Honorary Sideman

By alphaomega511

1.3K 33 0

Jeffery "Jeff" Williams is surprised to find out he is being adopted after being in an orphanage for close to... More

Jeff Williams
Jessica "Jess" Mar
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5: First Day Back
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4 *Trigger Warning*

114 3 0
By alphaomega511

*The next day*
Jeff wakes up and looks at his phone. He sees a text from Jess. He sits up and looks at it.

Jess: hey Jeff. me, Sasha and Hannah are going out in a little bit, if it's ok with Josh and Freya do you want to come?

Jeff: sure, i'll ask them now

Jeff gets out of bed and gets dressed.

Jeff walks into the kitchen/living room area. He sees Josh and Freya talking while Josh is writing something. Freya sees Jeff.

Freya: morning Jeff, did you sleep ok?

Jeff: i guess so, can i ask you something?

Freya: fire away

Jeff: Well Jess asked if i could go out with and 2 of her friend, is it ok if go?

Freya: Talia's sister Jess?

Jeff: yeah

Freya: i don't see why not, Josh?

Josh: i have no issue with it, just let us know if you need us. and let us know when your coming back.

Jeff: got it

Josh: do you want a lift to Simon and JJ's?

Jeff: yeah

The pair exit the flat. They walk down to the car park. They climb in Josh's car and start driving to JJ and Simon's flat.

Josh: be honest with me Jeff

Jeff: aren't i always?

Josh: yes and no.

Jeff: how have i not been honest?

Josh: you never told us you wasn't going to school, you never told us about the bullying that happened

Jeff: it's in the file, if you cared to actually read it properly

Josh: why didn't you tell us?

Jeff: yeah just tell strangers i was bullied and have them show simpathy that i don't want. tell them that was one of the reason i wanted to kill myself, the same reason i almost died a couple years ago.

Josh parks the car and looks at Jeff.

Josh: i'm sorry for bringing it up Jeff, i can't say i know how you feel because i don't. i only know how it feel to look from the outside, it was the same with Ethan. but i'm sorry for mentioning it.

Jeff: it's fine

Jeff gets out if the car when he sees Jess. He walks over to her and hugs her. The pair walk off to meet Sasha and Hannah.

Sasha and Hannah are sisters, Sasha is older than Hannah by a year and a half. Jess and Jeff walk over to them and sit down.

Sasha: oh my god, Jeff?

Jeff: hey Sasha, good to see you

They fist bump.

Hannah: shame you haven't been at school, us 3 have missed seeing you around.

They also fist bump.

Jeff: well after everyone picked on me i just refused to go in

Jess: why don't you come back? it'll just be us 4, everyone else kinda stopped talking to us after my post last night

Jeff: i don't know Jess, too many people to deal with.

Hannah: trust me, nobody will both you so long as we are there

Jeff: that's what i'm worried about, when you 3 aren't there.

Jess: we will be, plus my sister is friends with Josh and Freya so we'll always be around each other.

Jeff: true

The group of 4 all walk into the shopping centre and enjoy a day out.

*later that day*

Jeff walks into the flat with a few bags in each hand. Freya and Josh look over at him.

Josh: Jeff?

Jeff: yeah?

Josh: where did you get money for all this?

Jeff: i'll take all this to my room then i'll come back and explain

He runs all his stuff to his room. He walks back into the kitchen/living room area. He sits on a stool by the counter top.

Freya: so where did you get the miney for all of that?

Jeff: it's hard to explain. my grandparents were rich, stupidly rich. when they found out about my parents' addictions they kicked them out. my parents sold everything they could to get money for their addictions.

Freya: addictions?

Jeff: drugs, alcohol, gambling, the lot.

He frowns.

Jeff: then my grandparents died when i was 13, i saw my parents for the first time in years that day. my grandparents in their will both left me a combined 100 million pounds. The had an envelope left for me with the pin.

Jeff looks even sadder, he then chuckles out of nowhere.

Jeff: that night i stayed with my parents, but i had a plan. i wrote a note, i still have a photo of it

He takes his phone out and shows it.

Jeff: i remember exactly what it say. 'by signing this i give permission for my son Jeff Williams to take the money out of this account with the pin provided'. they were both high so i said it was a school thing i needed signed so they both signed it.

Jeff smiles.

Jeff: so i went to the bank and had all that money put into a bank account that Lily and James helped me make. so for years i've had 100 million pounds in a bank account just sitting there until now.

Josh: they could have taken you to court for that Jeff

Jeff: oh they tried, but the money was now legally mine. and they both signed the paper giving me permission to take the money out that was mine anyway. they lost before they even steped into the court room. so i kept all the money.

Josh: and you never spent any of it?

Jeff: not until today. speaking of today, Jess has convinced me to go back to school.

