The Father Of Deep Cut

By Shiverfan

3.2K 84 56

You're a lonley man who has never had any Real experience with kids. But one night you stumble across three l... More

Meet them
Flu season...great
Family time
Preteen secrets
Fathely confrontation
New York Baby!
It's the perfect Christmas
Growing up is hard to do
Temper Tantrum
Play Date chaos
Snow Day
Here comes the Storm

Getting and Giving

160 6 15
By Shiverfan

Frye is in the process if making a friend, but her siblings have other ideas
Frye happily runs down the halls. She ran into your room, busting the door open and jumping on your bed. You look up at the happy Inkling, her ears flapping with joy as she squeals "What's got you so excited?" You ask with a giggle. "Daddy I made a new friend!!!" Frye screams. You eyes light up with happiness. "You did? That awesome, sweetie! Do you want to invite them over?" You ask. "Well...I can't. They're on the other side of the world." Frye explains. " online friend?" You ask. "Yep! Their name is Blaze! They're really kind!" Frye cheers. "Have you...heard this persons voice?" You ask. " I'm sure they've got an amazing voice!" Frye smiles. "Daddy! Shiver won't let me into the bathroom!" Big man yells. " she in there right now?" You ask. "Well...yeah..." Big man murmurs. "Well then that's why." You smile. "Dumb privacy rule." Big man huffs. "I'm done now, Big man, now you and your impatient butt can go." Shiver snaps. "Finally." Big man groans, as he runs to the bathroom. "Shiver! I got a friend online!" Frye screams with excitement. "Oh yeah?" Shiver smiles. "Yeah! They're name is Blaze!" Frye smiles. "Where'd ya meet them?" Shiver asks. "On my animal simulation game. They're a cute tiny fox!" Frye screams. "Sounds fun. Well, I'm gonna go head out with friends. Do you mind, dad?" Shiver asks. "Thanks for asking sweetie, and yes you may." You smile as Shiver leaves the room. You watch Frye play her little game as the morning slowly drifts away. After while, the house was quiet...too quiet. You get up and walk over to Frye's room where you here quiet giggling. You walk in and the little trio was staring at Frye's computer. You squint a bit to see some very...not okay chats.

Blaze: So FrenchFrye, do you have a boyfriend?

FrenchFrye: Nope

Blaze: You should, if you have one you get to see their junk."

FrenchFrye: What do you mean junk? Are they messy?

Blaze: No I mean their..privates.

"Excuse me boys and girls. What are we doing?" You ask sternly. The trio looked back at you in shock. "Why are we having conversations like this online? This is inappropriate!" You explain. Frye glares at you before speaking. "It's not that bad!" Frye declares. "Do you really want the birds and bees talk right now, cause I will." You say. "Psh, we're ready for that! We're not babies, daddy." Frye scoffs.

After the talk, the kids faces had pure horror on them. Frye shut off her computer immediately, with her fave still burning bright red. "N-no offense BGM, but I-I don't really want any boys in my room right now." Frye trembled. "Same." Big man said as he left the room, still in shock. You decied to leave the kids alone for a while to let them cope with what information you just told them.

As you sat in your room, you got a call. From none other than Sabrina. You didn't want to answer, but the kindness inside you made you. "Hello?" You ask angrily. "No need to sound so happy. Anyways...I-I was just uhm...wondering if you and your kids would like to go out with me. T-to a science museum maybe?" Sabrina asks. Suprisingly, you agreed. And tommorow you'd be going to the LA science museum.
It was about 7:30 and you and the kids were eating dinner. "So...we're gonna be going to a museum tommorow with Sabrina?" Frye asks. "I've said yes like 10 times, Frye." You reply. "I thought you didn't like her." Shiver replies. " should always give second chances." You reply with a smile. " like her?" Big man asks. "W-what?! N-no!" You stutter. "Oooh, daddy's stuttering!" Frye smirks. "I am not!" You argue back.

Today was the day of the museum. It was loud yes. But very clean. As you stand waiting for Sabrina you notice Frye talking to a girl about her age. It was nice seeing Frye talk to others for once. But you aslo noticed Shiver and Big man kind of...budding in the conversation. They rarely let Frye talk. Just then, Sabrina walks up to you. "Ready?" She asks. "Yeah." You smile. "Daddy...Shiver and Big man aren't letting me talk to my new friend." Frye whimpers. "How about you have your new friend tag along with us, so you could hang with her more." You smile. "O-okay." Frye murmurs. As you walk through the cool model of LA. You see Frye walking by herself, her ears low, with her head down. While Big man and Shiver chatted it up with Frye's new friend. "Hey guys? Why don't you give Frye some time with her friend?" You suggest. Frye perks up at this as she runs towards the girl, and begins chatting it up. "Look, there's rhe remodel of the statue of liberty!" Frye points out. "O-oh yeah...I've never seen anything thing like that before." The girl smiles. She had an adorable heavy city accent, it was cute. "Look over here Babs!" Frye smiles as she points to a train model. "Pretty huge for a train." Babs smiles. "Oh and over here-" Frye begins. "Frye can you shut up?" Shiver asks. "Shiver, that was not nice. And if I have to, I will make you walk up here with me." You explain.
Shiver seems to understand as she doesn't say anything. "Daddy, look at the huge airplane!" Big man gasps.

