
By Chrysanthemum-_-

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[Various!BNHA X Fem!Reader] Always hiding in the shadow of your siblings, you slowly learn that you don't wan... More



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By Chrysanthemum-_-

When you reached your home, you were pleasantly surprised to see that your chores had already been done by your sister before she had left for her university, making you let out a happy squeal as you took a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes before plopping on the sofa.

There wasn't that much homework today, except for that appreciation letter, so you decided to quickly make dinner before sitting on the sofa and turning the TV on. You mindlessly put on a comedy series that you had already watched over a hundred times for the background noise and pulled out a paper to begin working on your appreciation letter.

What should you even put in the appreciation letter?

Maybe you should start with writing about how much you're grateful to your father, for caring for you and raising you despite how busy he is. And also about how happy you are when you spend time with him.

You should also mention that you're glad that he always supports you–speaking of support... You should use this letter as a way to show him that it's due to his support that you're doing well and are safe. That you won't be getting in trouble anymore so he shouldn't worry too much.

A smile made way to your lips as you began to start on your letter, first making a rough outline about the paragraphs and the vocabulary before actually writing the letter.

You spent most of the evening writing that outline for your letter, before ultimately eating dinner by yourself and then going to bed at around 8.

You spent the rest of week the same way, making dinner, doing your chores around the house and then finally working on your homework.

And before you even knew it, it was Friday. Just as you were done with school for the day, you bid your friends goodbye before walking out the classroom.

"[Last Name]-san!" Kirishima's boyish voice rang at your side, making you turn in its direction only to be met with the fiery red eyes of your manly friend.

"Kirishima-san, hey! Ready to go?" You asked and he nodded happily, "Yup! Let's go!"

The crepes shop was only a 5 minute walk from your school, and since the weather was also relatively pleasant, you guys decided to walk straight from school without going to your houses first. Thankfully, you had already did your chores beforehand yesterday, so now you didn't have to worry about any of your family members coming home early and not finding anything to eat.

"So, [Last Name]-san... How's your appreciation letter going?" You smiled at his question, recalling that you had a pretty solid outline on what you wanted to write, "Pretty good! I've made a rough outline on what I want to write... What about you?"

Giving you a boyish grin, the redhead started, "It's... okay! I mean, I've been struggling to portray my parents' manliness in words! They're too manly to be described!"

Aww, that's so sweet!

"I'm sure your parents are aware of how manly you think of them, so the best way would be to write it from the bottom of your heart! There's no way they won't feel the manliness of your feelings, when you pour your heart into it!"

Your words seemed to really have made him happy as his grin grew even more.

"Oh! We're here!" He declared, and true to his words, you guys had already arrived. The shop certainly didn't disappoint. It was such a cute and quaint shop that you could already imagine it blowing up on social media for its pretty aesthetic.

"What do you wanna get, [Last Name]-san?" You pondered over it for a while before nodding to yourself, "I'm gonna get the [Favorite Flavor] crepe with [Favorite Filling], what about you?"

"I'll go with that too!" You both said your orders and before Kirishima could pull out his money, you immediately slammed the appropriate amount on the counter, surprising the manly boy when he realised that you had paid for the crepes already.

"What the–[Last Name]-san!! Why'd you pay for me too?! That's so not manly of me to let a girl pay!" You just gave him a silly smile, "Oh, come on! It's only fair I pay for us, since I've been busy and not really spending much time with you... Think of it as an apology!"

"It's not like I haven't been busy either! We've both been busy, so don't apologise!" He cried out, making you giggle as you nodded.

"Alright, alright... You can pay next time, okay?" Giving him a wink, the red head blushed a color similar to his hair when he suddenly recalled Kaminari's words.

Is this a date?

Kirishima didn't know how an outing was considered a date, but the idea of going on a date with you didn't make him uncomfortable.

So for now, he's okay with whatever you label this as.

As you took your crepes from the lady at the shop, you thanked her before you guys sat down at the many chairs the shop had placed nearby so you both could enjoy the crepe.

