The Other Spy (MI High x OC)

By melia789

2.3K 81 55

Join Alex on her adventures and struggles of being a teen spy for MI9. (OC x Mi High) Season 6 ~ Ongoing Se... More

1. The Fall of Skul
1.2. The Fall of Skul
1.3. The Fall of Skul
1.4. Fall of Skul
1.5. Fall Of Skul
2. Trojan Korps
2.2. Trojan Korps
2.3. Trojan Korps
2.4. Trojan Korps
3. Grosse Encounters
3.2. Grosse Encounters
3.3. Grosse Encounters
4. The Face of Revenge
4.2. The Face Of Revenge
4.3. The Face Of Revenge
5. Mission: Incredible
5.2. Mission: Incredible
5.3. Mission: Incredible
6. The Hive
6.2. The Hive
7. Old School
7.2. Old School
7.3 Old School

2.5. Trojan Korps

87 3 4
By melia789

When the MI High team got back to school they went to their lessons. Unfortunately they didn't have the same classes together. Dan and Aneisha were in one class, Tom and Alex in the other and poor Zoe had to deal with Melissa by herself. An hour had passed, Dan and Aneisha walked out of their class together passing Byron.

"My soul's all messed up Like an MI9 operation. My heart's all leaky like some secret service information." He sang as he played his guitar.

"I don't believe this. Even Byron's having a go." Aneisha said to Dan in disbelief. Zoe appeared from around the corner rushing as she was trying to avoid Melissa.

"No! No! No!"

"OK, we'll talk about it tomorrow!" Melissa said as she waved bye to Zoe. Zoe walked up to Dan and Aneisha.

"What was it this time?" Aneisha asked Zoe. Melissa was constantly trying to get the group to join some extra curriculum clubs.

"She wants actors for a school play about MI9. It's a comedy."

"I can't take much more of this." Aneisha says with a hint of defeat in her voice.

"You know, we'd be bad agents if we didn't at least look at the possibility..." Dan was cut off by Aneisha.

"That Frank's a traitor? I don't believe it." Aneisha said, sticking up for Frank.

"I don't like it either, but he did suggest we leave Vault 12 without investigating that heat reading."

"He didn't want us to back Stella up at the conference either. Or trace the communicator signal." Zoe said backing up Dan.

"Are we really sure about him? We haven't known him long." As soon as those words left Dan's mouth Alex walks up to the trio and instantly knew that they were talking about the situation with Frank.

"Do you really think that the same man who introduced us to this spy world would be the same person to betray MI9" Alex continued to defend Frank.

"He fought in the mission against KORPS and lost his team why would he betray MI9, a place where he has spent most of his life. I refuse to believe that Frank is guilty and I will prove his innocence no matter how long it takes"

"I agree, his behaviour's been a bit strange, but I won't believe he's a traitor until I see proof." Aneisha says having the same ideas as Alex. Tom them walks up to the group with some news.

"They just found information on Frank's secure log in that led them to the stolen Global Vaporiser."

"It could be mind control." Anisha says to the group trying to be optimistic.

"Aneisha, sooner or later we've got to ask ourselves the question..." Zoe finished Dans sentence

"Why do we think he's innocent?"

"Did I or did I not just give you a list of reasons." Alex says to Dan and Zoe while going to stand next to Tom.

"I know how it looks, but one of the reasons they made me an agent was because I can see what people are really like. And I'm telling you, Frank didn't do this." Aneisha says siding with Alex.

"Thank you!" Alex exclaimed looking at Anisha. Alex then turns to look at Tom, indicating that he needs to give his opinion on how Frank is innocent.

"I guess just because we don't know how his account could be hacked doesn't mean it can't be done."

"Exactly" Alex said then turns to Zoe.

"He gave me a new life. I'm with Frank, no matter what." Zoe goes to stand next to Anisha and the four look at Dan expectedly.

"I said we'd be poor agents if we didn't consider the possibility that Frank was guilty. Well, we've considered it. Let's go and prove he's innocent." The team smile at Dan glad that he is with them.

"We need to go to MI9 and talk to Frank if we are ever going to figure it out" With that the agents rush down the corridor only for Mr Flatly to walk out one of the classrooms and starts talking to Zoe.

"Ah, Zoe! I hope you're having a good week. I know we haven't seen much of." Mr Flatly was cut off by Alex

"Sorry Sir, got to get to lesson" Alex loved Mr Flatly and she felt bad that the group ignored him but they have a mission.

