Heartbreak's Daughter Continu...

By JStarr86

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This is the continuation of the story Heartbreak's Daughter. A new book had to be created because the last bo... More

Ruined It
Hidden Box
President Panty Dropper
Valentine's Surprise
Try Again
First Session
One Last Time
Hounds are Back
Little Guardian
Challenge Accepted
Home Alone
Not a Doll
Nothing like Makeup
Think to hard
Funnest Hall of Fame
Mania Comeback
Family Fight
Brotherly Talk
I'll Miss You
Renee's Plan
Last Interview
Last Time and a Proper Send Off
Its a.....
First Birthday
Group time
Happy Birthday
Not the Date Imagined
Football Games and Midnight Cravings
Friend Time
Not a good smell
Are you Allowed
Learn something every day
I'll Buy You a Milkshake
Little One
Handled Wrong
In for a surprise
One Hell of a Comeback
A Real Man
Family Thanksgiving
Kind of Hot
Double Header
Unexpected Walk-in
Does He Know
A Rumble to Remember
A Chance to go Home
I Think the Fuck Not
Stepping Back
Nice Workout
Never see it Coming
Preparing for a Comeback
New side
Well Wishes
Untitled Part 81
Hell in a Cell
Date Night
Untitled Part 84
What Do You Think??
Take the Opprotunity
Untitled Part 86
Adult fun
Date Day
Hard matches and beautiful questions
Hard Grind
Sweet Surprise
Holy Crap
Challenge Me
Wait Til Later
Don't Do It
Chamber Dreams
Let Me Take Care of You
Mini Vacay
Untitled Part 102
Home Stretch
Last night before the Big Time
WM 37 Night 1
WM 37 Night 2
Untitled Part 107
After Mania
Born Day
Birthday fun and Back at It
Part title
Part title
Comfort and get away
Family Time
Locker Room Rule
Anniversary Apart?
Spread too thin
Stop to it

Summerslam and Date Night

551 17 1
By JStarr86


I watched him in the ring, looking sexy as hell. 265 pounds of muscle. I really had hit the jackpot with that man and I'd thank the creator every day for giving me him. I was relaxing in sweats and a tshirt part of my Nike stuff. They squared up my husband looking fine as shit and intimidating as hell and that look on his face. Joe didn't see it but the rest of the female population did. John got him in a headlock and my husband knocked him on his ass. Felix was in the ring with a different Joe than he was years ago. He got a couple quick pins and Joe was laughing about it, not taking him seriously. He started dominating John.
"Sis I think you droolin."
"Shut up Joshua." I laughed nudging him "My husband is hot and the female population agrees."
"Yeah yeah whatever."
"They do, on all y'all for real, hell chicks who don't even watch WWE are like shit they fine."
"Go on TikTok and tell me."
"Speaking of, I'm surprised you have one."
"I got bored during Covid, first video was of me Leah and Em on the rez."
"Yeah and the dog trying to eat your shoes."
"He did!" I exasperated, taking my eyes off the tv. Blade had ate a pair of moccasins of mine. "He was in a lot of trouble for that."
"So I see you guys has a good time in Miami."
"Yeah we did, it was much needed."
"Looked fun but y'all looked annoyed."
" I was cause the press. The kids were with us that and stalking me at the airport pisses me off. Like if I'm with my family leave me alone."
" I feel that."
Looking back at the screen Joe had laid out Felix again after he attempted a roll up. Joe talking mad shit to him.
"You can't roll me! You ain't gonna win like this." John grabbed him at his waist pulling himself up but lowering my husband's pants low enough for me to see his happy trail and v line, it was low enough I saw the contrast from his tan my bottom lip going between my teeth. John then picked him up for the AA and Joe countered and drilled him with a ddt.  His mad face was so sexy. "Hollywood I apologize but I'm going to hurt this man. I'm gonna hurt I'm gonna whoop his ass and we're going to send him to the er he ain't gonna be able to work." I laughed as he talked mad shit, cockiness oozing out of him. It was hot, especially because it was damn near polar opposite, yes he knew he had skills but he wasn't a cocky jackass, at least outside of the ring. "Don't bring him back here. I'm WWE!" Again John was using Joe to pull himself up after he had stood.

