A Deceiving Passion

Da DivineGypsyWitch

13.8K 1.8K 304

Stevie has amnesia while she falls in the arms of a man she doesn't know. Altro

The Crash
Look Alike
Remember Nothing
Viking Town
Having Hope
The Past
Different Worlds
Damage Control
What You had
Dead End
Feelings are Mutual
Watch the Sun Rise
Blue Water
Big News
Telepathic Shock
A Ghost
Just a Dream
The Gypsy that Remains
Marriage or Mirage
To Greenland and Back
Ocean Blues
Strong Opinions
In a Stranger's Eyes
Frozen Love
Guardian Angel
Giving Up
Having Faith
Lost in the Storm
Admitting It
Better Half
When Fates Collide
Twisting the Knife
Love and Guilt
Romeo and Juliet
A Little Fear
The End
Bleed to Love Her
The Dream is Not Over
Love and Lies
Sleeping Angel
I Wanna be with You Everywhere
Agree to Disagree
An Unsolved Mystery
Forget to Remember
The Beginning
I Do...
Beautiful Child
Lifelong Friends
Miracle Baby
Fantasy Land
Forgive Me Not
Blessing in Disguise
The Good and Bad
Broken Heart
Born into Our Destinies
Lunch Date
Saying Goodbye
A Family Affair
Settling In
A Hoax
Meet 'n' Greet
Sweet, Rebel Girl
Through and Through
Memory Lane
Nightmares before Christmas
Winter Solstice Slumber
Ashes to Ashes
A Second Time

Stretching the Truth

75 17 2
Da DivineGypsyWitch

Just before things got out of hand, Stevie would finally take a seat and call her house; her childhood home.

"Hello?" Barbara answered.

"Mom?" she mumbled.

"Oh, TeeDee, it's been years since you called!"

She smirked.

"What's been going on? Are you and Lindsey doing okay?" she semi hollered.

"We're just fine, mom. Really, everything is okay. We've just had a lot going on between the kids back and forth from school, getting ready for tour and all the usual stuff."

"We heard you went missing at sea!"

"No, that's not true. I was never missing at sea," she kind of smirked, wondering where that story came from. "Excuse my operative choice of words, but there have been many rumors that I have died, went missing and everything else in between. It was a hoax."

"Well, I'm relieved. Your brother kept telling me things were fine, but I didn't believe him. It's unlike you to go so long without calling, Tee."

"Yeah, I know. Time's just been getting away from me and I figured I'd call and let you know I was well. Lindsey and me met up with the Mac a few weeks ago for our photoshoot and they thought I was dead and, or missing too. I had to clear it all up. Once tour starts and everything, I'll have to retract the stories."

The woman was ever so relieved.

"Your daddy was worried too."

She smirked. "How is daddy?"

"He's good. He's been quite occupied for the summer between work and being at the country club..."

"Good, he needs to stay busy. Anyways, you'll never believe what Lindsey and me have done..." she paused.

"You're pregnant?!"

"Uh, no but damn close," she smirked. "No, Lindsey and I have adopted some kids."

"Oh, that's so wonderful! Oh, my God. I am so proud of you! How did that come about? When do we get to meet them? What are they like? How old are they?"

"Wow, okay..." she smirked. "Well, at first I was kind of fostering them... So, this is what happened. We were having plane trouble last year and we landed in Nuuk, Greenland. Sharon had some friends there that we'd met previously and I guess his wife had up and left... I swear to God, mom, his daughter---she's gonna be three this year, she looks just like Amarice when she was little and like me... But I just couldn't leave them and she has two older brothers, they're fourteen and sixteen. They're amazing kids. But the last year, we've been settling all the legal things, taking things slow, letting the kids finish up school... So, Lindsey and me adopted all three. Their father signed over his rights for the simple fact of us giving them health coverage and all that good stuff. Meantime, there father and aunt keeps in touch and we'll be heading to Virginia in a few days. We'll be dropping there with their grandparents and aunt right before we go on tour.

"Oh, that's so wonderful. I'm so excited... Motherhood has always come so natural to you. I'm glad they have you."

She smiled. "Anyway, we'll stop in and see you when we play the San Francisco and San Jose shows. Lindsey hasn't see his mom or Jeffrey really so we'll make it a point to see you. Kid free of course, but at the beginning of December when we celebrate Thanksgiving like we do when on tour, I'll bring the kids and everybody should be with us."

"That's great! I'm so excited to meet them..."

"Yes, and Rhea is great with Sofia, Brandon and Rhea kind of have a crush on one another," she giggled.

"Oh, my. Be careful with those two then."

"Yeah, I know," she smirked. "Anyway, the older boys get along with these boys so well and then the girls just clicked. But all in all, it's been an eventful year and I'm not dead so there's your update."

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. I love you so much, TeeDee. I was worried."

"I know and I love you too. I miss you guys. I'll be sure to visit this coming month. Probably within the next two weeks. We always bounce around when we tour, we don't just travel in the one direction and come back."

"Yes. I'll let your dad know all is well and that I talked to you, honey. He'll be relieved."

"Thank you. I'll call before we head out there. I love you, mom. I'll see you soon."

"I love you too, sweet girl."

"Bye," she pulled the phone away and she hung up, relieved that her call went well and that it was over with.


By August 28th, the family would disperse; Eli and Lance were at school on campus at U.S.C., Amarice and Rhea would have taken a trip to San Jose to visit their grandparents while Stevie and Lindsey not only packed for tour but packed for the short trip to Virginia with Brandon, Roman and Sofia.

Stevie and Lindsey would be staying at a hotel in Virginia, wanting to make sure all was well with their kids and Maya before leaving them for the week and a half leading to the begining of the school year.

