Ash the Dragon Specialist

By kurenohikari

220K 6.1K 1.3K

"Tell me Ash, would you like me to teach you about pokemon? About how to take care of them? Cure them when th... More

When it all began
Growing up
Life Choices
A new friend
Of best friends and homesickness
There's more to training than just power
Are you ready?
Interlude: Ele's P.O.V
The evolution mystery
Finally, the trio is complete!
Jealousy and Friendship
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part I
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part II
I am back!
Kalos - Mega Evolution Part III
Kalos - Vacation
Back to School
Senior Year - Part I
Senior Year - Part II
Senior Year - Part III
An explosive start
Interlude II: Landon's P.O.V
A Grand Debut
The Rock Gym
Interlude III: Agni's P.O.V
The Encore
A Flame Ignited
The Grass Gym
A Rival Makes an Appearance
Having fun on stage!
New Beginnings
Adventures along the way
Still Standing
Hope and Fear
The Fighting Gym
One Deep Breath
Nature's Collection
Tiger Lily
The Ghost Gym
Interlude IV: Aeolus' P.O.V
The Steel Gym
One Step Closer
The Ice Gym
The Pyramid
The Water Gym
Twinleaf Festival
The Countdown Begins
Interlude V: Drako's P.O.V
The Electric Gym
The Grand Festival - Part I
The Grand Festival - Part II
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part I
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part II
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part III
Lily of the Valley Conference - Part IV
Home Sweet Home
The Trio Badge
The Journey Continues
The Basic Badge
Interlude VI: Astrape
The Insect Badge
Don't Poke the Sleeping Dragon
Matters of the Heart
Pokemon Club Battle Tournament - Part I
Pokemon Club Battle Tournament - Part II
The Bolt Badge
Interrlude VII: Bruce's P.O.V
The Quake Badge
The Jet Badge
Interlude VIII: Ares' P.O.V
The Freeze Badge
Marigold's Choice
Mom! I'm Home!
The Legend Badge
Hoenn Grand Festival
The Ball of Dreams and Love
Eeveelutions Everywhere!
The Vertress Conference - Part I
The Vertress Conference - Part II
The Vertress Conference - Part III
The Vertress Conference - Part IV
The Vertress Conference - Part V
Dreams Come True
Interrlude IX: Nephele's P.O.V
And This Makes Ten
The Ghost Master
The Fighting Master
The Dark Master
The Psychic Master
Interlude X: Chione's P.O.V
The Champion
The Coronation
Apologies and Challenges
Breaking News!
The Grand Finale

Lake Valor

1.3K 48 17
By kurenohikari

When Celeste finally stepped before Wallace, his breath caught in his throat as he took in her appearance. She looked just like him – the same hair, the same eyes. It was like looking at a younger version of himself. His heart raced with a mixture of surprise and emotion, and he could hardly find the words to speak.

Celeste took a deep breath, her heart pounding with nervous anticipation. She cleared her throat, her eyes locking onto Wallace's as she began to speak, her voice steady but filled with emotion.

"Hi... I'm Celeste," she stuttered, before calming her racing heart and centering herself. "There's something you need to know," Celeste continued, her words carrying the weight of years of deception. "Wallace, I am Maria's daughter, your daughter. I found out that my aunt Rosa – the woman I thought was my mother – had been lying to me all my life," Celeste continued, her voice shaking slightly as she laid her heart bare. "She hid the truth from both of us. She didn't want to lose the last piece she had of her sister Maria. She posed as my mother and kept our connection hidden."

Wallace's eyes widened in shock, his entire body freezing at her revelation. The world seemed to stop as he processed her words, his mind racing to comprehend what she had just told him. Maria? He remembered Maria, she used to compete in the coordinator circuit of Hoenn while he was still a rookie trainer. Wallace's shock gave way to a mixture of anger and sadness. He felt anger at Rosa's selfish deception, and a profound sadness for the years he had missed with his own daughter. Because he was sure she was his daughter, one just had to look at her and see the resemblance! He struggled to find words as the weight of the situation settled in.

"I've been wondering how to tell you about my connection to you," Celeste admitted, her voice shaking slightly. "I planned to compete in the Wallace Cup as a way to get a chance to meet you, to finally reveal the truth about our relationship."

