Love At First Sight

By Uniquelywritten86

31K 1.6K 906

Zac a successful business man trying to navigate through life and find love in the process. Fatima a successf... More

Our First Interaction
The Start of Something Good
Girls Night Gone Wrong
My Boo Thang
On To Something Better
My Past Keeps Haunting Me
I Got You
No More Warnings
He's Mine
Too Many Margaritas
No More Alcohol
Let It Go
Just My Luck
I Am Finally Finished
Good News
Weekend Get Away
Bonding Time
Getting Down to Business
Everything Is Great
Red Light Special
Putting In Work
Family Scare
Making A Difference
It's Always Something
Gone Off The Deep End
Failed Again
New Addition Coming Soon
Saving Kali
Everything Is Good
What's Happening Now

Go With The Flow

1.4K 54 69
By Uniquelywritten86


I was up early made sure I wasn't late for work today. I even took my time to put my hair up in a nice bun and throw on a little makeup. Dabbed a little Gucci guilty on my wrist and neck. Today was going to be a good day I can feel it

Siri turn on my boss bitch playlist

The music blasted through my condo as I finished getting dressed

I stood in front of the mirror and spoke words of affirmation over my myself and my life. I truly believe that life is in the power of your tongue. And I really believe in manifestation speak it , claim it and believe it then watch God work.

And God has been doing just that so far.

I got dressed and headed out the door.


I woke up feeling great, today is going to be a great day. I had my morning talk with God said my prayer then started getting myself together

Siri Play my Tupac playlist. How do you want it bumped through my speakers

I started singing and dancing with the music Tupac got me in the right headspace every time

Of course it didn't take much to look this good, I put on one of my blacksuits and sprayed some cologne on. Didn't do to much didn't want all of the ladies running after me.

Who the hell am I kidding only people checking for me are the women who really don't nothing but a quick fuck and I am not interested in that.

I looked in the mirror one last time then headed out the door

Coffee Shop

Tyhia: What looked who showed up to work on time

Fatima: Shut up I just woke top early

Tyhia: I bet you did I see you combed your hair and is that makeup I see? Touching my face

Fatima: Just a little not to much you know I like it natural

Tyhia: You ain't slick you on time you trying to look cute for the fine ass man

Fatima: So you the one that told me I need to get out there dating again

Tyhia: Hey I ain't mad at it bout damn time

Zac: Let me go grab some coffee so I can get my day started of course I went back to the same coffee shop so I can see if beautiful was there.

Tyhia: Girl there he go

Fatima turned around so fast

Fatima: Where?

Tyhia: Just playing I thought that was him

Fatima: Why you play so much

Tyhia: I was just getting you prepared calm down you don't want to come off as desperate

Fatima: I told you that yesterday and what did you say

Fatima mimicking Tyhia

Zac walked into the shop knowing he was fine as hell.

Tyhia: There he go for real this time

Fatima: I'm not falling for it this time

Tyhia: I'm deadass turn around

Zac: Good Morning ladies

Fatima: Good Morning Zac

Fatima started stuttering

Fatima: How can I help you

Zac: First I would like your number and I would like to take you out on a date

Tyhia was just standing there waiting on me to say no

Fatima: Don't you have a customer to help

Tyhia: No you see it ain't no customers here

Fatima gave me that look like if you don't take your ass on somewhere

Tyhia: Okay let me go restock

Fatima: Yeah you do that

Zac: Okay so back to my question. Can I take you out on a date?

Fatima: Yes

I could hear Tyhia in the back saying YES!

Zac: Okay so I will need your number so I can send you a time and I will do the rest.

Zac handed Fatima his phone and she added her number in it

Zac: Let me call you so I can make sure you gave me the right number.

