Web Warriors: Part 2. Legacy...

بواسطة nightcrow92

1.1K 74 48

Arash and Peter go back to New York after the events of Persia and Arash have to deal with the consequences o... المزيد

Prologue: Far From Trials
P. FFT: Chapter 1
P. FFT: Chapter 2
P. FFT: Chapter 3
P. FFT: Chapter 4
P. FFT: Chapter 5
P. FFT: Chapter 6
P. FFT: Chapter 7
P. FFT: Chapter 8
P. FFT: Chapter 9
P. FFT: Chapter 10
Part 1. Absolute Carnage
1. AC: Chapter 1
1. AC: Chapter 2
1. AC: Chapter 3
1. AC: Chapter 4
1. AC: Chapter 5
1. AC: Chapter 6
1. AC: Chapter 7
1. AC: Chapter 8
1. AC: Chapter 9
1. AC: Chapter 10
1. AC: Chapter 11
1. AC: Chapter 12
1. AC: Chapter 13
1. AC: Chapter 14
1. AC: Chapter 15
Web Interlude: Doing Too Much
Warrior Interlude: Visiting Hours
2. LI: Chapter 1
2. LI: Chapter 2
2. LI - Chapter 3
2. LI - Chapter 4
2. LI - Chapter 5
2. LI - Chapter 6

Part 2: Legacy Incarnate

25 1 1
بواسطة nightcrow92

Special Guests:

Sam Wilson / Captain America – Played by Anthony Mackie

James "Bucky" Barnes / White Wolf – Played by Sebastian Stan

Yelena Belova / "Black Widow" - Played by Florence Pugh

Maria Hill – Played by Cobie Smulders

Isaiah Bradley – Played by Carl Lumbly

Agent Kevin "Keen" Marlow – Played by George Clooney

Madeline Joyce Frank – Played by Gates McFadden

Robert Frank – Played by Alan Ruck

Jerry Carstairs – Played by Mark Hamill

Dimitri Smerdyakov (Дмитрий Смердяков) / Chameleon – Played by Yuri Kolokolnikov / Numan Acar

Sinthea "Sin" Kragov / Sinthea Shmidt – Played by Karoline Herfurth

Rheinholt Schmidt / Electro – Played by Max Riemelt

↢ ᗢ ❢ ─── ♔ 🕸 ♔ ─── ❢ ᗢ ↣


"Why would I want to talk to Nick Fury?" – Asked Arash annoyed

"Fury wants to keep track on everybody after the battle of earth" – said Bruce – "maybe he knows that you are still super somehow" – he added

"You know, keeping the track on every enhanced or whatever that is around the world without them knowing, kinda sounds like invasion of privacy" – said Arash when his phone rang and he look at it just like the man in front of him

"That's it, no caller ID, that's him, answer" – said Bruce


"Keen?" – Asked May opening the door surprised

"Hey May" – said the man with a smile

"Wha-...what are you doing in here?" – Asked May

"Can I come in?" – Asked Kevin making the woman turn around seeing that her nephew was around

"Peter is here, unless this is very important, I can't talk with you right now" – said May

"It is important May, I'm sorry" – said Kevin making the woman sigh


"How does your new suit feels?" – Asked Eddie after Venom retracted back into him

"It's amazing, Melvin really did a great job, I do miss the fluffy collar, but this one works well" – said Felicia with a smile just when Venom formed himself again into Eddie and grabbed the woman and pulled her towards them when something passed them by flying in a fast speed

"What was that?" – Asked Felicia confused turning around

"Not what, but who" – said Venom pointing at the direction of what passed them by

"Is that older woman...flying?" – Asked Felicia surprised

"And she's being chase by someone" – said Venom growling


"What is this?" – Asked Arash looking around with the others the new exhibition on the Captain America exhibit confused

"Isaiah Bradley?" – said Peter reading the bio – "it says here that he was injected with the super soldier serum to become part of a new program along Captain America" – he said giving a quick summary of what he was reading

"No way" – said Arash approaching closer – "so basically another Cap? How? Why? When?" – He asked confused

"After the success of Captain America, is obvious that other people wanted to experiment with more people to create another super soldier, hence Bucky, Emil Blonsky, the people Captain Wilson stopped, I even got invited to a program a couple of years ago, during The Snap actually, but I reject it" – said Farah

"Really? You never told me about it" – said Arash

"Never thought much of it" – said Farah

"What was it call?" – Asked Peter

"The Dessert Swords" – said Farah


"You guys were successful stopping Osborn and Cassidy, but we need to keep the tabs on all of you or at least you need someone that supervise you" – said Maria Hill

