Minho x Reader

By fofohenny

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You are heading off to your junior year of high school when you decided to apply to an international school n... More

Chapter one: Going to K.I.S.S!
Chapter 2: The party
Chapter 3: First day of class
Chapter 4: A nice quiet dinner
Chapter 5: Hiking!
Chapter 6: The date that never happened
Chapter 7: Feelings?
Chapter 8: Confronts
Chapter 9: Getting ready
Chapter 10: A break between two "friends"
Chapter 11: Chuseok
Chapter 12: Cooking & Confusion
Chapter 13: Jealousy jealousy
Chapter 14: A visit to the friend who holds therapy sessions
Chapter 15: Heartbreak
Chapter 16: The cafeteria fight
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: A mischievous plan
Chapter 20: Trying to let go
Chapter 21: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.1)
Chapter 22: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.2)
Chapter 23: Shocking News
Chapter 24: Struggles
Chapter 25: Sneaky
Chapter 26: Taken again ❤️
Chapter 27: Beef

Chapter 19: Explanations

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By fofohenny

Y/N's perspective:
Mae closed my eyes and suddenly rushed me into a room. "AHHH!" "MAE!" I started to shriek but immediately stopped when I saw... Min Ho standing right next to me. I shut my mouth and just stared at the floor.

I couldn't hear what Mae was talking about outside.

"MAE LET US OUT!" I yelled.

The voices stopped and I heard footsteps leaving us?

"What the actual fuck." I muttered to myself.

"Ahem." Coughed Min Ho.

I stared at him.

"Why are your friends doing this?"

"I- I don't know, they're being delusional or something."

I stared at Min Ho but he was already looking at me.

"I guess it's a good time to talk." I stated.

His eyes were still fixed on me, non-blinking and all serious.

"I'm sorry about the other day, I really am."

I saw Min Ho's shoulders tense and then relax briefly.

"It's all good, you know." "I know I'm not the nicest guy and your type either so."

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

I needed to tell him my feelings. I really needed to get them out of my fricking chest so I can relax and stop thinking about this nonsense. I tried again, knowing Min Ho is waiting for my response.

"What were you going to say?" He asked, his eyes still fixed on me and had an expression of hope drawn on his perfect face.

Gosh does he know how much his eyes drive me crazy?

"I was just going to say that... uh." "Your party is going to be amazing!"

I watched him carefully and saw how his face expression changed drastically.

"Yeah-yeah, I'm still getting that ready but I'm pumped and hopefully everyone will enjoy it."

"I am invited aren't I?" I tried joking.

"I only invited you because I have to since Q basically begged me." He mocked.

"Hey!" I nudged his shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"Just kidding, of course your invited, your my friend."

I felt my chest getting a sharp pain. The word "friend" made me wince. It was my fault that we can't be together so why am I so mad and sad right now? I have to stop this. Min Ho deserves someone better then me and I will only hurt him and people around me. How am I going to deal with Chloe and her group of friends? Why hasn't Chloe made a move on him yet though? Just made Min Ho taken and I'll stop. I'll force myself to.

"Are you okay?" "What's on your mind?" He questioned.

"I'm just kind of stressed about upcoming exams and Korean tests especially since my new tutor is really boring." "I'm barely learning anything and he's always playing games or focusing on his own exams." I blabbed.

"Then I can tutor you." "I'll tell the office to switch my partner and I'll be your new tutor, again."

"That's too much trouble and I've already caused you enough chaos." I replied. "Plus, it was me who wanted to switch." Even though I was really happy with how nice he was being... as my friend.

"No trouble at all, in fact, all of our classmates I'm tutoring are not as fun and out going as you." He winked at me.

"Thanks Min Ho." I chuckled softly.

I was so busy chatting with Min Ho that I absolutely forgot the situation we were in.

"Oh shit, I forgot we were still stuck in this janitors closet, what are we going to do!" I muttered.

"Well, we are locked in here so might as well call for help, you have your phone right?" Min Ho asked.

I opened my book bag and started to look. It wasn't there.

"Fuck I forgot it in my dorm this morning!" I groaned.

"What about you, you have yours right?" Please make sure he has his phone.

"Um no, Q needed my phone to order some food for my party." "I should've brought my back-up phone, it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault Min Ho, it's my friends fault for dragging us into this mess."

"They probably wanted us to be in here so that we can talk about the situation." I said uncomfortably.

"We're good Y/N, I'm glad we talked about this."

"Me too."

Even though deep down, I wished I talked like my heart.

