Loud Visions

By PaulHoon

38.5K 692 103

As Lincoln Loud lives with his ten sisters, he develops a unique power, the ability to see into the future an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 19

975 18 5
By PaulHoon

**Vision Dream One**

Sister Fight Protocol. A system that the Loud sisters created on their own when things get heated. They even had a chart to scale the threat level due to the anger and amount of aggressive behavior that they were in. They developed a system on their own because their parents were too cowardly to put their foot down like normal parents. So, whenever the protocol happens, they let their daughters sort it out, and when the threat level rises, they board themselves up in their bedroom with Lily. It was a flawed system . . . one that Lincoln knowing anything of it. Because of this, they felt entitled to occupy any room in the house, including the kitchen, bathroom, and even Lincoln's own room, and even use his stuff without his permission. Lincoln got so fed up with it that he put his foot down.

"You're playing with fire, bro," Luna warned.

"I. Don't. Care! You can't do this! Just because you're upset over a stupid dress doesn't mean that you girls are entitled to do whatever you want," Lincoln explained.

Lori glared at Lincoln and growled, "Lincoln—"

"No! Shut up! You can't take my stuff without my permission! First, you won't let me in the kitchen when I'm hungry, then you won't let me use the bathroom when I need it, and now you're using my bedroom. Why? Because you girls are so thin-skinned that so much as one small insult is enough to offend you. I get insults all the time, including from all of you! You don't see me making a big deal out of it," Lincoln stated.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Lincoln! You're literally on thin ice right now. When girls like us are in this mood, you need to stay out of our way!" Lori yelled.

"Stinkin, don't argue. You wouldn't understand. It's a girl thing," Lynn said.

Lana agreed, "Yeah, Lincoln, there's no point in—"

"I'm not talking about that! I'm talking about how unfair you all are. It doesn't take being a girl to realize how stupid you all are right now, and the really stupid thing is it's all over a dumb dress," Lincoln stated.

Those were a poor choice of words. The sisters were shocked at first, and then their anger began to boil.

"What?" Lynn growled.

"You guys are so blinded by her anger and frustrations that you don't see how unfair you are to me. You want to resolve your problems? Maybe if you look in the mirror, you'll where the real problem. You always blame others for your problems and never admit that you did anything wrong. Why? Because you're too stupid to grow up!" Lincoln spat.

The sisters growled and shot glaring daggers. At this point, Lincoln finally saw the hole he had dug himself into.

"Stupid, huh? And what does that make you?" Lola asked.

Lincoln slowly backed away and tried to scoop to the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" Luan demanded.

"Nowhere. That's what," Lynn said, cracking her knuckles.

Lincoln's heart rate skyrocketed, and he felt his legs go weak as his sisters' anger rose. Soon their eyes were glowing red, and fire erupted from their heads. Lincoln felt this wasn't like most fights. This was different. He actually felt like his own life was in danger. There was only one option, and it was the one that the only Loud sister, Lucy, that wasn't in a rage, called out to him.

"Lincoln! Run!" Lucy called.

Lincoln lunged for the stairs to barricade himself in, but Lynn tackled him, and they fell back down to the living room floor. Once there, the rest of the sisters piled on, like wolves or alligators on prey.

This wasn't like the normal fights the Loud children got into. It was worse. They hit harder, kicking and punching him to no end. Lincoln tried using his arms to protect his face and head as he curled up on the floor, but the hits kept coming. Lincoln got hit in his jewels. He felt a wave of pain from his manhood. When he tried to cover them, he received several punches in the face delivering the same amount of pain. Lucy tried to get them off her brother as she kicked, clawed, and bit, but it was useless against the other eight sisters. Lori threw her hard against the wall, where she went limp.

Lincoln screamed in agony from the pain he was getting. Lola and Lana even pulled his leg and bit it. Lynn grabbed his arm and bent it unnaturally, making Lincoln scream more and cry as tears streamed down his face.

After who knows how long, the sisters stopped. Their anger slowly evaporated, and they looked in shock and horror at their brother lying on the floor, bleeding and crying. His arm and nose were broken, and he was covered with bruises.

"Kids? What's going on?" Rita peeked out.

The girls didn't say anything. They were too shocked to speak as their eyes were wide open, their mouths uttering, and their hands shaking. As soon as the parents saw their son, they gasped.

"Oh my god! Lincoln!" Rita screamed.

The sisters backed away as their parents rushed over to Lincoln. Lucy woke up but was bleeding from the side of her head. When she saw Lincoln, she gasped.

"Lincoln!" Lucy screamed as she rushed.

Lincoln was aching in pain while crying.

Lucy shot, glaring daggers at her sisters, "Look what you've done! Look what you've done!!"

Lynn started, "Lincoln—Lucy, we-we didn't mean to—"

"Shut up! You did this to Lincoln! I hate all of you! I hope you die!" Lucy screamed.