"We have Bruce and Tony, who else do we need?" – Asked Arash

"Seems like I have some competition" – said Sam walking into the scene with Bucky walking next to him

"For the record, I'm here to help, not the keep the tabs on anybody" – said Bucky

"Captain Wilson, good you could join us to the meeting" – said Hill

"What's going on?" – Asked Peter confused

"We have a little mission for the four of you, take is as a test to know if we can trust in leaving you guys operate on your own" – said Hill

"You said four, but there are five of us" – said Felicia

"Mr. Mohammadi isn't coming" – said Hill


"Wait what's going on?" – Asked Peter doing a spin jump to avoid the bullets from machine gun firing from the distance

"Someone must be helping him" – said Sam uncovering him and Bucky

"Idiots" – said Chameleon taking out a flash bomb and throwing it to the ground blinding everybody but him as he closed his eyes

"I'm blind!" – yelled/growled Venom covering his face

"пока герои (poka geroi)" – said Chamelon

The criminal spy lifting his gun and the person at distance also prepared the machine gun, but then a smoke bomb activated where the person with the machine gun was making them cough and the man could hear it on the comm that he had on his ear

"Sin? What's going on?" – Asked Chameleon before he was kicked out by someone with a whole black body suit with goggles that came sliding through a wire that landed on the floor with a superhero pose


"He hid the secret from me for a year, I don't think something can stop him from doing the right thing" – answered May – "I just don't want him to end up like them" – she added sighing

"He will not May, I'll make sure of that" – said Arash grabbing her hand and they smiled at each other before being interrupted by a knock on the door that the woman went to answer seeing Kevin on the other side

"May, I need the key" – said Kevin

"Right now?" – Asked May

"Yes, now" – said Kevin entering the home finding the Prince inside who's magic danced on his fingers making him turn in time to see a smoke bomb entering the window of the apartment


"What are you doing here? They told you to stay away from the mission" – said Peter

"A "thank you for saving my ass Cat" would have been better than that" – said Arash

"Love birds, they are getting him out, come quick" – called Sam

"No, they don't" – said Arash lifting his arm to shoot a web string and pull himself towards the floor Sin and Chameleon were and used his magic to hold himself steady on his landing

"Who is this one?" – Asked Sin annoyed

"Just another annoying prick" – complained Chameleon lifting his machine gun to shot at the Prince who created a force field in front of him to protect himself from the bullets while Sin turned to run to the hall


"They are afraid of enhanced individuals" – said Madeline grabbing the hand of the ebony man who looked down – "the reason we had to split up and stop operate was because they thought we would be a danger to the world, Isaiah and Jerry were the only ones to stood up about it" – she explained

"And we couldn't do anything about what happened to them, they used them as scapegoats to show us what could happened, if we ever dare to give a hint to others about who we are, they just happened to enjoy hurting Isaiah more because they were racist assholes" – explained Robert


"Damn!" – Yelled Bucky as he was pushed to a wall by bald headed male who smirked cockily to him

"Now we are equal" – said Chameleon cracking his knuckles

"Not for long" – said Arash taking out his swords and the rest of the heroes also took a stance before they were lifted into the air and throw to the wall behind them making everybody grunt

"What the hell was that?" – Asked Yelena

"Real power" – said Sin walking with a smile to stand next to Chameleon and behind them there was a blue light energy and electricity dancing around

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A/N: Ok, after like a hundred editions and directions and twist and turns about how I wanted to do this part is finally here, Part 2 everybody! Let's go!

Now, we see some known faces like Sam, Bucky, Yelena, Isaiah and Maria Hill (#JusticeForMariaHill after that Secret Invasion appearance), but we have a lot of other people you may not know, this Part is inspired mostly by the "Six Forgotten Warriors" arc of the Spider-Man 90's animated series, I almost give it the same or an alike name but decided not to because I added other stuff and change up things, so I took the name from a Red Skull comic but with the spin on turning into his "legacy" which is why two characters related to him here, well all or most of them if you know the arc of the cartoon.

Please leave Comments and Votes so I know that you guys are out there, shout out to boredom_9 RicardoLerma181 and IjomeRoloc for adding this book on a Reading List and sterekhalinsky for giving Votes, I appreciate the support and thanks to anyone reading, I will see you guys next for the first chapter of this part ✨🏹🕷⚫🐱‍👤

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