Devoted To You (completed)

By kdotdot_

105K 5.5K 3.3K

a zatima story . More

sequel alert .


1.5K 97 87
By kdotdot_

1 month later..

Fatima calmly washed her hands while looking at her reflection in the mirror. "Two? Under Two?"  She shook her head and turned the water off. "Ain't no damn way" She had no suspicions of actually being pregnant again. Zac on the other hand, felt differently. She thought is was all just paranoia talk until he came home with 4 tests earlier today.

Fatima avoided looking at the farthest end of the countertop where two of the tests were sitting on a napkin calculating the probability of one or two pink lines.

As soon as she reached for the door knob, it opened and Zac peeked his head around from the other side. Fatima just smacked her lips, looking blankly at him. "What do they say?" Zac asked, searching her eyes for an answer.

"I literally just flushed the toilet honey. Give it a minute, I set a timer on my phone" she lightly laughed and nudged her way by him.

"Okay" he replied walking into their bedroom behind her. Fatima watched him
as she reached down to grab Jurnee seeing her began to squirm in the cream colored bedside bassinet. "What's wrong with mommy's Cookie?" Fatima cooed in a high pitched voice and took the baby into her arms. "You think you're ready for another one of these?" she asked Zac. He was already smiling watching his woman in mommy mode. It was always the ultimate turn on for him.

"I mean,'s gonna be with you whether you're pregnant now or not so I honestly don't care" he softly kissed Jurnee's little forehead as he settles behind her. Fatima nodded and lightly bounced Jurnee on her upper chest. "I guess I feel the same" Fatima shrugged a little, before facing him to see the slight worry on his face.

As a woman, she completely understood and expected changes in her body after doing her research at the beginning of her pregnancy.

"You do know I'm not pregnant though right?" she asked. Zac gave her a side eye, smirking just enough to annoy her "You haven't had a period in how long Fatima? and you know how we do, shit I be knee deep in that sh-"

"Aht!!" Fatima raised her hand to stop him from talking "First. Stop talking like that around my child and second, we had this talk already. My body is a little off track because I carried a child for damn near a year. It might take a few months until everything lines back up. I told you that babe"

"I know that Fatima but you said you were cramping the other day and I know how bad they've been in the past" Fatima sighed and softly smiled at him. On top of him just being a good man, he still felt bad for not being there the moments before her c section even though they both knew it was impossible to be his fault for missing them.

Fatima was still praying and God had been dealing with her when it came to removing vengeance from her heart towards Rod and Jayda. She knew it was a process though and she willing to let the Lord do His work.

"Zachary stop it. I'm okay baby, I promise. Most times breast feeding smooths me enough to where I don't feel them if they're happening at that moment and your daughter is always eating so" she playfully spat.

"Aye, don't do Cookie Mama like that. You was a thick up baby too" Zac said, lightly smacking her ass. "You right. My grandma called me Juicy for the first 3 years of my life" Fatima laughed making Zac laugh with her.

"I hear what you're saying baby and I appreciate your constant reassurance but everything concerning you and my babygirl are my priority"

"Yes. I know that"

Riiinng Riiiing, the alarm sounded from the bathroom. Fatima didn't say another word  before kissing Jurnee's chubby cheek and handing her to her father. "Alright babygirl, you might be a big sister soon.. are you ready for that?" he asked looking at his daughter. Her little eyes fluttered open at the sound of her daddy's voice. They slowly closed and a half smile appeared on her little face before she fell back into a calm slumber. Zac just smiled, holding her closer. "You look just like your mama"

"See baby. They both have one line. I'm not pregnant" Fatima said appearing from the bathroom. "Let me see" Zac said while he walked over to her. Fatima just rolled her eyes. "It's clear who really wants another baby" she laughed as he double checked the tests on the napkin.

"Oh shit babe" Fatima said holding up her phone. She grinned, slowly turning it around to display the time on her lock screen "It's somebody's birthday" she sung, swaying her hips left to right before bouncing happily over to where he stood.

"Happy birthday Daddy" she stood on the tips of her toes to peak his lips. They pulled
back, sharing the same wide grin. "Thank
you my love" Zac said as he gazed into her eyes.

"Can you tuck Jurnee in for me? I'll have the first half of your gift ready for you when you get back" Fatima's voice was raspy and seductive. It threw Zac off in the best way. "Mm" he peaked her lips again, "Don't play with me Fatima. You'll be pregnant by 8am, forreal this time" he added in the most serious of tone.


