Mercy & Fire

By daughteroftMH

850 59 27

Adrenaline pumped in my veins as I pressed myself against the large tree trunk, hoping the darkness would con... More

Author's Note
1. A Humble Warning
2. Pray or Prey?
4. Like a Passing Mist
5. A Night's Catch
6. A Cruel Consideration
7. A Survivor By nature
8. A Hard Place to Land On
9. Something He Could Get Used To
10. A Plan of Escape
11. A Divine Visit
12. Like Father, Like Son
13. Point of No Return
14. An Unexpected Detour
15. An Unwelcome Visit
16. Weeds and Flowers
17. Survivor's Affliction
18. Dark Desire's Cruelty
19. Survivor's Grief Relived
20. Sweet Judgement
21. A Stolen Little Princess
22. Revenge and Justice
23. A Step of Faith
24. Home Bound
25. Haunting Memory
26. Knocking on Death's Door
27. One Crow for Fate

3. The Red Serpent and Its Prey

37 3 0
By daughteroftMH


Warning: Depictions of human remains/blood.

I was quick to recoil under his gaze as he assessed the situation. I tried to make myself as small as possible to show I wasn't a threat.

It must've back fired because he chuckled, "What's a little, weak rabbit like you doing out here in these dark forests? Don't you know there's monsters out here?"

There was a double meaning in his words. I was sure of it.

"Who are you?" I asked weakly.

He smiled, "The one who's deciding whether you live or die."

I flinched as he bent down to study my face, "Not very interesting to look at. But you do seem young. How old are you?"

"I just turned 22." I answered quickly, hoping my youth would spare me.

I was disturbed by the look on his face. It was if he was appraising a gem, and he was disappointed to see it was only a rock.

"Sir, I don't know why you're here, but please have mercy."

"This village will be colonized by the dark kingdom. I'm here on the Queen's orders, but I also somehow found you." He gripped the hilt of his sword meaningfully.

"Right about now, the King of Bermillia is being slaughtered and a new King will soon be crowned." His tone was matter of fact.

It's here. The king has come and blood has been spilled.. I glanced up at him.

"Then that means you're..."

He nodded, "Didn't think my name had reached this kingdom yet."

How could it not? Rovan Castillian came into power three years ago at only 20 years old and conquered three entire kingdoms for Dhernon.

They called him the Red Serpent. Anywhere he latched onto surely died with his venomous, blood thirst.

He had taken up the torch for the previous militant commanders before him. He was rumored to be the most ruthless killer. One of the most skilled at wielding magic among his kind.

I frowned at him as he gripped my arm suddenly and pulled me toward the direction from which I ran. I was disappointed to find just how little distance I had put between us.

"Just for my lucky catch of the night, I'll cut this ugly sight short." He said it smugly, as if he was proud of himself for something. I hoped he remained in good spirits long enough for me to make it out of this night alive.

He lifted his hand and what looked like black ashe exited his palm, traveling toward the village like a slithering snake of smoke.

"Come." He pulled me along toward his white horse.

I struggled against him for a second, but he was much stronger than I was. He only paused for a moment before tugging me forward. He let go of my arm to lift me onto his horse before climbing up himself. My right side pressed into his chest and he instructed me to hold onto him. I latched onto his arm and he frowned.

"Have you never ridden before?" He asked suddenly. I had, but I was the one steering.

He took my hands and wrapped them around his waist before I could answer. Then we were off through the darkness.

I gasped and whimpered at how insecure I felt and gripped onto him like my life depended on it. It felt so wrong to be clinging to the same man who suggested he was considering killing me only minutes before. Unfortunately, I had no choice in the matter.

Every gallop of the horse made me bounce slightly, and it made me lose feeling on my bottom. That's why I usually stood on the stirrups and supported myself with my thighs or braced my upper body against the horse, but I couldn't exactly do that here. I could only clutch onto metal armor and hope I didn't lose my grip.

(!) It took a minute or two to get to the town where only the sound of licking, crackling flames remained. The horse slowed down and walked into the town slowly. I saw lines of people being arrested, and I saw the streets streaked with red, dark liquid. Bodies were limp. Some simply laid peacefully, and others had been mangled cruelly. They were left as unrecognizable, red lumps of flesh on the stone. My stomach churned with nausea.

I caught sight of apples as I averted my gaze from the blood bath. Some were drenched in blood on the ground, and my eyes couldn't help but trace the blood back to Mr. and Mrs. Floor. They lied next to each other with their necks slit open, blood having long finished flowing. I made a weeping sound and tears sprang out of my eyes as I remembered their kindness to my and my family after my mother passed.

His arm reached forward to pet the horse, covering my line of vision. I wiped my tears and turned my attention to those being arrested in an attempt to distract myself.

"Roselena!" Adelia's voice was loud in the crowd.

My head whipped behind me as I saw her in a line of other young women. She looked dirtied up but she seemed to be well. I could see blood staining the hem of her dress as she got out of line, trying to run toward where I was on the horse.

