Protected | Slytherin Boys St...

By SlytherinWriter2004

18.5K 329 80

Katie Rose is a 18 year old Slytherin student in her 4th year of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry... More

Return to Hogwarts - Part 1
Lessons Begin - Part 2
Shouting in the Library - part 3
The first weekend - part 4
Slytherin common room Party - part 6
Secrets - Part 7
Catch ups - Part 8
Start of October - Part 9
Falling apart - Part 10
Romantic gestures - Part 11
Birthday girl - Part 12
Mattheo's 'dreaded' birthday - Part 13

Champion Selection- Part 5

1.2K 30 8
By SlytherinWriter2004

Sunday 4th September, Slytherin Common Room, 11:43am

"No! Not her!" Draco shouted as he pointed at Theo.

"It wasn't our choice mate" Blaise told him as he leaned back on one of the sofas with Lorenzo.

"You think i would have made her do it? No way mate!" Theo shouted back at him. Draco's chest was rising and falling rapidly, he ran a hand through his hair causing it to raggedly fall across his face. He was so angry, this had to be a joke. Katie would never put her name in the Goblet. She had been talking about how much she disliked the tournament from the second it was announced.

"I'm sure it's not real. We know her, she wouldn't do this. I mean she's smarter than this, she wouldn't risk her life like this" Lorenzo rambled as he dropped his head into his hands. He was panicking, he had no idea what would possess Katie to do this.

The boys had been sat in the common room for the past half an hour, unable to understand what they had been told. They thought if Katie was considering the tournament, they would know. But from all she'd said it was a good indicator that she wasn't interested. The champion selection was this afternoon and the boys were dreading what would happen if Katie was chosen.

"Why all the sad faces all of a sudden?" A soft voice asked from behind them. All the boys turned to the entrance to the common room and saw Katie had just entered. She made her way over to them, standing between Draco and Theo.
"Whats going on?" She asked more seriously upon seeing the looks on their faces.

"We were just wondering, why you put your name in the Goblet?" Mattheo asked slowly looking up at her. His eyes were dead, his jaw stiff. These were the first words he'd spoken since finding out.

"What? What are you talking about?" Katie asked them, she laughed slightly. Non of the boys laughed however, Katie's face dropped.
"What are you talking about? I didn't put my name in the Goblet. Unless you're talking about a different one in which case i still didn't"

"We got told that you had put your name in. We couldn't believe it. We thought you would have told us" Blaise told her. Draco huffed as Theo scoffed.

"I would have told you, if i had done it. But i didn't. I didn't put my name in the Goblet. I've been with Pansy all day since we left breakfast" Katie told them all in shock. She looked between them all. "I don't like the idea of the tournament, why would i apply?"

"She didn't put her name in. That settles it. She says she didn't, and there would be no point lying since the selection is tonight. She didn't put her name in. Everything's okay" Lorenzo said as he got up and pulled Katie into a hug. He held her tight, taking a deep breath.
"We were so worried about you" He murmured

"No. Everything is not okay" Blaise announced "Why would someone tell us she put her name in if she didn't?"

"Cause people think it's funny to fuck with our group" Theo scoffed

"Well who cares anymore? It wasn't true, she's safe and she didn't apply. So drop your snarky attitudes for five minutes and be grateful. This is not the time for some stupid revenge fight" Lorenzo snapped at them, they were all taken aback. Lorenzo rarely snapped or shouted, he was holding Katie close as if his life depended on it.

"Enzo, it's okay" Katie told him, she pulled her head away and looked him in the eyes. "I'm okay yes, but you guys still deserve to know why someone has told you that" she rubbed his arms with her hands before pulling away from his hug.
"Guys we'll figure it out, i swear, but i can't if you're all freaked out"

Theo and Mattheo both nodded whilst Blaise murmured in agreement. Draco hadn't spoken a word since Katie arrived. He was staring at her, his eyes were frantic and welled. Theo nudged him slightly, but he barely moved. Theo grabbed Draco's shoulder and turned him.
"Mate, she's safe. You need to take a breath" Theo whispered to him, Draco tore his eyes away from Katie to look at Theo. He nodded. Draco took a couple deep breaths, after which Theo patted him on the back before walking closer to the others.

