Saving Her

By Skyscraper2010

10.6K 250 63

Lexa, a six-year-old young girl gets taken to the airport with Children's Services in Jamaica. She is suppose... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

367 10 0
By Skyscraper2010

As, well hopeful that Lexa sleeps, Mick and Ben arrives to the dead passenger's house, Kelly Taylor. Seeing people lighting candles and saying prayers or something in the middle of the night, Mick climbs out of the passenger seat. Sure, Mick can drive and does, but ever since her best friend's passing when they were drinking and driving; Mick can never forgive nor feel safe driving again. She still blames herself.

While thinking about Evie, Ben climbs out of the driver's seat and locks the car before helping Mick relax by doing deep breathing with her.

"Do not speak or ask questions." Mick whispers, "We get in then out."

"Okay." Ben agrees knowing they are only there to find out if Kelly's death is from someone or a calling, as Mick and Lexa named it.

After speaking and showing her badge, Mick gets her and Ben inside Kelly Taylor's house. Noticing there is no forced entry, and the murder weapon is missing, Mick and Ben listens to everything the officer says to absorb the information.

"Was anything taken?" Mick suddenly asks as they look over Kelly's body.

"No." The man answers bored.

"Why is her neck all red then?" The man looks closer to Kelly's neck, "Does Kelly have a lover?"

"Yes. Her husband found her and is outside." Nodding, Mick stands up.

"Thank you for your time."

Starting to walk out, Ben immediately pulls Mick behind him when seeing NSA arrive. Most importantly, Vance.

"Shit." Vance curses seeing Ben and Mick, "You do know Ms. Stone is outside of her jurisdiction and that man is her brother? Also, they are both from flight 828."

Meeting glares from the officers on scene, Ben and Mick are forced out of the house and off the property. As Ben climbs into the driver's seat again he watches Mick walk over to a gentleman at the ambulance. When they begin to talk, Ben smiles as Mick takes notes and he copies down what they found out to solve this murder of Kelly Taylor. Even if there is a chance that Vance will before them. All Ben cares about is the police catch the correct murderer over the seemingly innocent victim they have in current custody.

Hearing the door open as the ambulance drives away, Ben looks up to see Mick.

"That was Mr. Patrick Taylor. They had a housecleaner who was jealous of Kelly and who constantly try on her clothes. Her name is Christine Watson. I think Christine may know something. But, Patrick did say that Kelly was constantly repeating this over and over again 'own your truth'." Mick reveals.

"Was it," Ben stutters.

"A calling. Patrick said Kelly told him that as well."

"So, Kelly was having callings as well and got herself murdered for it?"

"Patrick seems to think so, or at least it comes off that way." Mick sighs as she buckles up, "We will piece it together tomorrow. I need to get back to Lex."

"Sounds good. We will stop for coffee first." Ben agrees before backing up and pulling out of the packing spot.


Pulling up to the house, Ben sighs as he puts the car into park.

"I think you should go see Evie's parents tomorrow after resting and take Lexa to meet them. Just for closure. I could easily drop you off if need to be." Ben admits tiredly.

"I know. The last time I saw them, they blamed me about Evie which I couldn't argue or defend myself." Mick explains tearfully.

"For us it was recent and for them it's been five years, Mick. It's time to try again. Maybe taking Lexa with you will soften the blow."

"Should I tell her about Evie and her parents?"

"I believe you should."

"Okay. I will try to explain it to her before taking her."

"Good idea." Ben nods before they both climb out to go inside, "Do you work tomorrow?" Ben whispers as they enter the house.

"No. I return on Tuesday morning. Monday is mine and Lexa's meeting at the foster care centre." Mick explains softly.

Kicking of their wet shoes, Mick heads to the basement – her old room and guest room. Spotting a sleepy Grace in the armchair with a sleepy Lexa playing on Cal's tablet on the bed, they look up to see Mick.

Climbing onto the bed, Mick kisses Lexa's forehead and gently takes Cal's tablet away. Smiling at Grace as Lexa immediately lays down to go to sleep, Mick passes the tablet to Grace.

"Thank you for staying with her." Mick thanks her sister-in-law while placing her phone on the bedside table.

"No problem. Sleep in tomorrow." Grace smiles back accepting Cal's tablet before leaving to go up to bed. Crawling under the covers after removing her jeans, Mick turns to the lamp off while feeling Lexa cuddling up to her.

"Good night, angel." Mick whispers before yawning.

"Night, mommy." Lexa yawns back snuggling closer to Mick.


While eating a very late breakfast, Mick is pouring herself a traveling mug of coffee with milk and sugar. Being twenty-seven years old, Mick is counting her blessings in her mind – mostly all of them centred around Lexa and Evie. Sitting back down at the table, where she already told Lexa about Evie and her cause of death, tears are starting to fall from her eyes as she thinks that Lexa is angry at her. Just like others and herself.

