Together forever and ever

By jamesBond758

58 20 7

The Personality of the main character is complex in multi-faced on one hand he appears to be caring and respo... More

Chapter 1: The plan
Chapter 2: The money
Chapter 4: The breaking in
Chapter 5: The hospital
chapter 6: His eye
Chapter 7: His friend and his Revenge
Chapter 8: Her school
Chapter 9: qualified
Chapter 10: Chase
Chapter 11: Ice cream
Chapter 12: the kiss
Chapter 13: The gun
Chapter 14: Clothes
chapter 15: The answers
Chapter 16: Your not okay
Chapter 17: Before Doom.
Chapter 18: Wanting to go to Paris
Chapter 19: during doom
chapter 20: After Doom
Chapter 21: the job
Chapter 22: Broken promises
Chapter 23: End

Chapter 3: The Field Trip

6 2 1
By jamesBond758

As I inserted the key into the apartment door, it gave off a satisfying click, signaling my successful entry. The door creaked open and there was Rachel, her tiny frame darting to the kitchen table with the agility of a cheetah as she retrieved her homework. I closed the door discreetly, careful not to make a sound.

"Do you need help?" I asked, eager to be of assistance.

"Nah- I got it" she replied breezily as I headed to the bathroom. That's when I took the envelope out of my pocket, my pulse quickening at the sight of it. Even though I didn't get a chance to count the stacks of cash inside, I could feel its weight in my hand.

A hasty count indicated that the amount totaled up to an insane 108k. Rachel could go to college with this, but now wasn't the time to think about the future.

The present was equally concerning considering that I just stole this money. Someone would be looking for it and would stop at nothing to retrieve it.

My mind initially flooded with scenarios of how I could spend the money, but quickly realized that I had to hide it to protect Rachel. My hand trembled as I carefully slid the stash of cash under some loose floorboards. It was out of sight but not out of mind. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on me, but for now, she is safe.


The day seemed to drag on forever as I filled in for the missing coworker. As frustrating as it was to have to pick up their slack, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Without them present, I was able to discreetly pocket some extra cash from unsuspecting customers.

I continued to pilfer until my attention was diverted by the sight of two police officers striding into the establishment. My heart rate skyrocketed as I wondered if they had discovered my criminal activity.

The fact that they had entered unabashed into a crime-ridden locale such as this made me doubt their competence. I knew firsthand the dangers that law enforcement faced in our area - the gangs had the power here and anyone who dared to interfere with their affairs would quickly face a brutal and violent end.

All I could do was wait and watch as the two officers disappeared into the manager's office. My eyes stayed glued on the door until they remerged a few moments later, trailed by my agitated manager. My heart pounding in my chest, I braced myself as they made their way towards me.

"Hey, My name is Officer Thomas and this is my partner Gav," Officer Thomas spoke, his voice confident and authoritative as he extended his hand out to me. I shook it, feeling his firm grip.

"My name is Vanitas," I spoke, trying to match his confidence.

"Okay, Vanitas, how old are you?" The officer continued, his eyes drilling into mine.

"I'm eighteen-" I started to say before Officer Gav cut me off.

"Let me stop you right there or we won't think twice about tazing liar- so don't fuck around," Officer Gav said, his ominous hand resting on his taser. I felt my heart skip a beat. I knew I was supposed to be scared, but I couldn't help feeling a surge of adrenaline.

"I'm sixteen," I quickly corrected myself, not wanting any trouble.

"And you work here full-time?" Officer Thomas asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Not normally, you see, the person who's supposed to take over didn't come in today," I explained, hoping to avoid any further questioning.

"Aren't you in school?" Officer Thomas asked sternly, and my heart sank. This was the question I had hoped to avoid.

"Yes," I lied, feeling a knot form in my stomach.

"Listen, you aren't old enough to be working here full-time. You need to be in school, do you understand? Now, go home and focus on your studies," Officer Thomas ordered firmly. I sighed, knowing that I wouldn't be getting paid. It wasn't the outcome I had hoped for, but at least I had avoided getting into any serious trouble.

I heard a loud and piercing scream that made me turn abruptly. Before me stood the same girl from yesterday, her eyes flooded with tears, a tremble in her voice. The words escaped her lips, "He raped me!" Her face was flushed with anger and distress, and as she came closer, I saw the pain etched on her face.  the girl went on to reveal - she was carrying a child!

The officers on site quickly swiveled their gaze toward my manager, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

The room fell silent, and all we could hear were the manager's fervent denials, "I wouldn't touch you! I have a wife!" His voice was laced with bitterness and anger. The girl wasn't having any of it and sobbed out,

"Yeah, you won't be touching me since you know I have a child on the way." I could feel the tension in the air as the two continued to trade insults.

The manager scoffed, "You don't have proof!" his words were dripping with contempt.

