Forbidden Princess

By PoojaBagchi

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By PoojaBagchi

Nandini's POV

Keeping our holy gods and the sacred fire as the witnesses our pure bond of marriage, Siddharth and I, were pronounced husband and wife by our royal priest. This auspicious ceremony of our wedding was held in early evening, in front of thousands of people. I couldn't really see much as my face was cover for the while time since the morning but it was good for me in a way, as I didn't had to control my broad smile all the time.

After the whole tiresome ceremony of marriage, Dhai ma was thoughtful enough about taking me upstairs in my husband's room, which is also my room from now. I was made to sit in the center of Siddharth's huge bed while being surrounded by the army of lady guests and maids. They were all giggling and talking amongst each other non-stop. I never knew that females have such ability to talk all the time. I did like talking and didn't wanted to think like that, but I just wanted to be a little alone for some while, but I suppose it was not quite far possible, at least today.

I was just thinking about it when suddenly Dhai ma asked Ushaji to remove most of the heavy bridal fineries I was wearing.

Ushaji went a little confused about it and asked politely
"Madame are you sure?? Because according to the norms, when the groom unveils his bride, isn't he is suppose to find her properly dressed including all her jewelries ??"

"Yes yes, I know that Usha, but Our king has waited too long to be alone with his wife. Let's not make it difficult for him by over-dressing his queen." Said Dhai ma eyeing Ushaji mischievously.

Reading the hint from Dhai ma, Ushaji exclaimed getting her mysterious point and giggled along with her.
"Oh !!! Ofcourse, Madame."

"Don't you understand ?" I heard Dhai ma whisper to Ushaji "the more jewelry worn, the more delay it will be for him to start. You know what I meaning, right !!??" Dhai ma said and again exchanged a giggle with Ushaji.

Hearing this I felt blood gushing to my cheeks and ears. Suddenly I was filled with anxiety and fear about whatever they were implying to say. Ushaji and Dhai ma wasn't even finished when another elderly lady said remembering how painful it was for her in her first night, and how she got pregnant in the very first go. And being an old woman she was quite elaborate about her details, which sounded pretty terrifying to me.

I started breathing hard, clutching my hands tight hearing all this and thinking about me being alone with Siddharth as his wife. I was silent but there was a set of raging tornadoes swirling inside my chest, wondering about my first night anxiety.

There was no doubt that I always felt safe and protected around Siddharth Veer, but after listening to the brand new details given by that old woman, the core of my heart started to tremble.

Ushaji noticed me and my worrisome face. She understood the possible thoughts in my head as a new bride, so she tactfully diverted the topic to something else so that current topic doesn't bother me anymore. That was indeed very thoughtful of her, but little did she knew, that the fear was already implanted in back of my mind, and nothing could be done to put me in ease now.

I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably when four maids came and already started to remove my jewelries all around my body, leaving some on my neck, nose, hands and ankles. Soon one by one, majority were lifted out from my body, and I felt it easy to breathe without much weight of those ornaments on my chest. On one hand I was glad that they were removed, and on the other hand, my heart sunk thinking that the only shield - which were these too many ornamentsm of mine, were gone which was the only thing could have kept Siddharth away from me.

I didn't even realize that the time flew by, when a maid rushed in, announcing the arrival of the king. Hearing the same Ushaji quickly covered my face with the veil while other few maids hurriedly started to set things around like they were never touched before. While it was done, the entire crowd of the ladies present inside the room started to leave quickly in a queue. Soon Ushaji and these maids too left along with the trailing out queue, leaving me behind alone and the room.

My heart raced in panic so fast as if it would just come out of my mouth. I knew Siddharth will be inside any minute and I felt like I was about to get caught. And so, without giving much thought to anything, I just ran to the nearby pillar and hid myself behind.


Siddharth's POV

Finally !! what I had alway dreamt of was at last was done. 'The most memorable' event of my life took place today which I have never imagined of coming true. From now onward Nandini is mine for eternity, and is the one who has not only become my consort, but also the queen of this kingdom. Today, In the end, I finally got the love of my life by my side as my better half, and now no one can separate her from me. And this is the beautiful woman who will be in front of my eyes, forever.

