Go To Hell | Blue Exorcist/To...

By xenojiva

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"Why me? Why did this happen to me? My life has always been hell from the second I was born. So why...? WHY W... More

Chapter One: No Air
Chapter Two: Beating Heart
Chapter Three: Everything Has Changed
Chapter Four: Tokyo
Chapter Five: Coffee's For Closers
Chapter Six: Battlefield
Chapter Seven: Bad Blood
Chapter Eight: All We Know
Chapter Nine: Fences
Chapter Ten: Weapon
Chapter Eleven: Toxic
Chapter Thirteen: Counting Stars
Chapter Fourteen: Last Night
Chapter Fifteen: Somebody To You
Chapter Sixteen: Who We Are
Chapter Seventeen: You Found Me
Chapter Eighteen: Here We Go Again
Chapter Nineteen: Unravel
Chapter Twenty: Everything's Alright
Chapter Twenty-One: Demons
Chapter Twenty-Two: Breakeven
Chapter Twenty-Three: Are You With Me?
Chapter Twenty-Four: Young Volcanoes
Chapter Twenty-Five: Pressure
Chapter Twenty-Six: Uneven Odds
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Crossfire
Chapter Twenty-Eight: You Are Enough
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Radioactive
Chapter Thirty: White Silence
Chapter Thirty-One: Let the Flames Begin
Chapter Thirty-Two: Hold On To You
Chapter Thirty-Three [FINALE]: Light
EPILOGUE: Stole the Show

Chapter Twelve: That's What You Get

2.7K 148 64
By xenojiva




So I wrote this chapter instantly after I finished the last one. I didn't intend for that to happen, but it did x'D I wrote the first line and then just kept going. I blinked and the whole thing was there :3

But yeah, last chapter escalated into a plot twist that I honestly didn't plan, therefore, I've had to reassess my plan for what was going to happen, though it'll make all you KaneRin shippers out there very happy, I promise you ^^

Anyhoozles, ima leave now :3

Enjoy the chapter ^^

Peace out, my lovely peeps!XxX



"Does the little demon not like pain?" Tsukiyama growls, pushing his kagune further into my stomach, causing me to wail out in agony, hating myself for giving him the exact reaction he's after. But I can't help it; this burning pain amounts to torture because he refuses to stop, jamming his ribbon-like blade through my abdomen every time it heals over again, constantly punching holes in my body. I can't imagine I look like much more than a bloody pile of flesh and bones. "Come on. Why don't you fight back?" He giggles, twisting his kagune so that my insides churn along with it, a cry tearing from my lungs whilst more tears run down my face. "Use those pretty little demon powers of yours!" He spits, wrenching his arm back and leaving my blood to pour from my open wound in what most would see as an endless flow.

"S-Screw you," I hiss, not daring to do what he wishes for me to. I know that he wants me to activate my powers; if I do and Kaneki shows up when they're out in the open, he'll feel betrayed because I've lied to him. And Tsukiyama will use that moment of weakness to get to him. Like fuck I'm gonna let that happen!

"What a shame," Tsukiyama sighs, his eyes flickering up to the clock, observing the time. But I've been counting every minute; it's kept my mind off of the pain, though I can't say it's done a great job at it. It was 26 minutes ago that he called Kaneki. Which means that he has 4 minutes left to get here before my fingers start getting sliced off, one per minute as Tsukiyama promised.

However, he then turns back to me, a sickening smirk on his lips that causes my heart to take another leap out of around a hundred, his kagune slamming through me again, forcing blood to rise to my mouth, which I cough out with a strangled choke. Fucking hell... This pain. I honestly don't know how much longer I can take this! "I can't wait. Soon I'll have Kaneki-kun all to myself~!" Tsukiyama cries, as if in ecstasy, making me feel sick towards his sheer excitement to tear the flesh off of another ghoul. I'm seriously surprised that he hasn't tried to take mine yet, though, apparently, demon flesh amounts to the taste of poison to ghouls. Hey, I'm not complaining!

"You're a sick bastard," I choke as he once again tugs his kagune free, forcing blood to spill at a faster rate, all of it pooling on the floor in a crimson puddle that soaks my clothing. However, he doesn't respond, his eyes tracking back to the clock, like he's an eager kid waiting for midnight on Christmas Eve. Or is that just me?

Just as the hand ticks round to mark 29 minutes, the door suddenly crashes open and the sound of ragged pants tears through the air in an instant, though they hitch into a gasp that I know all too well by now.

"Rin!" Kaneki cries, my eyes barely open enough to see him make a dart towards me, though Tsukiyama calmly steps in front of me before he can even get close. "Get out of my way," he growls at the purple pervert, who doesn't shift an inch.