He then started to fight back  and even I cringed as Joe gave him a right that echoed them he talked more shit. He rolled him again before Joe kicked out and locked in a sleeper til John fought back.
"This is a really good match."
"Yeah uce is killing it."
"You guys run in?"
"I plead the fifth." I smirked at Jon as he spoke. They went back and forth and I cringed as he put my husband through the announce table with an AA he took him back in the ring but my husband kicked out. I knew he'd be a bit sore after that table spot.
"Shit." I said watching John give him another AA from the top rope him looking shocked as even the crowd was shocked as he again kicked out. He imitated Joe doing his ooorah and attempting a spear my husband countered before they started tearing blows before Joe hit a spear pinning John. Heyman put his ula fala back around his neck handing him his title. Joe went to lift his hand and I knew it was to do the You can't see me until that music went off Brock. The crowd popped Joe looked shocked and Heyman looked ready to shit himself. Joe quickly jerked off his ula fala ready for a fight. Brock marched to the ring staring at my husband. He got in the ring looking at Joe. I knew that bad blood and I stood up as Joe walked forward getting in his face. I already knew what went down if they came to blows.
"Don't, don't baby walk away." I mumbled softly. Jon gently touching my arm.
"Stay with Sarona we'll go." They walked out as I sat waiting for them to fight but instead Joe backed up leaving the ring. I sighed in relief but also knowing this was gonna be his next fued. A few minutes later the door opened revealing my husband. He put his title down pressing a kiss to my lips.
"You ok?"
"Yeah aulelei."
"Go shower." He nodded walking to the back of the locker room as I grabbed something for him to wear and packed his things. I walked into the shower placing his clothes and a towel down and grabbing his discarded gear.
"Thank you aulelei."
"Always handsome." I replied Walking out. I put his gear in a bag. Making sure everything was packed. I took the bags to our bud returning to a confused husband. "Everything is on the bus."
"Oh ok."
"Yeah now let's have a parent night before Colby and Red gotta leave." We met up with them at their bus before we walked to a rental. Joe had apparently decided to stay a few extra days making it our monthly date. Colby decided to drive so him and Joe sat up front while Becky and I opted for the back so we could talk.
"I wish we were in the same shows, I miss you."
"Me too." I said looking at her. "So how does it feel to be back?"
"Good, different but good. I'm just glad we are able to take her with us."
"Yeah your definitely lucky."
"Have you and Joe ever thought about maybe bringing the kids on the road with you guys during summer or something. He's already got a bus."
"Actually no, we've never thought about it."
"Maybe you should, it would help all of you, more family time. I know how it bothers you missing so much."
"True that's actually a good idea, maybe spring break or next summer we might but Joe changed our schedules to where we are home more."
"How'd he pull that off?"
"Walked in the office looked at Vince and was like I'm working select shows and pay per views so is she or we are walking."
"He what?" Colby said speaking up chuckling. "I'd say if you were anyone else you wouldn't have a job but between that and her you are lucky."
"Colby it has nothing to do with me."
"Heartbreaker unfortunately it does. He married you and Paul is your godfather that gives him some leeway. It sucks but it's true. Let alone you've had the biggest balls with Vince since you walked in the door."
"True or not I did what I needed for my family. You've both seen her and how hard it is for her to leave, it keeps getting harder and I'm lucky when we went back live she stayed she almost left, almost gave up her dreams for our family and I'm at the point in our career I can be a bit bossy and selfish so I used it."
"Nothing against it man shit I'd take that damn deal too." Colby said. We ended up at a casino and ate some amazing food, expensive but amazing and then we hit a few slots and a blackjack and craps table. After a few hours a alarm went off and Becky and Colby looked at one another.
"Guess that was the go alarm?" I asked.
"Yeah unfortunately."
"Well I shall see you guys soon."
"Yeah cause you guys are switching." Becky and I looked at one another smirking.
"Cause we are the shit and I can't wait to get a match against you, if they ever let us."
"Hopefully they will. Be safe."
"You too." We hugged them both before going separate ways as Joe got in an elevator entering a code.
"Special code Ulilohi."
"Mhmm penthouse baby only the top line for my wife."
"Joe." I giggled shaking my head knowing he dropped an arm and a leg for this. "What have I told you about this."
"Aulelei just let me spoil you besides special surprise just for you." Walking in not gonna lie it took my breath away, the view alone was amazing but the further I walked the more it blew my mind. Huge, lavish a beautiful view of the strip and all the lights, it's own private pool, a bathroom that would make anyone jealous hell just the bathroom looked bigger than my rez house and then I stopped as Joe opened up a double door.
"Oh my god." Joe deeply chuckled as I walked in, there was a basketball court, it was a half one but I didn't care this was the coolest most extravagant hotel room I'd ever been in.