Then Lucy grabbed a vase, broke it to make it sharp, and in one swing, she sliced Lynn's face. Lynn fell to the floor and yelped in pain. The vase had more than one sharp edge, so it did major damage to Lynn's face and cut her eye. Lynn was bleeding severely as she screamed and cried in pain while holding her face. The other sisters gasped in horror at what they just saw. Lucy didn't stop there as she lunged toward the other sisters.

**End Vision Dream One**

**Vision Dream Two**

Starts the same as Vision Dream One, but as the sisters are beating Lincoln, something snapped within Lincoln – something beyond his control. A fire within him ignited a rage with his wild instincts. His muscles tensed up, and he gritted his teeth with his red eyes glowing with murder and rage. With that, he roared and kicked with both feet as hard as he could. He kicked Luna and Leni in the face breaking their noses. They grunted and fell backward as blood was coming out of their noses. Everyone stopped for a moment to see this. Lincoln rose up hard, punching anyone near him. He punched Lisa breaking her glasses and giving her a black eye. He punched Lori bruising her cheeks and making her fall. He headbutted Lola breaking her nose, then grabbed and swung her around and threw her against the TV, making it break. Then he elbowed Lynn hard in the face before she could grab him.

Lincoln grabbed Lynn by the throat and head. He growled as he slammed her against the drywall hard, then slammed her against it repeatedly, causing a crater to be seen with stains of her blood. She grunted and yelped in pain with each impact. She tried to break free by clawing at his face, but Lincoln bit hard on her fingers, making her scream until he punched her in the jaw, causing her to fall and hit her face on the dresser. The hard impact knocked a few of her teeth were knocked out.

Lana jumped on Lincoln from behind to try and punch his head, but Lincoln grabbed her, slammed her face against the wall, and threw her against the staircase rails. They broke on impact, and Lana lay on the floor, writhing and crying in pain – it looked like one or two of her ribs were cracked or broken. Luna tried to stop Lincoln by grabbing him from behind. Lincoln used the back of his head to hit her face. She released him as she cried in pain. Then Lincoln grabbed her ankles and lifted her up to make her fall flat on her back. He kicked her hard in the face before she could react – fresh blood from her nose and mouth whipped against the carpet. Luan lunged at him, but Lincoln grabbed a vase and hit her square in the face. She fell to the floor, and Lincoln stomped on her face senselessly until she lay motionless and bleeding. Her nose was broken, along with some of her teeth. She had black eyes, bruises, and a nasty bloody lip.

Lincoln then tackled Lori to the ground and punched her face repeatedly. Lori managed to get Lincoln off. She slammed him against the wall and punched him in the face and gut. The two struggled as they growled and clawed at each other. Then Lincoln pulled her by her hair and bit her hard on the neck. She screamed in agony as she tried to get him off, only making him bite harder. Lincoln could taste warm blood in his mouth.

Lincoln tore out a piece of Lori's neck in one hard pull. She fell to the floor, screaming in pain and horror while she tried to stop the bleeding. Lincoln huffed and puffed with his fists clenched. Then marched over and grabbed a piece of the staircase railing. He grabbed the big wooden piece that was now a mace.

Lynn spat out a tooth and growled in anger, but when she turned to face Lincoln, he swung the wooden mace hard into her face. He continued to beat her while she tried to use her arms to protect herself. Lincoln swung hard into her leg, making a loud crack. Lynn screamed in pain until Lincoln hit her in the face again. Then he grabbed her arm and bent it unnaturally until another loud cracking sound was heard. He then twisted it to dislocate it from the shoulder. Lynn cried in pain and lay on the floor as her arm went limp and her leg was bent the wrong way.

Lincoln shot a glare at Lori. The elder sibling backed away in fear while still holding her neck. Before she could say anything, Lincoln struck her in the face and beat her senselessly. Most of her body, head to toe, was covered with deep black and purple bruises – she couldn't even open one of her eyes. When the fight was over, Lincoln stood in the living room catching his breath while the rest of his sisters were crying and bleeding or unconscious.

Lincoln's senses suddenly came back to him. It was as though he blacked out in a fit of blind rage driven by wild instincts. He looked around at what had happened. Lana, Lynn, Lisa, and Leni were crying, bleeding with cuts, bruises, and black eyes. Some had broken noses, even a few broken fingers. Lori, Lola, and Luna were unconscious. They were not moving. Lori and Lynn were bleeding severely. He saw Lucy near the front door corner, trembling and shaking out of fear with tears rolling down her cheeks.

All anger had vanished. Lincoln felt utter shock and horror as he looked at his bloody hands.

**End Vision Dream Two**

Lincoln gasped as he woke up. His future visions showed him not one but two terrible fates that would happen. Lincoln's hands were trembling, and he was in a cold sweat. He could still see the blood on his hands and hear everything – all the yells, bones breaking, and cries. Something worse happens before the bad luck? Sister fight protocol? All that fighting? All that anger and bad behavior over a stupid dress?!

Either they beat me, or I beat them?! That's what's going to happen?! Lincoln started hyperventilating. He took several deep breaths before he began sobbing. He grabbed a pillow and used it to quiet his sobs.

