Chapter 18

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Author's Note:

I have a huge Writer's Block for all of my stories, but while I start Chapter 19 slowly - I wanted to post this one since I just completed it. I apologize that it's only four pages, but it felt good as the ending to me for the chapter.

If I am able to, I will need time, but I could start Chapter 19 soon. I just wanted to share this with you. Also, my health is not the greatest but I don't want to stop writing. That much is clear. Thank you for all of your support.



Arriving to Ben's and Grace's house, Mick immediately hops out before opening Lexa's door and unbuckles her daughter from her seat. Gently lifting her down, Lexa immediately wants back up into her security, Mick's arms. Too scared to ask or show any signs, Lexa hears a dog barking – causing her to flinch and tears start to fall all over again.

Closing the door, Mick then turns to see Lexa breaking down as the dog barks at her. Immediately lifting her off the ground, almost just as quickly Lexa wraps her arms around Mick's neck and cries into her.

Carrying Lexa inside where Grace was waiting at the front door, Mick sits down on the couch with Lexa on her lap.

Feeling Lexa trembling and quietly whimpering, Mick holds onto her daughter tighter.

"The bad people." Lexa whimpers out.

"Shit." Mick curses before immediately contacting Ben then Vance, "Vance, Lexa can feel it starting again. That means Cal can feel it too. Do you or Ben know a location?"

"Close. I will split my trusted team to cover the two possible locations. Can you find a safe house for them?"

"I know a possible cottage, yes. I just have to speak to our dad."

"Good. Make it happen."

"Okay." Hanging up, Mick sighs before calling her dad who answers on the second ring.

"Hey, Mick." He greets.

"Hey, dad." Mick sighs in relief, "I have favour to ask."

"First of all, how is Lexa? Then you can ask the favour."

"Lexa got beaten up at school today, and the torture of the passengers are starting up again. Lexa feels it from the connection."

"Shit on both fronts." Steve curses.

"Exactly." Mick frowns deeply, "When we rescue them, may they be moved to our beach cottage? Ben is also helping with what he can."

"That's good. Of course you can, Mick. I will give you the keys and a copy to Ben."

"Thank you, dad. What do I do to help Lex with her bullies?"

"What grade are they in?"

"Eight. Olive found Lex on their lunch break."

"Crap. Just support her, and if Lexa wants to be homeschooled, I can teach her while you are at work." Steve offers.

"Thank you."


That night while Mick gets ready for bed, while Lexa sleeps in her bed; Mick just finished drinking some milk with Ben at the kitchen table. Hearing Lexa's ear-piercing scream, both siblings go running to Lexa's bedroom.

Immediately pulling Lexa's stiff body to her, Mick holds her as Lexa's eyes shoot open but unseeing.

"Lexa, it's mommy. I'm here. Shoo." Mich speaks into Lexa's ear while Lexa struggles to get away with her mouth open, but no screaming comes out or any noise, "I will make sure these torturous experiments end. Please breathe, Lex."

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