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint me, Kaneki-kun," Tsukiyama chimes, the rabid excitement clear in his tone, though I swear I can't hear anything right now; I've lost so much blood, everything's just filtering into my ears in muffled clumps of speech. But at least I can vaguely make out what they're saying.

"What the fuck do you want from me?! I'll give you anything. Just... Let him go," Kaneki whimpers, already sounding so defeated, as if he's given up before he's even tried. That asshole! He goes around telling me that I should be strong and that it's a good thing to never give up or give in and then here he is, going down without a fight!

"Kaneki you hypocrite!" I gasp through my agony, Tsukiyama turning to face me, as if surprised that I'm actually still conscious, a glare quickly causing his eyes to narrow into threatening slits. "Don't just hand yourself over! Fight, you damn idiot!" I yell, or at least I think it was a yell. To be honest, I'll be surprised if that came out as anything more than a whisper with the weakness I feel, despite my wounds already healing, the skin reformed over my stomach.

"Don't you dare interrupt!" Tsukiyama screams, readying his kagune to plunge itself into my abdomen for probably a fifth time. However, when I wince, awaiting the impact and the pain that will follow, I soon pry my eyes open when it doesn't come. What I see instead is a crimson limb curled around Tsukiyama's arm, gripping it firmly in place.

"Rin's right. There was a time when I would just give up. There was a time when I was too weak to even try! Too bad that that's long in the past!" Kaneki snarls, his kakugan blazing as he increases the clamp that his kagune has on Tsukiyama's arm, causing the purple perv to wail out in pain when blood begins to leak from the wounds that Kaneki's making. "You've put me through hell again and again and I'm sick of it!" He continues, sliding the second of his four limbs into Tsukiyama's kagune, pushing it outwards until the indigo, ribbon-like blade begins to crack, Tsukiyama screaming out in agony. "I'll fucking kill you," he suddenly growls in an eerie tone that I don't think I've heard before from him. Only once, which was when he nearly severed my foot with his kagune the other day.

Getting to my feet, my body swaying as I try to balance myself, I drag my limp form over to Kaneki, my eyes fixating with his, though all I can see is a lust to spill blood quivering in his irises.

"Kaneki. Stop it. You don't have to kill him," I breathe, hating how weak I sound, though I can barely help it; I've just had a hole blown through my stomach... Four damn times! Even still, I can't let Kaneki do this; he's going to lose it if he lets himself kill Tsukiyama. The guy's a perverted ass who deserves death, but I'm not gonna let Kaneki do this. I don't want anyone, not even the purple pervert, dying because of me.

"He hurt you, Rin," Kaneki spits, still completely focused on ending Tsukiyama's life, his kagune wrapped around him wherever it can to hold him steady, his gaze not breaking away as blood slithers over Tsukiyama's violet suit. He's not gonna stop. He's... He's smiling.

"Kaneki stop it!" I shout, grabbing onto his arm, though, with one rough jerk, he tosses me to the side, my legs giving way instantly since I'm too weak to fight back. However, I know that I have to when I notice him curling two of his kagune's limbs around Tsukiyama's waist, creating a ring that encompasses his middle. One increase in pressure and the purple perv will be split in half! "I said stop it, dammit!" I cry, feeling a sudden burning sensation, as well as energy, surge to the base of my back, my eyes squeezing themselves shut as the agony rips through me.

However, when I hear a wail of pain escape from Kaneki, I force them open again to see something that both terrifies and amazes me. Writhing in front of me, four blue limbs, similar to Kaneki's, motion around the area where Kaneki was just holding Tsukiyama. However, now, he's no longer stuck in Kaneki's grip, the kagune that bound him now severed, clearly causing Kaneki an extreme amount of pain. But my action brings him back, the agony snapping him out of his almost insane haze, his eyes widening when he realizes what lies in his vision.

"What did I..." He starts, though he finds himself unable to finish, his gaze locked with Tsukiyama's bleeding form that lies sprawled out on the floor, groans of pain slipping from him. Whilst he tries to adapt, I feel the blue limbs receding back to my tailbone, feeling a little impressed with myself that I finally summoned my own kagune, though I don't think I really know how to use it yet. That was just an impulse thing and, though I'm glad that I didn't, I have no idea how I didn't erupt into flames just then.

"It's alright, Kaneki. Everything's alright," I ensure him, his eyes quickly flickering towards me, a sigh escaping from him as complete and utter relief swamps his features. The second I'm on my feet, I envelop him in a hug, wrapping my arms around him whilst his link around my waist, my eyes catching sight of his kagune once again growing back from where I cut it.

"I just lost control. I was so angry," he chokes, though I just hush him and hold him closer, keeping my gaze fixed with Tsukiyama, scared that he's gonna suddenly jump up and try to kill the both of us in our vulnerable states.

