Wife is Delicate and Beautifu...

By cybernumb

128K 2.6K 75

[ NOT MY STORY! MTL with a lot of editing... you're welcome] Title: 夫人她又娇又美 Author: 公子羽橙 Hu Rong is a well-kn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 30

2.4K 52 1
By cybernumb

After the two of them had dinner at night, Gu Wenxuan took Hu Rong for a walk in the small garden in the backyard to digest food. Looking at his wife's swollen abdomen, Gu Wenxuan gently supported her waist with his hands.

Just now several doctors and nurses came to feel Hu Rong's pulse, saying that the children are growing well in the womb and are very strong. Hearing this, Hu Rong felt that the pain she had suffered before was worth it.

"Rong'er, I'll take a day off tomorrow, how about I take you out for a stroll?"

Gu Wenxuan thought about it and finally spoke up. It is not easy for his wife to be pregnant with twins. Now that she is only six months into her pregnancy, her belly is already very big. He was afraid that she will have to be anxious and confined herself as she waits for the birth. Afterwards, it will be the postpartum confinement period, and she will definitely not be able to go out.

"Okay, then where are we going?" Hu Rong looked up at her husband and said.

Counting the days, she hasn't gone out for more than two months, and now that she can still walk around, she also wants to go out for a stroll.

"Go to the temple in the suburbs. I will accompany you in a carriage. I heard that the plum blossoms in the backyard are in bloom. Let's go and have a look. If you are tired, you can go to the meditation room to rest." Gu Wenxuan thought for a long time, and finally came up with this idea. Such a great place.

He heard that there are a lot of red plums planted in the backyard of the temple, and they are all in bloom now. In winter, it is also a good place to enjoy the scenery.

Hu Rong nodded.

Bai Momo was listening to the conversation between the two. When she heard that they were going to the temple to see the red plums, she didn't say anything.

Gu Wenxuan immediately asked the butler behind him to lead the team to the temple to make arrangements.

Hearing that the venue was to be cleared and the county government servants were to be brought along, Nanny Bai put her heart into her stomach.

In the early morning of the next day, Hu Rong and Gu Wenxuan were ready to go out after breakfast. The carriage was already set up, and they were accompanied by twenty government servants, as well as the doctor, two medical girls, and Nanny Bai.

The third sister-in-law naturally came to the county with her husband before dawn, and it was getting late in winter, so she naturally didn't dare to go out in the dark by herself, so she sent her child to Mrs. Hu and brought her husband with her to search.

Third brother was naturally also very excited. When he heard his wife said that Hu Rong might with an official, he didn't believe it at first. You must know that several of his brothers had given up after searching around the county, but he also knew that his wife is definitely not a person who will lie about this. After listening to her detailed analysis that day, third brother finally chose to believe in his wife.

The two had already discussed that night. If Hu Rong really followed an official, they would not tell anyone, but secretly find Hu Rong and threatened her, asking for a sum of money, and then sell all the land and houses in the family. Their third family will buy a small house in the county to live in, and used the rest to start a small business to make ends meet.

As for Mrs. Hu and Mr. Hu, they didn't plan to tell them, they will say that they were going to do business in the city, so the money belonged to their family. Otherwise they would have to share it with the other brothers, and it's not sure how much they would have in their hands in the end.

Since eldest brother's accident, third brother and his wife felt that Mrs. Hu and Mr. Hu's favoritism was very blatant, and they knew that the old couple only had the elder brother's family in their mind.

The eldest brother drank because he wanted to drink, and he was not forced by them, he did it himself. It was also his fault for beating someone. As a result, Mrs. Hu and Mr. Hu kept blaming their third family, telling them to help eldest brother's family, because he was drinking at their house before the disaster. If one has an accident, the other will suffer too.

The third brother and his wife were naturally very angry, but they did not dare to offend Mrs. Hu and Mr. Hu directly, after all, they still have a few acres in their hands. As for the land, when the elderly couple have passed, the brothers will naturally have to divide it. If they lose their chance to inherit properties, the third couple won't be able to sleep at night.