"That is awesome buddy." You smile. "C-can I go look at it?" Big man asks. "As long as you stay in my sight." You explain. Big man nods as he runs off to go look at the plane. "He's so stinking cute." Sabrina smiles. "He really is." You smile in agreement. "Babs! Look at plane! It's HUGE!" Frye screams. You giggle to yourself a bit. "Inside voice, sweetheart." You smile. "BUT IT'S HUGE!" Frye screams even louder. Causing some people to turn and giggle at the sight. "Baby, indoor voice." You repeat with a smile. "BUT DADDY!" Frye yells. You laugh as you walk over to cover her mouth. "If you keep yelling, daddy's hand will stay on your mouth for the rest of the time. Understood?" You ask. "YES DADDY!" Frye shouts. "Indoor voice." You laugh. "Is this better?" Frye asks in a more quiet tone. "Much better, thank you." You smile. "Big man! Where are you buddy!? Let's go look at some other cool things!" You call. But Big man wasn't responding. You begin frantically looking around, but you found the bathroom. "Buddy, what are you doing?" You ask. "Pee!" Big man shouts. "Okay, but tell daddy first, please." You explain. "But I don't want to." Big man whimpers. "I want to go on my own." Big man murmurs. "Well, no. In public, daddy has to go with you." You explain. "NOOO!" Big man screams. "No, buddy. Take a breath and calm down." You say. "I'm ANGRY!" Big man shouts. "And it's okay to be angry, but I do not like how you're talking to me." You explain. "Well..." Big man starts, but then stops. "Good job. Now let's go with the others and look at some more awesome stuff. You smile. "Yeah!" Big man cheers, as the two walk to then girls. You guys then walk to the outside garden, where you let the kids play for a bit. "" Sabrina asks. "It's alright. Nothing too specail." You sigh. "Same." Sabrina groans. That's when you see a sad Frye walking over to you. "What's wrong?" You ask. "I-I t-try..." Frye begins. "Hey, take a breath." You say calmly. Frye sighs and sits on your lap. "Shiver and Big man keep running away from me with Babs." Frye sniffles. "Hey guys!" You call. The three kids run up to you. "Why are you excluding, Frye?" You ask. "Well...she's too young." Shiver explains. "Well, first that's rude. And second, Big man is younger than her. So why does he get to play and she doesn't?" You ask. The three are silent. "She deserves to be treated just like you. Would you like it if people excluded you from fun things?" You ask. Shiver shakes her head. "So don't do it to, Frye." You say sternly. "If you keep this up, then we all go home. Understand?" You ask. "Yes." The three murmur. "Go on, Frye. You can go play with them. And Shiver and Big man. I understand that you like Babs, but she's Frye's first friend. Please let her have this." You ask. "Okay." The two murmur. The four go play while you and Sabrina watch. "Heard you went on a nice family vacation." Sabrina smiles. "Yup, to New York." You smile. "Perhaps....I could go with you...maybe." Sabrina smiles. "Eh...let's not push it." You wink. And that's when you hear an ear percing shreik followed by loud sobbing. "Oh God, what happened?" You sigh as you walk over to the four kids. There was Big man crying his heart out with a brused tail. "What happened!?" You ask. "I'm sorry...w-we were playing tag, and I accidentally stepped on his tail." Babs whimpers. "It's okay. Come here buddy." You coo as you pick him up. " hurts!" Big man sobs. "I know buddy. Do you wanna go home?" You ask. "Yeah!" Big man wails. "Okay, buddy. Come on girls, let's go." You say. "But...Babs." Frye whimpers. "I knownher mother, don't worry." You smile. "Bye, Babs! I loved playing with you!" Frye smiles. "Me too!" Babs smiles.
When you arrived home, you bandaged up Big man's tail, and rested with him. Today was work, but you knew later in life you'd treasure it forever. This was the day Frye made her first friend.

I hope you liked this chapter. I've been kind of busy latley, but I'll try my best to start posting a lot more often. Thanks for your patience 😊

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