Helluva boss: Jaeger, the dev...

By Geo-devourer

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A Demon Royal decides to play mad doctor on an imp, turning him into a no steroid killer. But it was to smart... More

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Murder Family
Loo Loo Land
Spring Broken
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Team Bonding
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Hellhound Bio
Bro Down
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Bros before Doves
Bro Down Showdown
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Shark vs Wolf
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Striker's True Colors Part 2
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Moon's Heir
King's Ninja
Here's Trizzy
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Dynamic Love Part 2
Dynamic Love Part 3
The Diablo Recruits
Dynamic Love Encore
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Barbie Most Wanted
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Party in the Fortress
Richter Magnitude

Rookie Adventure: Typhoon Ninja and the Grillz

103 1 16
By Geo-devourer

- Verosika place

We see Dyno Laying on the bed as he sleeps. Verosika passes the room when she looks back and sees him sleeping. She smiles before waking, sitting by him, then moving him onto her lap. She smirks and scratches his head. But then she hears something that surprises her

Verosika: he can't be

She leans in closely


Dyno was purring as verosika scratched his head

Verosika:[thoughts] he's so fucking cute

Verosika then lifts him and holds him close to her boss. Dyno's body wrapped around her. She smiles.

Rattle Click Rattle

Verosika slowly turns to see his claws floating there.

Veroiksad oh right I forgot about them. High

The claws hovered around them. Then they return to dyno back.

Verosika: those are creepy claws.

Then she sees Dyno stirring and wakes up.

Dyno: oh hey baby

Verosika: hey dynamo, you seem to be doing fine. Like the pillows

Dyno: hm

Dyno looks down and sees what he's sleeping on. He blushes and jumps back.

Dyno: gah... I'm sorry! I don't know how I got there

Verosika: dyno you shouldn't be sorry. You can ask for them when you want

Dyno: [blush] Wha... well I... imma just go see how the Guys are doing

Dyno runs out of the room as verosika chuckles and looks at him.


Inside the fortress, the scene takes place in the hallway as we see Chaz walking down. Then he hears something playing. He looks into the door and sees Nin, dancing to music, Chaz was unsure what he was playing. But Nin senses someone watching and kicks a bo as it closed the door.

Chaz: ah dammit... what was the little ninja dancing to

Chaz walks off. The scene transit to the lobby where we see Richter and Mayberry talking, dyno and Loona. And Jaeger scratching shade fur.

Jaeger: you like that don't you boy

Shade purrs only to smell something and growl.

???: come now shade, do you show that expression to me every time we meet

Jaeger turns and sees its hondo. Shade snorts and walks off.

Hondo: I'm hurt, I am

Jaeger: what do you need hondo

Hondo: besides a Beaty to call my own, oh and who's that girl by Richter

Richter growls and moves Mayberry to his side as she blushes.

Hondo: I see, she's taken... well go luck... with Richter

Richter tried to stomp Hondo but everyone stops him and drags him out.

Jaeger: Hondo!

Hondo: ah yes yes yes, you still owe me two of your members to take part in the mission. Point-to-point mission remember.

Jaeger: I'll get chaz and nin on it

Hondo: good good good, I'm already furious with your last two for nearly failing the mission

Jaeger: need you to forget that it was you who didn't tell me about the train being guarded

Hondo: yes, that happened, I guess we call it even.

Jaeger: ugh let's be grateful that Wade knows a guy who is repairing the seeker, cause Satan to help us if Dyno finds out

They both shudder

Hondo: so I should be going now

Jaeger: guess so, where is the cargo?

Hondo: it's being stored in the greed ring your friends need to take it from there to the pride ring. There Wally Wackford will take care of him from there

Jaeger: him?

Hondo: I meant the prize

Jaeger: just in case I'll send Richter to join them

Hondo: ah yes his muscle could be very useful in moving the prize

Then jaeger looks at hondo.

Jaeger: how fucking big is it

Hondo disappears without saying much.

-Verosika place

Verosika sees Dyno working on his computer. She tip ties to him and hugs him and kisses his face.

Verosika: hey dyna-bear

Dyno flinches as she kissed him more.