They spent the rest of the day in the common room until it was time to head up to the Great Hall for the selection.

Gryffindor Common Room, 18:27pm

"We should head down now surely?" Peter asked Marcus as they were sat playing chess

"The selection isn't til 7 o'clock, we've got half an hour" Marcus said not taking his eyes off the game

"But if we got there early we could find seats and see our friends before hand" Peter told him as he made his move.

"We'll see them after, everyone will hang around a bit after the selection surely" Marcus huffed as Peters piece destroyed one of his.

"But wouldn't it be smarter to see Katie before the crowds?" Peter shrugged

"Let's go" Marcus told him as he got up from his chair. Peter was taken aback by how quickly he had convinced Marcus, but he had a hunch it was only because he'd been losing.

They left the common room swiftly and made their way to the great hall.

Great Hall, 19:03pm Sunday 4th September 1994

The Great Hall was packed with all the students, all the tables were full and the stands had filled up so much. The chatter that normally echoed around the hall was non-existent. Dumbledore had begun his speech, everyone was on the edge of their seats preparing for the names to be selected. The flame flicked, indicating the beginning of the name drawing process.

"The Durmstrang Champion is" Dumbledore began as he drew near the flame. A small piece of parchment flew out, Dumbledore caught it swiftly. He turned it over and scanned it. "Viktor Krum!" He announced. All the Drumstrang students cheered whilst the other two schools clapped, many were too starstruck to join in. Viktor Krum rose from his seat in the stands, and began charging down towards Professor Dumbledore whilst cheering for himself. As he reached Dumbledore, they shook hands before Krum was pointed towards the door behind the teachers table.

The hall began to quiet down as the flame sparked once more.
"The Beauxbaton's Champion is..." Dumbledore began as a blue piece flew out of the Goblet. It looked like part of a fan. It was crimped paper and Dumbledore turned it as he read the name "Fleur Delacor" He announced.
The Beauxbaton students were all very happy, Fleur herself looked thrilled and honnored. She shook hands with her friends before skipping lightly towards Dumbledore, who smiled graciously at her before helping her up the steps towards the door Viktor Krum had just gone through. All the boys watched her with a mindlessness. The girls all had to nudge the boys.

"Honestly, you're all disgusting. Gawking after her like that" Pansy spat at them in a whisper. Theo and Mattheo both chuckled at her as several other girls around the hall did the same thing. They all managed to watch Sadie Walker hit her boyfriend Connor Rookwood round the head.

"She's part Vela Pansy, that's why we all get so...beautiful" Lorenzo began but was distracted as he caught another look at Fleur causing a huff from Pansy. Blaise quickly shook him on the shoulder to snap him back into reality.

"Come on guys, it's the Hogwarts Champion next" Katie whispered to them as she shuffled to the edge of her seat. Lorenzo, who was sitting on the step in front of her, leaned back slightly to stop her going to far forward. The hall fell silent once more, everyone was eager to hear who the Hogwarts champion would be. They would be representing the school hosting the event after all. The flame hesitated to release a name causing an anxious excitement around the hall.

"The Hogwarts champion is..." Dumbledore began causing the flame to illuminate more, the heat from it had finally reached all the corners of the great hall. The warm feeling tackled everyones cold anxiety. The flame roared loudly as a small piece of parchment floated into Dumbledore's hand once more. It was time. Who was the Hogwarts champion going to be?


"Cedric Diggory"

The Hogwarts students erupted in cheers all except Katie whose jaw dropped in complete shock. The Hufflepuff students all patted Cedric on the back as the girls gawked at him. You could hear celebratory shouts and praise from all ends of the hall as Cedric shook hands with Dumbledore. Katie looked over to her brothers who were cheering relentlessly for Cedric, she was proud but also terrified. What awaited now was real and it was someone she knew who was on the line.

