random one shots

By dawnsonn

346 1 0

hi, this is my new one shot and it's random people so I hope y'all like it !! More

poem, wilbur soot
safe house, leo dicaprio
safe house (2)
concert, wilbur soot
can i get a kiss? hank lecker
can i get a kiss? (p2)
deal, brian o conner
coffee and qualifying, oscar piastri
race, brian o conner
race (p2)

you're alone? , indiana jones

12 0 0
By dawnsonn

indiana jones is a teacher 2 months ago in college and he was like the hottest teacher in the college too. most of the female students start to fall in love with him (he's like 22, and basically most of the students were 20+) everytime he came to school with a briefcase, all the students start to act up like they wanna asked about the subject to him but, they just wanna indy to attract to them and flirt with him. "uh- sorry, i have to go.." he ran to his office and put down his briefcase. "what the hell happened there.." he sigh and he heard a door knocked.

"come in." there it is. a young girl who wear a redbull vintage jacket, straight jeans holding a lot of files in her hands. "um.. mr jones?" he look up. "uh, yeah, that's me.." she walked to the table and put the file on his desk. "this is some of the files that mrs anderson asked me to put for you, mr jones." he nodded and take a look at the file. 

"are you in my class?" he asked and she nodded. "yeah, i am. i'm the girl who.." she stopped talking then indy look at her. "what?" "um, nevermind.. i'll get going, mr jones.." she starts walking over. "nice jacket btw." indy said and smiles at her. "thanks." she walked out of the door and closed it. "this is a load of shits." he sat down a bit. 

soon after that, indy went to his class and started to teach and as he teach the class, there's a girl who kept staring at him and not paying attention to the subject. she kept staring at him and that makes indy uncomfortable. but, as he look right at the girl, she blinked and there's something written in her eyelids. indy were confused and blank at the moment, but as she blinked back, it's written 'love you' and indy quickly back up and back to teaching. 


"alright class, remember about the homework okay? make a revision about chapter 5, page 50. i want to see it next week." as he remind his class, he pack his bag and the female students gave their letters to indy and put at his desk and went home. "for god sake.." he said softly then, y/n walked towards indy. "well, that's a lot of letters.." he chuckled. "yeah, it is. those girls are crazy to be honest.." she nodded. "i know. they always acted like that whenever they saw or met a handsome and attractive teacher." "are you saying that i'm attractive teacher?"

"for them, it is, for me, it's pretty normal for a teacher." he keep packing it. "do you need any help, mr jones?" she asked and indy look down at her. "oh, sure. i really need some hands right now" he giggled and y/n help him pick up some scrolls and papers and went to his office. "so, you're the quiet one, huh?" indy said as they walked. "yeah, i am. i don't quiet talkative." indy nodded and they went in his office.

"your grade are pretty good too." y/n was shocked because they just finished a test for final exams and did not expect the results already out. "it's out now??" indy nodded as she out the scrolls on the desk. "yeah, already. i just checked you guys results." y/n really wanna know what her results. "can i know mine?" indy crossed his arms. "to be honest, i can't give it to you, but since you helped me, i'll give it to you. but- you can't tell them that you go the results, understand?" 

y/n make the zip motion to her mouth and nodded. "good." he went to the desk and open his computer and start searching for the result. "what's your name?" "y/n. y/n l/n" indy start type her name on the system as the result came out. "come here take a look." indy said as y/n walked and stand behind indy as she take a look. "oh my god.. oh my god!!" indy smiled. "you're improving now, y/n" she giggled. "my mom and dad gonna be so happy.."

"congratulations, y/n" indy stand up and about to walk to his rack, but y/n hug his waist. "thank you, thank you, thank you so much, mr jones!! you taught me so well than my teacher before this" indy was startled by the hug but he just hugged her. he never got a student like her before, so he's kinda lucky. "no problem, y/n. i'm glad that it could make you more success than before. i'm proud of you.." indy smiles and they broke the hug. "and thank you for helping me, y/n."