Zac called the number but didn't hear it ringing

Zac: Dang you gave me a fake number I thought we were getting somewhere

Fatima pulled out her phone that showed an incoming call

Fatima: It's on silent since I am at work

Zac: Okay I got you locked in I will text you the details later. Are you okay with me picking you up

Fatima was hesitant

Tyhia yelled out from the back yes

Zac: See your friend likes me, trust me you're in good hands

Fatima: I better be because I won't hesitate to taze or shoot you

Zac: Damn, I ain't gone lie that kind of turned me on that's sexy

Fatima: Really

Zac: But naw I will be the perfect gentleman

Sherri: Why ya'll up here playing match maker we got customers

Zac and Fatima both looked around and said where , there was no one else in there

Zac: Okay I will take a coffee please and let you get back to work before you get in trouble

Fatima: She's not going to fire me that's my mom

Zac: Oh for real that's what's up

Fatima: Long story if you stick around long enough I'll tell you

Zac: Oh I plan to, have a good day and I will see you later

Fatima: Okay you too

Zac walked out cheesing so hard

Tyhia came out smiling and singing

Fatima got a date Fatima got a date I'm so excited for you Tima. Me and Kendra coming over later while you get dressed I already told her

Fatima: Damn what if I would have said no

Tyhia: Then I would have said yes end of story

Sherri: Bout time I was getting worried

Fatima: Ma really

Sherri: What I want grand babies and be able to see you walk down the aisle I'm getting old so I need you to get this ball rolling

Fatima: Ma I can't help dating is horrible you want me to bring a random stranger

Sherri: No I know you have good judgement I just want you to not give up and give people a chance you know you mean

Fatima: I am not mean

Tyhia: Don't look at me I didn't say it

Sherri: That's that Aquarius in you

Fatima: I am not mean I just tell it like it is and some people can't except that I am very nice until you piss me off. I am still a work in progress don't judge me

Tyhia: No judgment over here you know I am a mess.

Zac's Office

Brian: Look who strolled in all late with this big ass grin on his face

Jay: You see what he got in his hand

Brian: Oh I see you took my advice and went back to the coffee shop. Give me credit

Zac: I did but I ran into her again yesterday at the gas station

Jay: But did you get the digits though

Zac: I did ya boy is in there, we going on a date tonight. I still got it

Brian: You gotta get through the date first

Zac: Have some faith in ya boy, but I do need some ideas I want it to be special

Jay: Do the rooftop downtown since the weather will be nice, and you know it's pretty at night. You know the roses are a must.

Brian: You know what will be player have someone playing a violin while ya'll eating. She gone be weak in the knees, she may even give you some on the first night.

Zac: She's not like that like and that's not the direction I am wanting to go in I want to take my time get to know her mind first before I get her body

Jay: That's what's up I respect that

Brian: Man fuck all that hit it and quit it

Jay: And that's why you be having these women slashing tires and stuff

Brian: That's cause they love the D

Zac: You can keep all that, that's never been my motto

Brian: Awe you out here looking for love

Zac: Yes I'm not getting any younger and neither are you

Brian: Nigga I'm young

Jay: Really you older than me and Zac but you still stuck in your young adult years

Brian: Don't be mad cause I still got it

Zac: Yeah until you don't

Jay: Well let me know how it goes I hope it goes well for you brother. I know it's been a minute

Zac: Thanks I appreciate it

I made a couple calls and arranged everything for the night

I called up to the coffee shop and asked for Tyhia

Zac: Hey Tyhia this is Zac I was trying to figure out your Fatima's favorite flowers

Tyhia: Ooooh you getting points already okay!!!!

She loves fresh white roses

Zac: Okay thank you so much

Tyhia: You're welcome

Zac: Don't tell her I want her to be surprised

Tyhia: My lips are sealed

I texted Fatima a time to be ready I can't wait

Fatima's Place

Tyhia: Come on Fatima what you about to put on

Fatima: I don't know I don't have anything cute

Tyhia: All that stuff you got in that closet you better find something

Kendra: Where the alcohol at I need a drink

Fatima: Kendra you can't drink all your troubles away babe

Kendra: Yes I can where the strong stuff I don't need no wine tonight

Tyhia: What the hell you got going on now?

Kendra: I think Dale cheating on me

Tyhia and Fatima: AGAIN!