After a long while, he asked himself, "What do I do? I don't want either event to happen. God, please, what do I do?"

He cried some more. The gravity of the situation was weighing on him worse than anything he faced. Not only were his sisters capable of abandoning him, but they were capable of beating him too?! Lincoln felt like he didn't know his family at all. Lincoln grabbed his phone and video-called Ronnie Anne, and Stella. It was early morning. The sun wasn't up yet, but the darkness of the night was nearly gone making everything look blue with its morning mist. Ronnie Anne, and Stella picked up. They were both tired with her hair out and a little messy while in their PJs.

"Lincoln? Why are you calling me so early—?" Ronnie Anne started but stopped when she saw Lincoln's tears. Her eyes and Stella's eyes widened as they sat up straight.

"Lincoln? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Stella asked.

"I-I (sobs) I had another vision last night. Two visions," Lincoln spoke.

Ronnie Anne glanced around her room before exiting through the fire escape to be somewhere more private. Stella did the same thing leaving the hotel room into the hallway so she didn't wake up her mother. They both eagerly awaited Lincoln to continue.

"The two visions showed my sisters getting into fights. They have some sort of system called 'Sister Fight Protocol' on how they deal with each other when things get out of hand. Long and short, it ends with either them beating me to a bloody pulp or me going berserk and beating them to defend myself!" Lincoln wept.

"What?" they both uttered.

Lincoln cried, "It was awful! I can still see all the blood and feel everything. And my parents did nothing! They just cowered in their bedrooms!"

He summoned two light orbs and showed them the dreadful futures that could possibly happen. The girls were in utter awe of what they saw. It was like something from a horror movie.

"Wait, they beat you? In your visions, they literally beat you?" Stella questioned.

Lincoln nodded.

"So, you're saying there are two outcomes. Either they beat you, or you got berserk and beat them. Is that right?"

Lincoln nodded again, "I don't know what comes over me in the second vision. All I remember was being so angry. It's almost fuzzy . . . but it's so terrible when I wake up and realize what I've done."

"First, they're capable of kicking you out of the house and treating you like a pariah while blaming you for bad luck; now this? Lincoln, who is your family? Who are these people?!" Ronnie Anne questioned with a look of horror on her face.

Lincoln shook his head and continued to sob as the tears streamed down his face.

"It all starts over a stupid dress. A dress! Then they don't let me in the kitchen, so I can't get food when I'm hungry. They don't let me in the bathroom. They even kick me out of my own bedroom and use my stuff without my permission, like using my bedsheets as a wall to divide Lori and Leni! When I stand up for myself, that's when the fights get physical," Lincoln explained.

Stella looked upon in despair while Ronnie Anne rubbed her eyes and the bridge of her nose while swearing in Spanish.

"Guys . . . I-I don't want to be here anymore. (sobs) I just want to leave. I don't (sobs) I don't want to live here anymore," Lincoln cried.

Watching Lincoln like this in such a depressing and awful state broke Stella and Ronnie Anne's hearts. Ronnie Anne had a hard time resisting the urge to cry herself as tears began to build up in the corner of her eyes. Stella let a few tears escape her eyes while covering her mouth as she watched her boyfriend weep. Then an idea struck Ronnie Anne's brain.

"Lincoln, what if you run away?" Ronnie Anne asked.

Lincoln sniffed and looked up, "What?"

Stella whipped her tears, "Do what?"

"Run away. To here. To Great Lake City. You come here, you show my family your powers, we explain everything to them, and they help you," Ronnie Anne said.

Lincoln nodded in understanding, then asked, "But how do I get to Great Lake City?"

"Get your laptop. Search for bus tickets," Stella said.

He wiped his eyes and went over to his computer. He knew he had to get far away. He typed on the computer to see how far away Great Lake City was. It was only an hour's drive. Then he typed for buses in Royal Woods and their prices. He found one close enough, and a ticket was only $20. He found a bus scheduled to leave for Great Lake City tomorrow after school.

"Okay, there's a bus leaving tomorrow after school," Lincoln said.

"Buy it. Pack light," Ronnie Anne stated.

"Lincoln, you sure about this? Once you do this, there's no going back," Stella warned.

"I'm afraid there's no longer any doubt. I need to get out of here if there's any hope for a better life and future," Lincoln answered.

"Just get here, Lincoln. Text me that you left the bus station and when it'll arrive. Lose your phone. They'll track your whereabouts with its GPS," Ronnie Anne instructed.

Lincoln nodded.

"Be careful, Lincoln. No matter what happens, avoid your sisters," Stella stated.

"I will," Lincoln replied.

Lincoln bought the ticket online and carefully went downstairs to the printer to print his ticket. He didn't know he needed to bring the receipt, but he felt to bring it just in case. He got back in his room before anyone noticed. He lightly packed his other backpack with clothes, toothbrush & paste, some things to survive, like a knife, and a map of Great Lake City. He knew he'd need other things, but he'll get them later. 

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