Dyno: hey vivi, what are you doing

Verosika: cuddling with you

Dyno: oh okay

Verosika pulls him in closely, but Dyno was getting nervous.

Dyno:....oh look at that I should probably go feed Rico

Dyno wiggles out the hug and runs off.

- greed

The scene transits to the train tracks. We also see Chaz and Nin sitting on a train.

Chaz: so, that music you were listening to, what was it

Nin: it was nothing

Chaz: come in we're buds, you can tell me

Nin: Richter

Chaz: Huh

Nin: there is Richter

They see a massive object coming to them, Richter was holding it. It was a crate Richter reached them and loaded the crate in.

Richter: you guys are good

Chaz: yep we're good brother


Nin: did anyone hear snoring

Hondo: my friends

Richter: I hear a pest

They turn to see Hondo.

Hondo: is everything to your liking?

Chaz: we have this train to ourselves as we head to Wally's place

Nin: Hondo, will we run into trouble

Hondo: no no no. No trouble with the trail

Richter: is there anything else they should know

Hondo: hm let me think... Nope, nothing comes to mind. Adios my friends

Richter growls before heading out himself, wishing his boys good luck. Chaz and Nin hop on the train as they head out. The train starts moving, not seeing a person get spying on them from a distance.

???: alright, I'm going in

The figure runs and jumps on the train as it heads to the pride ring. Bit timeskip as Chaz got drinks.

Chaz: can't believe this train got its bar.

Chaz moves through the carts, not seeing someone or something crawling on the wall. Chaz enters the cart and sees Nin meditating by the crate.

Chaz: wait

Chaz tips toes close and sees in headphones. He was listening to something.

Nin: what are you doing Chaz

Chaz: oh shit.... Didn't know you were listening to music

Nin: that's not your concern.

Chaz: oh come on we buddies you can tell me

Nin: it is nothing

Chaz: you know I'm just gonna continue bothering you

Nin: do your worst

Chaz smiles as he does so.

-Verosika Place

Dyno walks down a corner when verosika cut him off.

Dyno: oh hey Vivi

Verosika: hey dyno. So what's wrong

Dyno: what nothing

Verosika: really because you said you'd go chat with your friends but you haven't, then you went to feed Rico but he's not here. So dyno

Verosika bends down and faces dyno.

Verosika: what's wrong

Dyno: like I said nothing

Verosika: alright.... Then give me a hug

Dyno flinches and Verosika slowly embraces Dyno. Then Dyno slips out of the hug.

Dyno: nope don't feel like it.

Verosika: that's it

Dyno: what's it ... oh Satan

Dyno turns and sees verosika furious. Turns into her demon form and pounces Dyno.

-Greed-Pride Rings

The scene transit back to Chaz and Nin, Chaz was annoying nin ever since they left the tracks.

Nin: I'm gonna take a walk

Chaz: how come

Nin: you know why

Nin walks off. Chaz smiles as he takes a drink.


Chaz turns and looks at the crate.

Chaz: what's in the crate

The scene transits to the nin location. He looks through the window and sees they are about to enter a tunnel. Once they did Nin senses something, we see glowing eyes on the other side. Once they leave the tunnel the red eyes are gone. Nin senses something until the door is kicked open. Nin punches the flying door and it drops. Nin sees something and sees something in the smoke.

???: sup, I'm supposed to be guarding the loot on this train, and your obviously are not security

Nin: and you are not friendly

The figure walks out of the smoke and Nin sees the creature was Baphomet, he wore a red jacket, hat, and magenta pants. He Carrie's a blue backpack. Despite his large figure when in the smoke he was the same size as Nin.

Nin: Huh, you not like most I've seen

???: yeah, my friends call me Tony, my enemies, they call me Chopper

Nin: I am Nin, the typhoon ninja

Chopper: cool, too bad I gotta beat cha

Chopper brings forth a yellow ball and eats it. It was a form of candy.

Nin: hm

Chopper: oh this, made it myself, helps clear my head, and helps me control this

Chopper undergoes a transformation becoming something with massive horns.

Nin: you're a mutant

Chopper: well if the horn fits

Chopper charges at Nin. Back with Chaz, he looks at the crate, not sure what it was

Chaz: hm I wonder

Chaz leans on the side of the crate and listens.


