Washed Away

By _lzein

11.7K 312 9

Aonung x OC When a female Omaticaya falls from her ikran into the sea after losing consciousness in the midst... More



1.3K 30 0
By _lzein

Aonung: 16 years old
Txana Saeyla: 16 years old

Txana was peacefully flying over the forest with her ikran as they enjoyed the feeling of the cold breeze on their skin especially during a sunny day.

This has always been the way it was for her when she was finished with her duties around the camp. She would just be flying around with her only friend.

From the moment she was born, she was already orphaned and was raised by her grandmother who later on passed away when she was 13.

She refused for anyone else to take her in and has been going independent for 3 years.

She helped with the war against sky people and also helped treat the wounded since she rarely was one of them because of her agility.

When eclipse came, she said goodbye to her ikran and went back to camp where she was immediately met with Toruk Makto.

"Txana, good to see you, do you have time?" he asked her, making her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I do, why?" she replied.

"Great, can you please treat my son's wound? You're the first healer i came across so i figured i should ask you since i'm in a hurry." he said with a sigh of relief, making her nod.

"Please lead the way." she said, making him turn and start to walk while she followed behind him.

They arrived at Toruk Makto's tent and he gestured for her to enter before leaving her to it.

When she got inside, she already saw the materials needed to clean and treat a wound while Toruk Makto's eldest son sat with bleeding scratches on his body.

Without saying a word, she approached him and sat down in front of him before she started to treat his wounds.

She wasn't close to any of the sullys, or even anyone in the clan to be more specific because she liked to be alone and avoided social interactions unless during their missions or her tasks.

At some point while she was treating the Sully boy's wounds, she wondered why her mother or sister couldn't do it instead. But she shrugged the thought off thinking they may currently be busy.

"Hey teya-" she heard the voice of one of the other Sully kids from behind her, making her stop to look behind her.

There she saw the youngest son looking at them both with his jaw dropped. Her brows furrowed in confusion at his reaction before he left the tent without saying a word.

She heard Neteyam sigh as she looked back at him.

"I apologize for my brother, he's being a skxawng." Neteyam replied, giving her an apologetic look.

"Oh it's alright, he probably wanted to talk to you so i'll just finish this up quickly." she replied before continuing to treat his wounds.

When she finished, she made sure there wasn't much of a mess before standing up to leave.

"Umm.. make sure to rest so your wounds heal faster." she said in a slightly awkward way before leaving to go to her own tent.

When she arrived, she sighed as she went to lay on her hammock. She didn't really do that much stuff today other than perform her daily duties, hang out with her ikran, and treat Neteyam's wounds.

But she was exhausted, she didn't want to move and just wanted to close her eyes and drift off to sleep.

And so she decided she would skip dinner and just sleep, but before she could even do so, someone called her name from outside her tent.

She sighed and lazily stood up from her hammock, walking over to the entrance of her tent to see who it was.

"Ah, Txana!" Neytiri said with a smile when she came out of her tent.

"Oh, hello ma'am." she greeted her with respect.

"Please, call me Neytiri. How have you been, dear?" Neytiri said, putting a hand on her shoulder while she smiled.

"I've been well, i hope you have been well too." she said while smiling.

Neytiri had been the one to train her in place of her father and also the one to help her achieve a role in the clan.

"Yes, i have. I wish to invite you to have dinner with us tonight, so you can meet my children aswell." Neytiri said with her usual kind smile.

"Sure, I'll be delighted." she replied making Neytiri's smile grow wider.

"Come, let's go." Neytiri said before turning around and starting to walk while she followed behind her.

"First the husband and now the wife." she thought to herself as she shook her head while smiling.

She enjoyed talking to Neytiri but she preferred to be alone all the time, it seemed like her evening for today was to be occupied by the Sullys.

They arrived and Neytiri's family all looked shocked to see her coming with Neytiri.

"Txana will be joining us for dinner tonight, i invited her." Neytiri said with a bright smile, making her husband clear his throat.

"Txana, welcome. Please have a seat." Jake said with a smile, seemingly getting over the shock.

"Thank you for having me." she smiled before sitting down on a log before the two daughters came to her, the older one sitting beside her.

"Hi! I'm Kiri, and this is Tuk." the older one introduced herself and the little girl with a smile.

"Nice to meet you both." she replied with a smile.

"I've heard a lot about you!" Kiri said energetically, making her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Me?" she asked.

"Yes! I heard you're both a warrior and a healer." Kiri said, making her nod in realization.

She didn't know if this was the first time that a warrior also served as a healer but she expected word about it to spread since it really doesn't happen often.

What she was surprised about is people talking about her and she didn't even know.

"I heard rumors about you being beautiful and i guess the rumors really were true, you are beautiful!" Kiri said with a bright smile while Tuk beside her nodded eagerly.

"Uhh.. t-thank you.." she replied, feeling a little bit overwhelmed by the compliment.

"Come on, girls. It's time to eat." Neytiri said with a smile as she looked at the girls.

Neytiri had always known that Txana was a shy girl, even as a kid she would be overwhelmed when she was complimented.

Neytiri was a distant relative of the girl's mother, but only she and the girl's mother knew that because the girl's mother was known to be slightly unruly and did not want to affect people's image of Neytiri.