"It's fine. You're alright now," I say in the most soothing way I can, though my tone shakes a little with fear. Seeing Kaneki completely out if it like that, as if no-one can truly reach him, is something that seriously terrifies me. Because he transforms into someone I don't even know. "Come on. Let's just go home; I'm exhausted," I murmur, feeling Kaneki nod against my shoulder, both of us pulling out and giving the other a small smile, though I notice that Kaneki's eyes are glossed over with tears.

Still, we both make our way towards the exit, not as weary of Tsukiyama as we previously were since he doesn't seem to pose any kind of huge threat any more; it's as if he's generally down for the count. And I can't really say I'm surprised; Kaneki really beat the shit outta him when you think about it. I mean, he nearly cut the guy in half!

However, just as I push the door open, taking the lead, I hear a sudden shift in movement before the breaking of skin echoes through the air, my body unable to turn around quick enough to stop what just happened. But I can still see it.

Pierced through Kaneki's abdomen so that the indigo tip protrudes through his front, Tsukiyama's kagune twists itself into his stomach before he wrenches it out again, falling back to the ground with a defeated sigh.

In an instant, Kaneki doubles over in pain, crying out as blood begins to rapidly pour out of the wound, running over the bare arms that he clamps around the wound to staunch the blood flow. With panic bristling my nerves, I do the only thing I can think of, being to scoop Kaneki up in my arms and make a break for it before Tsukiyama can do any more damage. Shit! Why the fuck did I stop paying attention to him?! This is all my freaking fault!

However, it gets to a point where my vision doesn't stop shifting, my knees growing weak until I can barely support my own weight, and I have to steer us down an alley before I finally collapse, Kaneki wailing in pain as we both hit the floor. Why hasn't he regenerated yet? Does it take longer for him or something?! Or maybe... Maybe I just heal extremely fast because I'm also a demon.

Still, that doesn't stop the fact that Kaneki's bleeding... A lot. It just won't stop, the crimson substance pulsing from the wound with each strained breath he takes, though I can barely do anything since, every time I go to move, my entire world blurs and my head goes all fuzzy, as if I'm about to pass out.

"That bastard," Kaneki hisses, wincing in pain as he clutches his arms closer to him, pressing them against his stomach with a choked cry. He's in pain. He's in pain and it's all my fault. So I should make up for it in some way, though I have no idea how.

Until one comes to me.

Using most of the strength I have, I pull Kaneki up off of the ground, holding him steady as my trembling hands tug down the neckline of my tee so that it rests against my shoulder, exposing where my neck links to my body. Flesh makes ghouls stronger, right?

"Eat. It'll help. But I don't think you're gonna like the taste of another ghoul's flesh," I mutter, unable to look Kaneki in the eye as he draws in a startled breath, shaking his head as his gaze darts away, as if trying to not tempt himself. Well I'd be lying if I said I thought he'd to it without encouragement.

"I can't. I-I won't hurt you!" He cries, though he ends up letting out a gasp of pain as the action begins him clear agony, his eyes squeezing themselves together whilst his teeth clamp onto his bottom lip.

"Come on, Kaneki. Just do it!" I snap, not wanting to see him suffer any more. This flesh will heal him quicker and help him regain his strength, even though the whole 'demon' part of it might not taste all that appealing to begin with. I wonder if he'll know that my blood is demon by consuming it. Right now, I don't care; all I want is for him to restore his health and be well again. It's my fault he's in this mess. I was a freaking idiot. Now I have to pay the price.

"Rin... Don't make me-"

"-Just eat, dammit!" I demand, getting real tired of his reluctance to do as I tell him. So, knowing that there's no way I'm gonna convince him myself, my hand feels around for something sharp. A shard of glass perhaps? And, since this is an alley, it doesn't take me long to locate a piece of broken bottle, pressing the glass against my skin until it breaks, blood beading on the surface.

Instantly, I watch Kaneki's eyes widen a little, staring at the droplet of ruby that forms from the tiny cut, as if mesmerized by it. Then, without even looking to me for permission, he latches his teeth onto my shoulder, a gasp of pain escaping me as I feel him forcefully rip chunks of my flesh away in his mouth, the tearing sensation stinging like a bitch. But it'll heal him. That's all I care about.

However, it gets to the point where he keeps going, as if he's unable to stop, his teeth constantly tearing away more and more of my shoulder until he gradually moves down my arm, blood already tumbling from the wounds he's making in rivers. "Okay, Kaneki. That's enough. You can stop now," I breathe, starting to feel weak as my hands tremble, my body temperature beginning to drop. Is it cold... Or is it just me? "Kaneki!" I try to cry, though it comes out as more of a whisper, my vision clouding whilst objects around me become distorted and warped. And Kaneki just keeps eating.

And eating...

And... Eating...

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