*1 hour later*

I was sitting against the wall and Min Ho was next to me sleeping on the floor.

"I'm literally bored out of my mind." I complained bitterly.

"Nah, I'm not bored when I'm with you."

That made my heart so warm, I hope I wasn't blushing.

"This is all my fault, I will have a big talk with my so called friends when we get out."

"Nah, they did their best to solve our friendship, if anything you should thank them."

"Oh wow, thanking them for wasting my time instead of studying."

"I'm deeply offended that you think talking with me is a waste of time!"

"I didn't mean it like that, I just mean that it's not fair for you to be bored out of your mind and all."

"That better be what you meant." He said but then gave out a light chuckle.

"I'm just gonna read then." The second I got out my book which was "Almond." (Such a great book by the way) when the lights came out.


"Damn you swear a lot."

"What can I say, there's nothing amusing in this world and too many sad stuff happening." "Also, swearing just gives me a satisfaction, you know?" I added. "Like how you feel when you win a prize or get a 100 on a test." I continued.


"What should we do, I'm so bored."

"Yeah I heard it the first time, but we could just hang out or something."

"Sure let's ask each other questions or something."

"Bet." He responded. "You first."

"Hmm." "What's your ideal partner?" I smirked while saying so, waiting for his reaction.

"Your being so bold right now." He murmured. "But uh, my dream type would be someone who's super sweet, pretty and smart." "And she has to be funny or else I'll be bored as hell." He glanced at me and grinned.

Dammit. I'm not sweet or pretty. People say I'm smart but I think it's just book smart. I'm dumb as fuck when it comes to street smarts. I'm also most definitely not funny.

"My turn, what are three things you absolutely can't live without?" He asked, while playing with his rings. One had a sun and was gold and the other was a moon which was the colour silver.

They looked really pretty and totally matched his vibe.

I pondered, trying to think my about the three things.

"For me I guess it'll have to be my phone, obviously, um my favourite food because food is fucking life and last but not least a good book."

"Cool cool."

"My next question for Mr. Min Ho is, what is one thing we would never guess about you?"

He was silent for a little bit, probably thinking hard about his answer.

"Got it." "They would never guess that my parents are divorced."

My mouth was wide open. Ever since me and Min Ho were friends, I've seen rumours about him and his super famous mom all over Instagram and just social media in general.

"I thought your mother and dad were just doing different acts at different countries."

"That's what they want the public to believe but-" His voice trailed off.

"Wait, you read articles about my family?" He stared at me, curiosity filled at his face.

"Stalker much." He mumbled.

"Hey!" "It's cause your family drama is always on my social media feed, so naturally I found out."

"Anyway, I'm sorry about that."

"Nah, it's ok." "My mom never really liked my dad that much anyway, however everyone enjoyed them being together."

"Damn." "I can't imagine getting married to someone just for fame and publicity."

"My mother never really wanted it, it was mainly dad." "That's what she told me."

"I hope she finds someone she genuinely likes." I smiled warmly.

"Alright, my turn to ask you a question!" He started dancing in his spot and it was hilarious.

"Dude your so corny."

"I know and what's even better is that I don't care!" He laughed.

"Here's my question, what do you miss the most about your grandma?"

Thinking about her made me super sad, it was a really hard topic for me to talk about.

Min Ho noticed how I was acting. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I'm sorry."

I wanted to tell him.

"I'll tell you, I miss the most about my grandma is how she lights up the room whenever she's around." "Like, I could be depressed about I don't know, a 98% and she'd know exactly what to say to make me feel better." "She was like an angel, in my eyes."

"I wish I connected more with my grandma." "But my mom stopped talking to her after a really intense argument and never wants me to reach out." Min Ho told me.

"Min Ho, you should definitely get to know your grandma because at the end of the day, family is everything." "What was the fight about if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't exactly remember everything since my mother never wanted to talk about it but I think it's got something to do with my dad." "My grandma always hated my dad because all he cared about was his image." "Which meant that he was kind of two faced towards us."

"Your dad kind of sounds like a jerk no offence."

He shrugged. "None taken."

I sat up straighter and gave Min Ho a light pat on the back. "You should really reach out with your grandmother." "You know where she lives?"

"Actually she lives here nearby." "Somewhere's in South Korea."

"That's amazing!" "You could visit her like this weekend or something!"

His face lit up. "My grandma was super nice whenever she was around." "But it was years ago, who knows if she still recognizes me."

"She will." "She's family."

Min Ho looked at me and gave me a light smile. "Thanks Y/N."