As soon as you took a bite, a happy smile broke out on your lips, "It's so good!" You squealed and Kirishima had a proud look on his face, "I'm so glad that we got to go here today, it's nice for a break from school! Hero Training really is tiring, even if it's really manly..."

You nodded immediately in agreement, "There's no doubt about that! Anyways, how's your mother? I remember you told me that you wanted to learn a few recipes from her..."

"She's doing well! And... well, I haven't really gotten the time to learn any new recipes from her. The last time I learned something from her was when she taught me how to make the most perfect tempura!"

Fully immersed in the conversation, you fascinated yourself with what he was saying, "Woah! I know how to make tempura but not as perfect as the restaurants, can your mom do that?" He seemed really happy to be talking about his mother to you.

"Yeah!!" Fervently nodding, the red head continued, "She says that the batter needs to be of perfect consistency, and the trick lies in using the the flour as a glue to hold the batter in place! She says I've already mastered it all!"

"Do you think you can teach me some time?" He almost seemed like he was about to burst from sheer happiness from your question.

"Of course!! I'll bring some to school so you can taste it, then I'll tell you all the tricks!"

For the entire time you guys enjoyed your crepes, both of you had a pleasant conversation. Even after you were done with crepes, you guys decided to just talk aimlessly. After a while, it ended up getting a bit dark so Kirishima insisted on walking you back, saying that, "It wouldn't be manly of me if I let a girl walk back home by herself, especially at this hour!"

So you just accepted, having more time to chat with each other this way. Finally, you bid him goodbye at the doorsteps of your house and the day ended with both of you happy.

But not before Kirishima texting you.

Kirishima Eijirou

Kirishima Eijirou

Goodnight, [Last Name]-san!!

I had a really fun time today

Let's hang out again sometime

after the Parents' Day!



Good night to you too, Kirishima-san!

I had a lot of fun too, so sure!

Ooo maybe we can even invite

Mina-chan and the others too!

(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

He didn't reply for a small while, making you shrug because he probably got busy or something. Unbeknownst to you, the red head had unconsciously begun to pout the moment you mentioned inviting other people. But he decided to clear his slight sadness and wrote back a chipper reply.

Kirishima Eijirou

Of course! Only if you let

me pay you back tho ;)




With that, you guys decided to finally sleep.


On the weekends, you are always subjected to a lot of chores. This means cleaning the house thoroughly, washing the dishes and stacking them neatly while also sorting out the kitchen and fridge, and also doing laundry. Your sister also helps, but she has projects to work on so you let her do her university work.

Instead, you drag your brother to help you.

"Hey, [Brother Name]! Stop texting Komari-san and help me out here, you lazy ass!" The poor man is flushed red when he realised that you said that really loud, in front of your dad too.

"Komari-san?" Just as your father was in the process of asking, your brother screeches and rushes off the sofa to help you instead of explaining to your poor father.

"[Name]!! I'm never telling you anything!! You love embarrassing me, don't you?! I'm not ready to tell dad yet!" The [Hair Color] haired male cried out, making you smirk smugly.

"It's payback for all times you annoyed me, you whiny little bitch. Now help me, I ain't cleaning the house on my own." The older male felt his eyes twitch in sheer annoyance at how blatantly disrespectful you were but then again, it wasn't anything odd. You never treated your siblings like they were that much older than you. You never called them 'Big Sister' or 'Big Brother' and just called them by their names.

Not to mention, you cursed like a sailor in front of them with no hesitation.

They didn't mind it either, because they were just as foul-mouthed as you were. Things like this made you ponder over what Bakugo had said about you that day.

You really are like a chameleon.

Because you know damn well that none of your friends would ever expect you to be as foul-mouthed or chaotic as you are in your house.

Well, except for Riza...

Whatever it was, you ended up dragging your brother to help you throughout the day. That also involved making him come with you to the mall when you realised that there was a sale on the mochi jumbo pack, and with it being 1 piece per customer, it was only fair you'd bring someone with you. Besides, you also had a few other things on your list so why not get yourself a free servant aka, your brother who'll carry your things?

