By FebeAristilde

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Dave East x Miracle Watts story "One is easily fooled by that which one loves." -unknown March 4th 201... More

chpt 1
chp 2
chp 3.
chp.15 part 1
chp.16 part 2
chpt.25 continued


6K 183 60
By FebeAristilde

Ai's POV

Ray and I stared at the bathroom door silently, the anticipation was killing me, I was anxious to know what answers could be waiting for me behind that door, I let out a deep breath and slowly opened the door closing my eyes, the 3 minutes was up, I entered the bathroom with Ray following behind."Ugh I can't look!" I said turning away from it, I was nervous, my hands were sweaty my heart felt heavy, I felt as if I was going to collapse.

"Oh my god!" I heard Ray say, my heart dropped.

"Tell me it isn't so." I could already feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"You're pregnant." Those two words did something to me, my legs felt like complete jelly, I turned around the best I could to stare at the clear blue pregnancy test that was in Rays hands, I took it from her and stared at the daunting positive sign.

"How could this have happened?" I asked myself, I am on plan B after all.

"Hey no worries, don't beat yourself about it, things like this always happen, look on the brighter side at least you know who the father is." She said staring at me, I felt my breath hitch up my throat, I began hyperventilating all over again, I began to cry.

"No-" I hiccuped." No I don't know who the father is."

"What?! Ai you whore!! I thought you were only messing with Dave." I dropped the pregnancy test and slid down on the floor, I couldn't believe this was happening to me, I didn't need this kind of stress in my life.

"I know I know and I was but then I met Trey and after seeing him for the past few months things... happened." I said quietly.

"Oh god Ai you're fighting fire with fire, you let yourself slip, how could you do this?!"

"Ray I don't need your bullshit lectures right now, I need comfort not you pestering me about this situation."

"Bitch comfort is not what you need right now, what you need to do is figure out who's the father of that baby, you need to think." I wiped my cheeks, that day when Dave put his hands on me we ended up having sex right after, then we both began distancing ourselves from one another, I started seeing Trey more often then I would see Dave, Trey has been treating me so well and has been doing right by me for a couple of weeks now I ended up falling under his spell and we had sex, my feelings have grown so strong for him after that night of sex, this baby could be for any one of them, I didn't keep track of whether they pulled out or not, but Dave could definitely be the father of this child, I had sex with him before Trey.

"Okay-" I sniffles." It's definitely Dave's." I had a gut feeling that it could actually be his child."

"You know there is also another option to this problem." She said looking away from me, I immediately knew what she meant, I furrowed my brows at her in disgust, I can't believe she was actually saying that.


"Hey I was just saying, do you even know if Dave wants a kid." She said causing me to briefly pause, never once have I ever heard or had a discussion with Dave when it came to having kids, I put my head down on my knees and started sobbing all over again, I feared that he'd try to deny me and this baby, but Dave isn't heartless towards me, he treats me like such a queen I doubt he'd ever do something like that.

"Are you going to tell him?" I heard Ray say, I was stuck, I knew if I didn't tell him it'd just kill me inside, and also if Trey were to find out about this he'd be so devastated, I'd be hurting both parties, why am I such a whore?

"I have no choice." I must tell Dave, and if Trey finds out it is what it is, there's nothing I can do about it, I know he's going to want to stop talking to me and I'd completely understand, I let out a ragged sigh and got off the floor, I went to the sink and washed my face.

"Okay, I'm gonna go see him today and tell him." I said staring at my reflection.

"And don't forget about this." Ray said handing me the pregnancy test off the floor." Good luck tiger." She said giving me a hug." See I can be comforting." She said snickering, I rolled my eyes at her.

"Please just... get the fuck out." I was so over her, I can't stand her 80 percent of the time but yet the other 10 I can condone her. Ray laughed her way out the bathroom and I went to go get dressed to see Dave, I thought about going over there in some sweats and a shirt, I felt really gross and not myself today, but I haven't seen him in like forever and I'm sure he misses me so the least I could do is dress sexy for him.

I wore a V-neck Pink dress since I knew pink was his favorite color, I placed on some sandals and put my hair back in a high up ponytail, I grabbed the pregnancy test and placed it in my purse and walked downstairs, I noticed Ray was still here laying up on my couch with her shoes on.

I rolled my eyes at how she could be such a slob."clean after yourself when you leave." I told her, I need to change the locks I swear, I got into my car and drove in the direction of Dave's house, thank goodness it was a good distance because it gave me some time to think about what I've done, I felt really guilty about this situation, me going behind his back and cheating on him with some other guy, I just loved the attention Trey was giving me, Dave hasn't been giving me the time of day ever since Anura moved out, it made me feel like her leaving effected him, I didn't like the fact that she had a stronger hold on Dave than me, I still feel like a part of him still loves her and I hate that. Anura is completely out of the picture now and that's really all that should matter, I have Dave all to myself, I must say I have to thank Neal for this, although he backed out of our deal he did manage to make something work out for me in the end, and he said he loves her so that must mean she grew feelings for him also, he's such an idiot, I don't think he realizes that even though he flaked out he still went through with the plan, Anura isn't with Dave anymore.