It was a long day since morning with all our marital customs and traditions. I was left surprised about Dhai Ma, who at in this age also, was all energetic and enthusiastic to carry on both bride's and groom's preparations; Ofcourse, with the help of lots of others maid's and servant's assistance. While Ushaji being much closer to Nandini in her tough times, had gladly taken charge of taking care of the 'would be' bride's preparations like her own mother.

Once done with some short pre-wedding rituals of morning, I wanted to lend my helping hand for supervising the task, but my ministers and subordinates didn't allow me to do any. I also insisted on helping Dhai ma for the same to which in return she kept pulling my leg and suggested me to take rest, and save the energy for night. And good god !, she had to say that in front of the female crowd of this palace, who almost died giggling, covering their mouths while I died of embracment, somehow fleeing away from them.

Since it's my first night, I'm overwhelmed and over loaded with my nervousness, which is by the way at it's peak. After chopping the head of my hasitation and awkwardness, I some how managed to ask some safe advice regarding my first night from Chandrabhan, who is one of my minsters and is like a brother to me. He happened to give me some in an indirect speech, which - by the way, went over my head as he was too quite hesitant to talk about the same.

I have right now set my course towards my room where my beautiful bride awaits, while my heart is holding a storm inside to unveil and see her face after the whole day.

As soon as I almost reached by the entrance of my room, the maids who were inside, accompanying their queen, started to hustle out with their bowed heads as quickly as possible, the moment they heard about my arrival.

One by one each and everyone made their way out turning the crowded room into an absolutely an empty one. But ...... the room looked extra empty as there was no presence of the most expected person in this room, and that was my wife. Being confused, I slowly stepped inside my room while my orbs scrolled from left to right of the room, in search of my better half. I noticed a moderate pile of jewelry in an partially open jewelry box and my heavily decorated vacant bed, which had a sign that someone was just seated there a few moments ago. I was just inspecting the small section of the ruffled bed cover, when I heard a jingle coming from my right catching my attention, making me look at the source from where it was coming from.

The sound came from behind the thick tied up curtains beside a pillar. Nothing could be seen but when my eyes shifted down, I spotted an extension of a red fabric, and the corner of my lips curved up giving a sly smile. How can I not recognize this fabric which was the only thing I saw in the entire wedding ceremony today.

I sneakily closed by and slowly picked up the corner of her veil and at once, taking a one long step, I stood right before the one who was hiding behind the pillar. She had her face covered with the same fabric. The moment she spotted me through the thin fabric of her veil, Nandini yelped in fear and made a run away from me. But as the corner of the cloth was still held by my hand firmly, it got pulled from her head the moment she stepped away, falling down on the floor.

Feeling the cloth slipping away and falling down from her head, Nandini sharply turned back in panic, fanning her long revan hair in the motion only to meet her grey eyes with mine.

Am I in a dream, or in reality ?? I thought looking at Nandini without a blink. Even though it was happening fast but for me, this entire thing just moved in a slow motion

The owner of such radiating beauty was standing a few feet away from me. This was the the moment when I was left confused whether I was dreaming or not.

It was almost the same scene from the dream I once had, where Nandini wore a red breast cover and a similar colored bridal wear, with her hair running loose just like now. But , only one thing confirmed this situation to be real, and that was the absolute red sindoor (vermilion) streamed right on the middle partition of her hair. That's when I realized that it wasn't any dream of mine, but was just a deja vu I was having.

Due to her veil got pulled down, which was also covering her torso, reminded me of her wet situation from the pool incident. I noticed she was released from the heavy weight of her bridal jewelries, and was only left with her big nose ring whose pearls touched her lower lip and the a string like chain connecting to that ring ended somewhere hooked onto her hair, and a gold necklaces and a mangal sutra (marriage string) around her neck. It was just flick of a second when she turned to face me and again she ran away, disappearing from my site.

During that flash of a moment, I gazed at her from top to bottom, taking in the view of her body, but before I could satisfy my eyes, she again ran away like a shy peacock.

"Nandini - wait !!" I called and chased hustling for her but she again successfully hid herself behind some pillar, which were many all around this vast room.

