𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒍

By -l0v1ng-y0u-

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They are all here to go to a Ball to find their soulmates. They all have a mark, but the mark is hidden betwe... More

Aesthetics #2
Chapter 1. A Ball?
Chapter 2. The Festival
Chapter 3. Here I Go
Chapter 4. The Ride
Chapter 5. The Visions
Chapter 6. Somewhere Safe
Chapter 7. Outfits For The Ball
Chapter 7. Outfits For The Ball (continued)
Chapter 8. The Assassin
Chapter 9. Mistakes
Chapter 11. The Rosemattel
Chapter 12. The Great Forest's Inhabitants
Chapter 13. Voices
Chapter 14. Live Another Day
Chapter 15. Zero Feelings
Chapter 16. Just Friends
Chapter 17. Hug Me
Chapter 18. World Burns Down
Chapter 19. Unknown World
Chapter 20. Home

Chapter 10. The Prince Of Thieves

136 17 145
By -l0v1ng-y0u-

3rd Person

Someone stalked towards the sleeping Princess of the Wisdom Kingdom, she looked fast asleep. Her horse was by her side as the person got closer.

The horse saw the person and tried to make noise, but the person shot a tranquilizer dart at it.

Now for the interesting part

The person gradually got closer to the Princess.

The Princess is a very deep sleeper

The person looked like a dark Angel, what will they do to this innocent girl?

The person picked the Princess up with ease as if she weighed nothing. The Princess was carried out of there as a result.

"You are coming back to me, my Princess,"

When I awoke I felt chains around my wrists, restraining my movements.

Not here... please not here.

I opened my eyes and saw the person I was dreading to see again standing in the corner of my room.

"So, you finally awake?" The Prince of Thieves asked, with his deep and weirdly loving voice.

"What do you want from me?" I seethed, putting all of the hatred I could into that one sentence. "Ooo, feisty,"

"Shut up, now, tell me, why am I here?" I asked.

"Because, you escaped... seven years ago... we have been searching tirelessly for you, but we could never catch you alone," The Prince of Thieves smirked.

"I was the worst assassin here, let me go," I commanded, although it sounded more like a beg.

"Why would I? I wouldn't want you falling for that little Prince that 'saved' you," He said the word 'saved' as though it hurt to say it.

"We're rivals, why would we fall for each other?" I asked bluntly. "Rivals fall for each other all the time..."

"No, they don't, it's strictly forbidden,"

"That's why it's easier for them to fall because it feels special... different even,"

"Oh, fuck off, now get me out of these chains before I throw them at you," I smiled. He looked confused for a split second before he put his facade back on.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Annabeth,"


I started dislocating my thumb so I could get out easier, but I found out too late that the chains were extremely loose and I didn't have to dislocate my thumb to remove them.

The Prince of Thieves only laughed, then made his way over to me.

"Which country are we in?" I demand.

"Still in yours... although we're moving overseas tonight,"

"I refuse, I will not go to a place I hate,"

"Too bad..."

I got my hands out of the chains and immediately stood up, standing my ground.

His beautiful features brought me flashbacks to when he got on a killing frenzy...

The had tussled curly caramel hair and a defined jawline, his eyes were light brown and he had extremely tanned skin. When I was younger I was attracted to him and couldn't get my mind off of him, but I still hated him.

He's only two years older than me.

Shut up brain, I need to think of an escape plan.

He chuckled and brought me back to reality.

"You think I wasn't prepared?" He asked with a pitying look.

Those chains... had needles in them... that was putting stuff into you to make you go to sleep if you escape from the chains, how would you like it if I..." I couldn't hear him finish his sentence because the next thing I knew, I was face-planting straight into the hardwood floor.

I woke up with a feeling that something was wrong.

I hadn't seen Princess Annabeth since yesterday when I had rushed out of the nurse's office.

I felt bad for doing that but she scared me.

"Percy! Percy, wake up!" I heard Rachel scream. "Wh-what?" I ask her, disoriented.

"Princess Annabeth has gone missing, we were wondering if you knew where she went," Rachel said, hopeful. "N-no, I don't, but what do you mean she's gone missing?"

"I mean we woke up and she wasn't in her bed and we checked everywhere, even out in the woods!" She exclaimed. "Um—uh," I say, trying to think of where she might be.

I get out of bed and run over to my bags.

I change in the bathroom and then I rush into the girls' chambers.

"Princess Annabeth has gone missing?" I snap. "Yes, she has, and the only thing we know is that she left on her horse," Princess Piper exclaims. "We can't let her parents know about this," Princess Hazel squeaks. "They'll find out about it sooner or later," Princess Drew says, filing her manicured nails.

I scoff at her and run out of the room.

Where could she have gone?!

I get on my horse, Blackjack, and we zoom off.

If only I had gotten a lead to where she could have gone, that would have made this ten times easier! Blackjack and I ride around the neutral land until we see a dock.

A man was carrying a blonde woman who looked to be knocked out.

Is that Princess Annabeth?

They're boarding a ship and before I can think about it, so am I.

I had to sneak on so that the captain wouldn't kick me off for not having a ticket.

I watch the man carry the blonde woman down the hall and stalk after them.

It is Princess Annabeth!

"Hey!" I shout before I even have time to process what to say.

The man stops dead in his tracks, placing down Princess Annabeth.


"Why are you taking Princess Annabeth?" I ask.

"Why would I tell you?"

I scoff and bring out my sword.

He chuckles and kicks Princess Annabeth down the hall. Since we're on a boat and she's wearing leggings and a t-shirt she slid across the floor.

"I am the Prince of Thieves," The man says, getting closers.

"I am the Prince of the Sea Kingdom," I say.

He scoffs and before I can process it, threw a needle straight into my stomach.

I collapse and he comes over to me.

"Wha—" I mutter before I pass out.

Prince Alexander
I make the fluids go into his body and lug him over to the room I got for us.

Princess Annabeth had woken up by now, but there was nothing she could do. We're already across the sea when she wakes up.

"Why... why do you want me there?" She mutters under her breath, her eyes are glossy and are losing their spark quickly.

"Because... you were the best person my father had ever recruited. He would give anything to bring you back." I state.

She shakes her head in defeat and my heart clenches for her.

"Where am I?" I hear the Prince of the Sea Kingdom ask drowsily.

"On the way... to Calwae,"

Author's Note
This is a bit of a shorter chapter but it's not a filler chapter either because it's still got over 1000 words. Anyways, I didn't know what to name the other continent so I asked my mother and she recommended Calwae lmfao.

(Posted On: Tuesday, August 8, 2023)
(Word Count: 1196)

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