"Ok ok this is extremely beautiful bougie and expensive and so not worth it but is absolutely freaking amazing." I turned hugging him as I felt his chest rumble with laughter.
"I'll take that you like it"
"Yes and if I wasn't exhausted I'd play, or swim."
"Let's get to bed we can have fun tomorrow aulelei."
"Have I told you how lucky I am your my husband and I love you."
"I love you too aulelei."

I woke up the next morning as Joe got up from a knock at the door. I grabbed a robe walking out as I smiled seeing he had ordered breakfast.
"When did you do this?" I asked gently as he turned around to me.
"Earlier when I first woke up. Ordered breakfast then laid back down with you."
"Thank you." We ate quietly before cleaning up. I tossed on some shorts and a sports bra finding the small court shutting the door behind me. Joe was on the phone with someone and it sounded like business. I did some light stretching before starting to play around.


I hung up glad that all that was out of the way. I hated business sometimes but we had stuff lined up. I didn't see my wife anywhere as I looked around but heard a constant thump and smiled knowing immediately where she was. I walked to the court and opened the door as the sound grew and silently stood in the doorway watching her. She looked so at ease and at peace, something that I felt she wasn't a lot of the time. This was where her worries went away, she was free. She sunk shot after shot and when she would miss would do lay ups. She turned seeing me and jumped but smiled.
"Sorry I scared you aulelei."
"How long you been there."
"A few minutes, just watching."
"Wanna play with me." I raised my eyebrow as she giggled shaking her head. "Head out of the gutter."
"Hey you said it but yeah I will." She passed the ball to me as I took a shot. Basketball although fun was not my forte and she easily handed me my ass. We played a little over an hour before stopping. Both of us sweaty and a couple stands of hair plastered against her forehead. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her against me. "I love you." I said pressing my lips to her head.
"I love you too and I'm all sweaty."
"And I still love you I don't give a shit."
"I'm hungry." I laughed looking at her.
"Let's shower and we can go grab something and sightsee."
"Sounds like a plan." As I turned I felt her hands on my shoulders and stopped ready to catch her as she hopped on my back. With my arms under her legs I walked us to the bathroom.


I smirked watching him out of the corner of my eye as I got ready. Of course it took another hour because someone wanted to use the huge oversized shower for more than a quick shower. I would never grow old of him of us, making love would always be amazing. I tossed on a very simple white tee and shorts and a pair of Nikes from the collection I helped with. Joe looked sexy as fuck in shorts and a blue tee, hair pulled back. I knew as it dried it be flyaways and he always looked so cute when his hair was like that.
"Ready handsome?"
"Always gorgeous." Walking out the door I smiled softly as I felt his fingers grip mine as he interlocked our hands. I leaned into him, his lips brushing my head gently. Things like this the little things made me love him, most guys you'd have to hold their hand but Joe, he initiated physical touch so much. We ended up at this place called lo lo which has southern food and I quickly got chicken and waffles. Joe I was surprised he kinda tossed the diet away and got a chicken and waffle and fried catfish. "What?" He asked gently. I shook my head smiling it widening as he smiled brightly. "What's up aulelei?"
"Nothing handsome." He gently grasped my hand across the table rubbing my hand as he twisted my ring. "What?"
"Nothing just really lucky." He said eyes meeting mine.
"Yeah we are." He kissed my hand letting go as the food came and we ate. After we walked around exploring Vegas. I'd never really been here aside from shows so it was cool to see.
"So tomorrow I got an idea."
"Which is?"
"I'm driving us a couple hours away to this park to hike and we're going to ride atvs."
"Oh really, that sounds fun, you sure."