I shook my head. "I did nothing, but I hope you guys get to know each other better and hopefully your mother would want to as well."

"Hopefully." He repeated.

"It's getting kind of late, I'm going to sleep ok?" "We better be let out tomorrow!"

He nodded. "Good night Y/N."

"Good night." I laid on my back and used my book bag as my pillow. I was super mad at myself for not bringing a sweater with me because holy shit it's cold. Maybe if I hugged my book bag it'll bring me more warmth.

I guess Min Ho noticed because he took off his thick wool sweater and handed it to me.

I tried to refuse but he didn't take no as an answer so I reluctantly took it.

"You're going to be cold!" I whispered.

"I'll be ok, I have muscles, remember?"

"Sure you do," I joked and went back to my side of the room.

I looked up and stared at the ceiling. I was going to help Min Ho and his grandma connect. He can't lose a family member just because his mother and her had a fight. I'm going to try everything I can to get them to meet each other.

After hours of tossing and turning I still couldn't fall asleep. I heard some movements on the other side of the room and within a couple of seconds, he moved next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"This'll help you sleep better." He whispered in my ear.

It did.

Within a couple of minutes I was fast asleep with his warm arm around me.

*A short Min Ho's perspective*

My arms were around her protectively and thankfully within a few minutes, she was fast asleep. Her face looks so peaceful and happy. I wish I could be with her forever, even if it's just my imagination.

I continued to look at Y/N because I could never get sick of her face.

"Goodnight Y/N." I repeated softly to myself.

*The next day*

Back to Y/N:

I woke up with Min Ho next to me still sleeping peacefully. I wonder what time it is. Just then, I noticed that his arms were still around me, which made me super happy. I decided to not wake him up yet since he was still sleeping.

A few minutes later, he woke up and smiled sweetly at me.

"Good morning." I greeted, still looking at him.

"Good morning to you too Y/N." He replied, still smiling.

"How did you sleep?" He asked politely.

"Pretty great, actually."

"Yep, due to my soft sweater and my perfectly, muscular, arms next to you." He bragged.

"Oh please, like you have any." I giggled.

"By the way, do you want your sweater back?"

"Nah, you keep it." "It looks better on you." He complimented.

Actually you look way hotter in it but ok!

"Look Y/N, can you just tell me if your ok?" Min Ho asked. "I know what I said that day in the empty classroom was out of line so just pretend that never happened."

"But it did happen." I protested. His eyes were staring at me, up and down.

I had a sudden urge to kiss him. Not that I haven't had the urge yet, but. We're in a janitor's closet, no one could ever know right? Screw it, let's make the first move.

I inched closer to him.

"Y/N?" Min Ho mumbled breathlessly.

"Shh, don't say anything." I whispered.

He instantly shut his mouth and just watched every move I was doing.

I inched closer and he did as well. As soon as our lips were going to touch...

I've been dying to kiss him, ever since that almost fall and when he caught me.

*Door opening*

"Woah, what is going on in here?" Asked one of the janitors.

Min Ho and I bounced quickly apart, and tried to look normal.

"Er, we were stuck in here the entire night." Min Ho told him anxiously.

"Why are so many kids getting stuck in here?" Mumbled the janitor as he shooed us out.

God damn it, perfect timing janitor! We were about to kiss and I got to almost feel his lips on mine.

I felt really awkward and nervous suddenly, since we didn't kiss but we both were about to. I avoided looking at Min Ho in the eye, knowing how embarrassed I was.

"So- uh." Min Ho tried starting a conversation but I was so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry what uh, happened." I began. "I didn't know what I was thinking, probably just super tired or something."

I saw his loving eyes for me dim a little bit. It was at that moment I had realized.

He still liked me.

"It's okay, I'll see you in class ok?" Then we parted ways.

I wanted to kill myself for lying once again. He was the only one I didn't dare to disappoint.

This was how it's supposed to end. Us being friends. His love for me will gradually get smaller and smaller, he'll move on.

I felt like crying, so I ran into the bathroom and just locked myself there for a bit. I needed to refresh my brain. I had to stop thinking about us being together because it would never work out.

It was time to finally move on.

Moving on from a relationship that didn't even get a chance to sail.

Chapter 19 is officially done y'all! I just wanted to appreciate you guys for reading this far and being invested in this! I wanted to let Y/N tell you guys her thoughts about this whole entire situation. Hope you guys enjoyed this because I know that I loved writing this part! As usual, don't forget to vote! (I know you can see it right there!)

And comment down below how you feel about this! I would love to hear your thoughts!

Xoxo~ FofoHenny <3

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