The Love Between Art and Water

Par God_of_Chaos132

1K 35 22

Puritas aquarum amor --- Love the purities of Waters, A man, a sailor, and an explorer, has a fateful meetin... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors Note

Chapter 3

73 4 4
Par God_of_Chaos132

We pick up where we left off, with Raya, Sisu, Boun, and the mysterious ancient man reaching Talon.


Talon is a bustling port city built almost entirely on the water. Protected from Druun by a tall stone wall on one end, and water on the other. Talon is one of the few towns left in the land.

SISU : "Wow!" Sisu admires the bright lights.

SISU : "What a smart way to druun proof your house! Just build right on the water. The people of Talon are geniuses"

RAYA : "Yeah, Talon may look nice..... but it's a hotspot for pickpockets and con artists"

SISU : "Lucky for me, empty pockets!"

RAYA : "Okay?... so here's the good news... I know where the gem piece is. The bad news...... it's being held by the notorious Chief of Talon, Dang Hai. What Dang Hai lacks in style, he makes up in mean"

SISU : "Gotcha. Now we're just gonna have to turn up the charm to the max. Let's go get him a gift!!"

Raya puts a hand on Sisu's shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.

RAYA : "Sisu, I think maybe it's safer for you to stay here on the boat"

SISU : "What?" She says confused

A pair of crimson eyes watches their exchange.

RAYA : "Without you, we can't put the gem back together"

SISU : "But I want to help!?"

RAYA : "I know, and you will. By staying safe"

A third voice speaks up.

???? : "You won't be able to save anyone, Raya... If you don't trust anyone.... Especially Sisu, if she's as important as you say......" He said quietly from his cover.

Raya thinks over what he said but decides to ignore him... He can only hope that she listens.

RAYA : "I'll be back before you know it, Sisu"

Sisu sits down, frustrated, as Boun ties off the boat.

BOUN : "If you see any hungry faces, send 'em my way" He says with a smile

RAYA : "You got it, Captain!"

She heads down the dock and into the town. Endless varieties of delicious foods were being cooked, money exchanging hands, bright signs advertising wares, and bright paper lanterns strung up across the market. Three ongis pop up from behind a merchant stand and watch Raya and Tuk-Tuk pass by. They deviously smile at one another....... . . . .

RAYA : "Alright, there's Dang Hai's house. No detours until we score that dragon gem"

Raya's eyes are focused on the top of the Talon Chief's home. However, she hears a baby crying. Raya turns and sees..... . .

RAYA : "Whoa, what in the??"

A lone baby sobbing in the middle of an alleyway. Raya looks up at the temple, she's tempted to keep going, but her human decency gets the best of her.

Shenanigans Ensue.....


Sisu is still perched on the side of Boun's boat, thinking.

SISU : "This is giving me bad feels. Chief Dang Hai does not sound like someone you can smooth talk..... Raya didn't even bring a gift"

SISU : "That's it. I'm going shopping!" Sisu starts marching off, then stops.

SISU : "Oh wait..... I don't have any money...."

BOUN : "You're an adult. You could just put it on credit!"

SISU : "Oooo, what's credit?

BOUN : "It's kinda like a promise. You take what you want now and you promise you'll pay it back later"

SISU : "Pay it back later... What an amazing concept! Thanks, Captain Boun!"

Movement catches their attention, as the tall mysterious man stands up, walking over to her.

???? : "I will be coming with you, If that's alright Sisu.... I would love to help you search for a gift"

A big smile lit up Sisu's face.

SISU : "Awesome man! Sure, let's go!"

They both walk off the ship and down the dock, heading into the bustling town.

SISU : "I'm glad you agree with me! Getting a gift for the Talon Chief is a good idea"

???? : "Yes... It's a shame that people don't see the wisdom in it.... But, as an old saying goes, you could spend a thousand years describing a mountain of gold to someone, but they won't believe it until they see it... It's how humans work..."

SISU : "Yeah, I think humans are a bit strange!"

He stares at her in silence, trying to hold in a laugh and pulling his best poker face. She realizes her mistake.

SISU : "I mean, I'm a human too, of course!!" She tries to cover up

He chuckles at her antics and rubs her head.

???? : "Yeah, of course"

We walk in silence for another moment.

SISU : "So... did you remember your name yet?"

???? : "Not yet, I haven't.... Unfortunately"

SISU : "Wellll... How do ya feel about a nickname!"

???? : "You want to give me a nickname?" He said with an amused look

SISU : "I mean... If ya want one... You know... I mean.... You don't have to accept one from me, I just think I coul-

He stops her rambling with a hand to her hand.

???? : "Yes" He gives her the simple answer

She looks at him with wide, happy eyes. Even blushing slightly.

SISU : "Oh Heheh!! Well uhhh..... I didn't think you would agree so quickly, so I'm still thinking of a good one" She looks away, slightly embarrassed.

As they walk further into the city, Sisu starts to run to different stalls, grabbing things she thought would be great as a gift... and maybe a few things for herself too. She even grabbed the tall man a colorful wide-brim hat. It put a smile on his face when she placed it on his head.

