30 Days To Find Love || Diece...

By BlxckWidxw_VLover

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"Isn't there anything that I can do BESIDES going to the Underworld and to my sure death? " I asked. "Actual... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
New Book
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 {Part 1}
Chapter 9 {Part 2}
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 {Filler}
Chapter 15
Important A/N
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 12

190 22 33
By BlxckWidxw_VLover

(Fran's clothes in media)

~~~~ Last Time On '30 Days To Find Love' ~~~~

You can't just show up at a police station and ask to see a suspect. I'll need some kind of story, something that'll get me in...


I'll pretend I'm his wife!

Why tue hell not? I think wives have visitation rights...


"Excuse me. I'm here to see Napoleon Ferro. " I said to a police officer.

"Name? "

"Mandy Ferro. " That was good.

He picked up a piece of paper. "You're not on the list. In fact, no one's on the list. " He said. "Visitors for this suspect aren't currently being admitted. " He added.

I sighte. "Please I have to see him. I'm his wife. "

He shook his head. "Wife or not, you can't get in until they clear him for visitors. So as you're not a lawyer or a cop, you can't see him. I'm sorry. "


"But I'm pregnant! " I exclaimed.

Wow were did that come from?

He rose his eyebrow. "You're pregnant and you're dressed like this? "

I rode my eyebrows at him. "I'm one week pregnant. I'm gonna wear stuff like this until my tummy grows. Got a problem with that? " I seriously need to shut up.

"Anyway... " He trailed. "So what if you're pregnant? "

"He doesn't know yet. I need to tell him. "

"You can call him over the phone. " He answered, shrugging.

I rose my eyebrows at him. "Would you propose to someone over the phone or with a note? " I asked, crossing my arms.

"No. "

"That's not how you tell someone you're pregnant either! " I exclaimed.

He picked up another piece of paper. "Well, that's funny. "

"What is? "

"He doesn't have a spout listed. " He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I started laughing nervously. "Oh, that is funny! Must be some kind of error. " He gave a look. I sighted. "Fine! We're not technically married. But that's only because we never bothered with a marriage license. "


Well, that wasn't humiliating at all!

But... I can't give up on this. I'm going to need help in helping him.

I need someone smart... Someone I can trust.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number.

"Hey _____, are you busy tomorrow? I need to ask you a big favor. Something a little strange. "


Francesca POV
----/ 20 Days 'Til Amor Aeternus \----

I was currently siting in my living room, waiting for him to get here. I was currently texting Vilu. I haven't seen her in so long! Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"IT'S OPEN! " I yelled. I looked at the door as he came in. I smiled. "Hi, thanks for coming over. "

"You're welcome, I think... " He said, clearly confused.

"Can I get you a glass of water or a snack or anything? " I asked.

"No thanks. " He replied, itching the back of his head.

"Are you sure? I just got these really good chocolate chip cookies. They're organic! "

"That's nice, you saving the planet with your responsible cookie purchases, and all... " He trailed, me nodding for him to continue. "...But why don't you just tell me why I'm here? Other than the fact, of course, that we have this magnetic attraction to one another. " (A/N: Have you guessed who? )

I sighted. "I'm afraid to say it out loud. "

He shook his head. "Well I'm not going to say yes if you can't tell me what it is. " I nodded my head, taking a deep breath. "Come on, I work in marketing. Pitch it to me like it's the next big thing. " I laughed, shaking my head.

"Fine. Imagine this. " He nodded. "You help me con my way into visiting a police suspect who's in custody. " His eyes went wide. "It's the best thing since sliced bread! " I exclaimed, quickly regretting it.

He looked weirdly at me. "All right, that approach didn't really work for you after all. " I nodded my head. "You know you could get in serious trouble for that, right? "

"Yes, but I need to do this. As soon as possible. " I replied.

"Why? "

I sighted.

Someone's gotta know soon.

I don't why, but I feel like Marco should be the first one to find out.

But, of course, I'm not gonna mention the whole Amor Aeternus thingy.

"Ten days ago, this guy came in to the coffee shop and threatened me. I guess you could say it got under my skin. They arrested him, but not before he almost killed someone, a cashier. She's hanging on, but her condition's serious. Two days ago I found out he's been robbing corner stores, mugging people. All I keep thinking is that that could've been me. For two days I've felt nothing but rage and fear. I can't keep living like this. I need to talk to him. I need some kind of closure. "


That felt really good, taking all of this out, telling someone...

"Alright. " He replied.

"Alright? Like... alright, you'll help me? " I asked, full of hope.

"Yeah. I know you're crazy enough to go through with it on your own way. " I smiled. He really knew me. "Who am I supposed to flirt with during my morning coffee run if you're behind bars? " I laughed, playfully hitting his arm. He smiled. "Sooo... What's the plan? "


"How may I help you? " An officer said.

It's a good thing that the one from last time isn't here.

"I'm Jane Landers. " I replied.

"Sam Deckard. " Marco said.

"We're from the Times. Here to see Ferro. " I said. "Is he ready yet? " I asked.

The police officer folded his arms. "He's not receiving any visitors today. "

"That's too bad for whoever's trying to visit him, but we're here to do an interview. " Marco said.

"An interview? " The officer asked. "About what? "

"Police misconduct. He volunteered, despite it jeopardizing his case. " Marco replied.