I couldn't stop the smile as I looked at her. Jesus I loved this woman, and every fucking thing about her. Of course her head automatically went to my health and damn arthritis.
"Yeah aulelei I'm sure." I loved the smile that always graced her face when I said stuff to her or the small blush to her checks when I'd compliment her. We finally ended back up at our suite and while she changed i quickly ordered some chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of wine that was her favorite. She walked out and I couldn't stop staring she was gorgeous and the small bikini definitely looked amazing. I shifted pulling her into my arms groaning as the bell ring.
"I'll meet you in the pool aulelei." I watched her walk off biting my lip before going to the door and opening it. I tipped the guy shut the door and made my way to the pool where she was. It went from inside to outside where she currently was and over looking the strip. She looked up seeing me and smiled as I slid in handing her a glass.
"What's all this?"
"Surprise." I held a strawberry to her lips watching her as she took a bite eyes on mine. How the hell does she do that, such a simple action looking so sexy. "Your sexy."
"Mmm. That's good and thank you." She took a sip of the wine looking at me. "Wait this is-"
"Your favorite, yeah."
"Shh." I bent kissing her gently, parting her lips with my tongue as we kissed. I took the glass from her hand blindly setting it on the ground before pulling her into my arms a hand cupping her neck. She finally pulled back taking a deep breathe that transitioned into a gasp as I starting kissing the spot on her neck sucking gently, not enough to leave a mark though. Her fingers digging into my bicep. I kissed her again as she moaned gently her mouth tasted sweet from the strawberry but also like the wine  she drank. She tasted so fucking delectable, and a groan left my lips as her nails grazed down my abdomen. She didn't stop me as I untied the string on her top as it fell away her bare chest pressing into mine.
"We really doing this here?" She asked softly
"Yeah, you good?" I asked pulling back to look at her.
"Yeah, just don't want anyone to see."
"Top floor for a reason aulelei, wanna go back in?"
"No I just want you." I smiled kissing her
"You have me aulelei." I mumbled against her lips.

