Our Ordinary Lives

Bởi CoteEnjoyer

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A fanfiction that follows the basic story of ANHS from the light novels, but now Ai Hoshino is attending as a... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1 - Bus encounter
Chapter 2 - Hidden Systems
Chapter 3 - Social Interactions
Chapter 4 - Understanding Motives
Chapter 5 - Old Connections
Chapter 6 - Childish Expectations
Chapter 7 - Revelations
Chapter 8 - The Other Side of Horikita Suzune
Chapter 9 - Club Fair Encounters
Chapter 10 - A Meeting With the President
Talking About Ai (Author)
Chapter 12 - Friendly Outing
Chapter 13 - A Regretful Idol
Chapter 14 - Moves on a Board
Chapter 15 - Collecting the Idiot Trio
Chapter 16 - Group Study
Chapter 17 - True Colors
Chapter 18 - Confrontation
Chapter 19 - Goals
Chapter 20 - Using Kushida
Chapter 21 - A Change in Name
Chapter 22 - Mid Term Exam
Chapter 22.5 - Saving Sudo

Chapter 11 - Saving Defects

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Bởi CoteEnjoyer

Kiyotaka POV

As I stood outside the Class D classroom on a peaceful Saturday, I awaited the arrival of the group that had called me here. Most of our classmates were enjoying their free time or studying for their classes, however I received a request from Hirata to meet with him, Kushida, and Horikita. It made sense for Kushida and Hirata to be involved since they were influential figures in our class, and I could see why Horikita was invited, being one the most gifted students in Class D.

However, I couldn't fathom why they wanted me there. I don't think anyone, except maybe Horikita, knew my true capabilities, so I couldn't understand how my presence could be beneficial. Despite the confusion, my curiosity got the best of me, and I showed up curious to see what they had in mind. I tried to keep a cool and thoughtful demeanor, ready to assess the situation and respond accordingly.

As I stood outside the Class D classroom, waiting for the others to arrive, Horikita appeared from around the corner about 15 minutes early. Normally, I wouldn't have paid much attention to her appearnce, but given my recent conversation with her brother, her early arrival caught my eye. Horikita had initially shown no interest in attending this meeting, which I strongly advised her to do,

After agreeing to help her brother overcome her "defect," I felt a obligated to guide her in some aspects. It was evident that she preferred to work alone, relying solely on her own abilities and intellect. While in theory that could be executed effectively, Horikita's approach made her simply isolate herself. Even if she was a capable student, she had nowhere near the ability to handle everything by herseslf. She couldn't do what I could do.

Horikita's sharp gaze met mine as she walked towards the classroom. Her expression was indifferent, as usual, but there was a subtle tension in her body language that indicated she wasn't entirely comfortable being here. I knew that Horikita preferred to work alone, relying solely on her own abilities and intellect, but that approach wasn't always the most effective.

Kiyotaka: "Horikita, you're early."

Horikita Suzune: "I didn't want to keep you waiting."

Kiyotaka: "No need to worry about that. We still have some time before the others arrive."

Horikita Suzune: "Hmph, I don't see the point of this meeting. Convincing the others to take their studies seriously won't be easy."

Kiyotaka: "True, but we have to try. Our class's performance on the last test was poor, and if we don't do something, there might be expulsions."

Horikita Suzune: "And why should I care about that?"

Kiyotaka: "Because it's not just about them. It's about all of us. We're a class, and we should support each other."

Horikita Suzune: "Support? What nonsense. We're here to compete, not to hold each other's hands."

Kiyotaka: "There's nothing wrong with healthy competition, but isolating yourself from everyone will only hinder your growth."

Horikita Suzune: "I don't need anyone else. I'll prove my worth through my own achievements."

Kiyotaka: "You can achieve a lot more if you learn to work with others. Strength comes not just from individual abilities, but from the synergy of a group."

Horikita Suzune: "Synergy? That's just a buzzword people use to justify their lack of individual talent."

Kiyotaka: "It's not about lacking talent. It's about recognizing that we all have strengths and weaknesses. By working together, we can compensate for each other's weaknesses and amplify our strengths."

Horikita Suzune: "Hmph, I still don't see how this is relevant to me."

Kiyotaka: "You're one of the most academically gifted students in our class. Your knowledge and leadership could be invaluable in guiding others."