They went out to look for Hu Rong, and Mrs. Hu agreed. Why? Although the Wang family child is now awake, his health is not as good as it once was. Three meals a day of medicine had been delivered, so all of the old Hu couple's savings had practically been depleted; nevertheless, given that Widow Wang has relied on their Hu family too much, shouldn't they make further plans?

Finding Hu Rong is the ideal plan, since the family will undoubtedly obtain a lot of money, which can just fill the void in their hands, and there's still be extra money that can be used to buy some land, enhance the family's life by collecting rent.

Mrs. Hu also has her own considerations. She wants to buy the land, but it must be under the name of Mr. Hu and her, so that the sons will treat them better in the future.

This is also the reason why they held the few acres of land at home tightly in their hands, to avoid their sons being unfilial.

Mrs. Hu now even thinks that although Hu Rong is a girl, she is much better than these boys of her own family. If these boys of her own family have to work hard one by one, they may not be able to earn as much money as Hu Rong. All the brothers' hearts are not in harmony, and they don't use their energy to move in one place.

Seeing the door of the county government office opened, third brother and his wife immediately stared closely, afraid of missing something if they don't pay attention.

Yesterday, third sister-in-law saw someone going out with a few yamen servants, but she didn't dare to follow. She was afraid that if she followed, Hu Rong would come out while she's away.

Seeing a carriage coming out of it, followed by another one, with many government servants and women around.

"Wife!" Hu San got a little excited and immediately tugged on his wife's clothes.

The third wife was also very excited. She felt that Hu Rong was definitely in the crowd, and she must be sitting in the carriage. You must know that not only did she see Hu Rong last time, but Hu Rong also saw her.

"Let's follow slowly behind," the third wife said, third brother nodded in agreement, seeing the carriage passing by, they immediately followed behind it.

The third sister-in-law knew that if she rushed forward rashly, there would be no good fruit to eat. There are so many yamen servants with swords in their hands.

In the carriage, although there were a lot of cushions, Gu Wenxuan still held Hu Rong in his arms, so that his wife would not feel any bumps.

Being held by her husband was too comfortable, Hu Rong slowly dozed off. The carriage was slow enough, and seeing his wife fall asleep, Gu Wenxuan also began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

The sky in winter was extremely dry and cold. Third brother and his wife followed the group from a distance. When a gust of cold wind hit, their faces turned blue instantly, and at the same time they strengthened their inner thoughts.

Originally, the temple could be reached in half an hour, but the team arrived after an hour's leisurely drive. It was almost noon at this time, and there was a small charcoal basin in the carriage, so Hu Rong didn't feel how cold it was.

Gu Wenxuan helped her get dressed, stepped out of the carriage first, and then helped Hu Rong down.

Hu Rong held a hand stove in her arms and didn't feel how cold it was. Seeing that Nanny Bai had also come down, the couple walked into the temple hand in hand.

Yesterday the abbot of the temple got the news that the county magistrate brought his pregnant wife, and he had already cleared the place, not to mention that there were government officials guarding the door.

Seeing Gu Wenxuan and Hu Rong coming, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet them.

Third brother and his wife were so out of breath when they finally caught up. Thanks to the large number of people, the two of them followed behind, but just by looking at them from a distance, third wife was sure that the one being helped off the carriage was Hu Rong, and she would not be mistaken that back view.

The person who she had to serve for several years unwillingly, she would recognize her even if she turned into ashes.

Back then, All the other sisters-in-law in other families served their pregnant sisters-in-law, but when she married the Hu family, let alone Hu Rong serving her, she had to bend down to serve Hu Rong when she was pregnant. At that time, she was only a month and a half pregnant into the pregnancy. She had to take good care of her body, so Mrs. Hu didn't let her do much work, but only let her take care of Hu Rong.

At that time, Hu Rong had a good appearance, and she had already been raised by Mrs. Hu at home. It was also in such a weather that she, who was pregnant, personally heated hot water for Hu Rong to bring into the house for her to wash.

The firewood at home was limited, and most of them had to be sold for money, and only a small part is used for cooking. The weather was cold, and when she boiled water for Hu Rong, she would burn more to save some for herself. Instead of the usual cold water, warm water was more comfortable to wash your face with.

