The Boy Next Door {Bill Kauli...

By -wick3d-

4.2K 28 17

In this story it will be about how Bill and his twin Tom, moved in next door to y/n and they both catch feeli... More

~ The moving Van ~
~ Touring the City ~
~ Sleeping over at the Kaulitz House ~
~ The Fight ~
~ The Decision ~
~ The Date ~
~ One of the best days Ever ~
~ Dinner ~
~ Uh Oh ~
~ Moms Work Party ~
~ A crazy Night ~
~ The Town Clebration ~
~An embarrassing Night~
~ Remembering ~
~ Fun with the Crew ~
~ A Problem ~
~Swimming and More~
~ The Mall ~
~ Beautiful ~
~ A small Incident ~

~ Getting Better ~

114 0 0
By -wick3d-

- talk of being sick/vomiting
My mom came home and she looked at all of us very confused about why we're looked so trashy, "What's going on is something wrong?" My mom said, I explained to her what happened, "omg! I'm so sorry for all of you!" She said running over to hug us all. She made sure we were all doing okay and called the doctor that took care of us this morning.
I snuggled up with Bill and ended up falling asleep on him. But 10 minutes later Bill quickly picked me up off of him and ran to the bathroom. After Bill I ran to the bathroom to throw up but when I did it was weird, it wasn't like normal it was more saliva than actual stomach acid. "Mom!" I yelled, I heard her heels on the wood floors, she must not have remembered to take them off, "what's wrong honey?" she said looking at me confused, "I know it's gross but look..." I said as I turned my head to the toilet. "That's different" she said while opening her phone, "I'm gonna call the doctor" she continued on, "okay well I'll be on the couch" I said flushing the toilet and standing back up to rise my mouth. I walked back to the living room and lied back down next to Bill, "so what's up? Something different?" Bill asked, "yeah, this might sound gross but instead of normal vomit it was more saliva like" I said explaining what was different, "hmm that's weird, but don't worry, your moms on the phone with the doctor" he said comforting me like he always does.
"Y/n honey, the doctor said that you are going to fine, you just don't have anything left in your stomach to throw up. But just please eat something or even just have a smoothie so that you stay heathy, and that goes for all of you." My mom said to all of us, she immediately started making smoothies for us and made sure we drank them. They were really good and surprisingly it stayed down. After drinking that smoothie I felt a little better for some reason. But now it's already 8pm so I decided to go to bed so I could try and sleep this off. Tom and Maddie slept in the guest bedroom while Bill stayed with me.
We ended up sleeping until 12:35pm the next 'morning' and I felt amazing with no need of throwing up! "Bill! I feel amazing! What about you?" I asked Bill jumping up and down on the ground by my bed super happy, "I feel pretty good but I have a little bit of a headache" he said smiling at how happy I was. I ran into the guest bedroom barging in, "Guys how do you feel?!" I said as I was almost bouncing off the walls, "I feel great almost like nothing happened" Maddie said getting out of bed, walking over to hug me. "Tom how do you feel?" I asked looking at him curious on why he hasn't responded yet, "oh good" Tom said while literally rolling out of the bed. "Oh, my mom is calling! Excuse me for a moment!" I said as I went into my room and picked up my phone to answer it.
~call with Mom~

Hello y/n, how are you all feeling?

We are all fine but Bill just has a small headache right now

That's great to hear! Well I'll let you go I just wanted to see how you all were feeling

Ok bye mom! I love you!

I love you too sweetie

~call ended~

I walked back out and saw everyone was downstairs so I went and sat down by them. "Bill is that headache gone yet?" I asked, "no not yet" he said, I got up and went to the bathroom to grab some pain killer from the medicine cabinet. I gave the pills to Bill and he took them. We all just talked for a while and then Maddie brought up the party, "Sooo are we still going to the party Saturday or not?" She asked us all, "I don't know about you guys but I'm not going to that psychos house" I said, "yea it's probably best if we don't go" Bill said agreeing with me. "I agree with both of you completely, I hated all of yesterday, I do not want that to happen again" Tom said, Maddie was a little disappointed that we wouldn't be able to have fun on the house party level but she understood like any good best friend would.
"You know what? Why don't we have our own type of fun these next few days?" I suggested, "sure!" Maddie said super happy, the twins also agreed. We decided that we would go swimming tomorrow since it was already a little late for that today.
Everyone went home except for Bill, he stayed with me for the rest of the day even though we didn't do much but just watch movies.
Around 3:30pm he needed to go home but I walked to the door with him. Before he could walk out the door I kissed him, we ended up making out. My arms were around his neck while his hands were on my waist. I know that Bill never pulls away first so I had to pull away and tell him "you should probably get going now" "yea I guess but I love you and we get to have lots of fun tomorrow at the beach!" He said before he kissed me one more time, but this time on my forehead. I was sad to see him leave but I just thought of all the fun we are going to have with Tom and Maddie swimming.
My mom soon arrived home and we hung out for a while since we haven't done that for a while. We watched our favorite movie together and had dinner. But I was tired and wanted to have some energy for tomorrow so I went to sleep. As I was falling asleep I thought of Bill, he is the best boyfriend ever.

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