"that's really not a problem, mr jones. i always help teachers when they're in need. anyway, if you need any help, you could call me or- i'll just asked you right away." she giggled. "alright, i'm going, mr jones. byee" she walked out of the office as he waved back to her. "what an amazing girl.." indy said to herself as he starts to clean up the desk.

the next week, the college hosted an amazing event called "movie theme event" so, all the students including teachers have to wear the clothes just like their favourites movie characters and even the filmmaker. y/n really loves films and directors so much. she even dream to be a film director one day.

so, the event started and all of the students dressed like their own favourite characters such as brian o conner from fast n furious, bruce wayne from batman, marty mcfly from back to the future and more.

y/n dressed lile christopher nolan since she's really like the artwork from him and she didn't do anything except eating, walking around. she doesnt like to communicate with people very much. "hi, miss, do you want some blueberry tarts? i guarantee you it's so delicious and at the first bite, you might want more!!" there's some juniors students promoted the tarts to y/n and she denied it politely.

then, she went to sit at the bench and watching people laughing, taking pictures, walking around with people and bestfriends and she just sat there, doing nothing. then, there's a man walked towards her. "y/n?" it was her teacher, mr jones. she look at her left and start to stutter. "mr jones? what are you doing here?"

"that's supposed to be my question, kid. you're supposed to have fun like others now." he take a sit besides her. "well, i dont talk to new people too much, i just eat, watching people walking around laughing with each other." professor jones just nodded as he sip his drink.

"oh, i see. you're an introvert type of person." she nodded. "come on, let's take a walk." he said and stand up while his hands went to his pocket. "um, that's fine, mr jones. besides, people will talk behind if i walk with you, mr jones." he was confused by her statement.

"why did you say that? is people gonna talk behind if you walk with me? did that ever happened to you before?" she laughed because he didn't understand what she was saying. "no, what i was saying is, you're a professor that almost every girl in this college drooling and im just a quiet, introvert students. arent it weird? peopel will definitely talk behind, mr jones. "

he sigh. "well, what if i say that i dont even care if they talk behind?" "why's that, mr jones?" he take a sip of his drink again and throw it in the rubbish can. "listen, i know those girls are drooling over me, kid. but, i don't care about them. just let them do whatever the hell they want. i swear i don't care, okay?" he crossed his arms. "besides, talking to you are even amazing than doing other things you know. y/n, you're an amazing students, smart, kind, caring type of girl and i never even met one of the girl lile you before i'm telling ya."

her eyes were sparkled as she heard what mr jones said to her and she slightly start to smile. "are you sure you never met one before?" he shake his head. "no, never in my life." she start to stand up besides him. "look at that. that's more i lile it. keep it up the spirit. we also could talk about our life you know, like getting to know each other?" she giggled as they started to walk. "yeah, okay.."

they started to walk while looking at the booth that the students promoted their products. "what are you dressed as, y/n?" he asked and her attention back to indy. "oh. i dressed as christopher nolan. the filmmaker." his eyes wide open.

"oh really?" he look surrounding the students were all dressed as characters. "all of them were dressed as their fav characters and you as a filmmaker?" she nodded. "why did you choose him?" "well, i really love films very much and i always watched his behind the scene in the making of the films and its so amazing and genius, mr jones." he kept listening and nodded. "i just wanna be like him one day. he even didnt go to the film school eventhough he's really in passion with films."

"oh, i see. well, you should take the film course for degree then" she nodded and agree with what jones saying. after some chit chat talk, she decided to go to the toilet as indy wait her outside of the toilet.

"oh god.." she wash her face and look into the mirror. "this can't be happening right now.." she said to myself as she looks at herself in the mirror with wet face because she's slowly in love with her own teacher.

"im in love with mr jones. this can't be happening.." then, she brace herself and walk outside back. "what took you so long?" she giggled. "there's a new acne grow, i just take a look" that make he laughs. "well, its okay.. it's just one little acne, you still look beautiful.." that makes her have so many butterflies in her stomach.