Horikita Suzune: "For someone who is supposedly a regular student, you are trying awfuly hard to change my mind."

Kiyotaka: "I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm simply giving you another perspective to consider."

Horikita Suzune: "Hmph, we'll see."

As both Kushida and Hirata entered the scene, I observed the contrasting expressions on their faces. Kushida maintained her usual cheerful and friendly demeanor, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the air. On the other hand, Hirata's smile appeared more genuine, reflecting his concern for the well-being of our classmates. They were dressed casually, and looking around I noticed so was Horikita. I was the only one still in my school uniform.

Kushida: "Good morning Ayanokoji-kun!"

Kiyotaka: "Good morning Kushida."

Hirata: "Good morning Aya-"

Hirata's surprise at my choice of attire was evident as he stared at my school uniform with a slightly agape mouth. I couldn't blame him; most students preferred casual clothing on weekends, but I had my reasons for wearing the uniform.

Hirata: "You do know that we don't have to wear uniforms today, right? It's a weekend, and none of us would have minded if you wore casual clothes."

Kiyotaka: "I would have, but all my other clothes got... wet." I lied, trying not to give away my true reason for wearing the uniform. The truth was that I considered clothes an unnecessary expense, and I saw no point in changing out of my school uniform on weekends. In fact, I even slept in it to save time and energy on getting ready in the morning. All the clothes I had really bought was a hoodie that I used in the morning to run in.

Hirata: "Oh that makes a lot more sense, for a second I thought that you didn't have any other clothes!" Hirata slightly laughed as he responded. If only you knew.

Kushida: "Well, lets go inside now shall we?"

We all nodded in agreement with Kushida's suggestion and proceeded to enter the classroom. As expected, it was empty, as we had made prior arrangements with Chabashira-sensei to use the room for an hour, paying a total of 10,000 points for the privilege. Having this discussion in a public setting could attract unnecessary attention, so securing a private space was a wise decision. Besides, the cost of 10,000 points was a reasonable expense for all of us, considering the importance of the matter at hand.

Hirata: "Thanks for coming, everyone."

Kushida: "It's amazing that we could get everyone here!" She said with her usual cheerful expression. I could tell her comment was aimed at Horikita, who rarely engaged in conversations with others.

Horikita Suzune: "I honestly expected more people to be here if we're discussing class matters." She lightly glanced towards my direction. "And why is he here."

Hirata: "Ayanokoji-kun?"

Hoirkita Suzune: "Yes, he excels in nothing academically nor physically. He is just a regular student. In fact I could argue that he is below average in some aspects."

Kushida: "But-"

Horikita Suzune: "Coupled with that, he lacks any notable social status or ability. He is dead weight that shouldn't be present here."

Honestly Horikita's assesment wasn't entirely inaccurate at a surface layer. I'm sure that she knows I hide more than I let on based on our previous interactions, yet she still acts with such superiority and arrogance. Even now, she still tries to provoke me with her words.

Kushida: "Hey you can't say that about a classmate!"

Hirata: "I agree Horikita, it is a bit rude to say that infront of Ayanokoji-kun." Hiratas expression remaind unchanged even with Horikitas actions. He still had the exact same cheerful expression on, and still held the same composure as he did before.

Horikita Suzune: "Tch fine. Now could we get to discussing the study groups."

Hirata: "Of course. As you know, the academics of our class have not been the greatest."

Kiyotaka: "Quite." Hirata nodded slightly in acknowledgment of my comment.

Hirata: "All of you should also know that the midterms are coming up, and a failure to pass during the midterms leads to expulsion from the school."

Kushida: "Yeah, a bunch of our classmates scored below the minimum requirement needed to pass."

Hirata: "We cannot afford to risk losing any of our friends. While I would like to believe that our classmates can study by themselves, I worry that some may not be able to effectively study on their own."

Horikita Suzune: "I assume you want us to create study groups to help our classmates?"

Hirata: "Yes." Horikita let out a slight scoff in response.

Horikita Suzune: "And why should we care about those defects? They clearly understand the stakes, and if they fail to pass, it's their responsibility, not ours."

Hirata: "They are our classmates, and we should aim to work together as much as possible to help everyone."

Horikita Suzune: "And why would I want to waste my time doing that?" Her logic made sense on the surface—keeping underperforming students could indeed have a negative impact on the class. However, she seemed to overlook a critical variable. "This is a competition sacrifices must be made."