Later that night..

"I gotta give it to you Fatima. You did your thang for ya boy" Zac said as the waiter at Nikolai's Roof removed the empty white porcelain dishes from their table. "I'm just matching energy with my man. You literally live to love and take care of me and Jurnee. Making sure you enjoy every birthday is my job" Fatima replied, reaching across the table for his hand. He met her halfway, locking their fingers together and eyes with her instantly.

It felt like the first day of school in Mrs.  Tussle's 5th grade English class all over again. School had been in for a few weeks but Fatima started late due to her parents just becoming settled in Decatur, Georgia after a hasty move from Philadelphia.
She wasnt happy at all about leaving her friends and favorite cousin behind and to make matters worse, being as pretty as she was sparked jealousy in the hearts of a few other little girls in her classes. But that all stopped the day she met Zachary Taylor. Fatima would never forget the day he jumped in front of her as one of those little girls decided to throw an opened milk carton full of smashed up food at her one day when lunch period was ending. The two quickly became inseparable.

"Remember that time we told our parents we were staying after school for the writing club but it was really to fight Jewel and her brother on the black top?" she randomly asked, waiting for his reaction. Zac squinted trying to recall every detail. He almost bursted into laughed as they came flooding back to him.

"Hell yeah! All because you been fine as hell your entire life and Jeremy's baldhead sister was mad you wanted me"

"What?" Fatima chuckled. "No. I definitely don't remember it that way. You were flirting with that lower case hair ass little girl before I got to that school and don't lie either"

"Man whatever. The fact you still believe that is crazy"

"I never said I believed it, I'm just stating what has presumably been facts since 5th grade" she laughed

"Presumably by who? You" Zac spot back as they joked back and forth. "What way do you remember it because you know you wanted me, you was just scared of me"

"I was never scared Zac. You were just unhinged as fuck. Now, daddy's side of the family takes the cake but your little ass was Chuckie"she laughed, taking a sip of her drink. "If I was Chuckie , you were the bride because you were always right by my side" The seriousness in his voice caught her attention, cutting her joyous laughter short. Zac just smiled before using his other hand to reach into the pocket of his dress pants. He lifted it back to the table, placing a set of keys near her. Fatima looked down then back up at him, clearly confused.

"Zac..what is—"

"Remember the gated community off Sweet Oak road we used to pass on the after school bus route? The one you said when you grew up and you got some money, you were going to buy a house there and knock it down to build what you saw in your head?"

"Yeah, daddy was happy to hear I liked more than dresses, shoes and lipgloss" they shared a laugh together.

"You will be the final judge but I think I did a pretty job bringing everything I remembered you ranting about then and the little things you enjoy and inspired to add to the current house. I know your heart is in law but I also know you just have the eye for certain things. When I saw that one of the houses was on the unclaimed list for the state in a thriving area, I had to go check it out. There's a really nice Elementary school down the street, it's tucked away towards the end of neighborhood, there's 8.3 acres and plenty of front and back yard space. They wanted pennies for it but that was only because of the cost of repairs and renovations that were estimated by the state" his voice trailed off as gently let her hand go and he grabbed his phone from the table. Within a few seconds, hers vibrated in her purse. She suspiciously eyed Zac, thinking there was no way this man had did what she was thinking he did. When she opened the link he had sent her, what she read brought tears to her eyes.

"Taylor Manor?" she asked in a shocked whisperer as she scrolled through the many pictures. They were time stamped to show each stage of the house and land after Zac brought it and his team got to work on it a little over year ago. The last picture showed 5:30pm yesterday.

Fatima looked on in complete shock and slight disbelief. She clicked on a few pictures, pinching to zoom. "We can go see it in the morning baby" he chuckled, "Shit we can move in tonight for you wanted to"
The pictures were professionally taken so she could see the details pretty clearly "Every detail babe. You remembered everything. Even the double garden tub" she closed her eyes and poked out her lips making Zac laugh a little "My baby loves her Me Time it wouldn't be worthy of you without it"

At the moment, the waiter appeared holding with two plates, one in each hand. "Um, yes hi. I'm not sure where is other plate came from but we didn't order this"
Fatima bluntly said at the smiling waiter.