After 20 minutes of driving I entered Dave's gated home, I drove up and noticed an unfamiliar car in his driveway, I didn't think much by it he probably just bought a new car, I got out my car and grabbed my things, I closed my car door and locked it with the button, as I took a few steps towards the door I could feel my heart racing, once I reached the door before I could even attempt to knock the door swung open and I came faced to face with Anura for the very first time.

Anura's POV

"I think I should get home." I said getting off his bed, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back, I kept my eyes trained on the door not wanting to ever look at him in the eyes again.

"No please stay...." He said softly, I sighed and removed my hands from his grasp, I walked towards the door and left out his room, I began walking downstairs but he grabbed my arm again, I turned around and struck him on the cheek, causing him to let go of me and hold his cheek, I looked at him and felt this strong urge to hit him again, so I did hit him in the chest and anywhere I can reach, I hit him over and over again, it felt so good hitting him, all those years of complete verbal and physical abuse finally let up to me beating him up.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I began screeching at the top of my lungs as I continued hitting him, and he just let me do so, I knew he could easily stop me but he just kept allowing me to punch him, I stopped hitting him, it didn't feel good anymore knowing that my punches didn't faze him at all, he pulled me into his arms and wrapped them around me, it was silent between us.

"I know you don't hate me." He said and then I began to sob quietly against his chest, I do hate him, I want to hate him but he makes it difficult for me to do so, I want to hate him with every fiber of my being but I just can't seem to.

"Let go of me-" he grabbed my chin and stole a kiss from me, I tried pulling my head away but he just cupped my whole cheeks and began kissing me, I started wiggling out of his grasp but he had a strong hold on me.

"Please... just kiss me back... please?" He said against my lips, for some reason the way he asked me compelled me to do so, I leaned in and kissed him back, our lips locked together as they danced against each other, my eyes fluttered closed as he deepened the kiss, I could feel something in my stomach flutter softly, could they possibly be butterflies? I placed my hand on his cheek cupping it while wrapping my other arm around his neck, he managed to lift me up in his arms, I wrapped my legs around his torso, the kiss we were sharing began getting heated, Dave began kissing me roughly but yet ever so passionately, those old electrifying feelings that would shoot up my body came back, it felt good, it felt incredibly intense.

A soft moan escaped my mouth, my body felt completely hot, from my steaming cheeks all the way down to my already soaked panties, he pushed our bodies against the wall and continued you ravage my lips, I can already tell they were going to be extremely swollen, he bit and sucked on my bottom lips causing this sweet sensation to over flow down pants, a simple kiss turned into a passionate make out session.

"Ahh." I let out another moan when he began grinding himself against me, I knew that I've fallen into his spell, we haven't received a kiss let alone a make out session like this from him in a long time, it felt so wrong but so right, then suddenly the thought of Neal popped up in my head causing me to pause, I pulled away from out kiss and looked down at him, he had this burning desire in his eyes, I stared back at him and told him to put me down.

Dave carefully put me on my feet and let me go." Sorry." He said sheepishly, I sighed and rubbed my face embarrassed at how I could let this go that far, I turned away from him and began walking towards the staircase and like always he was hot on my tail.

"I-.. I want to see you again." I ignored him and continued making my way downstairs." I want us to start spending time together, I know that I took your time for granted in the past but I want to spend as much time with you now."

I rolled my eyes."Oh really, now you wanna spend time with me? You're 3 years to late Dave." I said walk towards the door, he grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"It's never to late to change." He told me, I sucked my teeth and turned away from him, I swung the door open ready to leave but a unknown women was already at the door.

I heard Dave mumble a curse word under his breath."What is she doing here?" The unknown women asked him, I crossed my arms.

"And you are?" I asked boldly, she furrowed her brows at me, I sucked my teeth." Never mind I don't care to know, move." I pushed my way through the door making sure to bump my shoulder against hers,  I honestly truly didn't give a fuck, Im not even surprised, I feel so stupid, a part of me actually believe that he slightly changed, but here God goes again proving me wrong by bringing a unknown women to Dave's door asking me "what am doing here." As if this house isn't still under my name as well, unbelievable.

She's probably one of his many mistresses that he has yet to cut off, I knew his lying ass would never cut ties with his little flings, she must be his favorite slut. I could feel myself get more angry I got into my car and started the engine, why did she all of a sudden ask me why was I here, it's almost as if she knows exactly who I am and where I stand with Dave, I watched her enter the house and close the door behind her, then all of a sudden I blacked out.

Ai's POV

I entered the house making sure to slam the door behind me loudly, Dave spun around and looked at me like I have two heads, I crossed my arms and stared at him furiously."Why the hell was she here Dave?" I asked through clench teeth, I always knew that some day we'd cross path but right now was not the best time for it to happen, my emotions are spiraling out of control and seeing her in the same house as my man doing God knows what just added fuel to the already flaring flame.


