Chapter 15: The New Place

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Tom had been preparing to move into his new house as it had been finished and ready to be moved in for a few days now and Tom has rented out a hauling van and his friends have offered to help him and he had just picked them up in the hauling van and they had their first bunch of his possessions in the back and on the way there, they were talking about possibly going on a camping trip for the weekend one day and they agreed when and where.

Then, Andrea was the first to mention about if Tom had pictured living with Priscilla.

Andrea: so Tom, have you ever thought about living with Priscilla at all ?

Tom smiled.

Tom: honestly yeah, I've been thinking about just asking her if she wants to move in with me but I'll wait a bit longer until I'm fully settled in and then I'll ask her.

Daniel: seeing the smile on both or your faces, I think all you'd have to do is ask her and she'd say yeah.

Tom: you guys really think so ?

Michael: oh yeah dude, she's loves you so fuckin' much, I have never seen you like this with anyone else before, you two are it for each other man.

Tom had a big smile on his face as he made his first trip to his new place and when they got there, his friends were obviously happy for him.

Daniel: damn, this is a nice place you got here man.

Andrea: I just know that Cairo will love the backyard.

Tom: oh he will, it's got a lot of space for him to run about and there's no chance of him escaping either.

Michael: it looks awesome.

Tom: wait till you guys see inside.

Andrea: well let's get to it then, I wanna see.

Tom, Daniel and Michael laughed and they all got out of the hauling truck and Tom locked it shut and gave them all a quick tour and when they came back out, Tom's friends all said how proud they are of him and not just for getting himself his new house either.

Michael: I gotta say dude, I'm so happy for you.

Daniel: yeah man, well done.

Andrea: you deserve this Tom.

Tom: thanks guys, that means a lot.

They all got to putting Tom's things in his new house and eventually at the end of the day, Tom bought them all pizza since he wouldn't let them do it for nothing and they didn't want much.

A few weeks later......

After settling in to his new house, Tom had been putting together a surprise for Priscilla who had been there for him throughout everything even before the fire that destroyed his previous house and during as well as afterwards and he couldn't be more grateful and so he knew of only one way he could show her how grateful he was and that was to ask her to move in with him.

Tom had brought Priscilla over to see the new place and after getting out of his car and locked it up, he saw Priscilla looking at it and she was happy for Tom.

Tom's New House

Tom's New House

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