Kushida: "Isn't that a bit cruel Horikita-san? Shouldn't we be trying to help as much as possible?"

Horikita Suzune: "Let's be honest, the people who are in need of help most likely will only weigh the class down."

Hirata: "We can't treat our classmates as disposable!" Hirata slightly raised his voice at this notion. What Horikita said made sense at a basic level, but it was fundementally different to Hirata's beliefs.

Horikita Suzune: "Do you seriously think that students like Sudou are really going to want to join the study groups anyways? At this point it would be better to ju-"

I observed Horikita as she continued to speak, her self-centered nature evident in her confident rambling. While she thought her logic was flawless, I could see the holes in her plan. Now was the perfect opportunity to interrupt her and challenge her conviction. Planting seeds of doubt now could lead to fruitful outcomes later.

Kiyotaka: "Think about it this way, Horikita. Do you really think a prestigious school like ANHS won't punish classes that have had students expelled?" I tighten my gaze on her as I ask her the question.

Horikita Suzune: "What?" She looked slightly taken aback by my comment and sudden interuption. It appeared that she hadn't even considered the possibility of the school withholding important information from her. Perhaps she was basing her thoughts on the assumption that the school wouldn't leave out crucial details as they had done in the past. Her arrogance added to this fact, presenting a promising angle to work with.

Kiyotaka: "It is as I said."

Horikita Suzune: "We have no information if they do or if they don't."

Kiyotaka: "Exactly. Are you willing to take that chance? Are you willing to operate under the assumption that having a classmate expelled might impact our ability to reach Class A?"

Kushida: "Yeah! Plus, we can't just leave our friends to be expelled." Kushida piped up at my words, displaying a "genuine" concern for her fellow classmates. For once, her character proved to be genuinely useful.

Hirata: "I agree with Kushida. It's not just about avoiding punishment; it's about helping each other and growing together as a class. We can't let anyone fall through the cracks."

Horikita Suzune: "There still will be some people who would be unwilling to learn or even join."

Kiyotaka: "Kushida-san can probably convince most of the class to join, the few that don't will eventually have to due to pressure." Time for the final move. "And on the point of teaching, are you suggesting that you lack the capability to effectively teach anyone?" If you apply pressure to a fragile point, they will eventually...

Horikita Suzune: "Hmph, fine. But I still don't see how creating study groups will guarantee their improvement." Crack.

Kiyotaka: "It won't guarantee anything, but it's a step in the right direction. We can monitor their progress, identify weaknesses, and adjust our approach accordingly."

Kushida: "That's right! We can support them and motivate them to do their best. Sometimes, all someone needs is a little encouragement."

Horikita Suzune: "Hirata, are you suggesting that we go out of our way to hold their hands through this?"

Hirata: "No, not exactly. But we can provide guidance and resources to those who need it. It's about fostering an environment where everyone can excel, where everyone feels supported."

Kiyotaka: "And besides, even if we try our best to help everyone, not everyone will improve significantly. We have to be prepared for that too."

Kushida: "I agree, but we should still try our best to prevent that from happening. We can't just give up on anyone."

Hirata: "Exactly. We can't just sit back and watch our classmates fail. We have to do what we can to help them succeed."

Kushida: "That's true. We should take responsibility for each other's success and failure, and that includes doing our part to support our classmates."

Horikita Suzune: "Hmph, fine. But don't expect me to babysit anyone. I'll help, but I won't coddle them. They have to put in the effort too."

Kushida: "Of course! We're all responsible for our own success, but a little push in the right direction can make a big difference."

Hirata: "Agreed. Let's work together to create study groups and see how we can help each other prepare for the midterms."

Kushida: "Sounds like a plan. We'll see how it goes and adjust as needed."

Horikita Suzune: "Fine. Let's get this over with. But remember, this doesn't mean I'm suddenly becoming friends with any of you."

Kushida: "That's okay, Horikita-san. As long as we're working together to help our classmates, that's what matters."

Kushida flashed a bright smile at Horikita as she expressed her agreement. Then, unexpectedly, she turned her gaze towards me and offered a subtle wink. It was clear that she believed I had played a role in persuading Horikita to attend the meeting, which was not entirely false. However, I had no intention of admitting my involvement any time soon. If she were to ask, I would simply say that I suggested to Horikita that she should come, leaving out any further details.