Unexpectedly, her little move was seen by the second sister-in-law of the Hu family, and there was a quarrel at that time. Mrs. Hu came over and scolded her severely. You must know that she was pregnant at that time, so Mrs. Hu scolded her like this, telling her that she wasted firewood and money from the family.

At that time, the harvest of the previous year was not very good, and the family had brown rice every day, and it was the same when she was pregnant. Only Hu Rong had a small bowl of white rice and an egg to eat every day.

At that time, Hu Rong was still young and ignorant, thinking that it was because her parents loved her so much that they didn't let her go out. Seeing that her pregnant sister-in-law brought her food and hot water every day, Hu Rong gave her egg to eat.

The third sister-in-law was not polite, and immediately ate it. Since Hu Rong gave it to her, why won't she eat it? She was pregnant, and she needed all the nourishment she could get. Unfortunately, she was accidentally seen by Mrs. Hu, and the matter became serious again. Mrs. Hu drove third wife back to her mother's house directly, and made her live there for half a month.

Third wife didn't know whether Hu Rong was scolded by Mrs. Hu, but she was in great trouble because of the matter. Not only was she scolded, she was driven back to her natal family and her parents didn't welcome her well.

Later, it was third brother who begged Mrs. Hu for a long time, and Mrs. Hu finally agreed and asked her son to bring his wife back. Since then, she has never forgotten what had happened, especially when it comes to this little girl, she is more careful when dealing with her.

Seeing that Hu Rong was so cared for by a man, third wife became even more unbalanced. This little sister-in-law is really lucky. When she was in her mother's house with her good looks, she was provided with good food and drink by her family.

Now that she is sold, it should be expected that her life would not easy, but because of this face she is still loved by people. Thinking of this, third wife unconsciously touched her own face.

Third brother saw that his wife's expression was changing, but this was not his concern, he directly pulled her who was still touching her face in a daze, and walked forward.

Seeing that Hu Rong and Gu Wenxuan went into the temple, third brother couldn't help but glared at his wife. Really, if it wasn't for her, he would have caught up with them a long time ago, maybe the money would have already been in his hands.

Although there are four words written at the door, third brother and his wife are not literate, thinking that since they didn't catch up, it's fine to go in and look for it. At this time, third wife's mood has also recovered, and the two hurried in. .

In the end, they were stopped by the guards with swords, saying that the county lord brought his wife to offer incense, and the temple will not have anymore guests today, so let them go back where they came from.

The two were stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other in disbelief.

Compared to third wife's complicated face, third brother looked very happy. It was his sister who went in just now. This guard informed them that was the county magistrate and his wife, so isn't his sister the county magistrate's wife? Then that would mean he's the county master's brother-in-law.

This made third brother happy, as if he had picked up hundreds of taels of silver from the ground, his eyes lit up with excitement.

Third wife, who was already very jealous of Hu Rong, felt even more unbalanced now. She didn't expect that Hu Rong would have such a good life because of her beauty.

But she never thought that the two of them are actually a serious couple, and Hu Rong is still an official wife now, God is so unfair, living under the same roof, how couldn't she have such a blessing like her sister-in-law.

Third wife finally calmed down her heart, and pulled the man who was giggling beside her to go back.

"Husband, why don't we go back and discuss it carefully, and now we know that Hu Rong is living a good life and where she lives." Third wife said.

Third brother nodded in agreement.
He knew that they would definitely not be able to get in now, but after they met Hu Rong, he would be able to enter the county government in an open and honest manner, and maybe he could use this to get a job as an official. So he changed his goal in life. What's so good about doing business? How can it be better than being an official?

But after the couple went back, they still hid the matter tacitly in their hearts, and told none of the members in Hu family.

After Hu Rong and Gu Wenxuan finished worshiping the Bodhisattva, they went to the backyard to enjoy the plum blossoms.

Seeing that his wife was in good spirits, Gu Wenxuan and her continued watch the plum blossoms for more than half an hour, and then went to rest in the meditation room. After a while, the doctor and the medical girl came by to check on Hu Rong's health, and found no problem. The couple had some food and continued to rest in the meditation room.

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