Freya: that's great, wait you wasn't going to school?

Josh: i'll explain later love.

Jeff: um, before i start building the lego things i got. i actually brough you stuff too, i'll admit it's not a lot of stuff but it's a thank you for taking me in.

He walks into the hall way. When he walks back in he has a bag. He places it on the counter.

Jeff: right the thing at the top is vere fragile, so you might want to be careful with it

Freya: ok

She gently pulls out a box. She opens it and it's a cake, it had writing on it. it says,
'Thank you for adopting me Freya and Josh'.

He looks at them. Freya and Josh both tear up. They both hug him. Josh pulls out 2 shirts. He hands one to Freya. They unfold them.

The back of Josh's has 'DAD' with the number 1. The back of Freya's says 'MUM' and also has the number 1. They both tear up.

Jeff: i know you aren't my birth parents, but you have been far better to me in these 1 week than my real parents for my whole life. i couldn't have asked for better people to adopt me.

They hug Jeff again. They pulled more stuff out of the bag. They pulled out things like new gaming headsets, jewelery. For Freya there was a make up set and for Josh there was anti aging cream.

They laughed then Jeff pulled out an actual gift which was a Millwall cap. Josh puts it straight on and does his excited/happy 'Jeez'.

Josh gets his camera and starts to record.

Josh: hello, hello, hello. this is a bit of a different type of video. as some of you are aware me and Freya were working on doing something big, and that is trying to adopt someone. we have done a trial and he is abasabutaly amazing.

Jeff smiles off camera.

Josh: we haven't had photos or videos taken with him in them because we were going to wait until it was all finalized before doing that but after something that has happened today i'm gonna ask him if he wants to be on camera.

He looks at Jeff

Josh: are you ok with being on camera?

Jeff: yeah

Josh turns the camera.

Josh: this is Jeff, he is the young man me and Freya are trying to adopt. well today he was out with a few friends and got us a few things. one being this hat on my head. a cake thanking us, which is the eaierst way to my heart through food. a Millwall top each, with Mum and Dad on the back.

Freya: i genuanly might just frame this.

Josh: i might too. He also got us jewellery and he got Freya a new make up set.

Jeff: yeah she was comolaining about running out of some things. i had to ask my friends for help with finding those in the shop.

Josh: is there anything you want to promote?

Jeff: i do have a channel, the videos aren't the best. it's maily just how my life was in the orphanage before i was taken in by Josh and Freya. it's just my name which is Jeff Williams, the profile photo is a Liverpool badge.

Josh: that is all for today, i will link Jeff's channel in the description. let's get his sub count up. maybe we could do a few colabs in the future with the boys.

Jeff: if i can get to 5k i will do it.

Josh: you heard him, 5k and he'll colab with the sidemen. i'll make sure it's a football video because he is amazing, he could out do Tobi i reacon

Jeff: i wouldn't go that far

Josh: i would, and did. that's all, goodbye.

He turns the camera off.

Josh: i'll go upload that, you might want to put your phone on silent.

Jeff: on it now

Josh goes to his office and starts working on the video. Freya and Jeff start talking.

Freya: thank you for all of this Jeff, you didn't have to get us anything

Jeff: i did Freya. you 2 have taken me in and given me a home, a real home. everyone else who ever came to the orphanage just walked right passed me or or ignored me, but you 2 didn't.

They make eye contact

Jeff: to be honest at first i hated the idea of leaving there because i was there for so long, but now i'm happy i did because i finally have a family of sorts.

He stands up and hugs her.

Jeff: thank you mu-

He stops himself.

Jeff: Freya

Freya: was you about to call me m-

Jeff: yeah, i'm sorry

Freya: it's ok, you can call me it if you want to

Jeff: really?

Freya: yes. once we sign the legal stuff, you will be mine and Josh's son.

Jeff: you are the best

He hugs a little tighter.

Freya: too tight Jeff

Jeff: sorry

He losens his hug a bit.

Freya: go get to those legos, i'm going to cook dinner

Jeff: ok mum

He gives one last squeeze before running to his room. As he's doing that he sees Josh.

Jeff: hey dad

Before Josh can respond Jeff walks into his room shutting the door. He picks up a bag with the Lego logo on it. He walks it to the desk under his bed.

He pulls out one of the smaller boxes

He opens it and starts building.

*in the kitchen*

Josh has just walked into the kitchen after seeing Jeff.

Josh: Jeff seems in a good mood

Freya: he does, he's happy here

Josh: i can tell, as he was running down the hall to his room he called me dad

Freya: he called me mum before leaving for his room

Josh: good to see he feels comfortable calling us that, do you think Jessica actually got him to go to school again?

Freya: i believe she did, just gonna have to wait and see to see if she actually did

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