"Don't give me that shit! Did you fuck her?" He stayed quiet so I asked again." Did you fuck her?" He continued to stay quiet causing my heart to drop, I stared at him in disbelief, I never knew he'd actually stoop so low as to touch that bitch, I ran up on him and began throwing punches at his chest, he grabbed both my wrists and held it into place.

"Don't put your fucking hands on me, are you crazy??!" He barked.

"How could you do this to me?!" I yelled back with tear filled eyes.

"Why are you so surprised? I'm having a whole ass affair with you for Pete's sake, once a cheater always a cheater remember?" He said to me almost mockingly, he let go of my wrist and began walking away from me.

"Well I guess we're even!" I blurted out, I quickly covered my mouth with my hands, he turned around and stared at me with a raise brow.

"What did you just say?" I uncovered my mouth and lifted up my head boldly.

"You heard me!" Dave lunged towards me I thought he was about to punch me but with a swift movement he pushed me out of the way before Anura can attack me from behind, her sneaky ass must've tried dragging me from behind, that's such a pussy move, I watched him try to hold her back as she thrust her body violently against his.

I smirked." You trynna fight bitch?"

"You're the reason why my relationship is ruined!" She screeched, my smirk widened, well would you look at that, dumbo finally caught up.

"Wow 3 years later and you finally figured it out, whoopty doo." I said clapping while mocking her sarcastically.

"I'll fucking kill you!" She screamed.

"Anura please calm down!" Dave said wrapping his arms around her, i furrowed my brows at him.

"Touch me bitch I dare you- ." I said and next thing I knew like a flash, I felt the wind get slapped out of me, I was being tackled to the floor, somehow she was able to remove herself out Dave's strong hold, she gripped my ponytail and lifted up her fist and before she could punch me I stared up at her dumbfounded and covered my face.

"Wait wait wait stop! I'm pregnant I'm pregnant." I yelled, there was a brief pause I removed my hands away from my face, she had her fist inches away from my face.

"You're pregnant?" I heard Dave say from behind Anura, he touched her fist and put it down, trying to pry Anura off of me, she had this blank look in her face, she let my hair go but not before mushing my head back.

"Oh hell no." I heard Dave say, I turned my head and looked at him upset.

"What do you mean?! The baby is yours."

"The hell it is." He said, I looked at him in disbelief, Anura began walking away I watched Dave go after her but only to receive a strong smack in the face, I smiled, it's what he deserved.

"Anura wait-" she slammed the door, Dave followed her outside, I got up the floor and followed behind both of them, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, he was running after her to try and prove himself, I stood at the front door as I heard them trying yelling outside.

"Fucking- don't fucking touch me Dave just don't!" Anura screamed she attempted to get in her car but Dave was blocking it, I watched as he tried to hug her and prevent her from leaving, I turned my head away from them, I knew that deep down he still loved her, because if he didn't he wouldn't be trying so hard to prevent her from leaving, I walked back inside the house and grabbed my things, I walked back outside to hear them still arguing I got in my car and before I could close my car door I heard him say. "That baby isn't mine." I felt my chest clench tightly, I closed my car door and backed out his drive way speeding off.

Dave's POV

"Three years Dave? Three years you've been cheating behind my back, three long years?" She said staring at me with a pained look, no amount of apologies could ever undo what I've caused for the past three years, and what makes matters worse Ai shows up claiming she's pregnant, but I know she isn't, she just said that on purpose to tick Anura off, but if she's actually pregnant me ever having a chance with her again flew right out the window.

At this point I honestly didn't even care if I lost Ai also, I really don't give a fuck, all I care about is Anura and making her love me again.

"You have to believe me that baby isn't mine, she's lying."

"You Dave you are the liar, you're so selfish and manipulative, you've put me through to fucking much and I refuse to allow it to continue." She attempted to get into her car again but I stopped her.

"Anura PLEASE! I'm trying my best okay? I'm trying my best to prove to you that I have changed, why can't you let me show you?" She sucked her teeth at me and glared at me.

"Look Dave, you need to stop saying you're changing for me and start saying you're changing for yourself-" she pointed at my chest." You... you need to better yourself, it doesn't matter to me anymore because the damages are already done, you've hurt me... so much, you put me through such undeniable pain that I can't ever go back from, no matter how well you've improved yourself I still won't get back with you." I felt my heart break in two at her words, I grabbed her hands and got on my knees in front of her.

"Just please give me another chance, I want to start all over again." I beseeched, I knew I'm slowly but surely losing her and I don't want to lose her completely, upstairs when we were kissing it was so passionate and intense, the fact that she allowed me to continue and actually kissed me back spoke a lot, I know that deep down she still loved me, she just has a wall up to block me from getting closer to her heart again, and I must admit that this is my fault, I won't stop until I get her back, I should've never taken her for granted.

She removed her hands from mine and got into her car, I got off the floor and held the door before she could close it, I looked at her one last time and said ." I'm never gonna give up on us." I leaned in and quickly kissed her forehead, I let go of the door and she closed it, and I meant every word of what I said. I watched her start her car and back out the driveway, I waved goodbye to her and she sped off into the distance, I let out a frustrated sigh, now I have to go handle this situation with Ai.

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