"Now we have our three champions!" Dumbledore announced as he began his speech about the danger of the tournament. The students were listening half-heartedly as their real attention was upon each other and discussing the challenges to come. The teachers all stood proud at the front of the hall, Madame Maxine looked thrilled yet composed, whilst Professor Kargaroff looked his usual miserable self however he was exhibiting a sense of pride this time.
Professor Sprout was nearly jumping for joy, she knew Cedric incredibly well and was excited to see him persevere through the tournament. Dumbledore was speaking even louder to be heard by the students when just then Katie noticed Professor Snape move in the corner of her eye. He was staring at something. Katie turned her attention in the direction he had been staring.

"Oh my god" Katie muttered in disbelief

"What?" Pansy asked turning to look the same direction as Katie "oh my god" Pansy repeated.

All the boys were turning their attention, in confusion of the girls reactions, when they saw it. The goblet was lit again, it's blue flame was fiery red and swaying in all directions. Dumbledore approached it carefully, as the other student's attention was grabbed. The flame roared higher than before and spat out another piece of parchment. Dumbledore caught it with shaky hands, his movements however were swift. He read the parchment and muttered a name inaudible to most of the students. Just then, he shouted:

"Harry Potter!"

The hall fell silent. Hermione Granger could be seen shoving Harry up from his seat, Harry hesitantly walked between the Great Hall tables towards Dumbledore as the shouts from students began. The sounds continued, it was uncertain when they would end. Katie and her friends watched Dumbledore hand Harry the parchment with his name before ushering him away. Professor McGonagal looked as though she might faint.

Dumbledore swiftly closed his speech before rushing through the door the champions had gone through, all the teachers swiftly following him. For a moment the Great Hall was silent, only a slight moment. Then the usual conversations begun ridding the Great Hall of any peace.

"How the fuck did he do that?" Theo asked in disbelief

"He's always got to be centre of attention Potter, can't follow any rules" Draco complained bitterly

"It's as if he likes dicing with death, this tournament is a guarantee for him" Blaise said casually

"He can't have put his name in. He just can't. Plus the Goblet is only allowed to pick one name per school so this whole thing is impossible" Pansy exclaimed, she was looking between all the boys as their looks of annoyance rested comfortably on their faces.

Over on the other side of the Great Hall, Marcus and Peter were astonished.
"This isn't gonna go well" Marcus said in disbelief

"No shit. Harry's not old enough to do this, and how the hell are we meant to support two of our friends in a life threatening competition?!" Peter rambled in panic and frenzy. Marcus shrugged as he looked over the hall at his little sister. Harry was her age, how would he feel if she was doing this? He'd be terrified.

Katie locked eyes with her brother and mouthed 'wtf' causing Marcus to chuckle.

Slytherin Common Room, 21:00pm Sunday 4th September

"How did he do it? I mean, it's not possible" Theo asked for the 12th time

"Ask Potter yourself if you're that interested" Draco replied rolling his eyes as he leaned against the fireplace. The boys were sat lounged across the chairs in the common room, all in disbelief and confusion on the events that had taken placer earlier that day.

"He'll die" Mattheo said apathetically. The others looked at him concerned. "I'm just saying" He added taking a drag of his cigarette. Blaise shook his head with a small smirk tugging on his lips.

"Is he even our champion? I thought Cedric was" Lorenzo asked them. They all looked at him, completely as confused as he was.

"This whole thing is weird, it makes no sense" Draco told them, walking away from the fire and dropping down into one of the armchairs. "I mean, what the hell? Potter's not old enough to compete"

"It's an attention thing. He always has to be the centre of it" Theo said irritated, as he rummaged in his pocket for a cigarette. Mattheo nodded in agreement passing Theo a lighter, whilst Blaise rolled his eyes.

The boys spent the rest of their evening completely astonished by the events that had happened. They couldn't believe that once again Harry Potter was going to be the focus of the school. They kept saying the same things over and over, questioning how Harry could have put his name in the goblet before finally heading up to their dorms to sleep.

Katie's dorm room, 2:17am Monday 5th September


Katie was abruptly awoken by the sound of knocking at her dorm room door. She rolled over and saw it was 2:17am. She huffed as she climbed out of her bed and sluggishly walked over to the door. She opened it slowly, looking around for the source of the knocking.

