
De LifeBlood93

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Thomas Morgan has been single for about a year since he got out of a relationship where his trust and faith i... Mais

Character Info
Chapter 1: Coming Around
Chapter 2: Father And Son Bonding Time
Chapter 3: A Night Out Interrupted
Chapter 4: The Pursuit Continues
Chapter 5 Part 1: Takeover
Chapter 5 Part 2: Titles and Hearts
Chapter 6: The First Date
Chapter 7 Part 1: Bad News
Chapter 7 Part 3: "I Love You"
Chapter 8: The Tour
Chapter 9: Ablaze
Chapter 10: The Aftermath
Chapter 11: Leaving The Hospital
Chapter 12: Outside Fisiticuffs
Chapter 13: The Day After
Chapter 14: Appreciating Her
Chapter 15: The New Place
Chapter 16: Workplace Visit

Chapter 7 Part 2: Katherine

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De LifeBlood93

Tom had just been told by Priscilla that his brother, Josh was in a car accident and the thought of what Priscilla wanted to tell him went out of his mind as all he wanted to do was to go to the hospital and see his brother and so he got up from the couch and so did Priscilla.

Tom: I have to go to the hospital.

Priscilla: I'll come with you.

Tom: you don't have to.

Priscilla placed her hand on his chest and she could feel his heart racing and she made it clear that she was going with him.

Priscilla: I'm coming with you Tommy, and that's final.

Tom: alright.

While Tom was driving, his mind was racing with thoughts of his brother and if he was going to be okay.
Priscilla saw this and she held his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel and she interlocked her fingers with his and she kissed the back of his hand and she rested her head on his shoulder to try and calm him down.

Priscilla: he going to be okay Tommy, you'll see.

Tom: yeah, you're right.

A short while later, they finally arrived at the hospital and they got out of Tom's car and he locked it up and they headed to the reception desk and Tom asked for the ward that his brother is on.

The receptionist told Tom what ward Josh was on and Tom rushed straight to the ward with Priscilla right there at his side.

They sat down in the waiting area and Priscilla grabbed a hold of Tom's hand and she lightly brushed her thumb up and down the palm of his hand.
While they were still waiting, Tom started to tell Priscilla about the reason why he is so close with his brother as well as his father.

Tom: when I was a little kid, about six years old, there was a fire that happened at the family home and it had grew to be a massive one, like to the point where the whole house had been burnt to the ground before the fire department managed to put it out completely.
Our dad was at work and our mum was also working but this particular night, she was at home and she was asleep and the strong smell of smoke woke her up and when she opened her eyes, she couldn't even see too far because the fire had quickly gotten out of control.
She had gotten out of bed and she tried navigating her way through the house and at one point, she was knocked unconscious by a blast.
She then woke up and slowly made her way through the house and she managed to knock the door down, an example of a mother's strength when he kids are in danger.
She was coughing badly, like really bad but she wasn't concerned about that, she just wanted to get me and Josh out of the house before it was too late.
But from outside of the house, our dad was trying to get inside but some of the firefighters were holding him back from going inside.
Our mum managed to pick us both up and carry us out of the house and she made her way over to our dad who took us both off our mum and held us in his arms.
But then, my mum collapsed and the paramedics that were on site had got her into the back of the ambulance and they took her straight to the hospital, it was the very one we're in right now.
My dad had called one of his friends who came straight to the hospital and took us with her so that we could have a shower or bath to wash the stink of smoke from the fire off us.
They were nice enough to let us borrow some clothes from their kids that happened to have clothes the same size as us.
That's how I actually met Michael, one of my friends that works with me at my metal venue.
We stayed with them and seeing as no one could get some sleep, we decided to play some video games together to pass the time, if I remember rightly it was one of the old Tony Hawk pro skater games, it might have been the very first one.

Then, eventually in the early hours of the morning there was a knock at the door and we could hear our dad crying.
Me and my brother knew exactly what that meant and so we bolted downstairs and right into our dads arms.
He told us that our mum had died after she inhaled too much smoke from the fire and she had some burn marks on her as well but she must not have noticed, probably the adrenaline running through her body.

Our mum died saving me and my brother's lives and for the longest time, I felt guilty that she did that.
I can't speak for my brother but I imagine that he did as well.
It took a while for our dad to get use to this fact that she wasn't around anymore.
He loved her so damn much, he still does.
She was the best mother I or anyone could have ever asked for and I'll never forget her.

Priscilla wiped away some tears and she linked her arm with Tom's and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Priscilla: what was her name ?

Tom: Katherine.

Priscilla: that's a pretty name.

Tom: yeah.

Priscilla: she'd be so proud of you Tommy, she really would, both you and your dad.