Her father died during the war with the sky people while her mother lasted until she gave birth to her before she eventually died after giving birth.

Her mother faught alongside them despite having her in her womb, resulting in her critical condition when she gave birth.

Neytiri offered to adopt the girl when her grandmother had died but the girl refused, continuing her life independently.

"You really like that kid, huh?" Jake who was beside her asked in a low voice.

"She is a wonderful child, brave and kind." Neytiri replied to him while smiling while he nodded, the smile on his wife's face making him smile aswell.

Jake noticed Neteyam stealing glances at the girl, but he sensed that it wasn't out of attraction, it looked more like longing.

And then he realized why his son had that look.

"Wasn't she Neteyam's playmate?" he turned to his wife.

"Yes, why?" Neytiri asked, tilting her head to the side before looking at her son who she caught stealing glances at Txana with longing in his eyes.

This put a sad look on her face, remembering how close the two were before they started to act like strangers.

After they finished dinner, Txana bid them farewell before walking back to her own tent.

She stretched her arms and yawned, getting into her tent before making sure no one else could just barge in while she was asleep.

She decided to rest for a few minutes before laying down on her bed to get her long awaited sleep.





"Txana Saeyla!"

She opened her eyes and saw that her vision was blurry. Two Na'vi towered over her, a boy and a girl. What was strange was they were not Omaticaya, but she wasn't quite sure aswell since her vision was blurred.

"Txana!!" she woke up when she felt herself being shook lightly.

Opening her eyes, the sight of Neytiri greeted her as she sat up from her hammock.

"Neytiri? What are you doing here?" she asked as she wiped her face.

"Come have breakfast with us, dear." Neytiri said with a smile.

"Sure." she replied seeing the eagerness in the woman's eyes.

"Great! Let us go now." Neytiri said as she stood up and left her tent while Txana followed behind the woman.

When they arrive, Kiri immediately calls her to sit with her and so she does. They were eating while talking to each other happily when Txana felt something odd.

She carefully set her food down beside her as she blinked a few times.

"Txana? Are you alright?" Kiri asks and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"No, i.." she feels her head throbbing, making her almost collapse but Kiri managed to catch her as everyone around them panicked.

"Txana!" Neytiri stood up and approached her, putting a hand on her cheek to make her look up.

Txana calms down for a few seconds before her eyes went bloodshot as she shot up from her seat.

"Sky People. They have airships." she said, shocking those around her before she left for her tent to prepare for battle.

She quickly wore her battle attire and grabbed her bow and arrows before running off to leave the cave, only to be stopped by Jake.

"Txana, i think you should wait for the rest of the warriors and come with us." he said, making her eyebrows furrow.

"How much longer will they take?" she asked.

"A few more minutes, just please wait and don't go off on your own." Jake said worriedly, making her groan in frustration.

"Ten minutes. If you're not ready by then, i'll go on by myself. My brother is calling me." she replies while Jake nodded before walking off to the rest of the warriors.

"Brother?" she heard someone ask from behind her, making her turn and see Lo'ak.

"Yes, my ikran is my spirit brother." she replied, making him nod.

"Do you wanna go now? I'll come with you." Lo'ak said, making her raise a brow at him.

"No. I will keep my words, you should learn doing the same too." she said, slightly mocking him.

"Are you trying to offend me?" he asked.

"Is it working?" she smirked at him, making him roll his eyes.

Nine minutes passed and the warriors were now ready as she met them at the exit.

"We're ready. Do you know where the enemies are?" Jake asked while Neytiri was beside him while she nodded.

Txana turned around as her ikran landed on the ground before she got on him and made Tsaheylu.

She didn't care about the marveled looks that the people were giving her ikran as she ordered him to fly.

"Follow us." she said to them who were now on their ikrans before her ikran took them to the lower area of the island that was close to the sea.

The warriors started yipping as they all jumped to the ground while Txana, Neytiri, and Neteyam remained flying on their ikrans.

They were in charge of shooting from above and also getting rid of the aircrafts.

Txana felt unwell and unusually easily exhausted ever since she had woken up, it's as if she would pass out any minute.

But she had to focus and fight it to stop the sky people from ruining more of their home.

She got separated from Neytiri and Neteyam when she noticed one of the aircrafts chasing her.

Without wasting any more second, she aimed at the inside human that was controlling the ship and her bow went through the glass and straight to his heart.

With the pilot being dead, the aircraft fell on land which caused for it to explode.

She sighed in relief before she felt her heart throb and her ikran noticed her unwell state.

"Brother, find me if i disappear in the ocean." she told her ikran when she felt her vision start to blur until she lost consciousness and fell into the ocean.

Her ikran tried to save her but was unable to when she was washed away roughly by the waves.

The battle ended at eclipse and everyone had gone home until Neytiri noticed something.

"MaJake." she approached her husband who gave her a questioning look.

"Where is Txana?" she asked him, holding his arm.

He seemed to have come to a realization because of her question.

"I don't know.. i didn't see her or her ikran after the battle." Jake responded which made Neytiri nervous.

"Let's take a look at the battle grounds tomorrow and see if there's traces of her there or maybe she will come back in the morning." Jake suggested while Neytiri nodded.

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