The team went to their base first so that they are in there MI9 uniform and would blend in.


When the team got to the cell that MI9 was keeping Frank in the first thing they saw was Frank sitting on a chair doing some knitting. Tom and Aneisha were sitting on the bed and Dan, Zoe and Alex were standing up.

"It means a great deal that you all still have faith in me"

"New hobby?" Aneisha joked trying to lighten the mood. Alex let out a breathy laugh.

"It was left by the previous occupant of my cell, Mrs Humm" Frank gave the team a small smile and put the knitting down on the side table showing that he is giving the team his full attention.

"Frank, if we're going to clear your name, we need something to go on" Zoe told Frank.

"Who could do something like this?" Dan questioned Frank.

"I think we all know who" Alex muttered under her breath but no one heard her.

"The spread of mistrust, hidden motives, misinformation, manipulation. There's only one group capable of this. I was so desperate for it not to be true, I convinced myself it wasn't possible. But it's time to face facts. KORPS are back"

"Well we did say that already" Tom gives Alex a look.

"There is a time and place and right here, right now is not it" Tom said to Alex in disbelief. She just replied with a smile. Dan ignored the two and carried on talking to Frank

"So it is KORPS. What's their aim?"

"I wish I knew. Getting inside the mind of KORPS is difficult and dangerous" Frank told the team although though it sound more like a warning.

"Well, if you can't do it, who can? No-one knows them as well as you." Aneisha says to Frank. Tom suddenly perked up.

"Actually, that's not true. There someone in the cell next door knows them better than anyone" Dan and Alex caught onto who he was talking about.

"An ex-KORPS captain" Dan said

"We need to talk to the Grand Master" Alex finished off Dan sentence. The team, minus Frank, then went to the Grand Master cell.


The Grand Master was a high profiled man, because of this he was kept in a highly secure cell. Within the room his cell bars were made of laser beams meaning if they were to be toughed an alarm would go off and whoever touched will be injured.

The team walks into the room and stand a clear distance from the bars.

"Ah, visitors"

"We need information about KORPS" Zoe said to the Grand Master getting straight to the point.

"We? One of them now, are you?" The Grand Master asked Zoe while holding his rabbit.

"They're my friends" Zoe told the Grand Master.

"Friends. Fascinating" The Grand Master said almost mocking Zoe.

"This is a waste of time he's not going to help" Tom says pretending like it wasn't his idea to speak to The Grand Master.

"I might, if you were to help me"

"What do you want" Dan says crossing his arms.

"The General isn't built for prison life. He's off his carrots. You can have all the info you want if you promise to get him out"

"Deal!" Tom says with no hesitation.


"It's a rabbit Dan. Give it a rest" Alex says defending Tom like normal.

"All right, fine. Deal" Dan says.

"Ask your question"

"I got three" Zoe says taking the lead

"Why arrange for a fake tip-off so an old lady gets arrested? Why steal a device that doesn't work? Why make a a half-hearted attempt to kidnap a world leader? None of it makes sense"

"On the contrary it all makes perfect sense. Revenge." He replied giving the answer to all three questions in one go.

"Revenge?" Aneisha questions still confused.

"KORPS think I sold them out to MI9 so I could run SKUL. A very hurtful accusation, especially as it's true"

"Has anyone got a violin? I'm welling up" Tom jokes but was ignored by the others except Alex who uses her arms to pretend she is playing the violin. Tom and Alex both quietly laugh at each other but stop when they notice Zoe silently telling them to shut up but Dan gave them a small sarcastic smile before concentrating back on The Grand Master.

"KORPS want revenge on those who destroyed them all those years ago" Aneisha then came to the realization that everything that has happened has been about Frank.

"It didn't matter that the weapon didn't work they didn't want to use it. They just wanted to plant it on Frank" Zoe said. The team were finally connecting the dots.

"They made the fiasco with the old lady which lead us back to Frank too. But why the botched kidnap?"

"To plant the communicator. That's what led us to Frank's login." Alex said answering Dan's question.

"They've been setting him up all along" Aneisha concludes.

"Yeah, ok, but how. Face it only Frank can access his own secure log in." Tom says to the group while taking out his spy pod that should be showing Franks account locked. However, its showing that someone is using his account.

"Someone's using it right now. That's not possible, Alex and I sealed it our self's"

"Couldn't he have created a second work station?" Zoe says trying to come up with a explanation

"It'd still have DNA, iris and fingerprint lock" Tom says debunking Zoe's thought.

