More Than Friends

By HiIm_Hanna

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Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies are best friends, these two do everything together. Suddenly things have change... More

Chapter One: Another Day 📆
Chapter Two: Unexpected 👀
Chapter Three: Famous 🎥
Chapter Four: Birthday Boy 🎂
Chapter Five: Best Friends 💙
Chapter Six: Moody ☔
Chapter Eight: In A Chick-fil-A Parking Lot 🐔
Chapter Nine: Starbucks Coffee ☕
Chapter Ten: Thanksgiving Special 🦃
Chapter Eleven: Confessions 💘
Chapter Twelve: Christmas Special 🎄
Chapter Thirteen: Snowing 🌨️
Chapter Fourteen: Memory Lane 🛣️

Chapter Seven: Crush On You 💞

161 4 20
By HiIm_Hanna

Part One


"Hey, my love~" he said, I cuddled up to him, soaking in his warmth. He kissed my forehead, "I love you, Dashie." He said, "I love you too, Soarin." I said.


Rainbow Dash's Pov 7:52am

"GAH!" I screamed, I started panting heavily... What was that dream... That was uhhh, interesting... "Dash? You alright little sis?" I heard Fire Streak knocking on my door. "Y-Yeah, I'm f-fine." I stuttered. "Okay, be down for breakfast soon." He said, and left... I really think I need to go to the doctors. Why do I feel like this? I don't like Soarin, who said I like Soarin? Gurl, you've been staring at him, looking at his lips, saying how cute, and adorable he is. Even though you say you hate him, but you're just in denial... Huh, good point... Maybe I am in denial... Wait a second... I'm not in denial! Denial is a river in Egypt! And your husband is gay...

(A/N: See what I did there? :P)

Soarin isn't gay, well at least I think so... WAIT UH... See you just said Soary is your husband... Uhmmm, no? Sheesh... Other self is really dumb. Hey! WE ARE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON!!! And did you just call him, Soary?! Mhm... You should call him that. Ehhh, I don't know... Whatever... I got dressed into my jeans and a white sweater. "Morning little sis." Fire Streak smiled, I smiled back and sat down at the table, "Waffles with blueberry, and syrup. For my wittle sissy!" Fire Streak said and pinched my cheek, "Ahahaha..." I laughed sarcastically, "Enjoy, I have some schoolwork to do." He said, he does his school online... Which I guess is good for me, since he'd probably embarrass me in school. Me and Soar are supposed to walk together to school today since my car had a uhhh, accident...

Flashback: Yesterday...

"We are never, ever, ever, getting back together!!! You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me, but we- " I yelled, singing along to the radio, I hadn't noticed that I kinda drove past my house already... I was turning around- *CRASH* "Oopses..." I said seeing my neighbor's mailbox on the ground, with my luck the neighbors came out and saw what happened, their kids started throwing rock at my car... I think a rock must have gotten somewhere where it shouldn't have been because, uhhh... The car started shaking violently, I opened the car door and jumped out quickly, the car suddenly caught fire?! WHAT THE HECK?! That escalated quickly! The fire started getting closer to me, I saw the neighbors run inside their house, wowww, some people just don't care at all... I started getting dizzy, was I gonna die?! I felt someone swoop me up and take me somewhere...

When I woke up, to my surprise I saw Soarin? "Soarin?" I said drowsily, "Dashie! Oh my gosh thank God your okay." He hugged me, "What happened?" I asked, "Your car kinda exploded, but don't worry! That's what insurance is for!" He said sheepishly, "Well, that's what I get for listening to Taylor Swift too loud." I sighed, "Exactly, now you get some rest." He chuckled.

Present Day...

Yeahhh... That happened... Sometimes I get dizzy when I'm nervous, but lately nothing had been happening, except for my car exploding yesterday... But, I'm fine now, I had some bruises, and scratches, but otherwise I'm totally o- "OW!" I yelled as I hit my arm on the table. I'm fine, don't worry... I still need to gather some stuff from my room before me and Soar head out. I headed back upstairs to grab my bag, and necessities. As I was gathering my things, and fixing my room while I'm at it, I heard a knock on my door. Hm... "Who is it?" I yelled as I countinued to pickup items. "The guy you dreamed of last night." I heard a voice say on the other side of the door, the guy I dreamed of last night... I dreamed of- "Soarin?!" I yelled, I was about to open the door- "WAIT- You dreamed of me?!" He said wide eyed, he busted into my room. "UHMMM..." I blushed, turning crimson red. "Guess we both did then." He winked, I felt myself heating up, goshhh... Someone halp meh!!! "Soarinnn, stooppp!" I blushed furiously. "Only if I get a kiss." He smirked, UHH... Sir? Do you know who your talking- "A gorgeous girl." He smiled, DAMN IT!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO FREAKING TALK OUT LOUD?! Language Dash THAT'S NOT EVEN- Okay, okay, breathe in, breathe out... "Shut it." I blushed, "Com'on, let's go." He said, I followed him downstairs, and we walked outside my house, CHS is like only a 10 minute walk anyways. And yes, I'll be getting a new car. I felt someone hold my hand, I looked down, and blushed seeing Soarin holding it. He gave me one of his cute crooked smiles, SHUT IT MEEE! WHY CAN'T I BE NORMAL?! I do not, I repeat, DO NOT, like Soarin Freaking Skies. Okay?! Uhhh, gurl, no one said you liked him. *Record Scratch* Uhhh, I mean- "Earth to Rainbow Dash! Hellooo?" Soarin voice echoed in my head, "W-What? Huh?" I said and looked up at, An angel. What? No! Soarin, dumb dumb, wait I just called myself dumb. "Dashie? Look at me, you okay?" He said as he cupped my cheek, I looked deep into his eyes, "You've been zoned out for the past 5 minutes." He said worried, "Um, yeah I'm fine, just tired from yesterday." I said, "Hm, okay." He said, we countinued walking till we reached CHS. Yay! School!