Chaz widens and hears breathing. Chaz then contacts Nin. Back with Nin, he avoids chopper headbutts and massive horns. Chopper crashed into the bar and was stuck.

Nin: I think you stuck

Chopper: no shit idiot

Nin: so I'll take a guess and say you were experimented on by and Goetia

Chopper: how you know

Nin: I am friends with a few mutants to

Chopper: cool

Chopper rips the bar apart freeing himself. Nin and he circled each other. chopper changed back to normal

Chopper: the doctor experimented on me at a young age, he wanted a being to shape-shift his body into different forms for different situations. But I was a bit of a wild beast at the time so he gave me this candy to sedate. But when I got out o made the rumble ball, a drug to calm my instincts, except some are wilder and I need to take a few more rumble balls.

Nin: you must be skill in medicine

Chopper: yeah I'm a pretty good doctor

Nin: same we have to fight. You are very skilled and friendly

Chopper: ah shut I don't need your complements

Chopper did this which said the opposite of how he felt.

Nin:[thoughts] Oh he's one of those people

Chopper: enough talk let's do this

Chopper tackles nin as the two fight... without trying to hurt each other. Than nin hears his phone.

Nin: yep

Chaz: nin you won't believe this but the crate is a beast

Nin: that does explain the snoring I heard early. I'll be there soon just try not a wake the crate

But sadly for them, they Went through the wraith ring and the track was old. The train started to shake, throwing off the chopper nin balance. Chaz started to stumble when he sees the crate start falling apart. Once the shaking stopped Chaz saw the crate was fine

Chaz: phew


Chaz screams as the wall falls on him.

-Verosika Place

Dyno screams as he flees from verosika. They run around a table and stalk each other

Verosika: get over here

Dyno: love to but no

Veroiska leaps over the table as Dyno runs under. She looks for him only to see him on the counter.

Dyno: sorry babe but you gotta be faster than that

Then Dyno trips and lands in Cake. Verosika just burst into laughter. Then she's hit by cake. Now both covered they look at each other in anger. Before slowly laughing turn

-Wraith-Pride Ring

Chopper and Nin get up after the shaking when they hear a scream.

Nin: Chaz! Time to end this

Nin then transforms shocking chopper.

Chopper: cool, and I couldn't agree more

Chopper eats another rumble ball but before transforming he gets a call.

Chopp: yeah.... What do you mean you got the loot... I'm right here trying to get rid of the thieves..... what, it was a different train. Are you serious... fine fine but you oh me. [hangs up] We'll love to stay and chat but it looks like I'm on the wrong train, cya nin

Chopper: gotta fly

Chopper jumps out of the window as Nin watched him fly out. Then he remembers Chaz and runs off. Back in the cart Chaz slowly moves the crate off of him. He gets up and sees something inside which makes his skin crawl. Nin burst through and ready himself.

Nin: my friend, what is wrong

Chaz: B-B-B

Nin: b, bass, basketball, beach ball.

Chaz: BAT!!

Nin was confused before lighting the crate. Inside wasn't money, it wasn't weapons, well it would be called such, it was a large adult hellbat. A sleeping hellbat.

Nin: right Richter told me you were scared of hellbats, but I thought you conquered your fear when you punched shade.

Chaz: shade is a young adult hellbat, and he was tamed, that is an older adult hellbat are more wild, and love the taste of sharks

Nin: ..... why do I feel as if you exaggerating the last part? No matter if the beast is sleeping as long as we keep quiet it won't wake up

Chaz: right right, just got to stay calm

Nin: Chaz

Chaz: yeah

Nin: you can let go of my tail

Chaz was holding nin's tail as he lets go and chuckles nervously.

-Verosika place

After cleaning themselves up dyno lays backward on verosika as she lies on the couch.

Verosika: so why do you not like affection

Dyno: well it's not that, I love it. It's just, I didn't get love from my mom, can't blame there were two of us. and so I had to find affection from my dad, and with him, I'd have to earn it. Even when my mom died it never change the fact that Id still had to earn everything to receive a reward.

Veroiska: so what you saying I you never felt the women's affection

Dyno: no... I'm usually the one giving the affection can you believe that?

Verosika: I do, well you in luck because

Verosika pulls him in close and kissed his face.