Over the course of time, the singer really did think over what Roman had said to her and she considered talking with Maya about somehow telling her parents everything about what happened between her and Brian and why or how, she thought about telling the partial truth like she did to her band mates with a bit of a twist on the story and still, the idea of just pretending to be Samantha ran through her mind, but she really didn't feel like playing the part.

The flight to Lynchburg, Virginia from Los Angeles would have been roughly four and a half hours which was nothing compared to the 17 hour flight from Greenland, so it went rather smoothly that time around.

At the airport, Maya would meet the couple, ever so thrilled to see her niece and nephews.

"It feels like it's been ages since I last saw you!" Maya beamed, lifting Sofia off the ground.

"Hi, Auntie!" the little girl screamed, hugging the woman ever so tightly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too! Look how tall you've gotten, in just a few months..." she tapped her nose. "Oh, my goodness," she kissed her cheek, glancing over at the boys. "You're getting to be such a big girl," she mentioned, settling her in the car where Lindsey would buckle her in.

"Hi, Auntie," Brandon grinned.

"Wow, your voice got deeper," she chuckled. "You sound like a man..."

"I am a man," he smirked.

"No, you're a teenager..." she rolled her eyes, ruffling his hair. "And you, you cut your hair, Roman?" she stated.

"I needed a change... It's hot in California compared to home," he smirked. "Haven't seen my grandparents in so long, wanted to make a good impression."

"Ah, you're funny. Get in the car, babes..." she smiled, then looking over at Stevie. "And you..."

The teens obeyed.

"I missed you so much, honey," the blonde shook her head as she leaned in to hug her. "Oh, you're wearing the moon..." she beamed.

"Yes, I never take it off," she patted her chest gently. "Between you and me, I really think it makes Brian upset that I wear it... It reminds him of you too much."

"Ah, well... I don't know what to say..." she shook her head though showed some sympathy. "But let's get going so we can get out of here..."

"Yes, you can sit in the front," she assured, running back around to meet the driver's seat.

Once they were all piled into the SUV, Maya would drive them to her childhood home, showing them the more scenic route as they made their way from the airport to the house in Lynchburg.

"So, have you given what we're gonna say much thought?" Stevie wondered after the younger woman.

"Well, I figure we can just throw my brother under the bus..."

Brandon smirked, knowing his aunt meant well despite her way of putting her words.

"I think we should tell the truth... Somewhat..." she explained.

"Okay, I'll follow you. Whatever you wanna do, Stevie."

"I just don't want to have a bad relationship with these people, I've never met them and these kids mean the world to me. There's no reason these kids shouldn't be able to go to their grandparents house and I wanna make it very clear that I would never keep them from them."

"Of course, I know that... I told them the kids have been busy with school in the last few years and Brian's been working. I haven't mentioned Sam, I haven't mentioned you... So, we'll just see where it goes once they see you."

She nodded.

As soon as they pulled up the house, everybody in the vehicle noticed the older couple on the porch, happily awaiting to see their grandchildren.

"Mom, who's that?" Sofia pointed to the two people with a furrowed brow.

"Honey, those are your grandparents. Your grandma and grandpa," she replied, knowing the child was probably comfused.

"You never met them before, but they're so excited to meet you," Maya assured with a smile in the girl's direction.

"Oh..." she arched her brow.

Once Maya put the car in park, she got out in order to open the door for Lindsey and the boys.

Meantime, Stevie got out and she helped Sofia out of her car seat.

"Mommy, are you going to leave?" Sofia asked.

"Well, Lindsey and I have to go bye-bye soon," she squatted down and sighed. "I'll tell you what, if you don't want to stay here, you can stay with mommy and Lindsey, alright?"

She nodded her head.

"But your grandma and grandpa never met you and they love you to pieces, baby," she hugged her, pulling her into an embrace as she stood with her, trying to comfort her.

"Grandma, grandpa!" Roman ran right over, hugging the couple.

"Oh, look how big you are," the woman cried, swiping his face. "The last time I saw you, you were this tall," she gestured with a laugh.

"How are you, kiddo?" the older man wondered.

"We're good," he grinned, looking back to see his older brother approaching to greet them.

While Brandon greeted his grandparents, Stevie and Lindsey stayed close to each other, trying to comfort Sofia while Maya grabbed the woman's purse for her.

Stepping down from the porch, the woman approached the couple. "Sam, it's so good to see you!" she pulled the blonde in, hugging her warmly.

"Um, actually... I'm not Sam... But it's really nice to meet you, my name is Stephanie... I'm Stevie Nicks," she assured very politely, extending her hand.

"Oh," the woman stepped back, taking in her features but then it resonated when she looked over at the man beside her---they sure were the rock and roll singers of the seventies.

"This is my husband," she gestured.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lindsey," he claimed.

"I'm so confused... You look so much like Samantha," she shook her head, looking over at her daughter.

"I know, it's a long story, mom..." Maya replied.

"And I'd love to tell it to you, but for now..." Stevie paused. "This is Sofia," she claimed. "Your granddaughter..."

"Hi, honey, you're so beautiful!" she claimed, rubbing her little arm. "Can I have a hug?"

Sofia looked at her mom, furrowing her brow.

"Go ahead, my love... This is your grandma," she pressed a kiss to her head, encouraging her to hug her.

The girl kind of pulled back.

"That's okay, I know she doesn't know me yet," she assured, sighing. "Well, come inside, guys. It's warm out here and we got the A.C. on in the house."

"Thanks," Lindsey replied, guiding Stevie forward.

"It's obvious we have a lot to talk about..." she glanced over at her child once more.

Maya let off a small huff.

"Come on, mom!" Roman gestured with a smile.

All the older couple could do was look at each other and try to figure out what was going on; but they couldn't understand why their grandchildren were calling Stevie Nicks mom. It made no sense.

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