"Ad-" I began but the soldier behind her drew his sword and lifted it behind her. He was going to strike her. I screamed loudly, and the Commander was quick to stop the unfolding scene.

"Stand down. I said no more bloodshed. We've seized every town already." He glared at Adelia, and she froze.

Her eyes staggered between me and him, unsure of what to do. The soldier sheathed his sword once more and bowed to the commander.

"Foolish woman, get back in line." He barked as he rose again.

She was quick to obey, but her gaze was trained on me. I made a hand motion for her to calm down.

It felt hypocritical since I found it hard to calm down myself. Nonetheless, the fear held me with a choke hold, especially when the Commander moved beside me. My whole side was plastered against him, so any slight movement he made, I was aware of it. At least if he decided to kill me, I would feel his movements and brace myself.

Other soldiers stood at attention from every direction. They looked like ants crawling everywhere, dragging people out of their homes and onto the streets. I was expecting him to throw me at them but instead he ignored my presence and spoke to two soldiers who approached the horse sternly.

"Take account of every living soul and their occupation. Report the inventory to me as soon as you have compiled it all."

The soldier he was speaking to nodded. The one next to him piped up.

"Commander, sir." He asked. "What of the women?"

"Leave the weak alone." Was all he said. "Even I have limits."

The commander turned but I caught sight of the soldier's evil intent in the way he nodded. When the commander looked away, his mouth twisted up in mirth. He saw me looking and registered the disgust and horror on my face. He didn't plan on obeying the command, and it made me feel sick. I didn't think I would prefer to stay with the Red Serpent, but now I preferred him over any perverted man.

At least with the commander, my death would be quick.

The same soldier looked to the commander, "And of this woman?"

The commander ignored him, looking at the other, more trustworthy one, "This is Dhernon territory now. If I hear of anymore unwarranted bloodshed or crimes against my people, I will set your head on a pike outside of your god's shrine personally."

This time, the smug soldier avoided my gaze and nodded with a bow.

I still didn't trust him.

The commander steered the horse past them until we met Adelia where she was. We both looked to each other with heavy hearts.

"They won't listen to you." I found myself murmuring to the commander boldly as I kept my sights on Adelia. "They-they'll violate them."

The commander didn't stop the horse as he glanced down at me, "Nothing new under the sun."

He sounded jaded as he pulled me along, "I've done what I could for your town, Little Rabbit. Now stop stretching your little neck or you'll fall."

I tried to strain to keep my eyes on Adelia for as long as I could.

"If you fall, I'll leave you there on your ass. Unless you want to stay here at their mercy, I suggest you obey my orders and direction." He warned. My face pressed against the metal of his armor as he tugged me back into a secure place. I tugged against his grip.

"But my friend..." my tugs weakened as he forcefully pulled me into my old position against him.

We made it to the Temple, and a smile of mirth appeared on his face as soldiers crowded the mouth of the temple, baiting the Templemen within. Some were already arrested in their religious clothing and headdressed. Some of the robed Templemen lied on the ground, again in heaps of blood stained, white fabric.

"Pray to your god. Maybe he'll listen." The Red Serpent actually laughed in their faces as we passed by.

Then I caught sight of a man being pulled onto the street from the shrubbery. The same man announcing their arrival. He caught sight of me atop the horse, and he grinned. He gave me a knowing look in his eye and bowed in a mocking fashion.

I looked away and we continued on until we arrived at a clearing where a horse carriage awaited.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as we came to a stop.

He hopped off and looked up to me. In this clearing, I got a good look at him. A pale, almost sickly complexion with tired eyes and dark hair ruffled over his forehead. I didn't expect him to look so young. I almost forgot he was only a year older than me.

He reached up and gripped me by the waist, which made me feel shy. He helped me down, my hand gripping his shoulder.

"We're going to the palace." He finally answered as he held out his hand. I looked at it and then at him.

He smirked, "You've injured yourself, no?"

I tried to take a step on my own, but the pain was too much. I glared at the ground and looked at his hand again. I slowly slid mine into his and used it for support. He was surprisingly patient as I climbed into the carriage and settled down. He took a moment outside, but eventually joined me. He sat with his arms crossed right across from me and began to study me like a novel specimen.

I shifted uncomfortably as we started a rather quick pace.

I wondered why he was being kind a minute ago. Didn't he want to kill me? I didn't dare ask him that though. I didn't want to remind him.

"It's truly uncanny." he leaned forward, his face nearing mine.

I frowned uncomfortably as he tilted his face, seeming to look at me from different angles.

"I don't understand what you mean, sir."

"You don't need to." He said bluntly. "Tell me, do you know how to project into others dreams?"

I shook my head, "That requires magic, doesn't it? I wouldn't know how to."

He leaned back, "So its true the men and women of Bermillia don't practice magic?"

I nodded. He nodded slowly before turning his head to look out the window. Nothing was said after that.

I tried to stay alert and awake, but my eyes grew heavy, and my head lolled to the side. I jolted myself awake every now and then, but eventually, I couldn't hold on any longer.

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