"cmon, mr jones, dont be like that.." they chuckled together. then, they kept walking and walking til then.. they stares into each other eyes for a long time. "thank you mr jones for your time today and i really enjoyed it every single seconds." y/n said while smiling.

"no problem and it was fun talking to you, y/n." they look into each other eyes back and they slowly lean closer as y/n cheeks turning red. "oh- we couldn't do this.." she turned arounf as she cover her cheeks. "yeah we shouldnt.."

"i guess, this is a goodbye, right?" she laughed. "no its not, mr jones. we will meet soon next week for english class" he laughed. "oh yeah, absolutely, how silly of me." "i should go now, mr jones.. bye.." she stormed off as indy kept looki g at her walking away.. "..bye.."

next week, y/n came to the class late due to wake up late and she was running while holding the notebooks and papers
"mr jones, sorry im late" she was standing at the door while apologize to him.

"you've never come to my class late, y/n." "yeah- im terribly sorry, mr jones. i woke up late and i had to send my brother to school today" indy started feeling empathy to her. "its okay, go sit, i'm gonna start the new chapter.." she nodded and go sit at her table.

as she go sat, indy started to teach the new chapter and every 5 minutes, he kept glancing and making eye contact with y/n and she was confused either he was looking at the girl next to her or herself. but, she doesn't care at all. she focus back on the class.

"alright, class. i want you all to exercise 4, 5 and 6 and i want to see it next month since you all have summer break." they all excited for the summer. "y/n. i need to see you after class." her heart beats faster when he mentioned her name. "oh, okay, mr jones.."

she pack her bag and went to his desk. "yeah, mr jones? what can i help you with?" he went to the door and closed it. he usually asked her to take his scrolls and straight to the office, but now, he's closing the door. "i need to tell you something, y/n.." he sighs and lick his lips. "um, what is it, mr jones?" he is so scared to tell this to y/n (he's in love with his students the day after the event)

"don't be scared of me okay if i tell you this.." he made eye contact with her for 5 seconds. "sure thing, mr jones. i won't be scared. he take his breath before telling this. "after the event we held a few days ago, my feelings towards you growing more and more.." as he talked, he made eye contact about his feelings towards his one of favourite student and that make y/n eyes bawled out. "w- what?" she dropped her book on the floor and jones helped pick it up and put it on his desk. "yes. i tell the truth. i'm in love with you." 

her eyes didn't blink at all as he talked about this and jones slowly took her hands and caress it. "listen, i'm not joking about this okay? im telling the truth. i really love you, dear y/n.." he kiss her hands softly and that makes her cheeks glowing red.

he look up back at her and slightly smiles. "honey, are you blushing?" "what- n- no.." he chuckled and softly caressed her red cheek softly. "its okay, you ca blush anytime.." he stares into her lips then look back at her as he wanna ask permission to kiss. "can i kiss you now, y/n?"

her cheeks glows red back as he asked that. "k- kiss?" jones nodded. "if you don't like it, it's okay, sweetheart. i'm fine. but you have to remember it, i really do love you from the bottom of my heart.. i really do." jones explain it to her as he locked eyes with his students. she sigh and look back at him. "alright.." his eyes softened. "kiss?" she nodded and that makes jones happy as he took her face and softly kiss her lips. the soft, gentle kiss. he closed his eyes as he kiss y/n, as if like he's in the movie right now. he can feel how warm she is, how gentle and soft she is as they kissed.

"thank you, honey.." he smiles as he caressed her cheeks and it really makes y/n blushing hard. "i love you, mr jones.." he smiled widely now. "i know, sweetie. i knew it at the first place." she chuckled and go hug him tightly. the day end with y/n and jones hugging and kissing each other in the class with the door closed. their relationship kept hidden from the school and class but they really live happily ever after

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