Soulmate Little Mermaid AU- S...

By DaughterOfHermes325

2.2K 88 24

Niccolo di Angelo has always found life under the sea as boring. Even with his cousins Percy, Jason, and Thal... More

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138 5 0
By DaughterOfHermes325

Nico POV

The Underworld Sea is fine, but it's nothing like Olympus. There, the sea washes up on the golden shore, at the feet of the most gorgeous person on earth. Blue eyes like the sky, hair the the color of the sand, millions of freckles gracing his face. My cousin, Thalia, would have said what I was doing was stalking, but I prefer admiring from a distance. After all, I was certainly admiring his soft features and graceful movements. He looked gorgeous with the pink and orange sky in the background. A small hairy creature came up to him and I tensed, but he leaned down and scratched its head. I relaxed a little bit seeing as the creature wasn't attacking, but was still watching the scene carefully. The creature jumped around and wagged its tail, making the boy laugh. I'm sure it was a majestic sound, despite being to far to hear it. Everything he did was perfect, after all. He glanced in the direction of the giant rock I was behind and I quickly ducked under the water. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my wrist and I turned around swiftly to see my cousin, Jason, who had on a furious expression. 

"Nico! What're you doing?! You were supposed to be at the concert an hour ago." I rolled my eyes. 

"No one even noticed I was gone." 

"Yes, they did! When it was your turn to sing and you weren't there, your father sent everyone in the kingdom to look for you!" 

"He overreacted. I'm fine, Jase. I promise." 

"Maybe, but your father doesn't know that! You should have seen how freaked out he was!" I rolled my eyes, trying not to think of Bianca and my mom. 

"I'll go now. I'll talk to him." 

"You're lucky I don't tell him that you were at the surface again. He'd have your tail on a platter if he found out." I sighed and started swimming to the castle, Jason following shortly behind. 

"I just don't get the big deal." I muttered. "What's so dangerous about humans?" Jason shrugged. 

"I don't know either, but have you seen your father? I wouldn't go against his wishes if I were you." He shuddered. 

"He's your uncle, Jase. You grew up with him. You still find him scary?" 

"Yes!" Jason said like it was obvious.  "He's 6 feet tall, his eyes look like they sucked the soul out of everything he touches, and he's not the nicest guy in the world, Nico." 

"Trust me, he's gotten a lot better, I swear." I told him, though I knew that was only partly true. 

"I do trust you, but the guy is scary. You can't deny that." He told me. 

"Sure he is, Grace." I said sarcastically. I sighed. "I just wish he understood why I like the surface so much." Jason looked hesitant to respond to that. 

"No one understands, Nico. I mean, I think it's cool and all, but I'm pretty sure you're the only one with a collection of human things." 

"I can't help it. I mean, I kinda know where he's coming from with the danger but not all humans are the same. Like merpeople. It's not alright to judge them for only one experience." 

"Well, I don't think he's going to let you go back up there." Jason pointed out.  

"That's if you tell him. You won't, right?" I asked. He stayed silent, not meeting my eyes. 

We reached the palace in record time and I hesitantly swam into the throne room where my father was waiting. His face visibly lit up when he saw me, but it quickly turned into a glare and scowl. 

"Niccolo di Angelo! Where were you?!" He yelled, alerting everyone in the entire sea that I had been found. 

"...nowhere important." I muttered. His glare deepened and turned to Jason. 

"Jason. Where. Did. You. Find. Him?" He asked, knowing my cousin wouldn't lie to him in fear of dying a painful death. Jason winced and sent an apologetic glance at me. 

"...the surface." He whispered. My father looked like he wanted to punch something. Or kill. 

"Niccolo, a word?" He gritted out. Jason took the hint and left me alone with my dad. "What were you thinking?! What if you were caught?!"

"I wouldn't be! I'm always careful!" I told him. I wasn't afraid of him. Almost everyone else was, but I knew he would never do anything to me.  Not in a million years. 

"You could have been! I'm not losing another member of my family to humans!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. I knew that my mother and sister had gone missing because humans a few months after I was born. It was suspected they were dead. Bianca was only two at the time. We had moved shortly after their deaths to the Underworld sea, where Hades reclaimed his throne after giving it up for my mom years prior. 

"These aren't the same humans! Merpeople aren't are all the same, so why are you acting like humans are any different?! Those humans were cruel, self centered, and jerks, but not all humans are like that!" 

"And how would you know? Did you go on land?! Did you talk to one?!" Father asked worriedly, his anger going down. I crossed my arms and pouted slightly. 

"No. I've never gone on land before. Just to the surface. But I can see humans on the beach. I can just tell they're nice. They would never try to hurt me!" 

"You don't know that, Niccolo. Go to your room. I don't want to hear about you going to the surface ever again!" 

"You don't care about me, stop pretending you do." I said before storming out of the room. I didn't go to my bedroom. Instead I left the castle and swam at full speed to my cave. In it, I held every piece of human objects I could find at the bottom of the ocean. Percy and Thalia told me the names and what they did with them. There was the Snarfblatt, which made music, the dinglehopper which is used to comb hair, etc. I was fascinated by everything I could lay my hands on and more. This was the only place in the whole ocean I felt at home. Surrounded by both the land and sea. Being able to dream of a land where I could talk and laugh with that handsome human on the beach. I smiled. That would be a nice life. 

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