Every stall she visited, she kept saying to put it on credit. It was endearing to watch, but there was a small crowd of angry people starting to build up. As he walked behind her, he summoned his spear, setting it on his shoulder. One angry look, and added with his tall figure, they all stopped and disappeared into the crowd.

SISU : "I got it!!..... How about we call you... Sand!" She jumped as she said it, nearly toppling her growing pile of goods.

SAND : "Heheh..... That sounds good to me Sisu...... Thank you for my new name" He says with a joy-filled smile. He was feeling the happiest he had ever felt in centuries.

Sisu gazes at his happy face with a blush, as well as an old memory, something tugging at the edge of her brain. Her focus is suddenly broken as a nearby angry shopkeeper shouts at her to return her goods. One glance from Sand shuts him up, but he doesn't retreat away.

A large crowd had built up now, and they were feeling brave in their numbers, despite Sand standing there menacingly with his spear.

MERCHANT : "Are you going to pay for any of that?!"

SISU : "Oh right, right. No, this is on credit..... Yeah, I'm gonna pay you back later!"

Sand resists the great urge to smile.

MERCHANT : "Pay us back later? We don't know you!"

FEMALE MERCHANT : "You have no credit here! Pay us right now!!"

The different angry vendors circle the duo.

SISU : "Now? I don't have anything, but... if I could find my girl, Raya, she has a sword. Dried eats. Two Dragon Gem pieces..... I mean No we don't! Whaaat? Who said that?

MERCHANT : "You better pay up, Binturi!"

FEMALE MERCHANT : "Yeah! This isn't a charity!"

MERCHANT : "Who do you think you're stealing from?!"

The angry vendors close in on the beleaguered Sisu and an imposing Sand. He steps in front of Sisu as it looks like a fight is about to break out when suddenly, a little old lady notices and comes to Sisu's rescue.

OLD LADY : "Nee, nee! Get away from her! Can't you see she's new in town?"

The merchants back off, seemingly chastised, but looking slightly fearful. That look of fear does not escape the eyes of Sand, as he studies the little old lady that helped them. Quickly, he dismissed his spear.

Sisu looks at the Old Lady, grateful.

OLD LADY : "Come, dear. Don't be afraid. It's okay...." She says as she leads them away down the street.

The little old lady walks with Sisu through the market towards the city's edge.

SISU : "Those folks were like crazy mad!...... I just wanted to bring some gifts to the Talon Chief, Dang Hai.

OLD LADY : "Is that who you're looking for dear? Oh, I know exactly where he is"

SISU : "You do?"

OLD LADY : "Mm-hmm, I'll take you there right now"

SISU : "SEE! That's what I've been trying to tell my girl Raya. But she's all like - 'You can't trust people. Don't talk to anyone. I only eat terrible foods I dried myself'"

Two large henchmen join the trio as they walk. She gives them big smiles, but they don't react to her at all.

The Henchmen nod and lower a drawbridge for the trio to cross. They cross it slowly.

OLD LADY : "Come, dear..... Chief Dang Hai is just outside the city, beyond the gates"

They continue through the gates. Sand was on edge, ready for anything.

SISU : "Away from the water, huh? Wow! Uhhh..... I guess he likes living on the edge" She says, a little confused.

The old lady leads Sisu and Sand out of the gates and into the jungle. It's creepy and quiet. Sisu is relieved to see someone else out there.

SISU : "Hi there, Dang Hai!! I'm Sisu and I've come here to offer you some...."

She quickly stops and is shocked to see it's a stone person. The result of a druun...... But Sand doesn't know that. The druun he fought while he was cursed were in their true forms, not some growling purple cloud.

Sisu sees a Druun emerge from the woods, it approaches Sisu, but a "glow" pushes it away. Dang Hu stands by the doors with her two large bodyguards....

DANG HU : "Now, you're going to tell me where I can find those other dragon gem pieces. Or...?" Dang Hu reveals she's holding a dragon gem piece of her own.

DANG HU : "I'll have to leave you outside with that... thing. Now take your pick!"

The Druun paces back and forth, looking for a way past Dang Hu. Dang Hu steps backward as the city gates slowly close, not giving Sisu any time to react.

SISU : "But I trusted you...." The hurt in her voice was painful for Sand to hear.

DANG HU : "Big mistake!" Dang Hu steps behind the gates.

DANG HU : "You better talk fast... It looks hungry!"

More druun begin to emerge from the woods, forming a large wall of purple smoke monsters. Sand stood up to them without fear, his weapon ready and growling back at them. His growl sounded terrifying.

SISU : "No, no, no!" Sisu starts to panic, but a hand on her shoulder stops her.

SAND : "Relax Sisu... I will protect you" He says in a soothing voice, his change in demeanor instant.

Confused and panicked, she looks at him with a mixture of emotions. He turns away and wields his spear. Before she can say anything, he charges right into the group of druun, and Sisu starts to lose sight of him.

SISU : SANDDDD!!! NOOooooo" She cries and jumps for him, and before he can be consumed by the druun, she grabs onto his back holding tight.

DANG HU : "Tch.... Fools!" The old lady says as she watches them disappear into a cloud of druun, Her henchmen fully close the gate, sealing their fate.

.................................TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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