Wallace's anger at the lies that had been woven around his own flesh and blood surged, mingling with a deep sadness for the years he had missed with his own daughter. He felt a surge of empathy for Celeste, who had been kept in the dark for so long. Despite the turmoil of emotions, Wallace's heart softened. He understood Celeste's yearning for a connection, for a chance to know her true father. He knew that, in some way, he had missed out on so much of her life. As the weight of the situation settled in, Wallace opened his arms wide, a gesture of welcome and acceptance.

"Celeste," he said, his voice filled with emotion, "I can't change the past, the years we've lost. But I can promise you that from now on, I'm here for you. And I'm thrilled to know that you share my passion for coordination."

The tension in the air began to dissipate as the two shared a moment of understanding. Wallace's anger toward Rosa's actions remained, but in that moment, the focus was on the potential for a new beginning – for a father and daughter to build a relationship that had been denied to them for so long.

They moved the conversation to the serene confines of the Pokemon Center, a private roome where they would be away from curious eyes. The weight of their revelations still hanging in the air like a tangible presence. Ash's concern for Celeste was evident in his eyes as he leaned towards her, his voice carrying a gentle urgency.

"Hey, Celeste," Ash started, his brows furrowing with a mix of care and curiosity, "now that you've met your dad, what's the plan? What are you gonna do?"

Celeste looked at Ash, a mix of emotions playing across her face. She took a deep breath, as if gathering her thoughts before speaking. "Well," she began, her gaze shifting to Wallace for a moment before returning to Ash, "Nurse Joy did a DNA test. It's confirmed. I'm Wallace's daughter."

A mixture of relief and a sense of closure seemed to settle over the conversation. Ash nodded, appreciating the gravity of the situation. "That's a big step forward," he remarked softly.

Celeste's lips curved into a small, contemplative smile. "Yeah, it is. And, you know, I agree with dad on something. I won't compete in the Wallace Cup."

Ash tilted his head in curiosity. "Why not? It could be your big chance to show off your coordination skills."

Celeste's eyes softened as she looked at Wallace. "Because, Ash," she replied, "if I did and somehow ended up winning, people might think it was rigged or favoritism because of our connection. At least, when it is revealed that we are daughter and father. It wouldn't be fair to dad or the other coordinators."

Ash nodded understandingly. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"But," Celeste continued, her gaze returning to Ash, "I'm not leaving Lake Valor just yet. I want to stay here for the remaining time, get to know dad, spend time with him."

A warm smile tugged at Ash's lips. "That sounds like a good plan."

Celeste then turned to Wallace, her eyes shining with newfound hope. "We could exchanged numbers," she explained, "so we can stay in touch while I continue my journey."

Wallace smiled, a mix of happiness and gratitude in his expression. "I'd like that very much, Celeste."

"After my journey is over," Celeste continued, "I plan to go to Hoenn, spend time with dad, and, well, maybe compete in the Hoenn Contest Circuit."

Wallace's eyes lit up at the idea. "That sounds fantastic. I'd be thrilled to have you in Hoenn."

While the future was promising, a tinge of bittersweetness lingered in Ash's heart as he contemplated their upcoming journey. He sat there, a mixture of emotions playing across his face – happiness for Celeste, a touch of sadness for the time they had left, and an underlying sense of pride for his best friend.

As the conversation began to wind down, Ash found himself reflecting on the future. He had made a promise to Cilan to travel through Unova together, a journey that held its own set of adventures and mysteries. It was a promise he intended to keep, but it also meant a parting from Celeste after their Sinnoh adventure.

Still, his joy for Celeste's newfound relationship with her father far outweighed his own feelings. He couldn't help but smile, seeing her interact with Wallace with a warmth that had been missing from her life for so long. The father-daughter connection that was now blooming before his eyes was more than enough to make up for the impending separation.

As the conversation drew to a close, Ash's gaze met Celeste's, and he couldn't help but convey his feelings through a heartfelt smile. "You know, Cel," he began, his voice soft yet earnest, "I'm really happy for you. Your fears were all in your mind, and look where it's gotten you. A father who's thrilled to have you."