Hence, now... You and your brother stood in front of the mall, wearing casual clothes as you pulled him along with you. You planned on buying the mochi first so you wouldn't worry about it getting finished by the time you were done with the rest of your shopping.

So that's what you did. But what you weren't expecting, was to meet Uraraka, Momo and Tsu in the mall too, "Huh? [Name]-chan's here too, kero?"

"Hey, girls! I didn't know you guys had a planned outing today."

"Oh, we just met here at the mall! Totally a coincidence, but it's nice!" Uraraka explained while waving her arms around. She didn't want you to think that they were meeting without inviting you or the others because they would never do that.

Tsu turned to the male that stood beside you and tilted her head, "Oh, is that your brother, kero?"

"Yup! This is my older brother, [Last Name][Brother Name]." The three girls respectfully bowed and greeted him, making him greet back.

"He's your police officer brother?" Momo leaned over to ask you and you nodded, "You guys don't look that similar, kero." Your brother couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Tsu's words, but you knew she didn't mean it that way.

"Yeah, I look more like our dad but [Brother Name] takes after our mom." The frog girl nodded at your explanation before Uraraka finally began, "So, what brings you all here?"

"We're just hanging out, kero." Tsu motioned to both Momo and herself, making you and the brunette nod in understanding as you went next, "There were a few things I needed to buy so I dragged my brother with me for help."

"Same! My dad's coming for the Parents' Day, so I want to buy something nice for him!" As soon as the rosy cheeked girl explained, all of you cooed in adoration, "That's so sweet of you, Uraraka-san!" You chimed in, making the already rosy cheeks of the brunette burn up in a bright red color.

"T-Thanks, [Last Name]-san!"

"Uh, can I leave?" You simply held onto your brother's arm like a mother would hold onto her toddler to prevent him from running away, "Oh, come on!! You found some friends, why do I need to stick around?!"

"Stay or I'll snitch to dad that you left me in the middle of the mall, all alone with no money and no way to go back." Your brother dramatically gasped as he covered his mouth in shock.

"You petty little bitch!! Do your friends even know how much of a pathological liar you are?!"

"Don't use big words that you don't know the meaning of. That's not what a pathological liar is, idiot."

Your friends were talking amongst each other when they realised that you weren't talking much, only to find out that you were holding your brother like a mother would to her child. They didn't hear much due to it being rude to intrude on your private conversation, but it was pretty easy to tell that the subject of your banter was your brother trying to run away from you.

Ultimately, you won the conversation and the older male was forced to follow you around like a loyal dog.

"So, what did I miss?" You start and the girls just tell you about Uraraka's dilemma that she also wanted to buy the jumbo mochi pack, but could only buy one due to the 1-per-customer rule.

"How about me and Asui-san buy one each so you can get three?" Momo suggests and you cheer at her idea, "Yeah, that's a good idea! Me and my brother were planning on doing the same!"

"I was forced, I didn't plan shit."

No one payed any mind to your brother's words while Uraraka was very happy and thankful for the help.

As you all finally decide to walk towards the supermarket, the brunette proceeded to gush about her love for mochi and how many possibilities of flavor combinations it provided, surprising you girls.

You never knew Uraraka would like mochi this much. Maybe you should gift her some from that store near your house? They always have the most delicious mochi, after all.

Arriving at the supermarket, Momo looked around in awe, and you were suddenly reminded that she rarely ever got to experience a place like this.

Ah... The antics of the rich...

At your side, Tsuyu commented that Momo was like a little girl. To which you did agree, but more than anything you thought that she looked cute being fascinated by such a simple thing.

While looking around, you guys didn't even know when you started discussing the concept of 'shoplifting'. It just came up all of a sudden. And this ended up making Uraraka ponder whether taking advantage of you guys to get more mochi was morally right of her.

Watch her agonize over the decision, you decided to give her a side hug to help her a bit, "It's not wrong, Uraraka-san! But if it still makes you feel guilty, how about you look around and if the mochi isn't running out, you can take three?"

"That's... not a bad idea! Alright, let's do this!"

Now that she was much more at ease, you and your brother began to look around for things you needed to buy while the Tsu and Momo helped Uraraka with her shopping list.