Tyhia: You need to get rid of his no job missing tooth having ass

Kendra: It's not that simple we have a kid together

Tyhia: All the more reason for you to leave show your child better than what you are sticking to

Kendra: I know I'm going to let it go soon

Fatima: You deserve better Kendra and I hate to see you like this

Tyhia: Fuck that bald head nigga looking like Mr.Clean

Fatima: Tyhia stop talking about her baby daddy

Tyhia: It's the truth she knows it

Kendra: I don't care hell he is raggedy. Okay enough about my problems let's get you ready for this date. Fatima is finally clearing out the cobwebs

Tyhia: Did you shave down there?

Fatima: Really he is not getting the cookies

Tyhia: I mean you may never know you at least need to make sure it's not a forest down there

Fatima: She is pretty down there no worries he's still not getting the cookies

How about this showing a dress

Kendra: Grandma next

Tyhia: You trying to look good not like you going to the sisterhood meeting

Fatima: Okay what about this

Kendra and Tyhia both said naw

Tyhia: Why you trying to be covered up like a nun , show some skin and all that ass it's gone be seen

Kendra walked in the closet and picked out a dress

Kendra: Here

Tyhia: Yes I like that and it's hitting all the curves he gone be like

She's a brick house

Kendra: Corn bread feed shit give me some

Tyhia: You wouldn't know what to do with all that

Kendra: You right I wouldn't

Fatima: Okay I am going to wear these shoes and pin my hair up

Tyhia: Okay you about to be cute. Make sure you put on some smell good just in case he lean in for a hug or kiss

Fatima: I'm nervous ya'll

Tyhia: Girl you will be fine do you want us to sit in the back ducked off

Kendra: You know we will pull up in a heartbeat

Fatima: I don't know where we going

Tyhia: Damn we got your location so he better not try anything funny even though I don't get that vibe from him.

Fatima: Okay how do I look? Twirling around

Kendra: Like a million fucking bucks

Tyhia: You look good girl knock em dead

Okay He's about to pull up soon

Tyhia: Calm down you got this

There was a knock at the door

Tyhia: I'll get it

Tyhia opened the door

Zac stood there looking like a whole snack daddy. This man looked damn good and he smelled good

Tyhia yelled

Fatima Mr. Sexy here

Zac laughed

Tyhia: Make sure you return our girl back on time.

Kendra: And don't try no funny business because we will pull up

Fatima: Enough ladies don't scare him away

Zac: I will return her in one peace

Zac opened the car door

Zac: You look beautiful by the way

Fatima: Thank you

Zac: Are you nervous

Fatima: A little

Zac: Me too so we can both be nervous together it's been a minute since I went on a date

Fatima: Trust me too

We pulled up to the tallest building in downtown Atlanta. We took the elevator to the top floor when the doors opened it was set up so beautiful.

He planned a rooftop dinner the lights were hanging and everything was just right.

Zac handed Fatima the white roses

Fatima: My favorite, thank you

Zac smiled

He pulled out the chair for Fatima to sit down

They brought out 3 course meal, everything tasted so good

Out of no where the violinist started playing music while we ate

Fatima: Wow this has been a great first date thus far maybe one for the books

Zac: I am glad you are enjoying everything of course I wanted to do something different

Fatima: well you did a wonderful job.

Zac: Thank you ,hopefully we can have more dates like this

Fatima: I would like that

We talked, laughed and got to know each other, we actually had a lot in common. We sat there and talked for hours we lost track of time.

Zac: Well let me get you back home before your friends get me, I don't want them jumping out of bushes on me

Fatima: They mean no harm those are my girls though

Zac: No I get it looking out for their friend

I was getting a little cold he gave me his suit jacket.

We pulled up to my place and he walked me to the door

Fatima: Thanks for a good night you really out did yourself can't wait to see what date number 2 holds

Zac: Okay we already agreeing to another date I love it. You have a good night beautiful lady

Fatima: You do the same and just text me so I know you made it home okay.

Zac: Will do

We hugged and he drove off

I could still smell his cologne on me from the hug. As soon has he hugged me it sent chills through my body.

I smiled because this was the first time in a long time that I smiled like this.

I showered and laid in bed waiting for him to text me that he made it home.

Text: I finally made it home get some rest I will text you tomorrow

Text: okay!! Look forward to it

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