"And he wouldn't do that" Alex says once again defending Frank.

"Unless it was a really old one that hadn't been deactivated" Dan says working it all out.

"They're in the Bunker! The old terminals would only have been password protected." Zoe says slightly panicked

"That's how they hacked in and made Frank look like a traitor"

"Whoever it is just accessed the Bunker's self-destruct if it goes off, it'll take the whole MI9 building with it." Tom says. As soon as he finishes speaking the team rushes out the door. Alex pulls out her communicator to contact Stella.

"Stella its Alex, as I told everyone from the beginning Frank is innocent and we can prove how he was set up. Hurry to the bunker and bring Frank" Alex rushes to leave but not before hearing The Grand Masters voice.

"Remember, we have a deal"

The team runs down along the corridors and down the stairs to get to the bunker.

Dan and Zoe are the first to burst into the bunker. Dan holds the door open for Aneisha, Tom and Alex. Tom and Alex taken a little bit longer as they are not trained to be running fast. Alex and Tom head straight to Franks old computer.

"We need Frank's old password to shut it down. There isn't enough time to hack it." Tom says as he sits down on a chair with Alex next to him. They had two and a half minutes to shut down the self-destruct. Seeing as everyone was focused on the computer no-one but Zoe had seen that the junk had moved places. Dan saw that Zoe was not at the computer and saw that something was wrong.

"What is it Zoe?" Dan says as he walked over to her.

"Whoever used Frank's old computer to set off the self-destruct didn't have time to get out."

"So where are they?" Aneisha said now joining the conversation. This also caught Alex's attention and she turned in her chair to look at the three. Alex spoke after finally seeing what Zoe saw earlier.

"Something's not right. All that KORPS junk was over there last time and now its by the wall"

"It's moved" Zoe confirmed.

"It's just junk" Aneisha tells the other two girls not seeing what there saying.

"Trust them" Dan says after seeing what Alex and Zoe where so suspicious about. Dan, Zoe and Aneisha got into position and Alex turned back around to help Tom as much as she could, but seeing as they couldn't do much until Frank got there it was a bit difficult.

After a couple of seconds the 'junk' started to make noises and then it started to move together and assembled into a big robot that stood up on two legs. It then started to move towards the trio who were looking at each other with confusion. When the machine made a screeching noise it become obvious the the three where going to have to fight this thing.

"Tom, Alex keep trying to disarm the countdown. We'll handle the robot" Dan said. They now have one and a half minutes to stop the countdown.

The robot swung it arm at Dan while he duct to avoid it. He grabbed onto the right arm and Aneisha ran to take hold of the other.

"We've got it!" Aneisha and Dan then pulled both the arms off the robot. However, the arms then started to attack them and pushed them both to the closest wall trapping them. The robot then used it magnetized body to get substitute arms.

The robot makes it's way over to Zoe while Dan and Aneisha were struggling with trying to get the arms off them.

"Argh!" Dan was trying to move to avoid the robot fingers.

The robot swung at Zoe but missed as she ducted out of the way. Zoe new better then to fight back because she could really hurt herself seeing as it's a big metal robot so she spend most of her time trying to avoid the robot.

The arm that Aneisha was 'fighting' was trying to punch Tom and Alex so they wasted 10 seconds trying to avoid being hit. Aneisha put herself in front of the arm trying to push it away so Tom and Alex could get back to attempting to slow down the countdown. They now had one minute until the whole MI9 building explodes.

'Where the hell are Stella and Frank' Alex thinks.

The arms had now put both Aneisha and Dan to the floor.


"Sorry busy"

"Hold on Neish, I'm coming!" Dan says not liking seeing one of his team mates, one of his friends in trouble. Dan manages to get the robot arm of him and he crawls over to Aneisha but he didn't get far as the arm grabbed him by his foot and dragged him back.

"Alex, shut down the robot frequency!" Dan slightly yells as he is being dragged. Alex quickly grabs the keyboard from Tom and a few seconds later the robot made a beeping noise.

"Systems Failure"

Alex gave the keyboard back to Tom and she turned to Dan.

"You have three seconds before that robot comes back online" Dan has the idea to then roll over to the electrical wires and rips them off the wall and attaches them to the back of the robot. It causes a spark and the robot shoots back and sticks to the wall.

"Genius Dan, The current turned the wall into a giant magnet" Zoe says complementing Dan. Stella and Frank finally rushed into the bunker.

"What's going on?

