Melanie Granger?

By Lexa_Skywalker

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Everyone knows about Hermione Granger, but what about her fraternal twin sister Melanie? What happens when H... More

Chapter 1: Mornings
Chapter 2: A Little More About Me
Chapter 3
Chapter 5: Fluffy
Chapter 6: We Have a Problem
Chapter 7: Hallowe'en
Chapter 8: Quidditch
Chapter 9: A Ghostly Encounter
Chapter 10: Harry Potter Talking With Me?
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Superising Potions Master
Chapter 13: Tests and Theories
Chapter 14: Hermione's Help or Hinderance?
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: More Clues?
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: All Together
Chapter 19: Going Home for Christmas
Chapter 20: Home at Last
Chapter 21: Christmas Shopping
Chapter 22: Christmas

Chapter 4: Flying Lessons

1.2K 27 1
By Lexa_Skywalker

Disclaimer I don't own HP.

Flying lessons. What more can I say? Probably a lot actually. Ok so everyone knows that witches fly around on broomsticks, but wizards do it too and it's not like we all know how to do it from the minute we're born, instead all first years have to attend flying lessons.

So now we're all lined up in two lines on the training ground, Gryffindor on one side and Slytherin on the other, facing each other. Next to me stand my best friends Paisley and Jane and opposite us were Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode, the two Slytherins glared at us for several moments before starting to gossip.

It wasn't long, however, before Madam Hooch arrived. She walked between the two lines and stood at one end.

'Good afternoon class.' She greeted as walked between us.

'Good afternoon Madam Hooch.' We chimed in response.

'Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of your broom. Come on quickly now!' She hurried us up as moved up beside our broomsticks. 'Now stick your right hand over the broom and say "up". She instructed. I did as I was told and putting my hand over the broom I commanded it.

'Up!' The broom instantly flew off the ground and straight into my waiting hand. I noticed that the same thing had happened to Harry at the exact same moment and we shared a surprised glance while everyone looked shocked. Malfoy accomplished the same feet a few moments later and he smirked at us, satisfaction plastered all over his face. I then turned my attention to Ronald as his broom shot up and whacked him in the face! I laughed and ignored the angry glare I got from the embarrassed Weasley as he rubbed his forehead. My laughing only increased as I heard Harry get told off for giggling at him.

'Shut up Harry.'

The rest of the class struggled on until everyone was holding their broomstick. It was at that pint that Madam Hooch gave the next instruction.

'Now I want you to mount it and grip it tight, you don't want to be falling of the end.' We did as we were told and swung our leg over the broom. 'When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard, keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. Three, two.' Peep! Instantly Neville was up in the air, he leaned forward trying to get it to go down, but instead it zoomed off towards one of the castle walls. 'Mr Longbottom!' Madam Hooch called. 'Come back down here this instant!'

'I don't think he can, Madam Hooch.' I replied. Everyone gasped as the broom started shaking him back and forth and he clung on for dear life. 'That broom's been tampered with!' I pointed out as it flew straight into the wall, before spinning and hitting it on the back and flew straight for us!

We all dived to the side to get out of the way of the out of control broomstick before it went through the underpass behind us and came up over the top. Neville cried out as his robes got caught on the pointed statue and the broom came out from underneath him, leaving him dangling dangerously.

'Someone do something!' Hermione suggested as we crowded around to watch what was happening. I cringed as the sound of his robes ripping came to my eyes and he plummeted down until his robes got stuck on a metal torch holder, but Neville's arms came out of the sleeves and fell the remaining distance, yelling as he hit the ground.

'Out of the way!' Everyone moved aside to let the teacher through and she crouched beside him.

'Do you think he's alright?' Hermione asked quietly. I shook my head, that'd hurt! My point was proved when the boy whimpered as she touched his hand.

'Oh dear, looks like a broken wrist.' She murmured and she helped him up. 'Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground, understood? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will be out of Hogwarts before they can say quidditch.' She stated as she lead Neville away.

'I hope it's not too bad.' I said quietly once they had gone. 'But um........ What's "quidditch"?'

'I'll explain later.' Jane replied (she grew up with magic and knows more about that sort of stuff than I do). Then my attention went to Malfoy as he picked up the discarded rememberall that Neville's grandmother had given him recently.

'Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he would have remembered to fall on his fat ass.' Malfoy and his Slytherin crones laughed.

'Prat.' I mumbled.

'Give it here Malfoy.' Harry Potter stepped forward.

'No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find......... How about on the roof.' He then mounted his broom and flew around us before cutting in through the middle of us and went up into the sky. 'What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond your reach?' He smirked. Harry went to get on his broom when Hermione tried to meddle in this.

'Harry no way you heard what Madam Hooch said, besides you don't even know how to fly.' Harry just ignored her, mounting his broom and flying up to Malfoy. 'What an idiot.'

'I say good on him.' I nodded. 'Someone needs to show Malfoy that it's not ok to mess with other people's stuff.'

'You would.' She rolled her eyes.

'What are you saying?' I asked taking an angry step towards her. I then stopped as I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, I didn't have to look to know who it was. Jane.

We then looked to see Harry facing off with the blonde Slytherin, who seemed mighty pleased with himself.

'Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!'

'Is that so?' Malfoy tossed the rememberall in his hand and Harry raved forward trying to snatch it, but Malfoy flipped upside down on his broom before sitting upright again, glancing over his shoulder grinning deviously. 'Have it your way then.' He said and he thew the rememberall high into the air. Harry chased after it and they zoomed through the air towards one of the windows in a tower.

'I wonder what room that's in.' Paisley mused.

'Professor McGonagall's.' I replied after using my brilliant sight to see in through the windows and spot her marking what looked to be our latest essays. Paisley glanced at me shocked, but I ignored her and stared as Harry flipped on his broom and caught the rememberall inches from the window! He then tossed it from one hand to the other and flew back down to the ground waving it above his head in triumph as we all ran to him.

"Congratulations", "good job's" and "well done's" were given to him accompanied by many pats on the back as he was swamped by admiring students. I caught his eye from the back of the crowd and he smiled at me, but that smile soon disappeared as Professor McGonagall's voice was heard.

'Harry Potter!' We all moved back slightly so he could be seen. 'Come with me please.' The. With one final glance back at us he followed her into the castle. I glared at Malfoy who had landed and was looking happy at what McGonagall had just done. I walked up to him and grabbed him by his robes.

'If he gets detention, so do you.' I growled before letting him go and pushing him back so he stumbled slightly.

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