Mattheo was standing outside her dorm room, his hair messy and sweat was rushing down his face. His eyes were wild and his hands were tugging at his shirt. Katie instantly opened the door more and looked at him concerned.

"What happened?" She asked softly

"The dreams. They're happening again. I-i don't know what to do" Mattheo said panic in his voice. Katie took a step forward reaching out her hand to him, which he took quickly. She lead him into her dorm and sat down with him on her loveseat.

"It was him. My father. It was painful. I didn't-i wouldn't- i don't know whats happening" Mattheo breathed out harshly as he dropped his head into his hands. Katie wrapped her arm around his back and pulled him close. Mattheo instinctively grabbed onto her, wrapping his arms around her waist and clinging onto her. He buried his head in her chest as he breathed shakily. Katie wrapped her other arm around him and held him close. She knew how much Mattheo hated the nightmares of his father. He lost sleep over them, sometimes he wouldn't sleep for days. Mattheo had confided in Katie about them last year, when she noticed he looked like he was about to pass out during Charms. Ever since she made him promise to come to her if they happened. This was the first time in a while that they had happened.

"You're okay. You're here, you didn't do anything no matter what you saw. It wasn't you Mattheo" She whispered to him as she rubbed his back gently. Mattheo stayed in Katie's arms for a while before pulling away and taking a few deep breaths.

"I hate the way it makes me feel. It's like, when they happen. When i'm in his mind, it's as if all the love i feel is drained. As if i can't feel love anymore" He told her quietly as he rubbed his eyes.

"But you can feel love. You are capable of love Mattheo. You aren't your father. You never will be" Katie reassured him as she placed her hand on his cheek.
"We'll get through this, i promise"

"Yeah" He replied softly, his heart was still beating rapidly and the last of his sweat was drying on his forehead. Mattheo turned to Katie.
"Can i stay here? With you tonight? Just tonight?" He asked her, his eyes were doing a bad job at hiding his pleading look. Katie smiled softly and nodded her head, holding out her hand for him to take. Once he did, she stood up and lead him over to her bed. There was always enough room in the Slytherin beds for at least 3 people, therefore Katie never had any trouble letting people sleepover. Mattheo let go of her hand and crawled round to the other side of the bed as Katie went back to her side. They both got under the covers, resting their heads on the pillows.

"Goodnight Mattheo" Katie told him softly as she turned to face him

"Goodnight darling" he replied as he closed his eyes, his hand reaching out and holding hers as they both fell back asleep. Mattheo didn't dream of his father again the entire night and was relieved when he woke up in the morning for breakfast.

DATDA Classroom, 9:02am, Monday 5th September 1994

Katie was sat at her desk next to Theo as Professor Moody entered the classroom. His leg was clanging as he made his way to the desk, the other students watched him curiosity in their eyes. Katie leaned forward, staring eagerly at her teacher.

"Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror, dark wizard catcher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me to, end of story. Goodbye" Professor Moody spoke harshly, students were taken aback by his bleak nature. He wrote his name 'Moody' across the chalkboard, many students were whispering between themselves, unable to contain their excitement over having an Auror for a teacher.

The class begun, Professors Moody had started educating the Slytherin and Hufflepuff students on how we as individuals must be prepared to face any danger, any evil force that could attack us. He decided that students had the right to learn things first hand. Soon he asked a question that many Slytherin's didn't want to answer:

"The three unforgivable Curses. Anyone know why they're called that? Anyone know the names of any?" Professor Moody asked with a glimpse of mischief in his eye. Theo didn't look at anyone, he stared blankly at the chalkboard.
"You" Professor Moody said, as he nodded towards a student.

"They're called unforgivable because they are 3 curses that are unforgivable. They're illegal by ministry order" Lorenzo's voice pierced the classroom, Katie turned around to look at him as he spoke. He spoke clearly, as if he had no feelings towards the subject.

"Exactly, any use of these curses would lead you straight to Askaban" Professor Moody responded in his harsh voice.
"Now, can someone name an unforgivable curse?"

The class was silent. Nobody spoke for a while as Professor Moody's normal eye scanned the room. When he looked at you, it felt like he could read your mind. He looked over at Draco, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat before slowly raising his hand.

