Kapitel 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 40

30 0 0
By Soxeschmaid

Mamoru noticed Seiya darting past him in his peripheral vision, followed by Angel throwing two knives in his direction. Mamoru hesitated for a moment, and Angel nodded, then sprinted towards him. As Angel ran, Mamoru caught her gaze, and she nodded in acknowledgment. They were a well-coordinated team, and time hadn't changed that. With swift steps, he followed Seiya, knowing exactly what Angel meant. They had worked together for too long for their understanding to waver.

Shin's teams in the grand hall were nearly eliminated. Angel and her team would take care of the remaining ones. Mamoru's priority was to get Seiya and Bunny out of there. Afterward, he would put an end to Shin and Shiori. Just as Mamoru glanced around the corner, he spotted two men standing near a door. One of them had his weapon aimed at Seiya. In a quick motion, Mamoru gave Seiya a firm push, causing him to fall to the ground. At the same instant, Mamoru fired back, and the attacker fell. A sharp burning sensation spread across Mamoru's upper arm. A quick glance relieved him—it was just a graze. The second man turned, but before he could comprehend the situation, Mamoru fired again.

"Get up and keep searching!" Mamoru roared as he caught Seiya's gaze. Since he couldn't identify any more of Shin's men around, he rushed back to the main hall. Angel approached him; sweat dripped down her forehead, indicating she had taken her fair share of hits too. "The hall is mostly clear. I just haven't found that bastard and his sister yet."

Out of frustration, Mamoru kicked one of the pillars. "Keep searching. He has to be somewhere here."

"All clear, the Bunny is in the burrow. I repeat, the Bunny is in the burrow," Saphir's voice echoed through Mamoru's earpiece. In that moment, a huge weight was lifted from his chest. How had that wannabe singer managed to get them out of here? Were there more exits than what was marked on the map?

"I want everyone available to hunt down Shin immediately. Injured personnel to the quarters, Celeste has set up a medical station. I'll be there soon. The rest of you, keep moving! No breaks until he's caught!" Mamoru yelled. Angel placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Stay calm, Chiba. We're on his tail. Take a breather and tend to your shoulder; you're bleeding."

Seiya sat in the waiting room of the emergency room with his brothers. It had been a while since they arrived, and there was still no news about Bunny's condition. The waiting was driving him crazy. Taiki had been on the phone with Amy, updating her on the situation. Yaten sat beside Seiya, nervously picking at his nails. Seiya stared blankly at a spot on the wall, feeling paralyzed. The image of Bunny, helpless and battered on the ground, was still vivid in his mind. Her tender face had been swollen and bruised. Her clothes were stained with blood. She looked utterly devastated. Uncontrollable tears streamed down Seiya's face. He couldn't protect her; that thought echoed over and over in his mind.

Finally, a nurse entered the waiting room. "Family members of Ms. Tsukino?" Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki all lifted their heads simultaneously. "Yes," Seiya jumped up, and Taiki quickly intervened, "My brother is Ms. Tsukino's fiancé." Yaten frowned in confusion, receiving a kick from Taiki in response. The nurse scrutinized the three of them skeptically. "Then you can go to consultation room Four for a discussion with the doctor. The doctor will be there shortly." As soon as they were alone, Yaten complained, "Ouch, Taiki, that hurt. And by the way, since when are they engaged?" "Only family members are allowed to get information, now be quiet before you accidentally spill the beans."

Seiya hadn't really processed everything. Like a puppet, he walked towards Room Four, accompanied by an uneasy, dull feeling. Taiki and Yaten hurried after him. A short, stout doctor with glasses burst into the room. "So, you're connected to Ms. Tsukino. Can you tell me how these injuries occurred? I mean, there are quite a few, and not many of them are severe." The doctor paused briefly. Tears welled up in Seiya's eyes once again, and he shook his head. "What's wrong with her?" he croaked hoarsely. "Better ask what's not wrong with her. Alright, let's start from the top. Ms. Tsukino has a mild brain hemorrhage, a left cheekbone fracture, as well as several rib fractures that have affected her lungs. She has a femur fracture, and her spleen is significantly swollen, on the verge of rupturing. She suffered significant blood loss. We've already administered five blood transfusions just to keep her somewhat stable. She's in emergency surgery now. I'm sorry, but that's all I can tell you at the moment, and her condition is critical."

Seiya couldn't believe what he had just heard. His hands began to tremble, and he collapsed onto a nearby chair. Taiki and Yaten stood by his side, attempting to console him, but it was futile. Only now did Seiya realize how deeply he loved Bunny. It felt as though the air had been sucked out of his lungs. He felt trapped in a cruel nightmare. Suddenly, he jumped up.

