Chapter 17

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After helping Lexa get settled in the classroom and they meet her teacher, Ms. Greene welcomes Lexa with open arms. Just before leaving, and promising to pick her up, Lexa nods before rushing over and tackling Mick with a hug, with tears in her eyes.

"Find them." Lexa whispers in Mick's ear when her mom kneels in the embrace, "I feel them starting up again, slowly."

"Okay, I promise to try and ask for help when needed, for you and Cal. Always."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Lex." Kissing Lexa's cheek then followed by her forehead; they slowly pull away.

"Ms. Stone," Ms. Greene speaks up softly, "Your niece and I will call if Lexa needs you. I understand this is rough on both of you, but you have my word that I will call."

"Thank you." Mick nods, "Be strong, Lex. I'm just a phone call away." Watching her daughter nod weakly, Mick turns to Olive and Cal, "Watch over her. She needs you both now too."

"We promise." Cal and Olive chimes before looking to their younger cousin.

Nodding at them in thanks, Mick stands up before walking out of the classroom with tears glistening in her eyes. Arriving to her car, Mick climbs inside in time for the bell to ring and the students rush inside.


"Class, we have a new addition to the class, this is Lexa." Ms. Greene introduces on Lexa's behalf with Lexa seated beside her desk, "Due to her joining us so late into the school year, she will need my extra help to catch up."

"What's her favourite colour?" A student calls out.

"Jack, from what I know about her so far, she may not have one."

"Why are you answering for her?" Sam observes.

"Sam, it's because she is shy. Now, we are done with the questions and going into everyone's Math handouts about telling time." Hearing everyone groan besides Lexa, they pull out their homework.

Pulling out the extra handout, Ms. Greene gives it to Lexa and asks her to pull out her pencils.

"Just do what you can." Ms. Greene whispers to her. Nodding shyly, Lexa pulls out her pencil case before opening it to find the pre-sharpened pencils. Pulling one out, Lexa only does the ones she knows and goes back to the ones she doesn't know. Stumped as the questions get harder and confuses her, Lexa raises her hand nervously.

"Yes, Lexa?" Ms. Greene questions pulling over a chair to help her new student, "Are you stuck?"

As Lexa sighs and nods, Ms. Greene reads over question fifteen out of twenty-five. While Ms. Greene reads it to her, the confusion slowly fades and the question becomes clear – the answer is two forty-seven. Drawing it the way Mick has been prepping her since Lexa joined the Stone family full-time, Ms. Greene looks at the work sheet impressed.

"Great work, Lexa. We just need to work on your reading and spelling. Let's focus on that, okay?" Nodding in agreement, Ms. Greene then gets up with Lexa's now finished Math handout and pulls out the class's English handout. Spelling.


While Lexa is at school, Mick contacts Ben, Saanvi and their new friend she hasn't had the chance to meet – Fiona, Mick and Jared are currently on the roof trying to talk down Harvey who claims he is the 'Angel of Death', before jumping to his death.

"Fuck!" Mick shouts in fear and hurt for not being able to save him. Letting Jared pull her into a hug, Mick struggles with handling her emotions, "I hate the experiments and what if Harvey was connected or could have told me new information." Mick whispers to Jared.

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