What. The hell. Does 'jeopardizing' even mean?

"It would look pretty bad if you turned us away. " I said, folding my arms.

"He's not having any visitors today, I'm sorry. " The officer replied.

I smirked. "Listen officer, if we don't make our deadline, the paper comes out without this story. When the paper comes out without this story, my editor's unhappy. When my editor's unhappy, he calls people in high up places. In this case, that would be police commissioner Franklin. " The police officer gasped. "I usually don't like to speculate, and I don't know the commisionner personally. But I imagine he wouldn't be too pleased with you. Nope, not too pleased. " I said, shaking my head.

I'm too good.

"I've got thirty minutes and then I've got to get the scoop on the Paulson scandal. " I added. "Tick tock. " I said, tapping on my left wrist.

"Wait here. " The officer said, going somewhere.

"I can't believe that worked. " Marco said.

"Don't jinx it! " I exclaimed.

The police officer came back. "He's waiting for you in the visitors room. Down the hall to the left. "

I smiled. "Thanks for the help. " I said.

We went to where the officer gave us the directions. "Listen, I need you to wait here. What I'm going go say is going to get really personal. "

He frowned. "But, what if they ask why I'm not in there with you? "

"I trust you to make it up as you go. " I said, getting in the room. "Hello Napoleon. " I said, spotting him.

"Uh, hi. They said you were here to do some story, that volunteered to be interviewed. Only I never did that. "

"You don't recognize me? " I asked.

"Pretty sure I son't know any reporters... " He said.

I shook my head. "I'm not a reporter. " I turned around and took of my fake glasses. I turned back to his direction as he looked shocked when he saw me. "How about now? "

"Oh... " He breathed.

I nodded. "Yeah. "

"You can't hurt me just because I'm a suspect, they've got cameras all over you know! "

I crossed my arms. "I'm not here to hurt you idiot. I just came for some answers. "

"Why didn't you report me? " He asked.

"What? " I asked, a bit confused.

"I know the charges against me... from five different incidents. Yours isn't one of them. "

"What can I say. I was terrified. That night sent me into a bad place... Which brings me to why I'm here. I need you to talk. " I explained.

"About what? " He asked.

"Why you did it.How you could do it. To me, and all those other people... Especially the one you put in the hospital. "

He shrugged. "Why should I? "

"Because if you don't, I can always report my incident as well. " I angrily exclaimed. "I'm pretty sure that can't help your case. What've you got to loose? "

He sighted. "Nothing, I guess. That's also the short answer to your question. You can bring yourself to do a lot of things when you've got nothing left to lose. "

I definitely get that part.

"Why don't you give me the slightly longer answer? " I asked.

"When you're addicted to the kind of things I'm addicted to... Each day is a battle to round up enough money to get your next fit. If you don't get the money, you don't get the fix. If you don't get the fix, you experience pain like most people can't imagine. Nothing compares to it. At that point, taking money from people who don't need it right that second seems justified. " He explained.

"How did you become addicted? " I asked.

"It started when I was in high school. I started to spend a lot of time out of the house. Hanging around the house usually meant getting beaten by my Dad. Mom didn't care. She slept 18 hours a day. The only reason I went home at all really was to eat and keep my little sister company. Anyways, when you're spending all that time out of the house and you don't have much money, Drugs are one ofthe only things you can do. It's easier when all your friends do it too. I started selling, too, hoping I could save up enough to send my sister to college. She could've gotten in anywhere she wanted. But then getting my next fix, avoiding the pain, became more important than anything. " What a past. "And voila! Here I am. " He exclaimed.

I feel bad for him...

"You know, I bet your sister would like to hear from you. "

He laughed. "Hah! Yeah. Just what she needs. " She sarcastically exclaimed. "Her criminal brother trying to get back into her life. "

"Give it a shot. She probably remembers you as you were... Her protector." I said before walking to the door.

"Wait! " He said as I turned around. "Who were those guys? "

"Hm? "

"On the night that... We met. Who were those two guys behind you? " He asked. "One in a white tuxedo, one in a black tuxedo. It looked they appeared out of nowhere. "

"No offense, but it sounded like you were hallucinating. " I quickly lied.

"Oh... I think that makes sense. "

"Do us both a favor, don't tell anyone about this conversation. " I said before getting out of the room.

"Well, did you get what you were looking for? " Marco asked as I was completely outside that room.

"I got as much as I could ask for. " I said, shrugging.

We started walking but were stopped by that policeman. "I called the Times. You two aren't employees. "

I rolled my eyes. "No sh*t. What're you gonna do about it? " I asked, folding my arms.

"... Arrest you? " He said in a 'duh' voice.

"You're stupider than you look. You let two con artists interview the prime suspect in a series of high profile robberies... And now you want to advertise the fact? " I asked, quietly chuckling. "I can not imagine what your friends would say... Let alone your boss. " I said, smirking. He stayed quiet. "That's what I thought. Just keep you mouth shut nothing's gonna happen pal. "

I said before getting out of the police station.

Like a boss!


Okay wow!
This chapter was way too long!

But I hope you enjoyed it!
Comment and Vote!

See you next time!

~Nour 🙈

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