"Finally, where have you been!" Alex exclaims sounding like a mother telling her children off for being late.

"Frank, you have 10 seconds to enter your old password and stop the countdown that will kill us all" Alex continued to say. Frank quickly made his way over to the computer. Five seconds.

"What are you waiting for" Frank finally types in his old password.


The countdown stops and instead of there being a happy and celebratory environment there was an awkward and silent one.

"Lovely Stella. Seriously" Aneisha says breaking the silence.

"It was 10 years ago" Frank says defending himself. There was a noise coming from the robot that was attached to the wall this coursed Frank to look over at it.

"Of course. The circle mystery. Not a circle, but an O, the first letter of Odysseus. There's no doubt now, only one group could be so horribly ingenious" The face of the robot turned on and a voice could be heard.

"It's been a long time, Frank"

"Crime Minister?" Frank says in shock.

"I saw you die"

"What did you really see Frank?"

"The explosion"

"All part of my escape plan and I wasn't the only one to escape. You'll be meeting lots of old friends in the days and weeks and pain to come. KORPS is rising" The robot disconnects.

"We'll get them Frank" Dan says to Frank

"And when we do, they're never coming back again"

All the agents stand to look at the robot a little longer before Stella calls more people to help remove the 'body' parts off the walls and to properly destroy them. Stella apologizes to Frank and sends them all back to St Hearts.


When the team got back to the school Aneisha, Dan, Tom, Zoe and Alex had to go to the last few minutes of there lessons that they had missed so that they would be marked in. They were just grateful that the teacher was not Mr McNabb.

The team went to the base and stepped out the lift where they heard Frank talking to Flopsy.

"I can't believe I brought that thing inside MI9 like a Trojan Horse. You wouldn't make a mistake like that, would you?"

"You know, talking to a rabbit is the first sign of being a Grand Master" Dan says letting Frank know they were there. Dan and Zoe walked over to Frank and Aneisha followed Alex and Tom to there computers.

"It's embarrassing really. I thought I knew all there was to know about KORPS, but they know me better. They knew I'd be intrigued by those Omicron symbols, they knew I'd take that stuff back to MI9"

Alex sees that there is something bothering Aneisha.

"What's up Neish"

"It's probably nothing"

"If we've learnt anything from this it's that we should trust our instincts. Yours and Alex's are the best we've got." Tom says joining the conversation.

"Do you have any facial alteration software?" Aneisha asked them both.

"What do you think?" Tom says and Alex open it on her laptop. Frank, Dan and Zoe make there way over to see what Alex was going to do.

"Who are we looking at" Alex asks

"Pull up the Crime Minister" Alex does just that, getting the photo from one of their files.

"Now add Jenny Lanes blond hair and big glasses" The final images shocks everyone.

"I knew it! I didn't trust her from the start" Aneisha says

"Jenny Lane? She was orchestrating the whole thing from right in front of us" Zoe then makes her way over to leave but Frank stops her.

"Don't bother Zoe. She'll be long gone." After Frank spoke there was a short pause. Until Alex broke it

"Maybe I should of let Zoe go, so there weren't of been enough people to soak up the electrical charges" Everyone looks at Alex some were amused and some were concerned.

Alex said nothing. She just looked back at them and then looked at Frank and smiled.

"Can I have Flopsy as a pet?"

"No!" Everyone said in reply. Alex just rolled her eyes. She took the rabbit from Franks arms and sat with Flopsy in her lap until it was time for the school day to finish.


It was the end of the school day and Alex and Tom were walking home together like normal.

"I just can't see why Frank won't let me keep Flospy" Alex says still complaining about Frank not letting her keep the rabbit.

"You know why Alex. Remember that hamster you had when you where nine"


"Exactly" Tom said looking over at Alex then giving her a smile. Alex just rolls her eyes in return.

"But Flospy will get lonely staying underground"

"It's a rabbit Alex and besides Frank is always there early in the morning" Alex and Tom eventually arrive at the path where they have to split ways. They say goodbye to each other and go their opposite ways, but Tom however watches Alex until she goes around the corner and disappears from his view. He carries on walking home with a small smile on his face.


Word count: 3569

A/N: It's been a while and I apologize for that, but that is episode two done so I hope you enjoyed. This is definitely my longest chapter written so far.

Did you life the gif I added because I can do more of that

Please comment and tell me what you think so far. When I get your comments it honestly makes my day and it lets me know people are still interested in the story.

Also please let me know if you like these long chapters because I can definitely do more in the future.

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