Tom gently leaned his head on her head and he started to realise that Priscilla was truly someone that he more than cares for and adores.
He genuinely appreciated that she was here with him and he wanted her to know that but for now his main concern was his brother and if he was going to be okay.
He knew that Priscilla was just helping to reassure him that Josh was going to be okay but seeing him would be what would at least put his mind at ease and let him know for sure that he would recover.

Then, Tom and Priscilla spotted Taylor coming over to them and they greeted her.

Priscilla and Tom both stood up and hugged Taylor and they all sat down.

Tom: how are you feeling Taylor ?

Taylor: I'm good thanks, but what about you ? He's your brother after all.

Tom: I'm good too, thanks to Priscilla.

Taylor smiled and they started talking and at one point, Tom got up and headed to the coffee machine and while he was at the coffee machine, Priscilla began to talk to Taylor about Tom.

Taylor: how are you ?

Priscilla: I'm okay, I'm just being here Tommy.

Taylor: you really love him don't you ?

Priscilla nodded.

Priscilla: yeah, i was going to tell him but then you called me and told me that Josh was in an accident, I'll tell him but this is more important right now, I'm just going to be here for him and make sure he's okay.

Taylor: he's crazy about you too.

Priscilla: you think ?

Taylor: yeah, i think so.

Priscilla: well until he's not as worried about Josh, I'm not saying anything.

Taylor: but what if he says something to you ?

Priscilla thought about it for a moment and then replied.

Priscilla: I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Tom then came back with three coffees, one for himself and one each for Priscilla and Taylor.

Priscilla: thanks Tommy.

Taylor: thanks Tom.

About four hours later, and they were still in the waiting area, and Taylor was seen talking to a doctor and Tom and Priscilla both saw this.

Tom: I hope can go and see him soon, I'm still worried about him.

Priscilla: I know you are Tommy, he's your brother after all, and after what you told me about your mom, it's only natural that you'd worry about him.

Tom: I've called my dad, he'll be here soon.

Priscilla: okay.

Tom and Priscilla saw that Taylor was now coming back over to them.

Tom: she's coming back over.

Priscilla: maybe we'll be able to go and see him.

Tom: hopefully.

Taylor sat down next to Tom and Priscilla and she told them what was going on with Josh.

Taylor: so they've told me that Josh is out of surgery and we can go and see him because he's just woken up and he's been asking about us, we've just got to wait for your dad to get here.

Then, Taylor spotted Tom and Josh's father, Charlie making his way over to them after arriving at the hospital.

Taylor: looks like he's here.

Tom turned right around and he quickly walked right up to his father and they hugged each other tightly.

Priscilla and Taylor watched on and Taylor started talking to Priscilla which made her chuckle.

Taylor: not how you imagined meeting the father of the guy you're in love with huh ?

Priscilla: haha, not really but then again we didn't anticipate Josh getting in the accident.

Taylor: true.

Priscilla: it's cute how close they are isn't it ?

Taylor: yeah, it's understandable too, given what they've gone through, which I imagine you now know about their mom.

Priscilla: yeah, hearing about it made me cry.

Taylor: yeah, same here.

Priscilla: here they come.

Tom then walked back up to Priscilla and Taylor with his father right behind him.

Tom was stood in front of Priscilla and Taylor and he introduced Priscilla to his father.

Tom: so dad, you've already met Taylor.

Charlie turned to face Taylor.

Charlie: of course, how are you feeling Taylor ?

Taylor: I'm good thanks Charlie.

Tom: and dad, this is Priscilla.

Charlie turned to face Priscilla and he held his hand out and Priscilla shook it.

Charlie: hello Priscilla, I've heard about you, my name's Charles but you can just call me Charlie, everyone else does.

Priscilla: good to meet you Charlie.

Charlie: so what's the latest with Josh ? Is he going to be okay ?

Tom: Taylor was just talking with a doctor who told her that he's just waken up after his surgery that he got a soon as he was brought here so we can go and see him.

Charlie: well alright then, let's go and see him.

Tom, Charlie, Priscilla and Taylor all made their way to the room where Josh was now awake and resting after his surgery.

Charlie knocked on the door and he opened it and he perked his head around the door.

Charlie: hello son.

Josh: hey dad, come in.

Charlie then fully opened the door and Tom, Priscilla and Taylor also entered the room and Tom then closed the door after they had all entered the room.

Josh: hey guys.

Tom, Priscilla and Taylor: hey Josh.

Tom: how are you feeling ?

Josh: sore as hell mate, but I'm glad to be alive.

Tom: what happened ?

Josh: some dumb bastard who probably thought he was in a fast and furious movie clipped the side of my car and knocked me off the road, my car rolled into a ditch and it caught fire and I passed out after that and then I woke up after my surgery.

Taylor: we were all worried baby.

Josh: sorry.

Tom: what are you saying sorry for you dipstick ?