Time Skip 12:03pm

"Finally! Lunch!" Soarin sighed, "You hungry, aren't you?" I giggled, "Yes, starving! But I already have a full course meal right in front of me. Well, maybe not full course, you're a little short." He chuckled, I felt my face turning crimson red, was he refuring to me? And did he just call me short?! "I'm not short!" I stomped, "Dash, your 5,1. I'm 6 feet." He rolled his eyes, "Hmph." I said, "And guess what! Im not on the menu today, sooo, go eat soap!" I said, "I'll check every day until you're available." He winked, "I-I, JUST FIND A FREAKING TABLE ALREADY SKIES!" I yelled, "Okay, okay! Sheesh woman." He said, putting his arms up and surrender. We sat down at a table, and I started sipping my drink, which was a strawberry milkshake, by the way. Soarin was just, munching on his pie... We sat in an awkward silence, until... "Dash?" He called my name, I gave him the signal to go, as I sipped my shake, "Do you actually like me? I mean, on Saturday, you kinda said-" He mumbled awkwardly, *Dash spits out drink* "WHAT?!" I yelled, "I'm just curious..." he said, "I-I..." I mumbled...


Last Saturday replayed in my head, why why why, WHY?! Did I have to say that?! "Um... I..." I mumbled once again, what happened to the loud cocky girl!? I suddenly felt Soarin put his hand on top of mine. I blushed at how sweet this guy was... "Well, for the record, you don't need to say anything, if you don't want to Dashie." He smiled; I looked up at him. "Thanks." I smiled back, "Sorry for shouting at you earlier, and being an absolute-" I started, "Shhh, Dash, it's okay now." He said giving me another warm smile. He let my hand go and we headed off to our next class gym! My fav!

Time Skip 2:39pm

If you're wondering, how was gym? Well, DON'T ASK! Mr. Zeyper Breeze, just joined our class, bleh... And you know, he's quite a handful! No seriously, don't ask. Moving on! Now I have my free period! Yes! I'm currently walking to the side off the school with Soarin. We have all our classes together except... English, which I have Pinkie to keep me company in anyways. "Here." He said we sat down on the grass; thank the Lord it's not wet this time...

Flashback: 1 Week Ago

Okay, this is the spot, Dash!" Soarin smiled, we sat down and- "EW! WHY'S IT WET!?" I shrieked, Soarin gave me a funny look, "Ahem, I mean, did you pee in the grass Soar?" I asked, he suddenly bursted out laughing, which made me laugh too. "Ah, Dash your hilarious." He chuckled. I giggled at that, and we both got up and found a dry spot to sit at.

Present Day...

"Not wet Soar?" I giggled, "Hmm, uhm, no. You may sit down, your highness." He chuckled, "If not, my lap is available." He smiled proudly *RECORD SCRATCH* What the- Uhhh, okay... "Uh, no thanks." I blushed, "Soarinnn... Can you buy me a coffee later?" I asked in a pleading voice, "Uhh, why?" He asked, "Because I'll be craving some later." I rolled my eyes, "Uhh, nah." He said and continued to pick at the grass, excuse me? Sir! "Soarinnn!" I complained, "Nope." Simply said, okay, that's it, I rarely use this side of me but... FOR THE COFFEE! "Soary..." I said, and leaned on his shoulder, I saw his face turn red, perfect... "Uhhh, Dash what are you-" He started, "Can you buy me-" I was about to ask, "No, I'll be busy later." He said, OKAY SIR, YOU WILL NOT REFUSE TO BUY YOUR BFF COFFEE! I suddenly hopped onto his lap, I leaned into his face, "D-Dash..." he blushed, "Coffee?" I asked in my baby voice, "Uhm, uhhh... Y-Yes, whatever you w-want." He stuttered, "Thank you!" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek, BRO, he turned tomato red! Exactly, why, I NEED CAFFEINE! After things calmed down a little, Soarin once again held my hands, "Dashie, tomorrow my parents will be heading out with my siblings to Finland." He said, hm? "What about you?" I asked, "Like I said, I'll be busy this weekend." He sighed, okay Soarin, stop making me feel bad for asking for coffee. "Oh..." I only managed to say, now I feel guilty... "My parents said I'll be staying at your house for the weekend." He said looking deep into my eyes, *RECORD SCRATCH* woah, woah, woah, woah. He said what now?! Fire Streak has a huge soccer game on the weekend. And he needs a parent or guardian to go, so that means... "My parents will also be out of town, along with Fire." I said, a little shaken. He suddenly gave me his classic smirk. "Guess we'll be staying together, alone." He said, why do I have a bad feeling about this? "Hehe... Cool..." I said nervously, *RINGGG* "Com'on, let's get going home." Soarin said, we both got up from the grass, and made our way back to my house.