Hirata: "Well I think that's about everything I wanted to discuss with you guys." Hirata stood up to leave.

Kushida: "Well I'm glad we could come together to help our classmates!" Kushida slightly bowed as she said this.

Horikita Suzune: "Well if that's it I will be taking my leave now." Horikita stood up gave me a cold look and began to leave the room.

Hirata: "Wait, could we exchange contact information to create a group chat for the study groups?"

Horikita: "[Sigh] I suppose we should." She turns back around and we all exchange contact information.

I glanced down at my phone, noticing the addition of new numbers in my contact list. It was an unexpected turn of events to find myself with a majority of girls in my contacts. This was not a situation I assume most boys my age would find themselves in. I can guarantee that people such as Ike and Yamauchi would kill to have these contacts. I looked up to see everyone leaving the classroom. Hirata and Kushida both seemed to have cheerful epressions on while Horikita remained as cold as ever. It is a genuine suprise that people with these different ideologies can cooperate.

As the conversation concluded, the question of my presence continued to bother me. Why had Hirata invited me to this meeting? It made little logical sense to include someone like me. Horikita's initial statements, despite their brusqueness, carried a certain rationality. After all, I could be seen as a potential liability, and I highly doubted that Hirata, no matter how genial he appeared, was naive enough to believe in my complete loyalty.

I observed the room as it emptied, leaving only Hirata and me behind. Both Kushida and Horikita had departed, and Hirata was now heading towards the exit. Seizing the opportunity, I decided to approach him.

Kiyotaka: "Excuse me, Hirata?"

Hirata: "Yes, Ayanokoji-kun?" He turned his attention towards me, one hand already on the door handle.

Kiyotaka: "I apologize for taking your time, but I have a question to ask."

Hirata: "Of course, go ahead."

Kiyotaka: "I'm curious about why you invited me here."

Hirata: "What do you mean?" He seemed a bit caught off guard by my question.

Kiyotaka: "Considering Horikita's rather blunt statements, I can't help but wonder about the rationale behind inviting me. I don't possess exceptional academic, physical, or social abilities, so it's puzzling why you would specifically invite me to this discussion."

Hirata: "Ah, well..." He paused, clearly contemplating how to respond. "To be honest, I knew you had spoken to Horikita before, so I thought you might have some insight or influence."

Kiyotaka: "I see. But that seems like a rather risky plan, relying on me having some kind of connection with Horikita. There was a chance I could have exploited that for personal gain."

Hirata: "Everybody loves when a bad idea works, and I had a feeling you wouldn't do something like that, Ayanokoji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "I suppose you have a point."

Hirata: "I apologize if my assumptions led you here under false pretenses." He offered a slight bow, his expression apologetic.

Kiyotaka: "No need to apologize. Thank you for allowing me to participate in this discussion. I'll take my leave now."

Hirata: "Wait, it's not just that." His tone turned more earnest. "I also noticed you seem to have a connection with the girl who refused to share her name with the class."

Kiyotaka: "Ah, her."

Hirata: "Yes. I was wondering if you could talk to her and maybe convince her to join the study groups."

Kiyotaka: "I can propose the idea to her."

Hirata: "Thank you so much!" With that, Hirata turned the doorknob and left, leaving me alone in the room.

As the door closed behind him, I allowed myself a moment

With everything set in motion, I couldn't help but acknowledge the success of my subtle maneuvering. The progress made during this meeting exceeded my initial expectations. However, Hirata's naivety remained a lingering concern. His trusting nature and straightforward approach might serve as both an asset and a liability in ANHS.

In due time, Hirata would need to come to terms with a harsh reality: success within this school demanded sacrifices. Friendships, alliances, and loyalties were all ephemeral in the grand scheme of things. The delicate balance of power and ambition often required making difficult choices, choices that could strain even the strongest of bonds.

The notion of friendships being temporary and fragile was not lost on me. I had learned this lesson through personal experience, and it had shaped the way I approached relationships and interactions. As much as I valued autonomy and self-reliance, I couldn't deny the potential advantages of strategic partnerships.

He would need to learn all that in due time. But one lesson was most important for him to understand, something that if he didn't grasp would make sure Class D had no chance of rising above where it currently was. It ran completly counter to his way of thinking and would probably contradict most of his moral principles. Despite that, it was the most important lesson that he must learn about the people at this school.

Innocence proves nothing.

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