As the officer questioned the manager, my mind raced with a twisted plan. I could sneak into the office and forge a check, while the chaos kept everyone occupied.

But then, the accuser pointed at me. "He saw the whole thing! Tell them what you saw!" she pleaded. All eyes turned towards me, and for a moment, I was paralyzed.

Glancing at my manager, I saw his lips move. "500 dollar bonus," he promised. He was trying to bribe me into staying quiet.

"I didn't see a damn thing," I told the officers without flinching. The accuser screamed at me, but I walked out of the store. It was like observing someone else's life, from a great distance.

As the night sky shone above, the chaotic sea of people blocked my view ahead, making me feel trapped, lost in a never-ending crowd. Just then, I glanced to my right, and there he was, the boy I have been seeing regularly whenever I got off work. He was clutching his backpack tightly, lost in his own world.

Feeling a sudden urge to break the silence, I asked him, "Do you have homework?" As I waited for his reply, I felt a wave of cringe wash over me when I didn't get an immediate answer. He took out his earbuds and looked at me, his eyes meeting mine.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" he asked.

"I asked if you had homework," I repeated. He chuckled, his face breaking into a smile, then walked faster to stand beside me.

"Nah, do you?" he asked me, his smile never fading.

"No, what I have is housework," I joked, and he laughed, emitting a deep, manly laugh making me think it was fake.

"I can relate. My mom is always on my ass about that shit. Hey, hey...I never saw you before. You look around my age. What school do you go to?" he asked, his voice full of curiosity and excitement..

As I walked down the busy street, I felt a sudden jolt of fear as a shadowy figure caught my attention. From the corner of my eye, I saw a black van slowly creeping up towards me, its tires squeaking ominously. The van seemed to be moving with a sense of purpose, and I knew that I had to act fast.

"I have to go," I blurted out, my voice trembling with fear as I tried to make sense of what was happening. With a sense of urgency, I started jogging ahead, trying to blend in with the sea of people all around me. Looking back, I scanned the crowd for any sign of the boy, but he was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, I heard a loud noise behind me, and I turned to see the van's doors slamming shut with a thunderous bang. The metallic sound reverberated through the air like an animal closing its jaws after a meal. Fear gripped me as I watched the van speed off into the distance.


Back at the apartment, the morning sun filtered in through the window shades, casting a golden hue on everything in the room. Rachel was still lost in sleep, snuggled under the covers, her hair splayed across the pillow.

As for myself, I sat at the small kitchen table, exhausted from the night before. I leaned my head down, hoping to catch a few minutes of shut-eye, but then it hit me like a wave - Rachel was leaving for her trip today, and she probably hadn't packed yet.

I jolted up, scanning the room frantically for any signs of a suitcase. When I finally laid eyes on it, I breathed a sigh of relief. Without wasting any more time, I started to pack some of her clothes into the suitcase. I made sure to tuck in some extra cash, just in case she needed it. Feeling satisfied with my work, I trudged back over to the small kitchen table and collapsed onto the chair.

A few hours later, I was jolted awake by the sound of the shower running. I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the last vestiges of sleep. Within a few minutes, Rachel emerged from the bathroom, looking stunning in her travel outfit.

"I thought you'd be at work still," she said, a smile spreading across her face.

"I took the day off to see you off," I replied, returning her smile.

A look of distress suddenly crossed her face. She gripped the roots of her hair tightly, "I forgot to pack," she whispered to herself.

"It's fine, I did it for you," I said, trying to reassure her.

Her face lit up with relief, "You're the best," she said, her smile returning.

I took her suitcase in my hand and she grabbed mine. Hand in hand, we walked out of the apartment onto the busy sidewalk below. Rachel went on and on about how happy she was, and I felt a warmth spread over me that I hadn't felt in a long time - it was the warmth of love.

Finally, after what felt like hours, we manage to reach the front of the school. There, a yellow bus looms ahead, with a throng of kids and parents assisting their little ones onto the bus.

Excitement builds up in Rachel's voice, "This is my class!" she yelps as she dashes off to join them. Her friends surround her with hugs and waves. But, I noticed one boy, perhaps a bit too eager, hugging Rachel for a tad too long. As he lingers in her embrace, his grip tightening, Rachel's teacher pops up from nowhere to block my view of them.

I hand Rachel's teacher the signed permission slip and the money. "Did her mother sign it?" Miss Adams probes, her eyes drilling into mine. Her voice, laced with suspicion.

"Yes," I replied, my tone calm. "I already said it's signed."

Her expression unyielding, Miss Adams persisted. "I haven't seen her mother...where is she?"

A hint of a smile tugs at my lips as I respond, "Shouldn't you be on the bus right now?" She grunts and shuffles away, boarding the bus. Seconds later, the wheels of the bus begin to roll, taking Rachel and her classmates on their field trip.

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