"I need to call her parents. They need to know she's here," he stammered and rushed outside. His brothers followed him. Seiya sat on a small bench outside the hospital, struggling with trembling hands to retrieve his phone from his pocket. Taiki gently took the phone from his hand. "I think it's better if I handle this," he said softly, and Seiya nodded. "Tsukino," Ikuko answered cheerfully on the phone. "Hello, Mrs. Tsukino. This is Taiki Kou; I'm a classmate of your daughter Bunny's." He paused for a moment, trying to find the right words. "What's happened to her? She hasn't come home all day," concern laced her voice. She already suspected that something had happened. "Mrs. Tsukino, Bunny was in a serious accident. She's at the Metropolitan Medical Center undergoing emergency surgery." Taiki heard the phone drop to the ground. He hung up and handed Seiya his phone back. They sat there in silence for a while, enveloped by darkness. Ikuko and Kenji had already passed them by.

"Seiya, should we go home?" Yaten eventually broke the silence. Seiya absentmindedly shook his head. "You guys can go. But I won't leave her alone again." With those words, Seiya got up. "It's really alright. Head home. I'm going to check on her parents now; maybe there's some news." Yaten and Taiki exchanged worried glances, but Seiya was already heading back to the hospital, paying no attention to his brothers.

Ikuko and Kenji were sitting in the waiting room. Ikuko's eyes were red from crying. Seiya observed them briefly from the door, then gathered his courage and approached them. He stood directly in front of them and cleared his throat. "Mr. and Mrs. Tsukino, I'm Seiya. Is there any news about Bunny?" Kenji raised his gaze, briefly examining Seiya before standing up and extending his hand.

 "You must be the young man who found her, right? I want to thank you for that." 

"You don't have to thank me. Your daughter is the most important thing in my life. I don't know what I'll do if..." Seiya couldn't finish the sentence.

 Ikuko burst into loud sobs as he stumbled. Kenji continued to regard the young man skeptically. "Are you her boyfriend?"

 Seiya nodded. "I had hoped to meet you under different circumstances." 

"What about that doctor?" Kenji asked dryly. Seiya shrugged. He'd rather not say anything wrong. Ikuko wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand and blinked through her tear-soaked vision. Only now did she truly notice Seiya. Then, she did something that nobody had expected. She jumped up and pulled Seiya into a tight embrace. "Thank you. You've brought her laughter back and pulled her out of that pit. Thank you for saving her again today. You can't imagine how grateful I am to you," she sobbed into his ear.

Mamoru had arrived at Celeste's improvised medical station and was tending to the wounded there. Fortunately, they hadn't suffered too many losses, but many had sustained broken bones, cuts, and gunshot wounds. Mamoru was still highly tense, but he tried to focus on his work. As he was stitching up a wound, Celeste entered the room behind him. Just from her footsteps, Mamoru recognized who it was without turning around. 

"Did you get him?" he whispered over his shoulder. 

"Not yet, but there aren't many places left for him to hide. I hope we'll have him in a few hours. Do you need help?""No. Let me handle this alone, it distracts me. But please find Seiya's number. I need to know how Bunny is." 

"I don't need to find it; we already have it. Since I anticipated this, I brought it for you." She held out a small piece of paper. He quickly removed his gloves. "Sterilize the wound, cover it, and apply a bandage. You should be able to manage that. I'll be right back." Nervously, he dialed the number on his phone.

 "Who's there?" Seiya asked after several rings. 

"It's me. How is she?" Mamoru asked, deeply concerned. 

"I don't see why that's any of your business. After all, it's all your fault. If she dies, it's your fault, got it!" Seiya yelled at him. 

Mamoru's throat tightened. What had he just said? He heard the words, but their meaning felt surreal. He felt his heart grow heavier; he hadn't wanted any of this.He took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice steady. "Seiya, I understand you're angry. But—""No 'buts'! Just leave her alone! Leave all of us alone! It's all your fault!" Seiya interrupted him, then ended the call. Mamoru gripped his phone tighter and then angrily threw it against the wall. 

"Mamo, was that necessary? The phone didn't do anything to you," Celeste tried to calm him."Yes! Once we find Shin, I'm going to kill him for what he did to her," Mamoru growled. His plan was set, first he would finish off Shin once and for all, then he would take care of Bunny. He didn't care what Seiya said. Bunny was his top priority.

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