I couldn't understand why was she running away from me, but than I realized that she too might be hell nervous, just like me. I called her again tried to search her while talking and convincing her to come out from her hide. But there was no reply then suddenly my eyes fell on a slightly moving curtain.

I cautiously reached for her but she again smartly slipped away like a fish, and here I started to loose my patience already. I just decided to put this chase to rest for once and for all. And to do so, I pretended to sound annoyed and declared my departure from here and acted as if striding out of the room. But in reality I had some other plan, I too quickly hid myself and waited for Nandini to come out. And just like I thought the same thing happened. Nandini abruptly came from her hiding and hustled her way towards the door assuming I was gone, while requesting me to stop. But little did she knew where actually I was. And the moment when she was almost about to reach by the door, I silently stopped behind her and asked leaning a bit toward her back.
" Are you calling me ? "

Hearing my voice, Nandini gasped aloud once again sharply turning to face me. And just like before, she again attempted to run away, but before she could, I snaked my arm around her waist in a flashlight second, bringing her closer to me until the skins of our abdomen collided.

Nandini looked shyly at me while my eyes bored into the depth of her grey orbs. Her hands rested on my shoulders absentmindedly during that action, while our eyes build a bridge connecting us. A hint of hasitation and nervousness worked on her face, but however, like me she too wasn't able to break the spell between us.

Other than her mesmerizing eyes there was something else which always pulled my attention to, and that was her full redish lips, which was nothing less than a rose petal. My orbs couldn't hold itself from dropping down to gaze at it. I slowly lifted my hand, bringing it to her lower lip and gently stroking with my thumb, while she silently stared at me. I lost all the power which was holding me back and leaned to meet our lips. But when I leaned getting closer to her, I sensed Nandini also leaning on her back, creating a distance between. And one point came when she couldn't lean anymore on her back, which further let my lips to get even more closer to her's. And when I was just about to kiss her gently while closing my eyes.

Nandini squeaked,
"I'm scared." making my lips halt hovering over her lips. Hearing this I quickly opened my eyes, shifting my head back and asked looking at her.
" Why ??"

"Err..... Because this is not right. What if something bad happens?? What will people say?? what if..... what if.....I get pregnant ??!!" She asked in one breath sounding worried and panic.

" Pregnant ?" I repeated calmly raising my brows " - Wellll...... I don't think that should be a problem than."

"How ??" She ask with her furrowed brows looking confused.

"Because we are married now, and married women can get pregnant. " I Cleared her confusion, still hanging in a half way to kiss.

"Oh !! yes, right." She replied blinking as if she just remembered our relation, but than she suddenly yelled out if nowhere.

"Oh !! - See, how silly I am." She chuckled nervously "I forgot something very important. This whole day I didn't had a time to check up on Lichi." she spoke fast

"Lichi ? Who's Lichi now??" I asked puzzled.

"Lichi !, the rabbit you had ask me to take care of." She reminded me and started blabbing again in one breath. "You know what, I'll just gonna go and quickly check if- if he's doing well, or have some food around or not. By morning he willl really get very hungry and it's a biggest sin to keep anyone starving. So, if you please release me then I'll be able to ---"
But before she could go on, I replied abruptly cutting her in the middle, as I clearly understood what she was trying to do.


" No ?" She asked in her low voice sounding panicked while looking tensed.

"Never," I said firmly while a shot of heat raised within me. "because now you're mine." Saying this I crashed my lips to hers without thinking much and the room fell silent. Like her it was all new for me too, but I knew one thing that this not the time to be hesitant, but to make my first bold move to claim my wife.

I tenderly kissed the skin of her soft lips, controlling my inner storm to gush out on her, all at once. At first I felt Nandini got stiffened with my move but gradually the press of her hands on my shoulders lighten up while she slowly loosened herself inside my hold. I brought my right hand up from her upper back to place it on her cheek, deepening our kiss. As my kiss intensified I felt heat streaming down my tummy getting me hard.