"[Name], can I buy this?" Your brother made a pouty face as he teasingly showed you a chocolate bar, "No, put it back." Knowing that there were people around watching your 23-24 year old brother asking you for permissing to buy a candy bar, he decided to get his revenge from this morning.

"Please!! I swear I'll never ask for anything else, [Name]!! Please let me buy this chocolate!! You never let me buy anything, even though I'm your older brother! I'm gonna tell dad!" You could feel your face burning in shame at how he was acting like a literal child throwing a tantrum.

He really had no shame, did he?

"Ooo, can I buy this sweet bread too? After all, I'm a young, growing boy who needs his bread!"

"You keep this up, and you're gonna need a hospital next cause I'll break your neck, you little–" Unfortunately, before you could finish your threat, your three friends that you had split up with, rushed right in front of you, out of the store.

"Girls?!" You sputter, but they are hot in pursuit of a thin, sweaty man.

As soon as you see this, you put down whatever you are buying, along with your basket and almost telepathically, turn to your brother. He seems to get what you're silently saying, and you both also follow the girls.

You don't really know why they are running after the guy, but knowing your friends, he's either a villain or a pickpocket. Both reasons you're willing to accept for chasing the man after.

"Girls, wait up!" You yell as your brother runs behind you, and you watch how your friends corner the man. For a split second, they turn to you in surprise as to why you followed them too and that split second is all that man needs to devour some nearby plants and shoot a yellow mist at you guys.

Thankfully, your brother's eyes meet that guy's, and the former manages to read his mind fast enough to realise what the guy is about to do next. And so, your brother grabs onto you and pulls you away from the mist, covering you with his own body as to protect you.

"W-What the hell?!" You watch how as soon as the mist dissipates, your friends begin to act strangely. Then... They start sneezing constantly, along with rubbing their eyes and noses.

It must have been his quirk... that caused them Hay Fever.

"We-" Momo starts, but immediately sneezes midway, "-need to," another sneeze, "-stop him!"

"Yeah-" Uraraka sneezes, rubbing her nose frantically while Tsu is rubbing her eyes, "Kero-" She sneezes too.

You immediately jump into action, along with your brother. Seeing how they developed hay fever thanks to the guy's quirk, you sit the girls down and ask your brother to buy some antihistamine nasal drops and eye drops, from the nearby drug store. He also decides to get them some antihistamine pills that don't really require prescription.

You focus on helping your friends get back to normal before finally asking them, "Why did you guys run after him?"

"He's... He's a shoplifter! He stole... a pair of panties..." Uraraka murmured the last shyly, but thankfully it was loud enough for you to hear it. And as soon as you did, your face scrunched up in disgust.

Fucking perverted bastard...

"We'll catch him. Let's look for him together, but for now, you guys should focus on getting better." You reassured the girls and they nodded, still trying to recover from the hay fever.

"So, it was a thief? And to think I could have enjoyed my day off..." Your brother whined as you wacked him on the head lightly, "Stop being such a baby, you signed up for this."

"No, I didn't. I signed up for work during duty-hours. Not work during off duty-hours."

"Suck it up and deal with it, you degenerate."

"So bitchy and for what?"

Thankfully, your banter was cut short because the girls had recovered from the effects of his quirk. Seeing how you guys were actively searching for him, Momo decided to prepare as a countermeasure and made masks for you all.

Shoving them into her bag, you all walked out the mall and began to search through the streets for that panty thief.

You also asked around if someone had seen someone that matches the description of the guy, but no one had seen him. You turned to the side to see your friends asking a girl if they had seen the guy, to which she denied and in the end they warned her of his quirk.

Tired and having found no lead, you guys decide to stop for now.

Right as you guys are about to take a rest in the washroom, you come across the man you were looking for this entire time, leading all six of you (even the guy himself) to shout.

You watch that bastard sputter but you guys keep him cornered.

Seeing how you all have no plans of budging, he grabs another batch of flowers and begins devouring them, however this time Momo pulls out gas masks she had made previously, and hands them to you guys. Your brother gets ready to fight that guy, "Stop right now, I'm a police officer, it's best if you stop before I use physical force for resisting arrest." The man gets even more scared as he's about ready to flee.