Josh: hahaha, don't know to be honest, I know I have nothing to be sorry about, just a reflex reaction I guess.

Charlie: the only person who should be sorry is the twat who caused your accident.

Josh: I think that's the first time that you've said a swear word in a long time, let alone in front of Taylor or any woman.

Taylor: really ?

Josh: yeah, I don't think he even swore in front of mine and Tom's mum, she never swore so neither did he.

Charlie: that's true, your mum didn't swear so I don't either.

Tom: if she was here now, she's be furious and I think that this'd be something that would make her swear like a trooper.

Charlie: haha most likely, your mum didn't play any games when it came to her baby boys.

Priscilla heard this and she lightly squeezed Tom's hand and he looked back at her and he looked at her as she smiled at him, as if to reassure him.
Tom nodded and he smiled back at her and gently squeezed her hand back.

They stayed with Josh for a bit longer until it was time for them to leave as visiting times were over and Josh suggested that they all get some sleep.

Taylor and Charlie have already gone back to their homes and before Tom had gotten into his car, he opened the passenger door and let Priscilla in and closed the door behind him.

They went back to Tom's place and when they arrived there and were now back inside his house, Tom made them both something to drink and they sat on his couch together.
As Priscilla was sat right next to Tom, she snuggled right up to him and rested her head on his chest as he put his arm around her.

Priscilla: how are you feeling now that you've seen Josh ?

Tom: a little bit better now that I've seen him, I'm just confused as to how bad the accident was that he wasn't as hurt as he could have been.

Priscilla: it is strange but it's a good thing isn't it ?

Tom: oh definitely yeah, I'm just surprised is all, I really am glad that he wasn't as hurt as he could have been, I was just scared of losing my brother.

Then, a comfortable silence fell over them both and Tom had gotten to thinking about how Priscilla had stayed by his side the whole time without a second thought and hesitation.
Tom smiled and he held Priscilla tighter as she sunk further into him as she wrapped both of her arms around him.
During the comfortable silence, Priscilla had thought about if it would be a good idea to keep him company over night.

Priscilla: Tommy ?

Tom: yeah ?

Priscilla: would you like me to stay the night ? Just to keep you company ?

Tom: haven't you got NXT tomorrow ?

Priscilla: no.

Tom: then yeah, I'd love for you to stay with me.

Priscilla: okay Tommy, I'll stay with you tonight.

Tom:.... Thanks.

Priscilla: don't mention it.

Tom and Priscilla saw the time and they decided to get some sleep and when they got up from the couch, Tom offered to drive her back to her place to get some clothes for her to sleep in and some clothes to change into in the morning.

Tom: if you want, I can drive you back to your place so you can get a change of clothes.

Priscilla: are you sure you don't mind ?

Tom: I'm sure, as long as you're with me.

Hearing what Tom just said to her made her all the more certain that she loves him, it was nice to hear from Tom that she was needed.

Priscilla: come on Tommy, the sooner we get there and get some clothes, the sooner we can get back here and we can get some sleep.

Tom: okay, let's go.

Tom drove Priscilla to her place and she grabbed some clothes and put them in a backpack and then they went back to Tom's place.

When they got back, they were greeted by Tom's dog, Cairo.
Tom petted him on his head and Priscilla crouched down and she scratched his chin as he wagged his tail.

Priscilla: he's such a good boy.

Tom: yeah, even though he is a good boy, there's still people that see him when I'm take him for walks and they immediately think he's a vicious dog just because he's a pitbull.

Priscilla: well that's just not true at all, he's a sweet boy.

Tom: yeah, he is.

Priscilla stood back up and she gently placed her hand on toms arm and she looked him in the eyes.

Priscilla: come on Tommy, let's get some sleep.

Tom: yeah, you first.

Tom gestured for Priscilla to go up the stairs first and she smiled at him and he followed her up the stairs.
Tom got changed into a shirt and some shorts and when he turned around, he saw Priscilla who was wearing an oversized shirt and some shorts with her hair tied up.

Tom was already more than attracted to Priscilla but there was something about seeing her in an oversized shirt and some shorts.
Priscilla saw that Tom was looking at her and so she decided to try and make him smile by teasing and flirting with him.

Priscilla: what's the matter Tommy ? Cat got your tongue ?

Priscilla walked seductively over to Tom and then she stood in front of him with her hands on her hips and then she took one of her hands and she traced steps with her fingertips up his chest and then she booped his nose leaving Tom in a blushing mess.

They both got into bed and they snuggled up to each other.
Tom was lying on his back while Priscilla wrapped her arms right around Tom's torso and then she nuzzled her head into his chest.

Priscilla: goodnight Tommy.

Tom: goodnight Priscilla.

Priscilla was the first to fall asleep and so Tom thought to himself.

Tom: how am I going to tell her...

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