"Ah Mr Malfoy" Professor Moody said mischievously

"The Cruciatus curse" Draco said stiffly "it's the torture curse"

"Ah yes yes, it is" Professor Moody agreed as he went over to a small cage and took out a creature. Draco's eyes lined with panic then shot over to Katie and Theo.

12:30pm, DATDA Corridor

The students slowly made their way out of the classroom, Katie was clutching her book to her chest as her bag hung loosely on her shoulder. She exited with Theo as Blaise and Mattheo rushed to catch up to them. Draco and Lorenzo were waiting outside, leaned against the wall. Draco instantly shot up and walked over to them both. Katie and Theo were pale, neither one had spoken a word the whole lesson.

"Are you guys okay?" Draco asked softly as he reached a hand out to touch Katie's shoulder. She flinched slightly and Draco pulled away.

"Theo?" Lorenzo asked as he looked over at Theo. Theo didn't say a word, he turned on his heel and began rushing towards the dungeons. Katie turned her head and saw him rush away. She instantly began to follow him.

"Theo wait" she said weakly as she rushed down the corridor after him. The others were close behind her. Theo never stopped, not for a while.

As they turned the corner, Theo was there. His head against the wall, holding his stomach. Katie knew what he was feeling. Theo bag was on the floor, Blaise went over and picked it up for him. Theo looked at Katie, his eyes soft yet sad.

"Do you feel it too?" He asked her

She nodded at him. He took a deep breath. Before pushing himself off the wall. His arm was clutched around his waist, holding pressure on his stomach.

"I feel like i'm gonna-" Theo was cut off as he began to gag. His throat was burning and he felt like his stomach has been thrown around on a rollercoaster. Theo grabbed his mouth, trying to stop whatever was going to come out. The boys noticed this, instantly they all began searching for anything that Theo could throw up in. Lorenzo pulled a paper bag out of his bag and passed it to Theo, Theo grabbed it and held it at his mouth. Theo began breathing into the paper bag.

"Why do you have that?" Mattheo asked in disbelief

"Just incase" Lorenzo shrugged at him

Draco looked over at Katie, her eyes were Welled with tears as she watched Theo. Theo used the paper bag to slow his breathing in hopes to prevent him from being sick. Theo's throat was still burning as he did.

"You alright mate?" Blaise asked him

"Yeah. Yeah. Just a bit much is all." Theo said quietly before taking another breath with the paper bag.

"Do you feel up for lunch or..?" Blaise asked as he looked between Theo and the others. Theo thought for a moment before nodding, he held his hand out to Blaise who passed him his bag. "Okay then, lets go eat" Blaise added as they began to walk towards the Great Hall.

"We're gonna be okay" Katie whispered to Theo as they walked behind the group, Theo reached down taking ahold of Katie's hands.
12:40pm, Great Hall

The six of them entered the Great Hall and headed straight for their usual seats at the Slytherin table. The Great Hall was filled with lively students all talking over each other.

"Oooo" Mattheo exclaimed as he saw the variety of food, he instantly began reaching for the sausage rolls.

Theo had taken a seat beside Katie, and once the others had began to grab food, he shuffled closer to her.
"Are you okay?" Theo asked emphasising the word 'you'. Katie nodded at him, not looking up from her plate. Neither of them felt like eating just yet but they would eventually. Theo reached his hand out to her under the table, which she took.

For the next 10 minutes, they remained holding hands under the table whilst Blaise began talking to Theo about girls and Draco, Lorenzo and Mattheo were all arguing about the best kind of sandwich. Katie observed them all quietly, until she noticed her brothers sitting across the hall. Once she saw them, all she could think about was getting a hug from them.
So she decided to let go of Theo's hand and stand up from the Slytherin table. Theo and Blaise noticed her movements.

"You okay?" Blaise asked her softly and quietly as to not grab the other's attention.

"Yeah. Yeah. I just want to see my brothers" Katie replied quietly, her voice was filled with exhaustion. Theo and Blaise nodded at her before going back to their conversation.
Katie was glad they hadn't made a fuss, and swiftly went round the tables to her brothers. The closer she got, the clearer their laughs became.