Time Skip 5:18pm

I watched as Fire Streak and my parents brought their huge luggages downstairs. It's not like I could help anyway, their bags are practically bigger than me! "Awww, is my wittle sissy going to miss me?" Fire said and came and gave me a hug, "Yeah, of course. But you'll be back on Monday, right?" I said, full of hope. "Yes, or course dear, make sure you don't destroy the house, and since you can cook a little, you can feed Soarin too." My mom said, I internally groaned, I forget about Soarin... "Okay..." I sighed, "Also, I'm borrowing your soccer ball so I can get it signed by the other team!" My dad said cheerfully, "Dad! Those people are my enemies!" Fire Streak face palmed, I giggled, and he went back to carrying the bags into the taxi. "I'll make sure to buy you some stuff their sis." Fire said and gave me a kiss on my cheek, I gave him a tight hug before he got into the taxi, "See you in a few days, sweetie." My dad gave me a quick hug, "We love you!" My mom blew kisses at me. Eh, okay this is getting sappy... Way to ruin the moment. Whatever... After the taxi drove off the airport, I went up to my room to... Text my friends!

IrisDashie: Hey guys!

CrazyPinkPerson: HIII DASHIEEE

CowGurl: Hey y'all.

DiamondWoman: Hello darlings.

EggheadSparkle: Hi girls

ShyAnimalGirl#2: Hi


IrisDashie: Hey Pinkie you know there's a button that lets you turn off caps, right?

CrazyPinkPerson: THERE IS?!!!!?

CrazyPinkPerson: Oh, I found it!!!!!!

DiamondWoman: I'll be busy with dress sales this weekend.

CowGurl: And I have to do farm work, especially with winter coming up.

EggheadSparkle: I'll be studying.

ShyAnimalGirl#2: Angel wants me to take him shopping.

IrisDashie: I have to stay the whole weekend in a house with Soarin.

DiamondWoman: SOARIN SKIES?!

IrisDashie: Yea duhhh, I've known him for like ever. And he's extremely annoying.

CrazyPinkPerson: MORE THAN ME?!?!!?

IrisDashie: Not even close.

CrazyPinkPerson: REALLY?!

IrisDashie: Anyways, I have to go guys, bye!


I shut off my phone and laid on my bed bored. Jeez, I just can't wait till Soarin gets here. I can't believe about a few weeks ago I was so excited for this guy to get here. Little did I know that he was a flirt, the way he calls me princess was a big no-no. And then flirting with me?! Ew! I just hate sappy things. I'm getting hungry... Guess I'll go make so dinner... Wait, I don't know how to cook that much. Last time I almost burnt down the house... Maybe I can order food... But still, my mom did say to cook... I'll just not, I'm not risking it... And I can't even drive, because of my car explosion! I'll just starve then! Yay! Note the sarcasm. I decided to watch some TV, I sat on the couch- What was that? I swear I heard something... Anyways- Again? I looked around my living room, but it was just me. "Ouch!" I heard a voice say, I picked up baseball bat, (I have one in every room, just in case.) I saw something right behind one of my mom's plants. I got ready to swing, until they popped up. "Ah! Jeez Dash!" Soarin said startled, HOW IN THE FREAKING WORLD DID HE GET IN HERE?! "How did you get in here?!" I said still holding the bat, "Uhm, your mom gave me the keys. See?" He said showing me the extra house keys, MOM?! WHY?! "Uh, you could've knocked." I said and placed my bat down. *Stomach growls* Ehhh, that's embarrassing... "Are you hungry?" Soarin asked, "Yeah... I'm not risking burning down my house." I sighed, "Well then, let's get some food!" He said, dragging to his car.

A/N: Finally done! Don't worry guys, of course they'll be a part two. It's not like I wouldn't tell you what happens. Anyways, pls read my other books, located on my old profile HiIm_Hanna! And have a great day/night!

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