Chapter 4: The Pursuit Continues

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It had been a week since the unfortunate encounter between Tom and his ex girlfriend Lindsey and things had been back to normal for Tom as he hadn't seen her since the encounter at the club and he had been back to his normal self.

Priscilla had been checking up on Tom and she was glad to know that he was okay even after the encounter with his ex and she had started to think about when she was going to tell him her true feelings for him.

Priscilla was sat in catering with Mandy, Taylor and Tom's brother, Josh and she started asking Josh about Tom.

Priscilla: hey Josh, I was wondering if you could tell me more about Tommy ?

Josh: sure, what do you want to know ?

Tom: well, with all the flirting that I do with him, I actually do really like him, can he tell or is he just not interested ?

Josh: well the last relationship he was in, you now know about since he told you and you met her for yourself, his confidence with women had taken quite a knock so when you flirt with him, there's a part of him that thinks you're only being nice and that you don't like him in that way.

Priscilla: I do actually like him, if I didn't like him as much as I do, I'd have stopped with the flirting already.
Did his last relationship do that much of a number on him ?

Josh: yeah, but recently, he's been more confident because before you met him, he wouldn't give a woman that even flirted with him the time of day.

Priscilla: oh ?

Josh: now that i think about it, ever since he met you, he has been more social than he use to be because his friends use to have to drag him out with them.

Hearing this made Priscilla smile that Tom might feel the same way about her.

Priscilla: really ?

Josh: yeah, they'd have to knock on his door and not leave until he came with them.

Priscilla: I'm glad he has friends that care about his mental health.

Josh: they certainly do, why don't you see how he's doing ?

Priscilla: okay, I'll do that but I'll do it after mine, Mandy and Taylor's match later.

Josh: and just so you know, you don't have to hold off on the flirting, if he genuinely hated it, he would have said so by now.

Priscilla got a playful smile on her face and she asked Taylor to help her to take a photo of her to post on her instagram and to flirt with Tom.

Priscilla: hey Taylor, I have an idea and I'd like your help with it.

Taylor: sure, what do you need ?

Priscilla stood up and asked Taylor to follow her.

Priscilla: follow me.

Taylor: okay.

Taylor got up and followed Priscilla to a part of the arena and she asked Taylor to take a photo of her.

Taylor: alright, what's up ? What do you need my help with ?

Priscilla: I need you to take a photo of me with my phone so that I can post something.

Taylor: oh okay, sure.

Priscilla handed Taylor her phone and she posed and Taylor took the photo and showed Priscilla who liked the photo and thanked Taylor.

Priscilla: thanks.

Taylor: is there any other reason for this photo at all ?

Priscilla: you know haha.

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