"Did you see Binns face?" Marcus exclaimed to Peter, Fred and George.

"He'd have died from shock if he wasn't already a ghost" Fred chimed in, all of them were laughing ecstatically.

"What are you all laughing about?" Katie asked them as she stood behind her brothers. They all turned to look at her.

"Nothing. Just something from History of Magic. And how is your day so far?" Marcus asked turning in his seat

"I had Defence against the dark arts with the new professor. He uh, he covered the unforgivable curses" Katie stuttered on her words. Both Marcus and Peter's faces dropped whilst Fred and George's lit up brightly with excitement.

"I heard professor moody is awesome, are his lessons good?" George asked Katie, she went to answer but got interrupted

"Does he tell stories about when he was an Aurour? I bet he has the best stories" Fred added.

"Yes. Lots of stories. Lots of demonstrations. All very through" Katie told them, a shiver went through her body.
"Anyway, i just came to see you guys for a little" Katie added, talking directly to her brothers. Peter seemed to read her mind, he stood up and gave his sister a hug. Katie placed her head on her brothers chest, allowing Peter to lean his chin on her forehead. The height difference between Katie and her brothers was almost a complete foot. Unfortunately Katie was not fortunate in the height genes like her brothers. Katie was 5'4 whilst Peter was 6'3 and Marcus was 6'4.

Once her hug with Peter was over, Marcus pulled her into another hug. He held his sister tightly, his hand rested on the back of her head. He carefully rubbed her back, as she sighed. Marcus looked around the hall with his eyes, observing everyone and everything. Then Katie pulled away from his hug, giving both her brothers a smile before softly telling them goodbye.

"Can't wait to see what that 'lots of demonstrations' means" Peter remarked to Marcus, who nodded in agreement. Both of them sat back down at the Gryffindor table and engaged once more in Fred and George's conversation.

2:30pm, Potions Classroom

Katie was working with Pansy on their first potion of the term. They were currently working on the Beautification potion, Practicing the making of it.

"Stir twice counterclockwise with your wand" Katie said as she read out the instructions of the potion, Pansy instantly began to stir with her wand.

"Okay done! Woo, this is easy" Pansy exclaimed as she looked at the potion from above.

"15ml of lemon juice is next" Katie said as she began to measure out the lemon juice before dropping it into the Cauldron.

"This isn't that much work really, i don't get why my mother is so stressed about it" Pansy said as she continued to observe the potion

"This is only the first part of three Pans" Blaise said from across the desk. He was chuckling with Draco as they overheard Pansy's comments.

"What do you mean?" Pansy said crossing her arms at the boys with a confused yet mean look on her face. Katie smiled a little as she continued to work on their potion.

"Well this is the first part, then you have the second which is a little harder and then the final third stage. It's a long process to make the beautification potion" Blaise told her as he and Draco started the second part of their potion by adding rose petals.

"Three stages?" Pansy repeated in disbelief, she quickly rushed over to Katie's potions book and flicked through the next few pages which contained the steps of each stage. "Now i know why i only get a monthly dose" Pansy muttered under her breath, taking a seat on a stool.

Just then the laughs of Theo and Mattheo could be heard from the potions table behind them. Blaise rolled his eyes and maintained his focus on the potion. Draco huffed before turning around to look at them. The boys were making their potion, only with excess amounts of ingredient. They were tempting fate with the ingredients, whilst at the same time eating the other ingredients that they could.

"What the hell are you doing?" Draco asked them with a huff

"Nothing" Both of them said, as they turned around hiding their desk. Both of them still chewing the grapes they needed for their potion.

"Honestly, it's no wonder you two fail this class. You don't even try" Katie remarked, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, it's fine. Nothings gone wrong" Mattheo smirked, when just then their cauldron exploded. The potion spewing out down the side of the desk and onto their shoes.
"Oh shit" Mattheo sighed as he looked up at the ceiling whilst Theo looked down at their shoes. Soon Snape was coming towards them, his usual cruel look rested on his face. His coat flowing behind him, Draco and Katie instantly turned back to their own desks as Snape began to ridicule Mattheo and Theo.


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