Just a Game {Everlark}

By mystolenheart_

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{Set post-Mockingjay} #Wattys2016 My name is Katniss Everdeen. I'm 20 years old. My sister is dead. Snow is d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - The Fallen
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

90 7 4
By mystolenheart_

As I step on to the platform just behind Peeta, I am surprised to be greeted by a flurry of photographers and camera men, their charismatic talk show hosts eager to hear from the Mockingjay who clipped her own wings.
Effie, well equipped to deal with press and just domineering crowds in general, takes my position at the back of our convoy and ushers us forward, assuming her role as our mentor once more.
"Excuse me, thank you." Her brisk, crisp tone paired with her confident high-heeled stride parts the crowd with ease.
"Come along, Katniss." She calls, and it's only then that I realise I have been stood, glued to the spot.
Peeta, Haymitch and I follow Effie along like her flock, chaperoned in to a large black car with plush leather interior and wood paneling.
The windows are tinted, a forbidding sign at the best of times as we make our way toward the thick of the Capitol.
"We, along with the others, will be staying in the Capitol's top accommodation. Penthouse views, a fabulous balcony, two to a Penthouse, naturally." Effie says airily, and I wonder how she knows all of this.
Haymitch snorts.
"Sounds like we're being put up in the Tribute Building again. Just like old times." His tone, as always, is dry and humourless, dropping with sarcasm.
Fear stirs up in the pit of my stomach, and it must read on my face because Effie quickly tuts.
"Of course not. That..place has been torn down. All places of that matter also, it was among the first of the Capitol's demolitions." Effie presses her lips together but smiles reassuringly at me. I look over at Peeta and I'm assuming his expression mirrors mine- sick and terrified.

The driver lets us out in the main square of the city, explaining that cars can't come in any further. Three assistants appear seemingly out of nowhere and take the bags, politely shrugging off our offers to carry out own. I recognise the young girl from the train, and go to thank for her her help when I realise she isn't wearing a name tag, or any sort of identification. Neither of the other two are either. Confused, I simply nod at the girl and move on, taking Peeta's outstretched hand in my own and trailing along behind Haymitch who is trailing along behind Effie.
"Come come!" She remarks briskly over her shoulder, clip-clopping on ahead.

We are crossing possibly the largest courtyard I've ever seen, if you could even call it that. Large slabs of white stone lay beneath our feet, expanses of blue sky rimmed with massive glass buildings stretching up toward the clouds. White benches. Orderly flowers in large, orderly flower boxes. A picturesque fountain. Capitol people striding around, calmly sipping from a take-away coffee cup or clutching the hand of a neat child. Flimsy lives, lived on the scene of a war. A bad taste resonates in my mouth and then I realise it's disgust.
One building, facing the courtyard almost directly, seemingly the tallest and most impressive, displays changing messages, videos and advertisements on the side closest to us on its glass surface.
I study it as we cross the courtyard. Mostly it's just advertisements. Just as the advertisement for, 'StarSparkle Toothpaste, for the successful citizen', is swiped from the glass, there appears a display that stops me in my tracks.
"Katniss, wha-" Peeta starts, and follows my eyes to the screen, where the stay. Haymitch and Effie slowly look up.
A familiar horror fills my stomach at the sight on the building.
On each individual square window, a face.
Bang in the centre, taking up four squares, the Capitol seal, encaptioned with the words, 'Panem Never Forgets..' I stop reading, distracted, the anxiety growing in my stomach, engulfing my body and mind as my thoughts shatter.
On the third square from the left, near the bottom, Rue's little, twelve-year-old face and big, brown eyes stare back at me.
'Panem Never Forgets; the Victims of the 74th'

Later, in our Penthouse, I am sitting on the huge couch with my elbows resting on my knees, jiggling my foot in impatience, or annoyance, or some emotion of the sort.
"I can't believe they do that every hour." I say, my voice an echo.
Peeta is sitting in an armchair at the window, with his head resting against the glass, staring empty-eyed at the cityscape below.
"How can people even look at it?" He asks hollowly.
"Do you think it was for us? That particular one?" I stand up, staring at Peeta.
"Effie said its a coincidence." He says, exhaling through his nose.
"What, so they'll play the one for the Quell in an hour and then start over? 75 more times? Forever?" I ask in total disbelief.
"I really hope not. I can't look at them every day for two weeks." He shuts his eyes.
I go to him, sitting down on his knees, and automatically he wraps his arms around me.
"Don't we see them all enough in our nightmares? Every damn night I see their faces." I say softly, gritting my teeth.
"Some people don't have that burden." He hugs me tighter.
"I wish I was one of them." I say, my voice barely a whisper.
"Trust me, Katniss. Everyone has faces in their nightmares after the war." A silence sits as his words sink in. I rest my head against his forehead and leave it at that.

Sometime later, a knock comes at the door and Haymitch comes in.
"They're sending a car in half an hour to bring us to Parliament." His eyes look tired and his voice sounds it.
"Did you see the others yet?" I ask.
"I think my room is near Johanna's. I can hear a lot of angry cries and then loud bangs that sound suspiciously like expensive Capitol crap breaking in to pieces." He raises his eyebrows. "Or should I say, being broken in to pieces. With an axe." He chuckles humourlessly and so do we.
"Be in the lobby in half an hour, and wear Effie's respectable garb." He instructs, and shuts the door behind him.
I get up and pull on one of the jackets Effie packed and then flick on the TV while Peeta has a shower.
What am I to expect from the meeting? What do they want from us?

After wasting away a half an hour that felt like a century I make my way downstairs with Peeta, and we are escorted straight back across the courtyard and in to the same car.
This time, even though I purposely don't look up, I catch sight of Wiress's thin face in my peripheral vision on the screen, only for it to slide from the display, signalling that the hour is up.
As I get in to the car, I look back.
'Panem Never Forgets; The Victims of the 1st.'

so you guys might be mad
Why did I set Sunday to update if I was going to leave it to Wednesday???
I'm sorry folks
I felt really uninspired, but I finally posted!

Tell me what you think in the comments!
Don't forget to vote and share!

Love always,
Jocelyn x

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