She pulled back gasping as I plunged into her. Her back against the plexiglass where my hand was behind her head after she smacked it back on it. Every little sound she made was turning me on more. My head buried in her neck causing her gasps to sound in my ear. I held her thighs as she leaned back resting her arm in the side of the pool as I moved us so she wasn't in the water. I did not want her going under. I could tell she was trying to hold back, she didn't want this to end and I pulled back looking at her nipping her neck and ear gently.
"Don't hold back, I'm not stopping aulelei, let go." I moved my hand under the water her gasping a moan that drew out as I rubbed her clit triggering her orgasm as her nails raked my chest as a growl erupted from the harsh contact. I kept going until she pushed my shoulder causing me to lean back trying to move my hand as I smirked dangerously.
"Too much-"
"Mmm you can handle it masiofo." I felt her legs shaking and bent my head kissing her harshly as she shrieked in my mouth causing me to groan in pain from her nails roughly raking the back of my shoulders in pleasure as I came inside her. Pulling back I kissed her head tenderly, her eyes still blown. I moved us to the small seat I'd just noticed in the pool lifting her off me and turning her pulled her back against my chest as I rested my chin on her shoulder.
"So we just chillin in the pool naked."
"It's just us so yeah."
"I can't believe we just did that, that's probably not sanitary."
"Probably not but we've fucked in the ocean before which is probably more unsanitary."
"True." She giggled gently as she rested her head back on my shoulder. I handed her her glass and took a strawberry. We sat relaxing eating and drinking me not so much she smashed it but that was the purpose. She turned in my arms straddling me. Looking into her eyes I knew she was tipsy.
"Hmm." She responded kissing my neck sucking gently making my grip on her tighten as I bit back a groan.
"Aulelei, you been drinking."
"You know that I'm not-"
"Fuck me." I pulled back from her
"Leati." She said leaning to nip my spot. "Fuck me. I'm tipsy not drunk."
"Aulelei." She leaned back gripping my face.
"We don't get much alone time stop being so fucking self righteous. You just fucked me in a pool where the world could see and now your all about being a gentleman? Fuck that, I don't need sweet romantic Joe right now, I love that side but right now I kinda what the tribal daddy side." I growled at her liking the sound of that. She smirked knowing she had me.
"Fuck." I groaned out as her sneaky ass slid down me quicker then I could process.
"Come on, you know you love it. Making me moan your name, making me cum." My eyes opened darting to hers, pupils blown with lust. I knew she wanted me and the voice in the back of my head saying I shouldn't do this that it wasn't right, that I'd somehow be taking advantage of her was shut up. I slid my hands up her back tangling in her hair as I leaned up jerking her head back as she moaned softly, a smirk crossing my face.
"So my Queen wants me huh."
"Nah fuck that answer me." I growled gently in her ear kissing the weak spot her movement quickly faltering. I chuckled jerking her body my mouth trailing her exposed skin. She was gonna be sore as shit in the morning. I moved turning both us as I turned her around making her kneel on the seat bending her body over the edge of the pool.
"Shit Joe." She moaned out
"Nah what was it you said princess, you want tribal daddy, guess what." I said jerking her back my hand gripping her throat gently as I briefly paused pressing a gentle kiss to her temple. "You got it." I  grew frustrated with being in water unable to be as rough as I wanted so I pulled out and turned tossing her over my shoulder smacking her ass as she yelped as I walked back into the suite. I didn't wanna use the main room we slept in since we were legit soaking wet so I went in another dropping her on the bed. "Don't move." I walked out going into our room and grabbing a belt from my bag. Walking back in she looked at me biting her lip.
"Roll over." As she did I grabbed her arms putting them above her head as I tied her wrist to the bed. "You ok." She nodded as I pulled back. "Words Jayla, I need to hear it."


I could tell in his voice he was apprehensive. I glanced over my shoulder looking at him. Jesus he was sexy as fuck.
"I'm fine handsome, stop teasing me." He smirked roughly gripping my hips. "Fuck." I moaned as he entered me setting a medium pace but his thrust were deep. He felt so fucking good.
"Damn aulelei." He groaned kissing between my shoulders. I couldn't stop the moans falling from my lips as he legit fucked the life out of me. It was rough but still passionate and every nerve ending in my body was on fire. This man was a damn sex god and this was so what we needed. I was growing tired of the quickies, the minutes we'd steal just for some time together. Being parents to eight children and carrying an entire company on top of all the outside endeavors. Fuck I missed this. "Cum for me aulelei."
"Joe."  I could feel him smile against my shoulder before flipping me over as he placed my legs over his shoulder. Oh my fucking god. He was gonna make me eat my words. Joe made me cum twice more before stilling against me. He gently reached up untying my arms as he lifted us taking us in the bathroom. He sat me on the counter before using the oversized tub and making a bath. Getting in I leaned back into his arms. I was so tired, and to think of hiking tomorrow shit he wasn't gonna be the only sore one. Getting out we dried off before he lifted me in his arms carrying me. Very reminiscent of our second interaction as he carried me out of the ring as I nuzzled into him giggling softly at the memory.
"What aulelei?" He asked laying me down before climbing in himself and pulling me into his arms.
" Nothing just thought about that first night we met how you carried me all the way to the trainers."
"I'm pretty sure I fell for you then."
"Bullshit." I said laughing, he smiled looking at me.
"Well I definitely couldn't get you out of my head, that's for sure."

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