"Mommy," Lexa whimpers seeing Mick's tears falling. Scared to look at her, Mick closes her eyes before hearing Lexa's soft pads of her feet on the floor, "No cry, mommy." Lexa begs weakly. Sniffling loudly before opening her eyes, Mick leans over terrified that Lexa is afraid of her. Before she has the chance to blink, Lexa attacks her with a hug.

"Aren't you scared of me, Lexa?" Mick breathes tearfully.

"No." Lexa answers with a frown but truthfully, "Why? What happened to," Lexa pauses searching for how to pronounce Evie's name correctly, "Evie," Lexa stutters, "Isn't your fault."

"Only certain people believe that too. Others blame me."

"Let's go talk to Evie." Lexa smiles shyly.

"Okay." Mick caves before asking Lexa to finish eating with a small smile on her face.

After breakfast and getting ready, Mick helps Lexa into her car seat. Once Lexa is buckled in and the door is closed, Mick climbs into the driver's seat. Arriving to the correct cemetery, Mick parks the car and locks the doors once she and Lexa are out. Walking along the path together, Mick helps Lexa through the slush on the path and grass. Sitting down on the bench next to Evie's grave, Mick wipes the headstone clear.

"Hey Evie." Mick greets sadly, "The little girl next to me is Lexa. She wanted us to come and talk with you." Feeling herself get choked up, Mick's eyes fill with unshed tears.

"Hi Evie." Lexa takes over calmly, "Mommy is worried that your mommy and daddy are still mad at her for the accident. If you are listening or something, could you send a sign to mommy if it's the right time to reach out to them? We hope to visit them tonight and everything. Mommy needs your okay, and your strength." Lexa explains slowly as she stumbles over the words she heard before.

Feeling an air temperature difference then a few seconds ago, Lexa wonders if it's the sign that she asked for from Evie. Noticing that Mick feels it too, Mick smiles.

"I miss you, Eves. Just in case you don't know, Jared is with Lourdes and I'm working on becoming Lexa's foster mom. Thank you for the sign that you are okay and not angry with me. I would have wanted it to be me over you. You have a goodhearted soul and deserve to live, not die on impact, like you did. I know for everyone it's been five years, but for me, it's been weeks." Mick sniffles, "I love you, Evie. I will visit and check in on your parents, after all they are my second set, and I will give you updates."

Closing her eyes to let her tears fall, Mick feels like a calming presence inside her easing her fear and guilt for the accident. After a few minutes of crying with her eyes closed, Mick smiles again but like the weight is gone as well.

"I love you, Eves, thank you." Mick breathes before opening her eyes. Wiping her tears away, Mick looks to Lexa who was letting everything take place calmly, "Thank you, my little angel." Mick thanks pulling Lexa into a hug.

"Always for you, mommy." Lexa smiles hugging Mick back.


That evening, Mick is sitting in the passenger's seat while Lexa is in the back in her car seat, while Ben drives them over to Glen's and Beverly's house – Evie's home.

Pulling up to the house, Mick immediately feels lighter as she helps Lexa's out of the car. Closing the door, Mick tells Ben to go home before she and Lexa walks up to the house. Knocking on the door, Mick has a gut feeling like something is wrong but holds it back. Hearing the rushing feet, Mick looks at Lexa who is equally worried.

Ben told her that Christine stole Kelly's necklace and confessed to him before getting away that she murdered Kelly. All because she is in love with Kelly's husband – Patrick Taylor.

Just as the door opens, Mick looks up seeing Glen terrified.

"Come inside, Michaela. Please. I need your help." Glen admits allowing the two visitors inside. After filling in Mick that Beverly is missing and has dementia, he begs Mick to take his car and bring her home since the police can't help. Accepting the keys, Mick immediately heads out after promising Lexa she will be back and that they are both safe here with Glen.

Nodding silently in understanding, Lexa sits down on the floor and silently asks Mick to untie her shoes. Doing so quickly, Mick begs to Glen to keep Lexa safe, and that Lexa doesn't speak with anyone but her right now. Smiling, Glen accepts the babysitting duty.


Finding Beverly, Mick accidentally crashes Glen's car to keep Beverly and herself alive while slightly injuring the driver of the speeding car. After making sure that Beverly is okay, Mick rushes over towards the driver to find Christine and she is wearing the missing necklace from Kelly's dead body. Immediately calling Jared to arrest Christine then Ben to pick up her and Beverly.

Calling Glen on the landline, he picks up immediately.

"Beverly is okay, Glen." Mick states right away while tying Christine to the light post, "Ben is coming to pick us up. I'm sorry for crashing your car though."

"As long as it's for good use, I don't mind." Glen admits, "By the way, your little girl is adorable and well behaved."

"Her name is Lexa, and I know. Thank you for taking great care of her."

"Always for you." Glen smiles, "Just explain about my car later, okay?"

"Okay. Beverly is perfectly okay, aside from walking on the pavement for her feet." Mick admits herself as she checks her second mom over. Spotting Ben arrive first since they live just a block or so away, Mick helps Beverly in then climbs in and ends the call when saying they are on the way.

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