But then, you girls act.

Using your quirk, you blind him immediately, making him sputter in surprise, "W-What the–" Along with that, Uraraka uses her quirk to float the man, rendering him defenseless. This allows Tsu to take the rest of his half-eaten plants and tie him up with her tongue. Finally, Momo uses a giant uchiwa fan to blow the pollen away.

Now cornered and tied up, the man cries to you guys to at least let him make a phone call, "Yeah, so you can call for backup? You sick bastard! It's one thing to steal, but to steal panties and probably fulfill your freaky fantasies is another thing!" You sneer in utter disgust.

Perverts always disgusted you.

They were absolutely horrifying and this is why Mineta was also very disgusting to you.

"N-No!! I swear I didn't know they were... p-panties! I just... I just thought they were briefs..."

Yeah, and you thought that your mother was immortal, what's next? All Might is Jesus?

Realising that he had no other way to get out of this without telling the truth, the man finally confessed what happened.

He explained that he had finally asked a girl at his school, Miyuki, on a date, but he ended up soiling himself and tried to get a replacement, but since he had forgotten his wallet, was forced to try and take it.

The entire time he was explaining, you were flabbergasted.

What the fuck?

Unbeknownst to you, your brother on your side was cracking up at the idea of the man being so nervous that he pissed himself. That's some top quality funny shit-or should he say, piss?

Your brother actually had a pretty childish sense of humor. He thought that piss and poop jokes were the epitome of humor, but for some reason, he could not get how you could laugh at such mean and cruel things.

Like that joke you said a few days ago. In which you told him and [Sister Name] that while texting your friends, instead of using the 'laughed so hard I died' emoji, you began to use your mother's pictures.

That was fucked up.

Whatever it was, the man only cried harder when he saw that your brother was trying very hard not to cry because he was laughing so hard to himself, "D-Don't laugh at me!" The man cried out and you raised an eyebrow at his request, until you followed his vision and realised that the tremors you were feeling at your side were actually your brother dying from how hard he was laughing.

"Oi, don't be so mean." You hiss but your brother can't seem to stop. Trying to help you, Tsu diverts the attention to the man, "Why didn't you just go without an underwear, kero?"

"That would be too embarrassing..." He cries out, and while you guys are still pondering over what to do, a distant voice calls out.

"No, I really wouldn't have minded, Suzuki-kun..."

Lo and behold! It's the same girl your friends were talking to while asking for this guy, aka, the infamous Miyuki.

The guy, Suzuki begins crying in fear. He apologizes, and she cheers him up, saying that underwear or not, he's still himself, someone she could never abandon, "M-Miyuki-san... You're too nice to me!!" She just giggles at him as Tsu finally lets him go and Miyuki agrees to go back to the supermarket with him to apologize.

Finally, they head off.

With them out of the vicinity, your brother finally breaks out in cackles, "O-O-Oh, my God!! He fucking pissed himself! That's the funniest shit I've heard in a long time!"

You all can't help but deadpan at him, "Dude, you're such an asshole." You decide to voice out your thoughts, but Momo beside you can't help but speak up, "Well... I do wonder why a girl like her would stick with a guy like him, despite seeing how he reacted..."

"Hey, maybe she's into that. Let's not judge people." You tease and the rich ravenette sputter in defense, "I'm not–"

"She's joking, Yaoyorozu-chan." Tsu explains and you nod with a teasing smile.

"Oh... We left our shopping cart in the supermarket!" Uraraka finally chimes in, also reminding you of the basket you and your brother had abandoned in order to run after the girls.

"Let's go back, now." You conclude and everyone agrees, "Now, I'm kinda want to try Uraraka-chan's chocolate mochi, kero."

"Eh, really?! Then, I'll make sure to let you have some too, Tsu-chan!" The brunette replies as you drag your still half-incapacitated brother with you, along with Momo, Tsu and Uraraka.

What an uneventful, yet still somehow eventful day...

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