Celeste's eyes sparkled with a mixture of gratitude and joy. "Thanks, Ash. And I'm really grateful to you, too. Without you by my side, I don't know if I could have faced this."

Ash's smile widened. "That's what friends are for, right? Facing challenges together."

As the night deepened, and Ash and Celeste found rest in their rooms, the lines of communication continued to hum elsewhere. Wallace sat in quiet contemplation, a phone pressed to his ear, a glow of excitement and astonishment painting his features. On the other end of the line, Steven Stone, the Hoenn Champion and Wallace's beloved partner, listened with rapt attention.

"You won't believe what happened, Steven," Wallace began, his voice a mixture of disbelief and sheer joy. "I have a daughter. A daughter, Steven!"

The other end of the line was filled with a surprised silence, and then Steven's voice came through, filled with a mix of shock and curiosity. "A daughter? How is that possible, Wallace?"

Wallace launched into the story, recounting every detail of the encounter with Celeste – the drifting fog, the enchanting voice leading them to the serene lake, the moment he saw her and realized the undeniable resemblance. His voice danced with the excitement that had filled him throughout the entire day, and Steven listened, his own reactions shifting from surprise to amazement.

As Wallace's story unfolded, a fire ignited in Steven's chest. He was indignant at Rosa's actions, the deception she had woven all those years. "I can't believe Rosa would do that," Steven's voice seethed with barely-contained anger. "She kept you both apart for so long."

Wallace nodded even though Steven couldn't see him. "I know, Steven. But, honestly, right now I'm just so overwhelmed by the fact that I have a daughter. A chance to connect with her."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and when Steven finally spoke, his voice was warm and reassuring. "You know, Wallace, I can't wait to meet her. She's a part of you, after all."

Wallace's heart swelled at the affirmation. "I want you to meet her too, Steven. I think you'll really like her."

As their conversation continued late into the night, the bond between Wallace and Steven only grew stronger. They discussed the future, the possibility of meeting Celeste, and how this newfound connection would shape their lives. The phone call ended on a note of excitement, the promise of brighter days and new beginnings.

During their stay in Lake Valor, Celeste and Ash found themselves engaged in a whirlwind of activities. As Wallace continued with his commitments, Celeste and Ash seized the opportunity to make the most of their time in the city. Training their pokemon became a daily ritual, the shores of Lake Valor became a backdrop for intense battles and dedicated practice sessions. The gentle lap of the water seemed to carry their determination, reflecting the sunlight in shimmering ripples. Beyond training, they explored the city, its alleys and streets revealing new surprises with every corner turned.

Wallace's generosity secured them prime seats for the Wallace Cup, an opportunity Celeste seized with excitement. The event wasn't just about witnessing impressive coordination skills; it was a chance to scout talents from various regions, to learn new techniques, and to gain insights into the art of coordination. In those moments when Wallace's busy schedule allowed, Celeste soaked in every word he shared. His experiences as a Top Coordinator were invaluable, and the bond they formed grew stronger with each passing day. They discussed strategies, evaluated performances, and analyzed what set great coordinators apart.

As the days passed, Celeste's confidence bloomed, nourished by her dad's encouragement and wisdom. With his guidance, she refined her routines, polished her strategies, and absorbed the finer points of coordination. Meanwhile, Ash's adventurous spirit found its solace in the sky. Flying high on Nephele's back, he felt the exhilarating rush of wind against his face, the freedom of soaring above the world below. It was a form of communion, a deep connection between trainer and pokemon that only strengthened their bond. And amidst all this, Ash found his own peace in the skies, basking in the unspoken camaraderie he shared with Nephele. The tranquility of flight became a meditation, a time to reflect on the path he had traveled and the journey still ahead.

When the moment came for Wallace to return to Hoenn, Celeste was in tears. She had only just founf his dad and they will be parting again. However, they will call every week and she had the promise that Wallace would come for the Sinnoh Grand Festival to see her compete. Because she will make it all the way there. Wallace's confidence in the skills he've seen the last past week was everything to Celeste. Which is why when the time came, there were tears but also big smiles as Celeste said goodbye to her dad.

After all, this was only momentarily. She will be in Hoenn soon!

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