"Baby" Zac sweetly interrupted, trying not to laugh in the man's face "I'll take these. Thank you my man" Zac said, taking both plates from the man. Fatima looked at him
confused. "Zac what are you doing?"

"This is for me" he said, sitting one of the plates down in front of him. Fatima huffed, becoming upset because she felt like she was being ignored.


"And this is for you" he sat the other plate in front of her but she didn't moved her eyes from him. Zac smacked his lip, "Fatima don't start that shit. Look at the plate"

"It's not my birthday. I don't want cake and icecream"

"Anne. Just look at the plate" he smiled, cutting into his thick slice of strawberry cheesecake.

Fatima tightly squinted and finally dropped her head to see the plate. She reread the words that were beautifully hand drawn with chocolate syrup over and over. Soon, her lashes were wet and tears began falling from her eyes. She grabbed the folded black linen napkin that lay in her lap to lightly dab the corners of her eyes, in efforts to save her makeup.

Across the table, Zac sat his fork down on the side of his plate and wiped his mouth with a napkin before sipping his water. The waiter appeared to his left to hand him a microphone when Fatima's eyes almost popped out of her head. She tightened her lips, leaning in towards him "Uhh baby" she nervously looked around as the light music playing in the background changed "Do you plan on singing or..?"

"No Fatima" Zac chuckled and shook his head "I'm not gonna to" he said making them both laugh. "Okay gotta prepare me for that" she wiped the imaginary sweat from her forehead making him look at her blankly. "I'm kidding baby" she lightly laughed.

"Mhmm" Zac smiled before he cleared his throat and the waiter tapped him on the shoulder before backing away, signaling him to start whenever he was ready. Zac shook off his remaining nervousness and he took a breath, mentally praying for God to speak through him and lifted the microphone to his mouth.

"You know how people say somebody must have been praying for them? That's exactly how I feel every moment I spend in your presence. From day one, you walked into my life and you changed it. You were the blessing I never prayed for but somewhere was deemed worthy to be given..which I still don't understand how sometimes. You are literally what makes waking up everyday worth it to me, every breath God blesses me with worth breathing" Zac pulled the microphone down just a little when his throat became dry and tears began swelling into his eyes.

"I dropped the ball in the past but that will never happen again. I want to do right by you Fatima Anne and if you will have me, I promise..I vow to only love and cherish the amazing woman and incredible human being you are. I watched you gracefully carry and deliver our baby girl and I want to be the example for her. You were made for me and I was made for you. Every bone in my body only wants to love you, hold you, make you feel good when you've had a rough day, make your legs shake and you spine quiver for the rest of my days on this Earth"..

"Whew" Fatima lowly said, fanning herself with her napkin. It made everyone paying attention to them laugh just a little.

Zac signaled for the waiter to come back and hold the microphone for him while he reached into the inter pocket of the suit jacket. Fatima's heart continued to pound in her chest and her tears freely flowed as she watched him remove a small velvet maroon box and lower himself on one knee in forth of her.

"Oh my God" she whispered and cried when the box opened. Once again, he remembered every detail.

"I love you Fatima and you saying you will be my wife is all the birthday gift I need" Zac's cracked and his tears rolled down his face as he stared into her eyes and by this time, there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

"Will you marry me, Annie?"

Fatima quickly nodded, wiping his tears with her thumb "Of course I will marry you Zachary." she responded and the restaurant erupted in applause and heart felt cheers. Zac's face was soaked with tears and so was hers as he placed the ring on her finger and wrapped his arms around her body, lifting her from her seat. Their lips met instantly as they tightly held onto each. Despite the noises of joy and excitement for them, it felt like they were only ones in the room.

"Let's go home, Mr Taylor" Fatima said said as they pulled from their kiss. "You're a mind reader, Mrs Soon to be Taylor" Zac pulled out his wallet, flipping $200 dollars on the table. "I can't wait to peel you out of this fucking dress when we get home" He was in such a good mood, he handed a crispy hundred dollar bill to the waiter and Fatima gathered her things.

"The way you got me feeling we might not make it to the house baby" she said, biting her lip and gazing at her ring. She grabbed his hand, making sure he caught the look in her eye. Zac looked at her, his eyebrow already raised. "Yeaah let's get the fuck outta here before I knock all this shit on the floor" he mumbled, quickly leading them through the open path of the restaurant and right out the front door with matching grins across both their faces.


Taylor Manor.

Issa fiancé.


we getting married y'all 🥹

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