
By yyourhost

504 25 63

Elizabeth Grant dreamed to someday escape her diminished life in Arcadia, however; loneliness lingered in the... More



16 2 7
By yyourhost

Nov, 13. Monday, 1pm.
Pov: Abel Tesfaye.

After finishing a verse in the studio I take a small break scrolling through my socials. Ali and my messy life had kept me away from the media and my fans aren't so happy. Stumbling upon a post from Carmen her necklace is on full display with a pentagram for a charm.

Brushing my hands over my scars underneath my shirt. It's the same symbol on my chest. I immediately pace and ring her line. I really hope they aren't after her to fuck up her life aswell.

"Hey Abel."

"Carmen. . . I know we've been arguing a lot recently and I'm sorry. Are you alright?" The last thing I need is for the cult to go after her.

"I guess I'll be sorry too or whatever. I'm fine though. Is there something you wanted, I'm out shopping and I need to get back to it."

Now I'm definitely sure something isn't right. Either she's with somebody who's giving her money like it's nothing or she's doing bad shit to get it all. "Where'd you get the money? Matter of fact how? If something's going on you know you can tell me?"

She smacked her lips. "You didn't have to pretend like you were sorry just to like harass me. You could just call and speak."

"I'm not pretending I am sorry. I just feel like like there's something you're not telling me. How and where are you getting money to afford all this stuff? And why are you wearing a pentagram around your neck?!"

"Well I'm not hiding anything so you can stop. I'll send you something later." She blew a kiss from the other side. "Bye bye."

Before I could get anything else out she hung up in my face. I just can't come to terms with this and I'd hate to be that person who tries to solve things in everyone else life, but I still love her. A couple honks pulled me from my 30 yard gaze. I had an appointment with a therapist, but I'm not so sure about this anymore. I shot up and the room spun. Standing there waiting on everything to calm I swear I heard my name being called.


I slowly exit the room with my phone clutched in hand. Everything was still, my eyes darting around the hallways, I notice somebody cut a corner just as I do. Taking position to throw my phone I race in their direction.

"Chill out! It's just me." Ace threw his hands up. "I was outside for a minute and you didn't answer my text, so I came in to make sure everything was okay."


Sitting in the lobby Ace was to my left waiting with me. I never told him why I'm going to therapy, but he still wants to be by my side. He's happy for me, he's like my older brother that I never had, but I know how he is. How he takes matters into his own hands.

My name was call from the front desk. Leaving the chair Ace wished me luck and I went down the hall. Every step felt like another mistake. Another set back. Stuck in front of her door I'm not so sure I can do this shit anymore.
Nov, 13. Monday, 2pm.
Pov: Elizabeth Grant.

"DOGGY!!" She screamed hugging Sadie tight around the neck. I'm overfilled with joy to see there's someone to show her love. Sparkie began licking her face. "You have two!!?" she struggled out between her fits of giggles.

"Yes, I've got a horse and a cat aswell." Max preferred solitude so he stayed in my room waiting on our leave, Luna had been taken over earlier. My father's assistants took my baggage and loaded it into the car since Ali's things were already there and it was freezing out. Born into royalty my parents were very old school, they didn't believe in women moving a finger. Which is why I've never had a job in my life besides now.

"Ms Grant. Everything is Loaded are you ready?" One of the men poked through the door.

"One moment," I told him. Up to my room to throw my coat on and collect max I also looked to say goodbye to Santiago, but forgot he was still at school. "Ali girly, are you ready?" I said making my way down the stairs.

"Are the doggies coming?" Her eyes all big just like those of a little puppy. She poked her lip out looking at me as Midge was helping her with her coat. "Please," she begged.

Smiling as I took her little hand I nodded. "Yes they're coming." I called them over as we went out of the door Midge held open.

"Be safe!" She said.

"You too!" Ali smiled. "Thank you," I mouthed.

Climbing into the car she ran her hands across the paint. "Your car pretty!"

"Why thank you."

Upon arrival my grandfather met us outside as the assistants took our belongings inside along with Max, Sadie, and Sparkie. "El! Who's the sweet peach you got with you?" He limped over with his cane in hand.

"This is Ali. There was this guy I met and he just needed me to watch her, so I don't mind it."

"Is it that prince from crouton your dad told me about?" He squinted his eyes looking down at her.

"Well, actually, he's from Crusade and no. It's a different guy." I can't believe my dad is going around and telling my business like that. Ali and my grandfather both greet each other before we went inside to settle. She was still fascinated by my dogs, so she was out back running around with them.

The fireplace lit ablaze we sipped on hot chocolate glancing out of the window to check on Ali. "So tell me about the guy."

"His name is Abel. I met him in a nearby field, he was terribly injured. He asked me out to skate and I accepted. We occasionally text, overall he's a sweetheart."

"Is he from here? And is he royalty?" He took a sip from his mug. I know how much my father wants me to marry into royalty, but I do think I like Abel.

"No, he lives in The Hills with this gorgeous house and he's a singer."

"Not to invade but where's the girls mother? Do you know El?"

"That's a great question. I actually don't know." My phone chimed, and I immediately went for it to check the message from Rakim. He wants to go out for dinner, I could use a treat. I accept.

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