Ghost bc oneshots english

By Shadowgirl0306

7.9K 163 76

Hi! this is the english version of my oneshots! I hope you'll enjoy them! <3 More

Important Information!
Rain - a willow on the lake
Swiss-No wind resistance
Sodo-My Father's eyes
Rain-Life Eternal
Aether-Life Eternal
Mountain-Life Eternal
Phantom-Life Eternal
Swiss-Life Eternal
Sodo-Life Eternal Part 1
Sodo-Life Eternal Part 2
Swiss (x Sodo) - Toxic
Sodo x Rain - war of hearts
Sodo - Thunder
Sodo - Burnings
Terzo - Soldier
Requests & Questions
Primo - Elizabeth
🔞Rain x Reader - High Enough
Rain - Mama's boy
Terzo x Omega - Stressed Out
🎄Wonderful Christmas Time🎄
☃️ Swiss-Snowman☃️
Secondo - Idolatrine
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Primo, Terzo, Secondo-I'm with you always
🔞Swiss - Yellow🔞
Phantom - His love will conquer (Book Tropes Pt. 1)
Sodo - You are my Sunshine (Book Tropes Pt. 2)


215 9 1
By Shadowgirl0306

Yeah, something new!
I felt like I have to give you a rest from angst-shots after I wrote Life Eternal (and I'm sorry for breaking some hearts ^^')
But now we have a very Fluffy Oneshot!
(And it is the first I wrote with Y/N!)

It was a very sunny day when you and Rain walked into your room. Rain had hit his forehead and you decided to put a plaster on it.

"Sit down please." You said and showed to your chair.
"My head hurts a bit" he said while he was sitting down.
"I know my little Shy Guy" you said and walked to your desk to get you aid-kit.

"Can I sit on your lap?" You asked while walking back to him
"Of Course" he smiled, shyly and you slowly sat down so you wouldn't hurt him.
"Come here" you say giggling because he turned his head so you wouldn't reach it.
"No" he just answered.
"Are you scared?" You ask and he nodded.
"Oh Baby boy I'd never hurt you, I promise" you sad and he finally turned back to you.

"Could you hold that please?" You ask after you opened the aid kit and he took it into his hand. You got a little tissue and started to spackle away his blood. He grimaced a little in pain.
"Sorry" you just say and gave him a soft kiss. He had to smile in a melting way.
"If you do that again, I'll forgive you" he said and you smile even bigger.

"Like this?" You ask and kiss him again.
"Yeah like that." He smiled again like he would melt.

"So let's see" you mumble and started to look if that wound was very deep. Luckily it wasn't
"I have a good message" you said
"Your face will still be beautiful after it healed" you say and he started giggling
"Oh Y/N I'm glad! I thought my whole face would look like a Zombie" he said and you both start laughing.

"Just the plaster" you said and put it gently on that wound.
"That was everything." You said smiling while he looked straight into your eyes.

"What's wrong? Does it still hurt?" you asked and he nodded dramatically.
"Yeah it really hurts." he answered in an joking way but you could see that he was blushing.

"Right here." he start pointing at his forehead where you put the plaster on. You smile and give him a kiss on the plaster before you take your head back.
"No it hurts here." he said and pointed on his temple.
"Right there?" you ask before you gave him a kiss on his temple.

"No not there. Here" he pointed on his cheek and you start smiling even bigger. You kiss his cheek even softer than on his temple.
"Better?" you asked but he shook his head.

"No. You just don't hit the point where it hurts." he said while he started pointing on his chin.
"Try it here." you chuckle before you gave him a kiss on his chin.

"You come nearer. It doesn't hurt that much anymore, but it's still there." he said and you noticed that he was watching from your eyes to your mouth and back again. You already knew what he was going to do but you liked his little game.

"Then show me the exact point where it is hurting." you say and he starts nodding.
"It really hurts right here." he said and pointed on his lips what made you smile a lot more.

"You sure?" you ask to tease him a little bit and he starts nodding.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure." he said and you slowly start to get closer to him. You noticed that he was watching you come nearer, looking from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes again. Then you put your lips on his very gently. It was one of the most softly kisses you ever gave him. You feel his hands on your hips and he pulled you a bit closer to him. After a while you broke the kiss very gently and looked right into your eyes.

"Is your pain gone?" you ask and he nodded.
"Yes." he answered. It wasn't more than a whisper but you knew he loved it.
"Thank you pumpkin" he said and starts hiding his face in your neck. You both started hugging each other and you began to stroke his hair. You sat there for a while and just enjoyed it.

"I want to cuddle." Rain mumbled into your hair.
"But we are already cuddling." you say and laugh a bit.
"No not really." he said and you just roll your eyes a bit. Suddenly he picked you up and brought you to the bed.
"Hey, let me go!" you say laughing but he just shook his head.

"No!" he said and layed you down, gently. He was standing right infront of you and looked down at you.
"I want to cuddle!" he said and crossed his arms and looked like an angry toddler. You start laughing.

"Then you'll have to come to me." you said and showed next to you where the bed was empty. Rain came onto the bed and crawled to you. Before you even could move he crawled over you and laid onto you. He rested his head onto your breast and started holding you on you waist. You opened your legs a little bit so he could lay between and it was a bit more comfortable. You looked at your boyfriend who immediately closed his eyes and moved his head a bit to make it a bit more comfortable.

"I love you." he said in a sweet way and your heart started melting.
"I love you too." you answered and began to stroke his head. He still moved his head on your breast.
"I love your boobs." he said and you were a bit confused.

"But they are so big/tiny." you answered and saw him smiling.
"They are beautiful as they are! And they are soooo comfortable!" he said, tired and you noticed that he was nearly sleeping.
"Thank you, baby boy." You gave him a kiss on his head.

You were cuddeling for a long time before you noticed that he began to snore a bit. You smiled, softly and gave him another kiss.
"Good Night, Shy Guy." you said and closed your eyes too.

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