I pulled my lips for now and lifted up my wife in my arms and moved towards my huge beautifully decorated bed, while again kissing her on the move. Her lips was like a insatiable honey which I just couldn't keep myself away from tasting it. I was at peace to find Nandini's acceptance to my touch as this was a part which I was sort of nervous for.

Still kissing, I lightly placed her on the bed and sat hovering over her. I breathed hard unable to keep any leash on my emotions while I felt Nandini's hands moving all over my back. I shifted my lips to kiss the nape of her neck, and the moment my lips touch her skin, her head fell back giving me more access to it. I than started to drag it towards her collar bone, until I reached her cleavage. I stopped there being unsure about going farther. I looked up at Nandini to check if she was okay so far, but when I saw her eyes calmly closed, I understood she wasn't uncomfortable about it anymore, but was rather wanting more.

Going ahead I dug my fingers inside the fabric which covered her breasts and slid it down, only to further go insane. Her soft breasts were released from their cover, which were now left all bare and open before me. I didn't know whether to stare at them or devour it right away.

Breathing hard, I slowly licked the tip and played with it with my tongue. I heard her moan when I gradually sucked up her right breast. I could feel her nipples hardened as she whimpered beneath me, while her hands held my head gently with pleasure. I changed my target to her other breast, which was too waiting for my attention. While playing and sucking with her tender breasts, my hand slowly travelled to her lower waist and slipped under her dhoti.

Reaching down to the intended place, I smiled while my tongue was busy licking her up as I just got to know that she was all wet for me. With the help of my fingers I lightly stroked in making my way inside it. Feeling my fingers exactly where it could provoke her more, she released a long moan. I did not wish to play much, as I just wanted to end our sexual agony as soon as possible.

I quickly untucked and removed her dhoti off her hips and hurriedly released my long erect shaft out, and gently moved its way inside her.

Feeling it entering into her soft flesh, Nandini embraced me tight due to the pain while raising herself a bit from the bed. She cried taking in the pain while I slowly further forced it in a little more inside of her making her whimper out of pain. I knew that she is a virgin, but it was also a first time for me too as this was the first time ever in my life I was making love to someone. A someone who is just not any girl but a love of my life, and now my wife. I pulled it a little out the mid-way and again gently thursted it nice and slow, making sure that I don't kill her out of pain.

I reapted the process again and again by just keeping the pace slow, as I too wanted to live this moment of utter happiness and pleasure of my life, even when my sexual needs screamed to bang her core with full force and as fast as possible.

Slowly she too started to loosen herself by the wave created by me, and that's when I understood that this was the time when she is ready to bare my hit. And by that I now increased my pace and heard her continuous moans and whimpers which were adding on to my pleasure. I moved it in and out with a little force than earlier. She too, widened her legs letting me deep inside her to force more. I felt Nandini's nails dug on my back while her sweet painful moans played into my ears like a sweet music. The pace was in full motion where both of us just concentrated for our respective releases.

And with that, the fast pace now turned out to be more vigorous. Both of us held each other dearly to reach the goal of satisfaction and finally, our struggles to taste the nectar of our sexual desire came to an end, making us hold each as we went still while it got released.
Nandini shuddered under me while sucking up long breaths, just like the way she did when she woke up in the pool. I stayed upon her for a moment while catching my breath and looking into each other's eyes, when we chuckled together feeling the joy of our little victory of orgasm. I shifted down to lay next to her, interweaving my body with hers. I didn't thought of Nandini snuggling herself even more closer to me, resting her head on my bicep, but this made my lips curve with a strange joy. It was a hint through her gestures that she had really accepted our bond wholeheartedly.

After driven by this strong wave of our first night's, passionate sexual encounter, I laid next to her, while catching my breath. Whatever just happened between us was just beyond beautiful and absolutely sacred and precious for me. Laying on my back, I had my eyes set up at the ceiling of the room and spoke to Nandini talking about how wonderful this experience was for me, and how much I always imagined this very moments with her in my thoughts. Than I asked her to know about her's, but when I turned my head to look at her, I found her already fast asleep, with her arm loosely resting on my waist. I stayed looking at her innocently, gorgeous face for a few moments, and couldn't help myself from planting a quick kiss on her lips, and falling back to sleep again.

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