Verosika: cause you already know earned my affection. So take it in cause that train isn't gonna stop.

Dyno: heh, thanks

Dyno hugs her arm and snuggles close. Later verosika was watching tv when she noticed Dyno was sleeping.

Verosika: hm, this time I'll do the affection giving

She runs through his hair

-Wraith- Pride Ring

Chaz and Nin looked for stuff to close the crate. They met back and pile the stuff down quietly.

Nin: drill

Chaz: check

Nin: nails

Chaz: check

Nin: lit stick of dynamite

Chaz: check- wait whaaaaaaa

They look an nin was holding a live stick of dynamite.

Nin: how on earth did you find this

Chaz: I don't know I was panicking

Nin: we'll get rid of it [pushes tnt to Chaz]

Chaz: me you're the ninja[pushed it back]

Chaz and Nin repeated to push the dynamite until it fumbled out of their hands. They try grabbing it in the air when Nin grabs it. Panics, he chucks it out the window. He sighs but then freaks and it.

Nin: Chaz... I am sorry

Chaz: for what

Nin: for what is about to happen

Chaz: hm

Chaz walks over as he sees the tnt bounce.... Into a mine shaft.

Chaz: oh apology not excepted... so how much do you bet there are other tnt

Nin: the fact it landed in a mine shaft, is clear enough

They brace for what's to happen. But the hellbat doesn't get up.

Chaz: PHEW!!!

Hellbat eyes shot and growls.

Chaz: oh come on! That doesn't even make sense!

Chaz watches as the hellbat makes its way out the crate and growls. Its red eyes scan the room and spots Chaz. It tears apart the crate with its blade.


the hell at lunges at chaz and jumps. Chaz screams. 


Geo:what the heck, I didn't place that for my scream... Deadcool, stop messing with the sets

Deadcool: NEVER!!! Hahahahah

Geo: ugh he's such a nuisance sometimes. Let's see, ironbloodangel,  nope he's busy.  atlas-stonewall, never responds. Dhlightningbolt3, don't wanna bother him. Ahah, he we go... YO Djjammer.

Dj: yeah

Geo: I need track that contain a girlish but high pitched scream state

Dj:.... Is it for Chaz

Geo:... yep

Dj: alright I'm sending it now

Geo: cool cool, just remember don't push the red button

Dj: wait this button 

Geo: no!

Geo is sucker punch by a rocket boxing glove that opens to reveal the CD

Dj: sorry but you kinda deserve that

(Check out DJjammer "I'm a villainous guy" to find out)

Geo: yeah yeah. Stupid rocket fist delivery system. Now let's start it from the top


The hellbat lunges at Chaz as he screams


The hellbat bites but fails. He looos to see his tail is pulled by Nin in monster form. The hellbat chases nin around. He then slam him repeatedly into the walls, he spins and throw nin into the wall. Nin ahot up and leaps, until the hellbat released a sonic screech tackling nin back into the wal again this time returning the ninja back to normal.

Nin: oh now I see why they are a favored pets for royals.

The hellbat pins nin down. It grows as its fangs were ready. It lunges at nin.


hellbat eyes shot and it roars. Because Chaz trident stabs it. It tries shaking the shark off, then activates the trident, electrocuting the hellbat. It roars until faint down. Chaz falls down as nin walks over.

Nin: it's over

Chaz: oh thank goodness

The hellbat growl causing chaos to scream and run.

Pride ring

The scene transit to the Wally place as they transfer the hellbat. Cha and nin walk to the train with the money.

Chaz: wait I realized something

Nin: what is that 

Chaz: if that hondo didn't tell us about the hellbat, do you think he told Wally

Immediately the hellbat gets loose and starts attacking everything

Chaz/Nin:... run

They board the train and flee.

Chaz: hey nin

Nin: yes

Chaz: what song were you playing come on dude

Nin:... fine

Nin plays the song

Boom that's it for the chapter. How shocked were you to see it was a hellbat and nin facing off against chopper. How you like that little talk between two writers, I got it off my pal DJjammer. Check out his that's coming soon. Next chapter the rookies take a break in wraith, to bad they have a shark problem in, Rookie Adventure: Pet Quest.

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